Staff Profile
Dr Catherine Walker
NUAcT Fellow: Cities and Place
- Address: Room 3.127 Henry Daysh Building
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined Newcastle University in February 2023 as a NUAcT Fellow in Cities and Place, specialising in research around young people, climate justice and education. I am interested in how climate change can exacerbate intersecting social inequalities for young people and their families, and the opportunities young people have to respond to this in families, schools and communities.
Building on these interests, the aim of my NUAcT Fellowship is to explore the potential for climate justice - as both an agenda for action and a way of understanding inequalities - to galvanise youth and intergenerational responses to climate change as a past, present and future concern.
I was recently interviewed about my research interests for the NUAcT Early Career Researcher Stories podcast series. You can listen to this 15 minute interview, as well as other fascinating ECR stories at Podcasts - NUAcT (NU Academic Track Fellowships) - Newcastle University (
Since completing my PhD in 2016 I have worked and published in Human Geography primarily, particularly Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Social Geographies and Environmental Geographies (see 'research' for details). However, my PhD is in Sociology and my research extends into and is informed by Environmental Politics, Sociology of Childhood and Generation, and Critical Environmental Education.
- PhD Sociology - UCL Institute of Education, 2016. Thesis title: 'Environment and children's everyday lives in India and England: Experiences, understandings and practices' (supervised by Professor Ann Phoenix, UCL, and Professor Janet Boddy, University of Sussex)
- MSc Globalisation and Latin American Development, Institute for the Study of the Americas, UCL, 2010.
- BA Hispanic Studies, University of Nottingham, 2007.
Memberships and responsibilities
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers).
- RGS-IBG Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG) Mentoring Officer.
- Member of the Political Studies Association.
- Former Secretary (2017-2021) of the RGS-IBG Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group.
I have led or collaborated on research in the UK, Australia, Brazil and India that coheres around three areas relating to children, young people and environment:
- young people’s role - actual and potential - in contributing to sustainability and climate adaptation agendas, including through disaster risk planning, everyday environmental activism, and environmental education (articles in Children and Society, Contemporary Social Science, Discover Society, Action Research and Children’s Geographies)
- progressing intergenerational and socially inclusive responses to climate change and sustainability challenges at multiple scales, from individual to societal (articles in Children's Geographies, Geoforum and Sustainable Earth)
- nexus approaches to mapping, mitigating and conceptualising resource insecurities, with a focus on Brazil and India (articles in Environment and Planning E, Children’s Geographies, and Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers).
These publications have been generated from my work on the following research projects:
- Family Lives and Environments (FLE) - linked PhD studentship, 2011-2015. Funded by the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods as part of the NOVELLA research node. Principal Investigators (PI)s: Professor Ann Phoenix (NOVELLA) and Janet Boddy (FLE).
- (Re)Connect the Nexus: Young Brazilians' learning about and participation in the food-water-energy nexus - Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2016-2017. Funded by ESRC/FAPESP/Newton Fund. PIs: Professor Peter Kraftl, Professor Jose Balestieri.
- Environmental Sustainability in Manchester - Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2018-2019 (pilot study leading to TIES study, below). Funded by University of Manchester Sustainable Consumption Institute. PIs: Professor Sherilyn MacGregor, Professor Tally Katz-Gerro.
- Towards Inclusive Environmental Sustainability (TIES) - Co-Investigator, 2021 - Present. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust. PI: Professor Sherilyn MacGregor.
- Young People at a Crossroads: Negotiations of environmental knowledge, subjectivities and practices in immigrant homes at a time of climate crisis (YPAC) - Principal Investigator, 2021-2023. Funded by ESRC New Investigator Award. Project mentors: Professor Sherilyn MacGregor, Dr Natascha Klocker.
Upon completion of the YPAC project, I published a set of creative resources that had been co-created with others involved in the project (including other adult researchers, environmental educators and young people who took part and were trained as young researchers). These resources are available to view and download here.
I am currently working on academic publications from the YPAC project.
At this stage in my research fellowship, I am not currently engaged in teaching on any taught modules.
I welcome enquiries from prospective doctoral students interested in the following topics:
- global and/or intergenerational perspectives on children and young people's experiences of and responses to environmental challenges
- theorising climate justice and inclusive sustainability
- critical environmental education
- creative methods of (co)-researching with children and young people.
- Walker C, van Holstein E, Klocker N. Young people at a crossroads: Climate solidarity through intergenerational storytelling. Geographical Research 2024, 63(1), 153-168.
- Walker C. What role for geography in justice-focused climate change education?. Geography 2024, 109(3), 145-152.
- Walker C, van Holstein E. Training young co-researchers to interview their parents: The transformative potential of intergenerational interviews. Area 2025, 57(1), e12972.
- MacGregor S, Ali N, Katz-Gerro T, Walker C, Ahmad Z. Holding up a mirror: researching symmetrically to explore exclusion, othering and whiteness in local environmental governance. Local Environment 2024, 29(5), 617-630.
- Horton J, Kraftl P, Balestieri JAP, Marques AEC, Coles B, Delamaro MC, Dias RA, Hadfield-Hill S, Hall J, Leal RN, Soares PV, Walker C, Zara C. Água negra (black water) and overwhelming details: For more-than-nexus approaches to global water–energy–food challenges. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2024, 7(4), 1555-1579.
