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University Global Committee

(Committee of Senate)

1. Secretary

Sarah Devenport, Operations Manager, External Relations Directorate   


2. Membership

Ex office members:   

(a) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global and Sustainability) (or their nominee)

(b) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (or their nominee)

(c) The Chief Financial Officer (or their nominee)

(d) The Executive Director of External Relations

(e) Faculty/ Associate Dean(s) with responsibility for Global activity

(f) A representative Dean for Postgraduate Research

(g) The Director of International Office

(h) Head of Global Partnerships / Deputy Director International Office

(i) Head of International Student Recruitment/ Deputy Director International Office

(j) The Director of NU Advancement (or their nominee)

(k) The Director of Strategic Planning and Change (or their nominee)

(l) The Provost and Group CEO (ASEAN)

(m) The Vice Provost and CEO NUMed (or their COO)

(n) The Vice Provost and CEO Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS) (or their COO)

(o) The Director of Student Success

(p) The Head of Learning and Teaching Development Service

(q) The Head of Engagement

(r) A member of Senate

(s) Dean of Innovation & Business (or their nominee)

(t) A student appointed annually by the Students’ Union

(u) Senior International Research Funding Development Manager


3. Procedure

Meetings will be held three times a year, usually online.


4. Terms of reference

(a)The Committee is responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of the University’s Global Strategy and for monitoring and achieving progress against associated KPIs. The Committee will be responsible for monitoring associated projects or initiatives some of which may require allocation of resource.

(b) The Committee will support the Student Recruitment Strategy Committee and the Student Recruitment Management Group in relation to international student recruitment.

(c) Committee members will support effective two-way communication of activities to advance the Global Strategy across faculties and Professional Services.

(d) The Committee will receive regular updates through representatives of NUiS and NUMed activities and will support effective join-up where appropriate.

(e) The Committee will use smaller working groups where appropriate to develop strategy and to take forward projects or initiatives agreed by the Committee.

(f) The agenda for the Committee meetings will be directly linked to the Global Strategy and the associated implementation plan.

(g) The Committee will advise and make recommendations to the ViceChancellor and the Executive Board on issues as they arise.

(h) The Committee will co-opt the leads for specific strategic or countrywide initiatives to join the Committee as and when required.

(i) The Committee terms and membership will be reviewed annually.

(j) A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.


5. Governance and reporting

(a) University Global Committee reports to Senate.


6. Sub-committtees of University Global Committee 

(a) Student Mobility Sub-Committee (joint committee of University Education Committee)


Established by Executive Board, 4 November 2014

Approved by Senate 25 September 2019

Editorial amendment, September 2020

Editorial amendment, September 2021

Editorial amendment, September 2022

Editorial amendment, September 2023

Editorial amendment, September 2024