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Engagement and Place Committee

(Committee of Senate)

1. Secretary

Mrs S Breen, Executive Assistant     


2. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) PVC, Engagement & Place

(b) Director of External Relations

(c) The Dean of Innovation and Business

(d) The Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice

(e) Nominated representative for Faculty of HaSS

(f) Nominated representative for Faculty of SAgE

(g) Nominated representative for Faculty of Medical Sciences

(h) Head of Engagement

(i) Director of Careers Service 

(j) Director of NU Advancement

(k) A member of Senate

(l) A student appointed annually by the Students’ Union

(m) Director of International Office

(n) Dean of Social Justice

(o) Deputy Director Funding Assurance

(p) Director of Business Development and Enterprise

(q) Professor of Practice – Inclusive Learning


3. Procedure

Formal agenda-based meetings will be held four times a year with the core membership in attendance; two extended theme-based workshop meetings will be held in addition per year with wider Faculty, PS and student participation.   


4. Terms of reference

(a) The Committee is responsible for the development of the University’s Engagement and Place Strategy. 

(b) Committee members are responsible for the execution of the Engagement and Place Strategy and for monitoring and achieving progress against associated KPIs.

(c) The Committee will advise and make recommendations to the ViceChancellor and Executive Board on relevant issues.

(d) The Committee supports the development of (REF) research impact and the wider Research for Discovery and Impact strategy, overarching responsibility for which is owned by the University Research Committee.

(e) The Committee supports the development of the Education and the Student Recruitment strategies and the work of the University Education Committee in the areas of access and participation, student, experience (including careers and enterprise, sports, health and wellbeing), and lifelong learning and professional development, 

(f) The Committee supports the Global Strategy. 

(g) To facilitate a joined up approach to Engagement and Place, Committee members are responsible for the communication of strategy and activities into Faculties and Professional Services teams.

(h) The agendas for the Committee meetings are directly linked to the strategic objectives and action plan associated with the Engagement and Place Strategy.

(i) Through the process of engagement we address global challenges that society faces through our research and education. We pay particular attention to the challenges we face in the places in which we operate and aim to: 

− Work closely with regional industries and businesses to address their needs including those related to: research and development; business innovation; and current skill shortages in their workforce and their requirement for appropriately trained graduates through mechanisms such as lifelong learning and professional practice and degree level apprenticeships.

− Be an effective partner for local government, the NHS, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, the public and cultural and sports organisations.

− Use our global reach to increase the international connectivity of our region.

− Equip academic and professional staff with the skills to address policy challenges facing governments locally, nationally and internationally. 

− Improve the social mobility of people from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds by ensuring our education and research is widely accessible as possible. 

(j) The Committee may on occasion implement smaller working groups to develop specific time-limited projects or scoping reviews as agreed by the Committee.

(k) The Committee may co-opt not more than three members with particular expertise.

(l) The Committee terms and membership will be reviewed annually.

(m) A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members. 


5. Governance and reporting

(a) University Engagement and Place Committee reports to Senate. 


Established by Executive Board, 4.11.2014

Editorial Amendments, July 2016

Editorial Amendments, September 2016

Editorial Amendments, October 2016

Approved by Senate, 4 October 2016

Editorial Amendments, June 2017

Editorial Amendment, June 2018

Approved by Senate, 26 June 2018

Editorial Amendment, 22 February 2019

Revised, 13 March 2019

Approved by Senate, 30 April 2019

Editorial Amendment, 26 November 2019 

Editorial Amendment, 18 February 2020

Editorial Amendment, 16 April 2020

Revised, 19 January 2021

Editorial Amendment, 23 June 2021

Revised August 2023

Approved by Senate 20 September 2023