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Polina Morova


BA (Hons) Architecture: First Class

Applying to INTO Newcastle University was the most

spontaneous, wonderful decision of my life. Back

in 2013, I could only imagine myself studying at

university in my home town, Kazan, living with all

the luxuries of having family next to me. Although

thanks to my mum, I got an opportunity to apply

to a UK university. Only being able to look at it on

my laptop screen, I loved the look of Newcastle

University and the opportunities it seemed to

offer me. However, coming here far exceeded my


Starting my architectural education at

INTOmade my life at university so much

easier. We were gradually immersed in the

architectural environment and explained

the principal architectural elements.

Starting from very basic drawing and

model-making, throughout the year we

were introduced to more complicated and

exciting ideas behind architecture of any

scale. Small groups of about fifteen people

made the experience more intimate and

family-like. In particular, constant support

frommy tutor made me confident in what

I was doing and why I was doing it. I will

never forget my year at INTO, and will

always be grateful for the people I got to

spend it with.

Today, I am a graduate. Four years of

architecture had its ups and downs, but

I would lie if I said it was not the best

time of my life. The next step for me is to

discover exactly what I want to do as a

professional. This year I will be starting

my year-out work experience at my

favourite architectural practice, Herzog &

de Meuron, and I am very excited to get to

know them better.

One piece of advice I would give to new

students is, whether or not you decide that

architecture is the thing you want to do

for life, you will meet amazing people that

will help you along and make it worth all

the effort. Good luck!