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Alcohol Wellbeing Policy

This policy is applicable to both staff and students

1 - Overview

  1. Newcastle University is committed to supporting the health, welfare and safety of all of our staff and students, and to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of our community
  2. It aims to help individuals ensure that they are fit to work and study to the highest standards
  3. This policy applies to all on and off campus activities held in the name of Newcastle University

2 - Key Principles

1. The University aims to:

  • a) Promote sensible drinking in order to help prevent health, social, economic, work and study related problems
  • b) Promote better understanding of the potential risks of excessive alcohol consumption
  • c) Encourage individuals with difficulties relating to alcohol to seek and engage with appropriate help and support
  • d) Help ensure that staff and students are fit and able to fulfill their work and study responsibilities and potential
  • e) Respect diversity of values amongst its community
  • f) Strongly encourage education and personal responsibility on the subject of alcohol

2. It is University policy that, outside of licenced premises on campus and other University sanctioned events, you should not drink alcohol on University premises (an exemption to this is a student’s private room in their on campus residence and other appropriate residential spaces).

3. Individuals should not normally consume alcohol either before or during University work or study periods, regardless of the time of day. There may be modest exceptions – for example a reception for a retiring member of staff held in the late afternoon or a prize giving or award ceremony celebration.

4. You should not attend work, lectures, tutorials or lab work whilst under the influence of alcohol.

5. If you do, senior or supervisory staff reserve the right to ask you to leave and any disruptive or dangerous behaviour will be dealt with in line with normal disciplinary procedures.

6. Alcohol should not be acquired with University funds, unless approved by the Head of School, Unit or Service.

3 - A responsible and informed approach to alcohol consumption

1. The University advocates a responsible and informed approach to alcohol consumption via;

  • a) Provision of factual information about the effects of alcohol consumption, in order to assist our University community to make informed lifestyle choices
  • b) A positive example of how use of alcohol in a professional setting can be safe

2. The University also provides staff and students with;

  • a) An awareness of when, where and how to seek help early
  • b) Encouragement to engage with support networks
  • c) Clear guidance on the effective management of employment or study issues through the appropriate processes

Related policies and documents:

  • Alcohol advisory information
  • Alcohol resources
  • Staff, managers and students guidelines

Further information:

  • Policy and procedure owner: Sally Ingram
  • Date of approval: 5 September 2017
  • Approval group: Executive Board, Alcohol working group
  • Date for review: 5 September 2025