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Analysis Software

Here at Newcastle University FCCF we are pleased to offer access to state of the art software FCS Express 6 from De Novo Software through a site license agreement.

FCS Express 6 Flow Cytometry Software

FCS Express 6 provides quick and easy analysis of all flowmass cytometry and image cytometry data with seamless integration with Microsoft programs such as Excel and Powerpoint. FCS Express is capable of analysing data from all of the instruments available in the core facility and is intuitive and quick to learn. 

FCS express is straight forward to install on your own PC allowing you to analyse your data wherever and whenever it suits you. FCS Express version 7 is available from the FCCF in two formats: Flow cytometry software and image cytometry software. Either of these formats can be packaged with an additional high content add on. This add on allows the analysis of multiwell plate files generated from instruments such as the BD HTS system or the Attune plate reader system. 

De Novo software also provide excellent customer support and have many online tutorials demonstrating the software. 

For price information and to sign up for access to FCS Express please complete this form.