Staff Profile
Professor Bethan Davies
Professor of Glaciology
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3923
- Personal Website:
- Address: Department of Geography
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Educational background
- PhD in Quaternary Geology, Durham University, 2009.
- MSc Quaternary Science. Royal Holloway, University of London, 2004.
- BA (hons) Geography. Nottingham University, 2001
Career History
- August 2024 to present: Chair in Glaciology
- September 2022 to January 2023: Ida Pfeiffer Professor (visiting professor), University of Vienna, Austria.
- August 2022 to August 2024: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, Newcastle University.
- September 2014 to August 2022: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer in Quaternary Science, Centre for Quaternary Science, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London.
- April 2014 - August 2014: Post-doctoral research scientist, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading. NERC funded project: Modelling ice sheets, climate and sea level during the last glacial cycle.
- March 2013 - August 2013: SCAR Fellow (Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research). Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington. Understanding Holocene glacier dynamics in the NE Antarctic Peninsula and projecting future glacier behaviour under a warming climate.
- April 2010 - March 2014: Post-doctoral research associate, Centre for Glaciology, Aberystwyth University. NERC funded project: The glacial history of the north-east Antarctic Peninsula over centennial to millennial timescales.
- July 2009 - February 2010: Assistant Marine Geologist, British Antarctic Survey.
Prizes and Awards
- 2024 Richardson Medal for outstanding service to glaciology, from the International Glaciological Society.
- 2023 Geographical Association Silver Publishers' Award for the Time for Geography 'Antarctica' video
- 2022 SCAR Medal for Antarctic Education and Communication
- 2022 Geographical Association Silver Publishers' Award for the Antarctica StoryMap Series
- 2022 ESRI Shortlist for the Community Engagement Award, for the Antarctica StoryMap Series
- 2021 Geographical Association Silver Publisher's Award for the Time for Geography 'Glacier Mass Balance' video
- 2021 Gordon Warwick Medal by the British Society for Geomorphology for excellence in Geomorphological Research
- 2020 Certificate of Excellence in Geological Education, Geologists' Association
- 2014 Lewis Penny Medal, Quaternary Research Association, for Excellence in British Quaternary Stratigraphy
Professional Service
- 2025 - date. Editor, Quaternary Science Reviews.
- 2024 - date. Chair, UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership (UKAAP)
- 2024 - date. Co-Chair, Diversity in Polar Science Initiative (DIPoSI)
- 2023 – date. Member of Board of Directors and Trustee of the Charity for Antarctic Science Ltd.
- June 2020: Ad-hoc member of the Antarctic Placenames Committee (Glaciology expert) (4 year term). Renewed 2024.
- Served on NERC Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility (CIAF) and then the NERC Environmental Isotopes Facilities (NEIF Panel C) Steering Committee (2018 - 2022).
- Serve on various NERC large grant and Highlights topics funding panels (2018 – present), including as deputy chair and chair.
- External Examiner, Liverpool University Geology and Physical Geography MSci & BSc (2019-23).
- Quaternary Research Association (QRA) Publicity Officer (2015 – 2018).
- Journal editorships: Guest editor, Frontiers In (2021, 2022); Nature Scientific Reports (2018 – present); Royal Society Open Science (2014 – 2020); Open Quaternary (2014 – present).
- Peer reviewer for international grant-funding bodies, including: NERC, National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), Austrian Science Fund, Italian Science Foundation, National Geographic, Swiss National Science Foundation, Deutsche Forchungsgemeinschaft. Expert peer reviewer for the IPCC reports.
- Peer reviewer for numerous journals, including: Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Climate Change, Quaternary Science Reviews, Boreas, Journal of Quaternary Science, Journal of Glaciology, Cryosphere, Geomorphology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Frontiers, Remote Sensing of Environment, Geology, ESPL, Palaeo-3, Quaternary Research, Geology, Marine Geology, Holocene.
- Book proposal reviewer, Routledge (March 2023).
