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Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF)

Flow cytometry is a very powerful, laser based technology.

The Newcastle University FCCF delivers an innovative, cutting-edge cytometry provision to numerous research groups both at Newcastle University as well as national and international collaborators.

It facilitates research within numerous disciplines including haematology, immunology, stem cell biology, developmental biology, bacterial studies, yeast studies and even synthetic engineered particles.

The head of the FCCF is Dr Andrew Filby who has over 15 years' experience in cytometry-related research and associated technologies. He is also recognised by the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) as a Shared Resource Laboratory (SRL) "Emerging Leader", one of only a handful worldwide to hold this accolade.

FCCF logo

What we offer

The facility is based across three sites: the Medical School, the Centre for Life and the Herschel building NICR. We provide a comprehensive service to internal staff, external university researchers and commercial clients.

We have 15 instruments shared across our sites and we can cater to a wide variety of needs. From single colour assays to complex multi-colour panels and mass cytometry. With cell sorters at each of our sites, we can help you recover up to six populations of interest simultaneously with the ability to sort single cells into multiwell plates or slides.

We're here to help

Training is very much the focus for us. We offer internal user training for all new users.Our staff have a wide range of expertise and are available to help you throughout your experiment. Data processing can be a daunting task especially if you're new to Cytometry. The FCCF has a combined experience of over 20 years of data acquisition and analysis, and we are happy to help you work through your results.

Flow Cytometry core facility staff hours

09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday

Requesting staff support

Flow Cytometry support is not available on University or bank holidays.

Within normal working hours please contact us arrange a mutually convenient time for the support you require.

If your work involves out of hours use of the core facility please plan accordingly as staff will not be available to assist. To discuss any out of hours work please contact the FCCF.

The user operated instruments at the FCCF are available at all times, please refer to our booking system for availability