Staff Profile
Emerita Professor Elaine Campbell
Professor of Criminology
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5030
- Address: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Convenor of the Visualities Research Group:
Director of Research (Sociology)
B.A., University of Plymouth, Social Policy and Administration, 1989
Cert.Ed., University of Exeter, 1990
Ph.D., University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Criminology, 2001
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences -
Black Female Professors Forum -
European Society of Criminology
European Sociological Association
ESA Sociology of Culture Research Network
Funding and Awards (since 2000)
Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (2022) (In)secure Futures: Policing, Techno-Digital Worlds and Speculative Fictions. 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. £54,287. Grant Award Reference: RF-2022-111.
Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal (NISR) Funding: Foodscapes, Identities and Ageing: A Visual Ecology of Cultural Citizenship. 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015. £4545.76. Co-Principal Investigator with Dr Cathrine Degnen.
ESRC Impact Grant Award £5,000.00, Nov 2007 to Feb 2009. Funds secured to host a one-day conference, Rethinking Confidence in the Criminal Justice System: Alternative Perspectives on Public Understandings - 13 November 2008, Research Beehive, Newcastle University.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership in Criminal Justice funded by ESRC (50%) and Northumbria Criminal Justice Board (50%): £120,000, Sept 2006 - Sept 2009. Sole Investigator/Dr Ruth Graham is KTP Academic Support.
Clear Track: The CSV Virtual Young Offenders' Institution: Funded by CSV (£160,000). September 2005 to August 2009. Sole Investigator
Criminal Justice and `Customer Satisfaction' within Black and Minority Ethnic Communities funded by Northumbria Local Criminal Justice Board/Criminal Justice System Race Unit Challenge Fund: £11,175.00, Jan 2007 - Sept 2007. Sole Investigator.
South Tyneside Mentoring Scheme. Funded by South Tyneside Youth Offending Team (£7,588). January 2003 to June 2003. Principal Investigator.
Early Intervention Follow-up Study: Funded by Gateshead Youth Offending Team (£4,467). October 2002 to January 2003 (Co-investigator with Dr Robin Humphrey)
Second Regional Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion Programme: The Northern Region. Funded by the Youth Justice Board (£71,500). March 2002 to March 2003 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Regional Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion Programme: The Northern Region. Funded by the Youth Justice Board (£120,000). July 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Pathways to Youth Crime Reduction. Funded by Sunderland City Council and Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£160,000). April 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Bail Support Evaluation. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£12,000). April 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Early Intervention. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£52,000). April 2001 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Substance Misuse Amongst High Risk Populations of Young People. Funded by the Northumberland Health Action Zone (£39,609). December 2000 to September 2001 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robert Hollands).
Northumbria Police Community and Race Relations Audit. Research Consultant for Northumbria Police (£500). July 2000 to September 2000. Audit published in Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) (2000) Winning the Race: Embracing Diversity. London: HMSO
Youth Crime Audit: City of Gateshead. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£5,000). April 2000 to May 2000 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Research interests
I am an interdisciplinary criminologist working across criminology, cultural studies and cultural geographies. My research and publishing interests centre on:
- Substantive issues related to cultural and spatial understandings of criminal justice; policing, security and governance; social justice and citizenship; marginalised and precarious lives; conflict, transgression and resistance; penal cultures and politics; surveillance and risk; popular culture and media; the emotions and aesthetics of crime; the ethics of punishment;
- Theoretical explorations using poststructuralist frameworks – including assemblage, actor-network, Foucauldian, topological and post-political theories; Baudrillardian, Bakhtinian and Barthesian cultural theories;
- Epistemological and methodological innovations in qualitative methodologies including: ethnographic research; sensory ethnographies; mobile methodologies; critical discourse and media analysis; visual methodologies; arts-based methodologies; participatory action research;
I have additional interests in developing ideas associated with:
- sociology of art
- musicology
- performative and creative art
- literary theory
- aesthetics
- poststructuralism
Funding and Awards (since 2000)
Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (2022) (In)secure Futures: Policing, Techno-Digital Worlds and Speculative Fictions. £54,287. 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. Grant Award Reference: RF-2022-111.