Research interests
I am a glacial geologist interested in the interaction between glaciers and climate over multiple timescales. I specialise in ice-sheet and glacier reconstruction in temperate and high latitudes. I use a combination of field studies, chronostratigraphical methods (especially cosmogenic nuclide dating), remotely sensed data sets and numerical modelling to quantify ice-sheet and ice-shelf history. I am particularly interested in glacial processes at the ice-bed interface, and use detailed sedimentological analyses and micromorphology to analyse processes of entrainment, deposition and deformation.
My current research interests are orientated towards the Antarctic Peninsula, the Patagonian Ice Sheet and the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Highlights from this research have included:
- Revised reconstruction of Middle Pleistocene and Devensian British and Fennoscandian ice sheet interactions;
- Analysis of past, present and future ice-shelf and glacier change in the northern Antarctic Peninsula and in Patagonia using field studies;
- Satellite image analysis and numerical modelling;
- Analysis of glacial processes on James Ross Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula;
- Reconstructions of Last Glacial Maximum ice stream dynamics on the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
I held a Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) Visiting Fellowship to visit Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand for six months in 2013.
Research funding
Selected recent research funding:
*PhD student supervised by Bethan Davies
£2.5 m. NERC Highlights.
Deplete and Retreat: the future of Andean Water Towers. Ely, J., Davies, B.J., Jones, J., Li, S., Buytaert, W., Edwards, T., Matthews, T., Carrivick, J., McNabb, R., Bradley, S. A large multinational NERC project that investigates how glaciers across the Andes will respond to climate change and how this will affect water resources (December 2022-December 2026). Employs 5 PDRAs, including one at Newcastle, supervised by Bethan Davies. Davies is co-lead of the project, leader to Work Package 1, and has 15% time buy-out with this grant.
€31,719, Jan-22, University of Vienna.
Ida Pfeiffer Professorship, University of Vienna. Funds to support 5 month visiting Professor position at the University of Vienna, Austria (August 2022 – January 2023).
£7500, Royal Geographical Society, April-22.
A Three-Dimensional record of icefield dynamics for the Juneau Icefield, Coast Mountain Range, Alaska, over the last 20,000 years. Davies, B., Nicholson, L., Carrivick, J., Markle, B. Funds for an expedition to Juneau Icefield, Alaska, to collect cosmogenic nuclide ages from the icefield.
£7000, May-21, FCDO, Diversity in Polar Science Initiative
Hidden Histories of Polar Science: Redefining the ‘White Continent’ and planning for the future. Seed fund. PI: DAVIES, B.J. Partnership: Prof. Klaus Dodds (RHUL); Ieuan Hopkins, British Antarctic Survey (BAS); Camilla Nichol, UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT); Dr Chandrika Nath (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research [SCAR]), Laura Ibbett (Scott Polar Research Institute [SPRI]); Jane Rumble (Dept of Polar Regions, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office [FCDO]); Dame Prof. Jane Francis, Dr Adrian Fox, Dr Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley (BAS); Prof. Mike Bentley (UK National Committee Antarctic Research).
£7,000, Jul-20, British Geological Survey
Multiproxy quantification of Late Glacial rates and magnitudes of palaeo ice-sheet change on the Antrim Plateau, Northern Ireland. BGS CASE Studentship funding. DAVIES, B.J., Blockley, S., Roberson, S., Damaschke, M. This grant has been leveraged to support the PhD research of Alexander Clark*, collaboratively supervised between RHUL and the British Geological Survey.
£57,997, Jul-20, NERC NEIF
Patagonian Ice Sheet response during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition: glacier dynamics and proglacial lake evolution in the Pico and Cisnes valleys (44-45°S). Funds for 27 10Be ages. Thorndycraft, V., *Cooper, E., DAVIES, B.J., Palmer, A. These 10Be exposure ages support Emma Cooper’s PhD research and will be used to reconstruct the palaeoglaciation of central Patagonia. NEIF reference: 2257.0420
£15,800, Jul-17, NERC CIAF
Late Pleistocene and Holocene glacier recession at the Monte San Lorenzo ice cap, Patagonia: implications for constraining the migration and influence of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies. (No. 9174/0417). DAVIES, B.J., *Martin, J.V., Thorndycraft, V. These 10Be ages supported the PhD research of Julian Martin.
