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Court is one of the statutory bodies of the University. The relevant statutes are 16 and 17 (for constitution and powers) and 57 (for procedure). Court has a largely formal role within the University's governance structure. The current total membership is 57, comprising representatives from many sectors of the community as well as the University's principal officers and elected members of staff.

The prime purpose of Court is to provide a channel of communication between the University and the community in Newcastle, the North East of England, and beyond, informing different constituencies of the work of the University and the University of the needs of these constituencies relevant to its activities.

Court meets twice annually in May and October. The meeting in May is preceded the evening before by a formal dinner for members of Court, Council and other guests, at which Honorary Fellowships of the University are awarded. At each meeting there is a topical presentation relating to aspects of the broad range of activities undertaken within the University, with the opportunity for discussion. Court and Senate sitting in joint session nominate the Chancellor for appointment by Convocation.

For any query in relation to Court please contact: University Governance Office


Such Principal Officers of the University as the Court may from time to time determine

The Chair of Council & Pro-Chancellor - Pat Ritchie CBE (2027) Chair

The Vice-Chancellor and President - Professor Chris Day CBE DL

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Professor Nigel Harkness

The Pro-Vice-Chancellors under Statute 12

The Deputy Chair of Council - Mags Scott

The Honorary Treasurer - Angela Russell (2027)

One Sabbatical Officer of the Students' Union elected annually by the Students' Union

President - Leo David

Seven members of University staff appointed by the Academic Board

Together with such other co-opted members, not being fewer than thirty nor more than forty, as the Court shall from time to time determine

Hilary Florek (2027)
David Flory (2026)
Dianne Nelmes (2027)
Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay (2026)
Abigail Pogson (2027)
Emeritus Professor Ian Postlethwaite (2025)
Sanjee Ratnatunga (2027)
Lucy Robson (2026)
Giselle Stewart OBE (2026)

Honorary Members:

Nick Forbes OBE
Olivia Grant OBE
Richard Maudslay
Chi Onwurah 
Sir George Russell
Sir Nigel Sherlock



Date of future meetings:

The next meeting of Court will take place on 9 May 2025 at 2:00pm.



Minutes from previous meetings are available upon request.