- Van Holstein E, Walker C. Reframing environmental responsibility at the intersections of cultural and generational difference: Learning from migrant families in Manchester and Melbourne. Geoforum 2023, 146, 103869.
- Hayes T, Walker C, Parsons K, Arya D, Bowman B, Germaine C, Lock R, Langford S, Peacock S, Thew H. In it together! Cultivating space for intergenerational dialogue, empathy and hope in a climate of uncertainty. Children's Geographies 2023, 21(5), 803-818.
- Walker C, Coles B. Points of convergence: deploying the geographies of critical nexus-thinking. Environment and Planning E 2021, 5(3), 1618-1638.
- Walker C. ‘Generation Z’ and ‘second generation’: an agenda for learning from cross-cultural negotiations of the climate crisis in the lives of second generation immigrants. Children's Geographies 2021, 19(3), 267-274.
- Walker C. Uneven solidarity: The School Strikes for Climate in global and intergenerational perspective. Sustainable Earth 2020, 3, 5.
- Trajber R, Walker C, Marchezini V, Kraftl P, Olivato D, Hadfield-Hill S, Zara C, Monteiro SF. Promoting climate change transformation with young people in Brazil: participatory action research through a looping approach. Action Research 2019, 17(1), 87-107.
- Walker C. Nexus thinking and the geographies of children, youth and families: towards an integrated research agenda. Children's Geographies 2019, 18(3), 351-363.
- MacGregor S, Walker C, Katz-Gerro T. 'It’s what I’ve always done': Continuity and change in the household sustainability practices of Somali immigrants in the UK. Geoforum 2019, 107, 143-153.
- Kraftl P, Balestieri JAP, Campos AEM, Coles B, Hadfield-Hill S, Horton J, Soares PV, Vilanova MRN, Walker C, Zara C. (Re)thinking (re)connection: Young people, “natures” and the water–energy–food nexus in São Paulo State, Brazil. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2019, 44(2), 299-314.
- Walker C. Tomorrow's leaders and today's agents of change? Children, sustainability education and environmental governance. Children and Society 2017, 31(1), 72-83.
- Walker C. Embodying 'the next generation': Children’s everyday environmental activism in India and England. Contemporary Social Science 2017, 12(1-2), 13-26.
- Boddy J, Phoenix A, Walker C, Vennam U, Austerberry H, Latha M. Telling 'moral tales'? Family narratives of responsible privilege and environmental concern in India and the UK. Families, Relationships and Societies 2016, 5(3), 357-374.
Authored Book
- Phoenix A, Boddy J, Walker C, Vennam U. Environment in the Lives of Children and Families: Perspectives from India and the UK. Bristol: Policy Press, 2017.
- Walker C. Environmental Education and Children. Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies 2024.
- Walker C, Bowman B. Young People and Climate Activism. Oxford Bibliographies 2022.
Book Chapters
- Walker C, Vance A. Teaching Climate Change Education through an Attention to Place. In: Rawlings Smith, E; Pike, S, ed. Encountering Ideas of Place in Education: Scholarship and Practice in Place-based Learning. Abingdon: Routledge, 2024, pp.240-252.
- Walker C, van Holstein E. Beyond climate strikes: Intersectionality and environmental care. In: Wyn, J, Cahill, H, Cuervo, H, ed. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Springer Nature, 2023, pp.1-17.
- Phoenix A, Boddy J, Walker C, Vennam U. Multi-method approaches in narrative family research across majority and minority worlds. In: A. Phoenix; J. Brannen; C. Squire, ed. Researching Family Narratives. London: Sage, 2020, pp.15-36.
- Winter J, Walker C. Becoming reflexive doctoral researchers: An experiment in collaborative reflexivity using a narrative approach. In: A. Phoenix; J. Brannen; C. Squire, ed. Researching Family Narratives. London: Sage, 2020, pp.137-158.
- Walker C. Environment and children’s everyday lives in India and England: Exploring children’s situated perspectives on global-local environmental concerns. In: A. Twum-Danso Imoh; M. Bourdillon; S. Meichsner, ed. Global Childhoods Beyond the North-South Divide. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2019, pp.207-229.
Online Publications
- Freeman D, Hammond L, Mayo-Hollaway C, Morgan A, Sinclair D, Walker C, Willy T. Opportunities, complexities, and challenges in collaboration between school and university geography. Sheffield: Geographical Association, 2024. Available at:
- Walker C. Young people are no strangers to climate summits: are we listening?. Newcastle University, 2023. Available at:
- Weatherill C, Walker C. Interview with Catherine Walker on the 'Young People at a Crossroads' project. Arcata, California, USA: Environmental Politics Blog, 2023. Available at:
- Yellowleas D, Walker C. Catherine Walker: Climate Justice and Education. Spotify, 2023. Available at:
- Walker C. Victims, saviours or villains? Children in popular climate imaginaries. Online: Discover Society, 2019. Available at:
- Walker C. Photo Elicitation as Part of a Multi-Method Research Design: Family Lives and the Environment in Andhra Pradesh, India. Online: Sage, 2014. Available at:
- Walker C, Rackley KM, Summer M, Thompson N, Researchers Y. Young People at a Crossroads: Stories of Climate Education, Action and Adaptation from Around the World. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2022.
- MacGregor S, Walker C, Katz-Gerro T, Abdisamad S, Abdulrahman S. Challenging Assumptions, Enabling Inclusivity: A Report on Research Conducted about Environmental Sustainability with Somali Residents of Moss Side. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2019.