PhD Supervision
- Gunjan Silwal (Sept 2023 - present), Newcastle University, One Planet DTP, with Prof. Rachel Carr and Dr Owen King.
- Paulina Henry-Osorio (Sept 2022 - present), University of Vienna, with Prof. Daniel Le Heron and Prof. Bernhard Grasemann. Provisional title: "Sedimentary record of modern processes at rapidly retreating glaciers".
- Anjali Dhunna (Sept 2022 - present; Royal Holloway University of London), with Prof. Simon Blockley, Liz Thomas, Dominic Hodgson, Stephen Roberts. Provisional title: "“Analysing tephra and cryptotephra across ice, marine and terrestrial cores from around Antarctica."
- Alex Clark (April 2022 - present; Royal Holloway University of London), with Prof. Simon Blockley and Dr Sam Roberson. Provisional title: Multiproxy quantification of NW Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation timing and dynamics.
- Jack Mason (September 2021 – present), Ulster University, with Dr Robert McNabb and Prof. Paul Dunlop. Provisional thesis title: Reconstructing North American glaciers.
- Emma Cooper (January 2019 – 2022, Royal Holloway University of London), with Dr Varyl Thorndycraft and Dr Adrian Palmer. Thesis title: Patagonian Ice Sheet deglaciation and palaeolake evolution in the Cisnes-Aysén basins, Chile
- Thomas Vandyk (January 2018 – 2022, Royal Holloway University of London), with Prof. Graham Shields (UCL), Prof. Daniel Le Heron (Vienna University) and Prof. Ian Candy (RHUL). Thesis title: The Ediacaran Luoquan and Shennongjia Glaciations: Two cratons – one glaciation? Graduated.
- Julian Martin (January 2016-December 2019, Royal Holloway University of London), with Dr Varyl Thorndycraft. Thesis title: Holocene Glacier dynamics of Monte San Lorenzo Ice Cap, Patagonia. Graduated.
Other work
I am interested in science communication, participating in public lectures and events such as the British Science Festival. I maintain the website, which aims to explain the science of Antarctic Glaciology to the broader public.
I am a member of the Board of Directors for Antarctic Science Ltd.
I was a member of the NERC Cosmogenic Isotope Analysis Facility steering committee (2018 - 2022), have served as a panel member assessing NERC grants. I serve as External Examiner for the Geology and Physical Geography programme at the University of Liverpool (2020 - ), and as an ad-hoc expert in glaciology on the Antarctic Placenames Committee (2020 - ). I am an editor of the Royal Society Open Science, Scientific Reports and the Open Quaternary journals. I was Publicity Officer for the QRA (2014-2017).
I am a regular reviewer of grants for NERC (UK), National Science Foundation (USA), Austrian Science Fund, Deutsche Forchungsgemainschaft, National Geographic, Swiss National Science Foundation. I review publications regularly for a number of journals.
I teach on the following courses:
- GEO2052 Iceland Field Course
- GEO2127 Doing Physical Geography Research
- GEO3128 Polar Environments
I am available to supervise Undergraduate and Masters level dissertations.
Please get in touch to discuss PhD projects.
- Ing RN, Ely JC, Jones JM, Davies BJ. Surface mass balance modelling of the Juneau Icefield highlights the potential for rapid ice loss by the mid-21st century. Journal of Glaciology 2025, 71, e11.
- Le Heron AP, Mejías Osorio P, Heninger M, Davies BJ. Geomorphology and Sedimentology of a Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glacier: Insights From the Taschachferner, Tirol, Austria. Earth Science, Systems and Society 2024, 4, 10131.
- Davies B, McNabb R, Bendle J, Carrivick J, Ely J, Holt T, Markle M, McNeil C, Nicholson L, Pelto P. Accelerating glacier volume loss on Juneau Icefield driven by hypsometry and melt-accelerating feedbacks. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 5099.