Foodscapes, Identities and Ageing: A Visual Ecology of Cultural Citizenship. NISR Award £4,545.72, 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. OSR/0324/NISR/0001. Co-PI with Dr Cathrine Degnen
ESRC Impact Grant Award £5,000.00, Nov 2007 to Feb 2009. Funds secured to host a one-day conference, Rethinking Confidence in the Criminal Justice System: Alternative Perspectives on Public Understandings - 13 November 2008, Research Beehive, Newcastle University.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership in Criminal Justice funded by ESRC (50%) and Northumbria Criminal Justice Board (50%): £120,000, Sept 2006 - Sept 2009. Sole Investigator/Dr Ruth Graham is KTP Academic Support.
Clear Track: The CSV Virtual Young Offenders' Institution: Funded by CSV (£160,000). September 2005 to August 2009. Sole Investigator
Criminal Justice and `Customer Satisfaction' within Black and Minority Ethnic Communities funded by Northumbria Local Criminal Justice Board/Criminal Justice System Race Unit Challenge Fund: £11,175.00, Jan 2007 - Sept 2007. Sole Investigator.
South Tyneside Mentoring Scheme. Funded by South Tyneside Youth Offending Team (£7,588). January 2003 to June 2003. Principal Investigator.
Early Intervention Follow-up Study: Funded by Gateshead Youth Offending Team (£4,467). October 2002 to January 2003 (Co-investigator with Dr Robin Humphrey)
Second Regional Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion Programme: The Northern Region. Funded by the Youth Justice Board (£71,500). March 2002 to March 2003 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Regional Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion Programme: The Northern Region. Funded by the Youth Justice Board (£120,000). July 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Pathways to Youth Crime Reduction. Funded by Sunderland City Council and Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£160,000). April 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Bail Support Evaluation. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£12,000). April 2000 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Early Intervention. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£52,000). April 2001 to March 2002 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robin Humphrey).
Substance Misuse Amongst High Risk Populations of Young People. Funded by the Northumberland Health Action Zone (£39,609). December 2000 to September 2001 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson and Dr Robert Hollands).
Northumbria Police Community and Race Relations Audit. Research Consultant for Northumbria Police (£500). July 2000 to September 2000. Audit published in Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) (2000) Winning the Race: Embracing Diversity. London: HMSO
Youth Crime Audit: City of Gateshead. Funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (£5,000). April 2000 to May 2000 (Co-investigator with Professor Diane Richardson, Dr Robin Humphrey and Dr Robert Hollands).
Conference papers since 2007
Campbell, Elaine (2018) `Dark diffractions: a performative hauntology of 10 Rillington Place’. Invited paper. 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Sarajevo. 29 Aug to 1 Sep 2018.
Campbell, Elaine (2018) `Three-dimensional urban security: layers, spheres, volumes, milieus'. Invited paper. 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Sarajevo. 29 Aug to 1 Sep 2018.
Campbell, Elaine (2017) `Three-dimensional cities: vertical security and the politics of visibility'. Invited paper. 14th European Sociological Association Conference. Athens. 29 Aug to 1 Sep 2017.
Campbell, Elaine (2016) `Unruly cities: subjectivities, materialities and riotous assemblages'. Invited paper. Spatial Justice in the City Workshop. CRESC Open University and CUCR Goldsmiths, funded by the ESRC. Milton Keynes.30 June - 1 July 2016
Campbell, Elaine (2016) `Matters of riot: subjectivities, materialities and riotous practices'. Invited paper. Theorising Violence Workshop. York University, Toronto. 16-17 May 2016.
Campbell, Elaine (2015) `Visual democracy and policing: the power of spectatorship’. Invited paper. 12th European Sociological Association Conference. Prague. 25-28 August 2015
Campbell, Elaine (2015) `Policing as assemblage: the emergence of digital vigilantism’, Invited paper. British Society of Criminology Annual Conference. University of Plymouth. 1-3 July 2015.
