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University Promotions Committee

(Joint Committee of Council and Senate)

1. Membership 

Ex officio: 


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (if appointed)

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research Strategy and Resources

Six members appointed by Executive Board 


2. Terms of reference

To consider applications for personal promotions to Professorships and Readerships in accordance with the criteria and procedure determined by Council from time to time.


3. Procedure

The decision of the Committee shall be recorded as a formal vote, either when the Committee is in session, or by postal ballot.  A recommendation to promote a candidate shall be made only when seven members of the Committee have voted in favour either in person at a meeting of the Committee, or by postal ballot.

Any member who has a pecuniary, family or other personal interest in any matter under discussion at any meeting of the committee shall, as soon as practicable, disclose that fact to the meeting.  The Chair shall determine whether the member shall withdraw from the discussion.  A member is not, however, considered to have a pecuniary or personal interest in matters under discussion merely by being a member of staff or a student of the University.


Mrs Veryan Johnston

Executive Director of Human Resources

November 2011


[New procedure approved by Executive Board on 20 September 2011 following changes to the University Statutes in 2011 and, in particular, the removal of the Statute governing the appointment of Professors and Readers.]

Approved by Council Minute 75, 06.02.2012.

Editorial amendment 1 August 2014, September 2017