- Carrivick JL, Davies M, Wilson R, Davies BJ, Gribbin T, King O, Rabatel A, Garcia JL, Ely JC. Accelerating Glacier Area Loss Across the Andes Since the Little Ice Age. Geophysical Research Letters 2024, 51(13), e2024GL109154.
- Roman M, Nyvlt D, Davies BJ, Braucher R, Jennings SJA, Brezny M, Glasser NF, Hambrey MJ, Lirio JM, Rodes A, ASTER Team. Accelerated retreat of northern James Ross Island ice streams (Antarctic Peninsula) in the Early-Middle Holocene induced by buoyancy response to postglacial sea level rise. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2024, 641, 118803.
- Boston CM, Chandler BMP, Lovell H, Weber P, Davies BJ. The role of topography in landform development at an active temperate glacier in Arctic Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2023, 48(9), 1783-1803.
- Martin JRV, Thorndycraft VR, Davies BJ, Rodes A. Rapid glacier recession at Monte San Lorenzo (Patagonia) in response to abrupt Southern Hemisphere warming 13.0–12.0 ka BP. Journal of Quaternary Science 2023, 38(2), 160-173.
- Davies B, Bendle J, Glasser F, Garcia J-L, Kaplan M. Editorial: Glaciation and Climate Change in the Andean Cordillera. Frontiers in Earth Science 2023, 11, 1129795.
- Siegert M, Bentley M, Atkinson A, Bracegirdle T, Convey P, Davies B, Downie R, Hogg A, Holmes C, Hughes K, Meredith M, Ross N, Rumble J, Wilkinson J. Antarctic extreme events. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2023, 11, 1229283.
- Davies B, Bendle J, Carrivick J, McNabb R, McNeil C, Pelto M, Campbell S, Holt T, Ely J, Markle B. Topographic controls on ice flow and recession for Juneau Icefield (Alaska/British Columbia). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2022, 47(9), 2357-2390.
- Le Heron DP, Kettler C, Davies BJ, Scharfenberg L, Eder L, Ketterman M, Griesmeier GEU, Quinn R, Chen X, Vandyk T, Busfield ME. Rapid geomorphological and sedimentological changes at a modern Alpine ice margin: lessons from the Gepatsch Glacier, Tirol, Austria. Journal of the Geological Society 2022, 179(3).
- Le Heron DP, Busfield ME, Chen X, Corkeron M, Davies BJ, Dietrich P, Ghienne J-F, Kettler C, Scharfenberg L, Vandyk TM, Wohlschlagl R. New Perspectives on Glacial Geomorphology in Earth’s Deep Time Record. Frontiers in Earth Science 2022, 10, 870359.
- Martin J, Davies B, Jones R, Thorndycraft T. Modelled sensitivity of Monte San Lorenzo ice cap, Patagonian Andes, to past and present climate. Frontiers in Earth Science 2022, 10, 831631.
- Vandyk TM, Kettler C, Davies BJ, Shields GA, Candy I, Le Heron DP. Reassessing classic evidence for warm-based Cryogenian ice on the western Laurentian margin: The “striated pavement” of the Mineral Fork Formation, USA. Precambrian Research 2021, 363, 106345.
- Cooper E-L, Thorndycraft VR, Davies BJ, Palmer AP, Garcia J-L. Glacial geomorphology of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet (44–46 °S). Journal of Maps 2021, 17(2), 802-822.
- Jennings SJA, Davies BJ, Nyvlt D, Glasser NF, Engel Z, Hrbacek F, Carrivick JL, Mlcoch B, Hambrey MJ. Geomorphology of Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Journal of Maps 2021, 17(2), 125-139.
- Immerzeel WW, Lutz AF, Andrade M, Bahl A, Biemans H, Bolch T, Hyde S, Brumby S, Davies BJ, Elmore AC, Emmer A, Feng M, Fernandez A, Haritashya U, Kargel JS, Koppes M, Kraaijenbrink PDA, Kulkarni AV, Mayewski PA, Nepal S, Pacheco P, Painter TH, Pellicciotti F, Rajaram H, Rupper S, Sinisalo A, Shrestha AB, Viviroli D, Wada Y, Xiao C, Yao T, Baillie JEM. Importance and vulnerability of the world’s water towers. Nature 2020, 577(7790), 364-369.