Campbell, Elaine (2014) `Policing paedophilia: assembling bodies, spaces and things', Invited workshop contributor. Decentring Security: Building and Policing Communities at Home and Abroad. Center for British Studies. University of California Berkeley. Funded by The Mellon Foundation. 12 December 2014
Campbell, Elaine (2014) `Criminology as a politics of aesthetics’, Invited speaker. 14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Charles University, Prague. 10-13 September 2014
Campbell, Elaine (2014) `Policing without boundaries’. Sub-plenary paper. Power, Culture and Social Framing, The Final Annual CRESC Conference, University of Manchester, 3-5 September 2014
Campbell, Elaine (2014) `Rhythms of death: assembling the homicidal city' Invited speaker: Negotiating Morbid Spaces Symposium. University of York, UK, 8 January 2014
Campbell, Elane (2012) `Call me old-fashioned: "grey" crime drama and the cultural politics of nostalgia', 4th International Crime, Media and Popular Culture Conference, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, US, 17-19 September 2012
Campbell, Elaine (2012) `Creative differences: the making of ethical worlds', Culture, Communication and Creativity, ESA Mid-term Conference, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 5-8 September 2012
Campbell, Elaine and Huang, Siyuan (2012) `Chinese whispers: an aesthetics of deliberative authoritarianism', Creating Publics, Creating Democracies Conference, Goldsmiths College, London, UK, 18-19 June 2012
Campbell, Elaine (2012) `Through the looking glass: justice, aesthetics and Chinese news media', Global Perspectives on Justice, Security and Human Rights Conference, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, New York, US, 6-9 June 2012
Campbell, Elaine (2012) `Transgression, affect and performance: choreographing a politics of urban space', School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Seminar Series, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, 29 February 2012
Campbell, Elaine (2011) `Ranciere, a right to a fair trial and an aesthetics of difference', Intersections of Law and Culture Conference 2011, Franklin College, Lugano, Switzerland. 23-25 September 2011
Campbell, Elaine (2011) `Encountering monsters at the boundaries of culture: excess, transgression and the limit-experience’. Rethinking the Monstrous: Violence and Criminality in Society Conference, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany. 1-3 July 2011
Campbell, Elaine (2011) ‘Law, literary culture(s) and a politics of aesthetics’. ‘The Letter of the Law: Law Matters in Language and Literature’, 8th International Conference of the Hellenic Association for the Study of English. University of Athens. Greece. 5-8 May 2011
Campbell, Elaine (2011) ‘Spaces of desecration: performing the city and choreographing the urban’. Asian Conference on Cultural Studies. Osaka, Japan. 23-25 March 2011
Campbell, Elaine (2011) ‘The transgressive edge of everyday life: performing the city; choreographing the urban’. Abstract accepted for presentation to the 1st Global Conference on Urban Popcultures. Prague. Czech Republic, 5-8 March 2011
Campbell, Elaine (2010) ‘The poetics of international human rights: multiculturalism as dramaturgy and theatre’. Third International Conference on Multicultural Discourses. Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, 27-29 August 2010
Campbell, Elaine (2010) ‘Law, popular culture(s) and the politics of aesthetics’. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee 12 [Sociology of Law] Panel/Session 7, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July 2010
Campbell Elaine (2010) ‘Catastrophic crime(s) and the reinvention of national identities’. Constructing Crime: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and Deviance Conference. University of Leeds, UK, 30 March 2010
Campbell, E (2009) ‘Reading-writing autopsy: a dirty theory of the science of death’. Invited speaker at Technology, Death and the Cultural Imagination Seminar. Centre for Cultural Studies Research, University of East London, UK, 30 October 2009
Campbell, E (2009) ‘Public sphere as assemblage: assembling political cultures’. 9th European Sociological Association Conference. University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 September 2009
Campbell E (2009) ‘Collective memory, assemblage and catastrophic events’. 9th European Sociological Association Conference. University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 September 2009
Campbell E (2009) ‘Dreadful landscapes: stalking as choreography’. International Visual Sociology Association Conference. (IVSA 2009). University of Carlisle, UK, 22-24 July 2009
Campbell E (2009) Chair of Panel ‘Exploring gendered dimensions of place’, organised for the International Visual Sociology Association Conference. (IVSA 2009). University of Carlisle, UK, 22-24 July 2009
Campbell E (2009) `Justice in the risk society: Barthes goes to Hollywood’. Managing the Social Impacts of Change from a Risk Perspective. Conference funded by CASS/RCUK/ESRC, Beijing Normal University, People’s Republic of China. 15-17 April 2009.
