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University Education Committee

(A committee of Senate)


1. The following shall be ex officio members of University Education Committee:

a. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Education (Chair)

b. The Deans of Undergraduate Studies

c. The Deans of Postgraduate Studies

d. A representative of Senate, appointed by Senate

e. The Education Officer of the Students’ Union

f. A Postgraduate Student Representative, appointed by the Students’ Union

g. The Director of Student and Academic Services

h. The Director of Academic Services

i. The Director of Student Recruitment, Admissions and Progress

j. The Chief Information Officer

k. The Director of the Estate Support Service

l. The Head of the Learning and Teaching Development Service

m. Such chairs of sub-committees of University Education Committee, who are not otherwise ex officio members of University Education Committee

2. University Education Committee shall have the authority to co-opt up to three further members, for a period of up to three years.  Co-opted members shall be eligible for reappointment at the end of their specified period of co-option.

3. The following shall be in attendance at meetings of University Education Committee:

a. The Representation and Democracy Manager of the Students’ Union.

b. Such officers as the Chair deems necessary to support the effective conduct of the Committee’s business.

4. A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.



5. The secretary to University Education Committee will be a member of the Learning and Teaching Development Service, designated as such by the Head of the Learning and Teaching Development Service.


Terms of reference

6. To develop and recommend to Senate strategy and policy on all aspects of the student educational experience.

7. To be responsible to Senate for ensuring the achievement of the University’s strategic aims and objectives for its educational provision, monitoring progress and reporting to Senate on this.

8. To ensure that the educational provision offered by the University supports all students to achieve their full potential while studying at the University, in accordance with the University’s equality, diversity and inclusion vision. 

9. To promote and enhance effective education practice, ensuring this is identified, disseminated and embedded. 

10. To facilitate and promote the alignment of the services supporting the University’s educational provision to enable delivery of the University’s strategic aims and objectives for education. 

11. To establish and have overall responsibility for the quality management policies and procedures necessary to maintain academic standards and assure and enhance the learning opportunities provided to students for all of the University’s educational provision, taking account of national and international frameworks and developments and reporting to Senate as necessary.

12. To recommend to Senate any changes to University regulations and associated procedures that raise substantive issues of academic principle or precedent.

13. To approve on behalf of Senate, and report to Senate:

a. Changes to University regulations and associated procedures that raise no substantive issues of academic principle or precedent.

b. Proposals (and associated regulations) for the introduction of new degree programmes (undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate) and programmes of study for other award bearing qualifications of the University, and amendments to existing degrees and programmes of study for other award-bearing qualifications of the University.

c. Proposals for the re-approval of programmes following recommendations by periodic review.

d. Proposals for the withdrawal or suspension of degree programmes, and programmes of study for other award bearing qualifications of the University.

e. Proposals to establish partnerships with other institutions for the delivery of collaborative provision, and to consider the renewal of previously approved collaborative provision partnership.

f. The appointment of external examiners.

14. To oversee the monitoring of educational provision by Faculty Education Committees and Graduate School Committees, reporting to Senate on the outcomes of this monitoring.

15. To oversee the University’s engagement with external regulatory requirements relating to its educational provision, and to oversee the monitoring of action taken following receipt of reports relating to these requirements or from Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.

16. To oversee the monitoring of information to be published in relation to the quality and standards of the University’s programmes and wider student experience.

17. To submit an annual report to Senate on concession matters, student complaints, appeals and disciplinary action.

18. To oversee the regulation of academic dress.


Ways of working

19. University Education Committee will conduct its business in accordance with its terms of reference, and with the University’s Standing Orders for Committees


Revised by Senate Minutes 63, 28.11.89; 178, 13.3.90; 226, 1.5.90; 286, 19.6.90; 254, 4.6.91; 156, 17.3.92; 215, 2.6.92; 221, 2.6.92; 223, 8.6.93; 96, 31.1.95; 175, 13.6.95; 36, 28.11.95; 118, 24.3.98; 11, 24.10.00; 171, 09.07.02; 41, 18.1.2005; 85, 19.6.2007; 108, 21.7.2009; 56, 2.3.2010; 38, 11.1.2011; 112, 12.06.12; 12, 02.10.12; 10, 07.10.14; 04.10.16; 20, 21.11.17; 83, 26.06.18. 

Editorial amendments to bring into line with Senate’s delegation of powers and authority document, January 2008.

Editorial amendments 22.10.14. 


UEC Sub-Committees

Cross-Faculty Education Committee Dr Ruth Graham
Technology Enhanced Learning Sub-Committee   Prof Philip Bradley 
Learning and Teaching Spaces Sub-Committee Dr Phil Ansell 
Postgraduate Research Sub-Committee Prof John Kirby 
Student Experience Sub-Committee  Mrs Lesley Braiden 
Taught Programmes Sub-Committee   Dr Sara Marsham 
Taught Programmes Sub-Committee Regulations Working Group Dr Ruth Valentine