- Sutherland JL, Davies BJ, Lee JR. A litho-tectonic event stratigraphy from dynamic Late Devensian ice flow of the North Sea Lobe, Tunstall, east Yorkshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 2020, 131(2), 168-186.
- Siegert M, Atkinson A, Banwell A, Brandon M, Convey P, Davies B, Downie R, Edwards T, Hubbard B, Marshall G, Rogelj J, Rumble J, Stroeve J, Vaughan D. The Antarctic Peninsula under a 1.5°C global warming scenario. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2019, 7, 102.
- Vandyk TM, Wu G, Davies BJ, Xiao Y, Li M, Shields GA, Le Heron DP. Temperate glaciation on a Snowball Earth: Glaciological and palaeogeographic insights from the Cryogenian Yuermeinak Formation of NW China. Precambrian Research 2019, 331, 105362.
- Martin JRV, Davies BJ, Thorndycraft VR. Glacier dynamics during a phase of Late Quaternary warming in Patagonia reconstructed from sediment-landform associations. Geomorphology 2019, 337, 111-133.
- Thorndycraft VR, Bendle JM, Benito G, Davies BJ, Sancho C, Palmer AP, Fabel D, Medialdea A, Martin JRV. Glacial lake evolution and Atlantic-Pacific drainage reversals during deglaciation of the Patagonian Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 2019, 203, 102-127.
- Davies BJ, Livingstone SJ, Roberts DH, Evans DJA, Gheorghiu DM, O Cofaigh C. Dynamic ice stream retreat in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 2019, 225, 105989.
- Le Heron DP, Vandyk TM, Kuang H, Liu Y, Chen X, Wang Y, Yang Z, Scharfenberg L, Davies B, Shields G. Bird's-eye view of an Ediacaran subglacial landscape. Geology 2019, 47(8), 705-709.
- Carrivick JL, Davies BJ, James WHM, McMillan M, Glasser NF. A comparison of modelled ice thickness and volume across the entire Antarctic Peninsula region. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography 2019, 101(1), 45-67.
- Glasser NF, Davies JR, Hambrey MJ, Davies BJ, Gheorghiu DM, Balfour J, Smedley RK, Duller GAT. Late Devensian deglaciation of south-west Wales from luminescence and cosmogenic isotope dating. Journal of Quaternary Science 2018, 33(7), 804-818.
- Davies BJ, Thorndycraft VR, Fabel D, Martin JRV. Asynchronous glacier dynamics during the Antarctic Cold Reversal in central Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews 2018, 200, 287-312.
- Mendelova M, Hein AS, McCulloch R, Davies B. The last glacial maximum and deglaciation in central patagonia, 44º s-49º sEl Último Máximo Glaciar y la deglaciación en Patagonia central, 44º S-49º S. Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica 2017, 43(2), 719-750.
- Davies BJ, Hambrey MJ, Glasser NF, Holt T, Rodes A, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL, Blockley SPE. Ice-dammed lateral lake and epishelf lake insights into Holocene dynamics of Marguerite Trough Ice Stream and George VI Ice Shelf, Alexander Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews 2017, 177, 189-219.
- Glasser NF, Holt TO, Evans ZD, Davies BJ, Pelto M, Harrison S. Recent spatial and temporal variations in debris cover on Patagonian glaciers. Geomorphology 2016, 273, 202-216.
- Carrivick JL, Davies BJ, James WHM, Quincey DJ, Glasser NF. Distributed ice thickness and glacier volume in southern South America. Global and Planetary Change 2016, 146, 122-132.
- Livingstone SJ, Roberts DH, Davies BJ, Evans DJA, O Cofaigh C, Gheorghiu DM. Late Devensian deglaciation of the Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science 2015, 30(8), 790-804.
