Dr Kate Gibson
Kate graduated with an MA in Sociology and Social Research. Find out more about Kate's career.
About Kate
Choosing Newcastle
I re-entered higher education to undertake the MA in Sociology and Social Research (part-time) at Newcastle University as a mature student. Universities had certainly changed since my experiences as an undergraduate some 15 years prior, but the support I received from within the department was invaluable to helping me adjust to life as a student once again.
Studying at Newcastle
There was a huge variety of modules on offer, ranging from social theory, research methods, and social issues such as inequalities, crime and health. The modules were all informed by the lecturers’ own research, which not only meant that their teaching was really grounded in current debate but also that they were incredibly enthusiastic about the subject matter. I especially valued learning how theory and research methods are used to explain and explore the social. Seminars were great. I particularly enjoyed engaging and sharing ideas about sociological topics with peers and lecturers, who were always approachable and encouraging.
Career Profile
I made great friends on the course, and we all went on to pursue different careers. Some of us remained in academia, and others went on to work in policy and government, in the voluntary sector, and in social research for example. I chose to remain in academia, after having the opportunity to apply for a PhD funded by the Economic and Social Research Council during my MA studies.
For me, the highlight of the MA was that it armed me with a deeper understanding of society and helped me understand how to critique and ask questions of aspects of society which are often taken for granted. During my career, now as a university lecturer, this learning has inspired me to conduct research into a range of topics.