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Yosley Carrero-Chavez

Yosley graduated with an MA in Sociology. Find out more about Yosley's career.

About Yosley

Choosing Newcastle

In a multicultural environment bringing together lecturers and students from across the world, I might not be exaggerating by saying that some spaces like the university libraries- a few days ahead of exams or essay deadlines- look at times as diverse as a UN General Assembly session. That may be one of the reasons why I never felt alone in a university that is becoming more and more multicultural. I must also say that at Newcastle University there is always a lot going on from interesting talks and art exhibitions to sports activities. Newcastle University is a life experience worth living and a place where I will always belong in some way. It has what it takes for international students to succeed.

Studying at Newcastle

Embarking on the Sociology and Social Research MA at Newcastle University was part of a thrilling and life-changing experience. As an international student from the Caribbean, this academic and emotional journey would not have been the same had I not found a supportive teaching staff that encouraged me to go the extra mile. Within this context, I had the opportunity to learn about a number of subjects ranging from Ethnography and Anthropology to Crime and Policing.

Career Profile

My MA provided me with the theoretical and methodological tools to start navigating my PhD thesis and also gave me the certainty that none of the problems currently affecting society can be analysed in isolation without considering a holistic and sociological approach.