- Pfeffer WT, Arendt AA, Bliss A, Bolch T, Cogley JG, Gardner AS, Hagen J-O, Hock R, Kaser G, Kienholz C, Miles ES, Moholdt G, Molg N, Paul F, Radic V, Rastner P, Raup BH, Rich J, Sharp MJ, Andreassen LM, Bajracharya S, Barrand NE, Beedle MJ, Berthier E, Bhambri R, Brown I, Burgess DO, Burgess EW, Cawkwell F, Chinn T, Copland L, Cullen NJ, Davies B, De Angelis H, Fountain AG, Frey H, Giffen BA, Glasser NF, Gurney SD, Hagg W, Hall DK, Haritashya UK, Hartmann G, Herreid S, Howat I, Jiskoot H, Khromova TE, Klein A, Kohler J, Konig M, Kriegel D, Kutuzov S, Lavrentiev I, Le Bris R, Li X, Manley WF, Mayer C, Menounos B, Mercer A, Mool P, Negrete A, Nosenko G, Nuth C, Osmonov A, Pettersson R, Racoviteanu A, Ranzi R, Sarikaya MA, Schneider C, Sigurdsson O, Sirguey P, Stokes CR, Wheate R, Wolken GJ, Wu LZ, Wyatt FR. The Randolph Glacier Inventory: A globally complete inventory of glaciers. Journal of Glaciology 2014, 60(221), 537-552.
- Hambrey MJ, Davies BJ, Glasser NF, Holt TO, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL. Structure and sedimentology of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for ice-sheet dynamics and landform development. Journal of the Geological Society 2014, 172(5), 599-613.
- Ocofaigh CO, Davies BJ, Livingstone SJ, Smith JA, Johnson JS, Hocking EP, Hodgson DA, Anderson JB, Bentley MJ, Canals M, Domack E, Dowdeswell JA, Evans J, Glasser NF, Hillenbrand C-D, Larter RD, Roberts SJ, Simms AR. Reconstruction of ice-sheet changes in the Antarctic Peninsula since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 2014, 100, 87-110.
- Davies BJ, Golledge NR, Glasser NF, Carrivick JL, Ligtenberg SRM, Barrand NE, Van Den Broeke MR, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL. Modelled glacier response to centennial temperature and precipitation trends on the Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(11), 993-998.
- Glasser NF, Davies BJ, Carrivick JL, Rodes A, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL, Domack E. Ice-stream initiation, duration and thinning on James Ross Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews 2014, 86, 78-88.
- Bentley MJ, Ocofaigh C, Anderson JB, Conway H, Davies B, Graham AGC, Hillenbrand C-D, Hodgson DA, Jamieson SSR, Larter RD, Mackintosh A, Smith JA, Verleyen E, Ackert RP, Bart PJ, Berg S, Brunstein D, Canals M, Colhoun EA, Crosta X, Dickens WA, Domack E, Dowdeswell JA, Dunbar R, Ehrmann W, Evans J, Favier V, Fink D, Fogwill CJ, Glasser NF, Gohl K, Golledge NR, Goodwin I, Gore DB, Greenwood SL, Hall BL, Hall K, Hedding DW, Hein AS, Hocking EP, Jakobsson M, Johnson JS, Jomelli V, Jones RS, Klages JP, Kristoffersen Y, Kuhn G, Leventer A, Licht K, Lilly K, Lindow J, Livingstone SJ, Masse G, McGlone MS, McKay RM, Melles M, Miura H, Mulvaney R, Nel W, Nitsche FO, O'Brien PE, Post AL, Roberts SJ, Saunders KM, Selkirk PM, Simms AR, Spiegel C, Stolldorf TD, Sugden DE, van der Putten N, van Ommen T, Verfaillie D, Vyverman W, Wagner B, White DA, Witus AE, Zwartz D. A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 2014, 100, 1-9.
- Davies BJ, Glasser NF, Carrivick JL, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL, Nyvlt D. Landscape evolution and ice-sheet behaviour in a semi-arid polar environment: James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula. Geological Society Special Publication 2013, 381(1), 353-395.
