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University Research Forum

(Sub-Committee of University Research Committee)

1. Secretary

An administrator from the University Research Office 


2. Membership

Ex officio members:

(a) The members of University Research Committee, namely:

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research Strategy and Resources (Chair)

The Faculty Deans of Research

The Director of Business Development

The Head of the University Research Office

The Head of the Joint Research Office

(b) The Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors

Appointed members:

(c) Two leading researchers from each Faculty, appointed by the Faculty, at least one of whom must be a Head of Institute, Centre or Group.

(d) One ‘post doc’ from each Faculty, appointed by the Faculty.

A quorum shall be not fewer than one third of the members.

In attendance:

Representatives from the Central Services, as appropriate.


3. Terms of reference 

To provide advice to University Research Committee and allow consultations on major research strategies being discussed at URC.


Established by Senate Minute 30, 13.1.2009 

Editorial amendment, September 2017