Campbell, E (2008) `Empowering the citizens by putting people in their place’. Rethinking Confidence in the Criminal Justice System. Conference funded by an ESRC Impact Grant. Newcastle University, UK, 13 November 2008
Campbell, E (2008) `The counterpublic sphere of comedy: a Bakhtinian perspective’. 8th European Society of Criminology Conference. Conference Theme: on Criminology and the Public Sphere, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 September 2008
Campbell, E (2008) `A carnival of justice’ International Conference on Justice and Policing in Diverse Societies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, to be held at the University of San Juan, Puerto Rico, 9-12 June 2008
Campbell, E (2008) `Powers of life and death in the governance of affect’ Fifth Annual Social Theory Forum, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, 16-17 April 2008
Campbell E (2008) Chair of Panel `Media and the criminal justice system: mutual pressures and interdependencies:’ organised for the Justice, Media and Public Conference. Keele University, UK, 28-29 February 2008
Campbell E (2007) Chair of Panel `Understanding Communities’ organised for the European Society of Criminology Conference. University of Bologna, Italy, 26 to 29 September 2007
Campbell E (2007) `Public Confidence as an Emotionality of Rule’ Stockholm Criminology Symposium. University of Stockholm, Sweden, 4 to 6 June 2007
Research roles
Convenor of Visualities Research Group, Newcastle University since 2011
Founder and Convenor of the Critical Visual and Discourse Research Cluster, Newcastle University, 2008-2010 (disbanded October 2010; relaunched as the Visualities Research Group, January 2011)
Postgraduate Supervision
I am interested in supervising innovative proposals in all aspects of cultural and critical criminology, and which look across disciplinary boundaries. I especially welcome applications in the following areas: i) Cultural perspectives on criminological topics, including questions of emotionality and aesthetics; ii) socio-spatial understandings of criminality and policing; iii) discourse, visual and media analysis; iv) the cultural politics of crime and punishment, law and governance, surveillance and risk; and v) work which develops a post-critique of modernist criminological theorizing and research.
Doctorates recently completed:
Florrie Darling (2023) `I was trying to paint the colour of darkness’: Shedding light on young people’s experiences of participatory arts projects in North-East secondary schools. (ESRC-funded) with Professor Janice McLaughlin;
Emma Seddon (2020) Between professionalism and precarity: Assembling professional identities in the translation industry. (ESRC-funded) with Dr Lisa Garforth;
Yang Li (2018) Screening Tibet from three perspectives: an exploration of representations of Tibet in Western, Tibetan and Han Chinese films (self-funded) - with Dr Sabrina Yu (SML);
Kirsty Blewitt (2018) `I hurt her. I hurt her bad. She's dead': An interdisciplinary exploration of interactions between the state and the individual in legal settings (self-funded) - with Dr Peter Sercombe (SECLS);
Aliraza Javaid (2017) - Male Rape, Masculinities, and Sexualities: Understanding, Policing, and Overcoming Male Sexual Victimisation (self-funded) - with Professor Peter Hopkins (Geography/GPS);
Will McGovern (2017) - Socio-cultural explorations of self-help unstructured programmes for individuals with significant substance related concerns (NHS-funded) - with Professor Robert Hollands;
Clare Fearon (2015) - Disputes of offence: The discursive construction of political correctness. (self-funded) - with Professor William Outhwaite;
Charlie Bramley (2015) - Too important to be left to the musicians: un-musical activism and improvised fiction. (AHRC 1 3) - with Dr Will Edmondes (SACS);
Pete Steggals (2013) Making sense of self-harm: exploring the cultural meaning and social context of non-suicidal self-injury. (ESRC 1 3) - with Dr Steph Lawler;
Liz Turner (2012) Reimagining criminology's public role: an inquiry into the relationship between criminological expertise and the democratic public sphere (NCJB/ESRC funded) - with Dr Ruth Graham;
Danna-Mechelle Lewis (2011) The risk factor: An exploratory study into the assessment of risk within criminal justice practice (CSV-funded) - with Dr Ruth Graham;
Ruth McGovern (2010) A non-traditional ethnography of crack-cocaine users in the North East of England (self-funded) - with Professor Robert Hollands;
Rachela Colosi (2009) Undressing the moves: an ethnography of the contemporary lap-dancer (ESRC 1 3) - with Professor Robert Hollands;
Industrial Relevance
- creative industries
- justice activism
- rights movements
- law reform
- penal reform
- public understandings of criminal justice
- political and visual cultures of crime, criminality and justice
Nominated for a Newcastle Teaching Excellence Award, Innovative Teaching Methods, 2016
Nominated for a Newcastle Teaching Excellence Award, Innovative Teaching Methods, 2014
Nominated for a Newcastle Teaching Excellence Award, Taught Supervisor, 2013
Nominated for the Vice Chancellor's Distinguished Teacher Award, 2012
Undergraduate Teaching
SOC1033: Understanding Everyday Life
SOC2070: Research proposals in Cultural Criminology and Visual Methodologies
SOC2074: Spectacle, Image and Media: The Sociology of Visual Cultures
SOC2086: Postdisciplinary Criminology
Postgraduate Teaching
SOC8048: Visual Sociologies
- Campbell E. Techno-digital policing and speculative fictions: Towards a criminology of the future. Crime, Media, Culture 2025, 21(1), 69-95.