- Demarchi B, Collins MJ, Tomiak PJ, Davies BJ, Penkman KEH. Intra-crystalline protein diagenesis (IcPD) in Patella vulgata. Part II: Breakdown and temperature sensitivity. Quaternary Geochronology 2013, 16, 158-172.
- Hambrey MJ, Davies BJ. Antarctic palaeoenvironments and earth-surface processes in context. Geological Society Special Publication 2013, 381(1), 1-5.
- Davies BJ, Carrivick JL, Glasser NF, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL. Variable glacier response to atmospheric warming, northern Antarctic Peninsula, 1988-2009. Cryosphere 2012, 6(5), 1031-1048.
- Davies BJ, Roberts DH, Bridgland DR, O Cofaigh C, Riding JB, Demarchi B, Penkman KEH, Pawley SM. Timing and depositional environments of a Middle Pleistocene glaciation of northeast England: New evidence from Warren House Gill, County Durham. Quaternary Science Reviews 2012, 44, 180-212.
- Carrivick JL, Davies BJ, Glasser NF, Nyvlt D, Hambrey MJ. Late-Holocene changes in character and behaviour of land-terminating glaciers on James Ross Island, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology 2012, 58(212), 1176-1190.
- Davies BJ, Roberts DH, Bridgland DR, Cofaigh CO. Dynamic Devensian ice flow in NE England: A sedimentological reconstruction. Boreas 2012, 41(3), 337-336.
- Davies BJ, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL, Glasser NF. Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet evolution during the Cenozoic Era. Quaternary Science Reviews 2012, 31, 30-66.
- Davies BJ, Glasser NF. Accelerating shrinkage of Patagonian glaciers from the Little Ice Age (∼AD 1870) to 2011. Journal of Glaciology 2012, 58(212), 1063-1084.
- Davies BJ, Roberts DH, Bridgland DR, Cofaigh CO, Riding JB. Provenance and depositional environments of Quaternary sediments from the western North Sea Basin. Journal of Quaternary Science 2011, 26(1), 59-75.
- Davies BJ, Bridgland DR, Roberts DH, Cofaigh CO, Pawley SM, Candy I, Demarchi B, Penkman KEH, Austin WEN. The age and stratigraphic context of the Easington Raised Beach, County Durham, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 2009, 120(4), 183-198.
- Davies BJ, Roberts DH, Cofaigh CO, Bridgland DR, Riding JB, Phillips ER, Teasdale DA. Interlobate ice-sheet dynamics during the last glacial maximum at Whitburn Bay, County Durham, England. Boreas 2009, 38(3), 555-578.
Authored Book
- Davies BJ, Yorke L, Bridgland DR, Roberts DH. The Quaternary of Northumberland, Durham and North Yorkshire. Quaternary Research Association, 2013.
Book Chapters
- Lowry DP, Duncan B, Davies BJ, Halberstadt AR. The evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from inception through the Anthropocene. In: Comprehensive Cryospheric Science and Environmental Change. Elsevier, 2024.
- Davies BJ, Boston CM, Le Heron D. Glacial Environments. In: Levell B, ed. Reading's Sedimentary Environments. Hoboken: Wiley, 2024. In Press.
- Davies BJ. Writing for scientific websites and blogs. In: Hopkins, P; Souch, C, ed. Communicating Research Beyond the Academy. Royal Geographical Society, 2023.
- Davies BJ. Matrix Geochemistry. In: Evans, DJA, ed. Glacial Landsystems Working Group Workshop: Engineering Geology. Quaternary Research Association, 2022.
- Davies BJ. Cryospheric Geomorphology: Dating Glacial Landforms II: Radiometric Techniques. In: Umesh Haritashya, ed. Treatise on Geomorphology (Second Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2022, pp.249-280.
- Davies BJ. Cryospheric Geomorphology: Dating Glacial Landforms I: Archival, Incremental, Relative Dating Techniques and Age-Equivalent Stratigraphic Markers. In: Umesh Haritashya, ed. Treatise on Geomorphology (Second Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2022, pp.225-248.
