Abigail Harrison
Abigail graduated with an MA in Sociology and Social Research before moving on to starting a PhD. Find out more about Abigail's career.
About Abigail
Choosing Newcastle
I began my Sociology and Social Research MA not really knowing what to expect but knowing that I wasn’t ready to leave higher education, and that I wanted a challenge.
What I got was diverse teaching from lecturers that were genuinely passionate about their research areas, the chance to work as a group and develop our ideas together, and a deeper understanding of why sociology matters.

Studying at Newcastle
The highlight of my MA was without a doubt, the process of writing my dissertation. I felt encouraged by my supervisor to delve into a topic that really mattered to me, and to draw on my own experiences, making it a really personal project in the end; my supervisor’s advice I still use to this day.
I thoroughly enjoyed the MA dissertation conference – an opportunity to hear about the projects my classmates were undertaking, as well as to gain feedback from staff members that we otherwise wouldn’t have heard from. The advice I received went on to shape how I approached the final months of my dissertation research!
Career Profile
I left with the motivation to continue pursuing higher education, and have since gone on to start a PhD, with my experience at Newcastle University, and the skillset I developed along the way, being something I reflect on daily.