- Campbell E. Techno-digital policing: Time, temporalities, timescapes. Time and Society 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Campbell E. Techno-visual enchantments and an ethics of mattering. Emotion, Space & Society 2023, 49, 100987.
- Campbell E. Extreme dwelling: assembling domus horribilis. Crime, Media, Culture 2022, 18(2), 163-182.
- Campbell E. Policing-networks: reassembling the cultural. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 2021, 13(2), 43-63.
- Campbell E. Witnessing riot: a political ecology of digital things. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 2019, 11(1), 18-37.
- Campbell E. Three-dimensional security: Layers, spheres, volumes, milieus. Political Geography 2019, 69, 10-21.
- Campbell E. Policing paedophilia: assembling bodies, spaces and things. Crime, Media, Culture 2016, 12(3), 345-365.
- Campbell E. Policing and its spatial imaginaries. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 2016, 8(2), 71-89.
- Campbell E. 'The people', policing and power. Criminal Justice Matters 2014, 95(1), 26-27.
- Campbell E. Transgression, affect and performance: choreographing a politics of urban space. British Journal of Criminology 2013, 53(1), 18-40.
- Campbell E. Public sphere as assemblage: the cultural politics of roadside memorialization. British Journal of Sociology 2013, 64(3), 526-547.
- Campbell E. Law/culture: power, politics and the political. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 2012, 1(1), 1-12.
- Campbell E. Landscapes of performance: stalking as choreography. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2012, 30(3), 400-417.
- Campbell E. The cultural politics of justice: Bakhtin, stand-up comedy and post-9/11 securitization. Theoretical Criminology 2011, 15(2), 159-177.
- Campbell E. A vida emocional do poder governamental. Ecopolítica 2011, 1(1), 43-76.
- Campbell E. The future(s) of risk: Barthes and Baudrillard go to Hollywood. Crime, Media, Culture 2010, 6(1), 7-26.
- Campbell E. The emotional life of governmental power. Foucault Studies 2010, 9, 35-53.
- Campbell E. Narcissism as ethical practice?: Foucault, askesis and an ethics of becoming. Cultural Sociology 2010, 4(1), 23-44.
- Campbell E. Reading/writing autopsy: a dirty theory of the science of death. Science as Culture 2009, 18(3), 313-331.
- Campbell E. Theorising the evidence on discretionary decision making: alternative perspectives. Evidence and Policy 2005, 1(1), 33-60.
- Campbell E. Police narrativity in the risk society. The British Journal of Criminology 2004, 44(5), 695-714.
- Campbell E. Police narrativity and discretionary power. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 2003, 31(4), 295-322.
- Campbell E. Interviewing men in uniform: a feminist approach?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2003, 6(4), 285-304.
- Campbell E. The rhetorical language of numbers: the politics of criminal statistics. Radical Statistics 2000, 75, 55-66.
- Campbell E, Clark C. 'Gypsy Invasion': A Critical Analysis of Newspaper Reaction to Czech and Slovak Romani Asylum-Seekers in Britain, 1997. Romani Studies 5 2000, 10(1), 23-47.
- Campbell E. Towards a sociological theory of discretion. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 1999, 27(1), 79-101.
Book Chapters
- Campbell E. Topologies of dwelling: re-imagining domestic space. In: Davies P; Rowe M, ed. Criminology of the Domestic. London: Routledge, 2023, pp.13-33.