- Davies BJ. Clay Mineralogy. In: Evans, DJA, ed. Glacial Landsystems Working Group Workshop: Engineering Geology. Quaternary Research Association, 2022.
- Davies BJ. Clast Lithology. In: Evans, DJA, ed. Glacial Landsystems Working Group Workshop: Engineering Geology. Quaternary Research Association, 2022.
- Sagredo EA, Reynhout SA, Mendelova M, Bravo C, Kaplan MR, Aravena JC, Soteres RL, Hein AS, Davies BJ, Peltier C, Schaefer JM. A glacier history of a full glacial-interglacial cycle in central Patagonia. In: Araos, J; Mao, L, ed. Landscapes and Landforms of Chile. Springer, 2022.
- Davies BJ, Walden J. Particle lithology and mineral and geochemical analysis. In: Evans, DJA; Benn, DI, ed. A practical guide to the study of glacial sediments, second edition. London: Quaternary Research Association, 2021.
- Carrivick J, Heckman T, Mauro F, Davies BJ. An inventory of proglacial systems in Austria, Switzerland and across Patagonia. In: Heckman, T; Morche, D, ed. Geomorphology of proglacial systems – landform and sediment dynamics in recently deglaciated alpine landscapes. Basel, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019, pp.43-57.
Edited Book
- Hambrey MJ, Barker PF, Barrett PJ, Bowman V, Davies BJ, Smellie J, Tranter M, ed. Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth Surface Processes. London: Geological Society of London, 2013.
- Davies BJ, Glasser NF. Analysis of as a tool for online science communication. Journal of Glaciology 2014, 60(220), 399-406.
- Jenkins H, Davies BJ, Dodds K, Lea J. Report on “Exploring Polar Environments Day”. Quaternary Newsletter 2022, 157, 72-78.
- Davies B, Martin-Puertas C. The need for increased financial support for researchers with families. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment 2020, 1(2), 79-80.
- Thorndycraft VR, Bendle JM, Matthews IP, Palmer AP, Benito G, Davies BJ, Sancho C, Pike JH, Martin JRV, Fabel D, Medialdea A. Reply to comments by Bourgois et al. (2019) on: “Glacial lake evolution and Atlantic-Pacific drainage reversals during deglaciation of the Patagonia Ice Sheet”. Quaternary Science Reviews 2019, 213, 171-177.
- Davies BJ, Hambrey MJ, Smellie JL, Carrivick JL, Glasser NF. Erratum to "Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet evolution during the cenozoic era" [Quat. Sci. Rev. 31 (2012) 30-66]. Quaternary Science Reviews 2013, 77, 248-248.
- Davies BJ, Darvill CM, Lovell H, Bendle JM, Dowdeswell JA, Fabel D, Garcia J-L, Geiger A, Glasser NF, Gheorghiu DM, Harrison S, Hein AS, Kaplan MR, Martin JRV, Mendelova M, Palmer A, Pelto M, Rodes A, Sagredo EA, Smedley RK, Smellie JL, Thorndycraft VR. The evolution of the Patagonian Ice Sheet from 35 ka to the present day (PATICE). Earth-Science Reviews 2020, 204, 103152.
- Davies B. A new history of Antarctic ice: Revealing a complex, dynamic ice sheet. Planet Earth 2014, (Winter), 24-25.
Working Papers
- Dodds K, Allport R, Brandon M, Childs N, Davies B, Germond B, Griffiths H, Jones D, Jouan N, Kennedy-Pipe C, Solar C, Tyler R. The Royal Navy in the Polar Regions. RNSSC Conference Report 2025.
- Davies BJ, Griffiths H, Dodds K. State change in the Polar Regions. 2025.
- Siegert MJ, Atkinson A, Banwell A, Brandon M, Convey P, Davies B, Downie R, Edwards T, Hubbard B, Marshall G, Rogelj J, Rumble J, Stroeve J, Vaughan D. The Antarctic Peninsula under a 1.5C global warming scenario: what change is it locked into?. Grantham Institute Briefing Note No. 10 2019, 6.