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Core Technologies

Fluorescence Cytometry

We recommend that before purchasing a new fluorophore you check to see if it is detectable with our current filter sets. 

Accessory instrumentation

We have two high throughput sampler modules for use with the fortessa type systems and symphony A5 capable of automated running of multiwell plates.

Help and training

The facility has a particular emphasis on flow cytometry education. We deliver both basic and advanced flow cytometry training.

We can offer help and assistance to all users. We can help you in experimental set up, fluorochrome choice or any other issues that impact on the use of the facility.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Cell Sorters

Isolate and recover your cells using our cell sorter systems. Our cell sorters are:

  • BD FACS Aria IIu (Centre for Life)
  • BD FACS Aria III (NICR Herschel Building)
  • BD FACS Fusion (Medical School)
  • MoFLO Astrios (Medical School)

We also have information and support on using our cell sorters

All four of our sorters are in containment hoods allowing us to sort unscreened human material.


We have a range of flow cytometry equipment to suit all needs.

Mass Cytometry

Use cutting edge technology to get more from your samples.


Mass cytometry with Helios allows the high dimension analysis of single cells using CyTOF technology. Designed to significantly reduce signal overlap, mass cytometry allows the simultaneous interrogation of 40+ markers of interest tagged by antibodies labelled with rare earth metals.

The Helios is the latest generation of the Cytof Mass Cytometer combining a flow cytometer with the power of a Time of Flight mass spectrometer

The Helios is the latest generation of the Cytof Mass Cytometer. These systems combine the sample delivery and data output of a flow cytometer with the detection capabilities of a Time of Flight mass spectrometer.

The technology is conceptually akin to traditional fluorescent flow cytometry except that antibodies and detection reagents are tagged with stable isotopes of rare earth metals instead of fluorochromes. The minimal overspill allows for highly multiplexed assays to be performed producing high dimensional single cell data.


  • Simultaneous detection of over 40 cellular markers including surface antigens, transcription factors and cytokines. Plus DNA markers, multiplexed sample barcoding and internal QC bead normalisation
  • Lessened spill over compared to fluorescent cytometry. Compensation is not required
  • Analysis of fixed and cryopreserved samples


We encourage users to contact us in the early planning stages of mass cytometry experiments. We offer advice on antibody panel design, sample preparation, and conjugating antibodies if they are not commercially available. For full details on these and all our other services see here

Core staff will acquire the samples and export the data (FCS files) for your independent analysis or in conjunction with a bioinformatician. Please book using our usual booking resource.


We have optimised protocols for immunophenotyping using mass cytometry:

  • All samples must be fixed and stable in dH2O
  • All samples will be run at 0.5 x106 cells/mL and filtered through a 40 micron filter. “EQ” normalisation beads will be added to your sample to a final concentration of 10% v/v.
  • It takes around 70 minutes to acquire 1 million cells. This is at a fixed sample introduction rate of 30 uL/min.

Pricing can be found on our prices page.


The Hyperion Imaging System brings CyTOF technology together with imaging capability to allow the simultaneous detection of up to 37 different markers using Imaging Mass Cytometry™ (IMC™). Using the Hyperion allows analysis of tissue architecture and spatial relationships producing high dimensional image data from tissue sections.

The Hyperion Tissue Imaging unit allows for high dimensional analysis of tissue sections by mass cytometry. Tissue is analysed directly from the slide; preserving spatial relationships and eliminating the need to disassociate into single cell suspensions.

Imaging is achieved through laser ablation of sections stained with isotope-labelled antibodies and probes. Clouds of these rare earth metals are analysed by time of flight (TOF) cytometry and digitally reconstructed for in-depth image analysis.


Simultaneous detection of over 40 cellular markers throughout tissue sections. These include phenotypic antigens, structural markers, transcription factors and cytokines.

  • Lessened spill over compared to fluorescent imaging approaches.
  • Analysis of FFPE or Fixed-Frozen tissue sections.
  • Multi-dimensional image and singe cell analysis through cell-segmentation including neighbourhood analysis


It is essential to contact us in the early planning stages of imaging mass cytometry experiments. We offer advice on antibody panel design, sample preparation and conjugating antibodies if they are not commercially available.

You will work with the core staff to identify regions of interest (ROI) for ablation. Core staff will then ablate the ROI and export the data (MCD files) for your independent analysis or in conjunction with a bioinformatician. Please book using our usual booking resource.


Please contact us in the planning stages of all IMC experiments.

Pre-validation of antibody clones is essential to ensure they work on tissue sections. Immunofluorescence without secondary amplification is most comparable to intensities observed with imaging mass cytometry.

Sections should be between 4-12 micron thickness, mounted on normal glass slides (approximately 7.5 x 2.5cm) and should not have a coverslip. Please contact us for guidance on the ablatable area of a slide.

Multiple tissue sections per slide increases the throughput of a project.

We recommend regions of interests not to exceed 1mm2, however multiple ROI per section is possible. It takes around 3h to ablate 1mm2.

Control tissue sections are strongly advised.


Costs are determined by the duration of time for which the instrument is required. Up to date rates are found on our prices page


Assess the metabolic activity of your cells with our Seahorse XF analyser systems

Seahorse XF Analyser

The newest addition to the FCCF, Agilent Seahorse XF technology measures cellular metabolism in live cells.

Living cells use one or both of the major energy producing pathways:

  • mitochondrial respiration
  • glycolysis

Seahorse XF technology measures cellular metabolism in live cells in real time.

Seahorse XF Technology

Solid-state sensors measure extracellular flux (oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR)) providing insight into mitochondrial function and glycolytic activity.

Seahorse XF sensors simultaneously measure both OCR and ECAR in every well of either 96 (Seahorse XF96 system) or 24 well plates (Seahorse XF24 system). All platforms support injection of up to 4 unique compounds per well. At FCCF we have one XF96 at the medical school and one XF24 instrument at the Health Innovation Neighbourhood.

Imaging Cytometry

ImageStream X Mark II

Here at the FCCF we have access to an ImageStream X Mark II system. The ImageStream provides unrivalled sensitivity combining the speed, sensitivity, and phenotyping abilities of flow cytometry with the detailed imagery and functional insights of microscopy. The use of a high definition CCD Camera as a detector provides a novel and unique look at your cells.

Newcastle FCCF has a wealth of experience using this system to produce high quality publications and novel method development research.

To learn what imaging flow cytometry can offer your research please take a look at a presentation from the FCCF director Andrew Filb.



Spectral Cytometry

The Aurora 5L and The Northern Lights 

Information about both the Aurora and Northern Lights systems can be found on the Cytek website.

For panel design assistance please see the Cytek Spectral Viewer