- Campbell E. Dark diffractions: a performative hauntology of 10 Rillington Place. In: Fiddler M; Kindynis T; Linnemann T, ed. Ghost Criminology. New York, NY, USA: New York University Press, 2022, pp.253-279.
- Campbell E. Policing the city. In: Pain R; Hopkins P, ed. Social Geographies: An Introduction. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021, pp.259-269.
- Campbell E. Baudrillard, Jean. In: Bryan S. Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia F. Epstein, Peter Kivisto, J. Michael Ryan, and William Outhwaite, ed. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.
- Campbell E. Barthes, Roland. In: Bryan S. Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia F. Epstein, Peter Kivisto, J. Michael Ryan, and William Outhwaite, ed. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017.
- Campbell E. Two futures for police cautioning. In: Francis P; Davies P; Jupp V, ed. Policing Futures: The Police, Law Enforcement and the Twenty-First Century. London: Macmillan, 1997, pp.51-79.
- Campbell E. Editorial to accompany special issue: Understanding Communities. Crime Prevention and Community Safety 2008, 10(3), 147-149.
- Turner L, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Research Briefing: In-Depth Qualitative Data Analysis. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2009. Creating a Knowledge-Base of Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
- Turner L, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Final Report on the Empirical Research. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2009. Creating a Knowledge-Base of Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Half Year Report Phase IV. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2009. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Clear Track Evaluation: Final Report. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2009. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Turner LR, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Summary of the Exploratory Qualitative Research. University of Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, 2008. Creating a knowledge-base of public confidence in the Criminal Justice System 3.
- Turner L, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Research Briefing: Survey Data Collection. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2008. Creating a Knowledge-Base of Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
- Turner L, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Research Briefing: Survey Data Analysis. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2008. Creating a Knowledge-Base of Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
- Turner L, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Research Briefing: Qualitative Data Collection. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2008. Creating a Knowledge-Base of Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Half Year Phase III. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2008. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Annual Report Phase III. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2008. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Turner LR, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Literature Review. University of Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, 2007. Creating a knowledge-base of public confidence in the Criminal Justice System 2.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Annual Report Phase II. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2007. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Campbell E, Stockdale KJ. Criminal Justice Services and 'Customer Satisfaction' within Black and Minority Ethnic Communities: Report on Participant Action Research in the North East of England. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2007. Home Office Race Challenge Fund.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Annual Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Half Year Phase II Report. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2007. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Phase I Annual Report. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2006. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Campbell E, Lewis DM. Evaluation Report of Clear Track: Half Year Phase I Report. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2006. Clear Track Virtual Prison Study.
- Lewis DM, Campbell E. Building Enterprise into the Under-Graduate Curriculum: A Feasibility Study of ‘Enterprise Teaching’ in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology. Newcastle: University of Newcastle, 2006.
- Turner LR, Campbell E, Dale A, Graham RH. Baseline Audit. University of Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, 2006. Creating a knowledge-base of public confidence in the Criminal Justice System 1.
- Campbell E, Humphrey R, Brown R. What Works? An Evaluation of the South Tyneside Mentoring Scheme. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2003.
- Campbell E, Humphrey R, Richardson D, Hornsby R. Final Report of the Youth Inclusion Programme Northern Region. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2003.
- Campbell E, Humphrey R, Brown R. Early Intervention in Gateshead. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2003.
- Campbell E, Richardson D, Humphrey R, Popham F, Hermanns H. Young People and the Youth Justice Cautioning System in Gateshead: Final Report on the Research Element of Gateshead Youth Offending Team's Early Intervention Project. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2002.
- Baines S, Hermanns H, Jones K, Popham F, Campbell E, Humphrey ER, Richardson D. Practice & Policy Issues in Combating Youth Crime: An Evaluation of Youth Justice Board Funded Pathway Projects for Gateshead Youth Offending Service. University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Department of Sociology and Social Policy, 2002.
- Campbell E, Richardson D, Humphrey R, Hollands R, Popham F, Jones K, Baines S, Hermanns H. Interventions to Combat Youth Crime: An Evaluation of Pathway projects in Sunderland: Final Report. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2002.
- Campbell E, Richardson D, Hollands R, Morrison J. Drugs prevention Programme for Vulnerable and At Risk Young People. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2001.