Staff Profile
Professor Hartmut Behr
Professor of International Politics
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5705
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- Address: Newcastle University
International Politics, School of Geography, Politics, Sociology
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Henry Daysh Building (formerly Claremont Bridge), R 4.24
(International) Political Theory and (International) Political Thought
o Sociology of knowledge of the discipline of International Relations
o The scholarship of Hans J Morgenthau
o Political Ethics, Difference, and “Self”-“Other”-Relations
Epistemologies and Practices of the Unknown: Ethics, Reversibility, and Improvisation
Peace and Conflict Studies
Political Cosmologies
Interpretivist Methods
o Text Hermeneutics
o Archival Research
o Policy Document Analysis (esp. Interpretation, Process Tracing)
Methodologies of
o Intertextuality and Synoptic Reading
o Translation
I am interested in the supervision of PhD students on the topics above, having guided 16 PhDs (many of them funded through NINE DTP/ESRC studentships) over the recent years to successful and timely completion. Working with younger researchers is a key part of my understanding of the profession, including co-authorship as an important element of this. Many previous supervisees have moved on as Lecturers and Senior Lecturers at other universities and into Civil Servant schemes. I received Newcastle University's Teaching Award for PhD supervision in 2014.
I am currently supervising three PhD students (all funded through NINE DTP/ESRC studentships), working on
Currently I pursue three research projects: on
(1) Improvisation, Temporalities, and Political Practice
(2) Narratives of Belonging: Communities Under Stress
(3) Political Cosmologies: Non-Anthropocentrism and Policy Making in the Anthropocene
Please find below short descriptions of these projects:
(1) In contrast to rationalist action models, assumptions of stability, and their massive influences in the sciences and policy making (e.g., in Rawlsian and Habermasian legacies), there are only sporadic attempts in political and social sciences to conceptualise political action under conditions of uncertainty, contingency, and fluidity (such as foremost from Hannah Arendt, Hans Joas, Pierre Bourdieu, Zygmunt Baumann, Bruno Latour). This research focuses on forms of creativity under conditions of uncertainty and studies notions of improvisation as rituals and practices in music and dance. Key for this research is the relation of improvisation (understood as as non-prescribed acting together into an unforeseeable and unknown future) to theory-practice relationships with the aim to formulate lessons to be learned for, but not restricted to, policy-making in a world of political crisis and to political leadership. Management theory has already adopted improvisation in music, especially the work of US Jazz pianist Keith Jarrett, as new form of creativity. Political sciences and International Relations seem to lack behind. Part of possible lessons from improvisation relate to the problem of cross-cutting temporalities and how they affect political practices. Theoretical reflections and empirical examples of on the relationship between political practice and temporality(ies) enrich the analogy to improvisation, the latter providing a possible practical example of navigating and coping creatively with intersecting (temporal) structures and non-knowledge.
This research emerges from research and discussions in the international Research Network “Classical Realism Meets Critical Theory: Crises, Modernity, and the Return of Humanity, funded by The Leverhulme Trust (IN-2012-122), 2013-2015, as well as directly from my recent book on Reversibility – Politics under Conditions of Uncertainty, with McGill-Queens University Press, 2024 ( where I have reflected on music improvisation as an action model for politics under conditions of epistemological uncertainty.
(2) This interdisciplinary research, based on several workshops and a Special Issue, investigates comparatively discourses and practices of identity formation in UK and Japan communities and their underlying eppistemologies that experienced disaster situations due to climate change. The research team (political scientists, ethnographers, anthropologists, with civil engineers as consultants) will explore identity discourses during and in the aftermath of crises, working with community members and practitioners (like nurses, rescue workers, and local politicians), exploring their experiences, memories, and practices coping with emergency situations. Research questions are: How does community identity develop under stress? Does it fall apart into individual interests or strengthen? Are either temporary or enduring? What lessons can be learned?
The need for disaster management will become more and more significant and increase in a world of poly-crises and climate change that will put communities worldwide at risk of survival and their lands at risk of habitability through man-made or natural catastrophes. In their response to disasters, hit communities can not solely rely on national rescue, medical, or energy support, but must develop place-based communal strategies. As newest research has shown, the success of respective strategies depends on communal cohesion and solidarity; put differently as underlying hypothesis of this research: The proficiency and success of disaster management and its distinct practical strategies depend upon the formation of communal identity and its conditioning of values such as cohesion, solidarity, and stamina. The most expensive and professionally devised humanitarian designs are at stake to come to nothing if the community’s identity is not receptive and responsive to them. This research does not focus on the study of emergency practices and humanitarian design products, but on discursive identity formation underlying and conditioning the success of these practices and designs.
(3) In a co-authored book project with Giorgio Shani, we search for non-anthropocentric conceptions of the place of the human, particularly in relation to other sentient beings. This search brings together the work of a wide array of renowned authors such as Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers, Ilya Prigogine, Donna Haraway, Jane Bennett, Ulrich Beck, William Connolly, or Dipesh Chakrabarty. Current debates in Western societies on the Anthropocene and human made climate change have accelerated an argument that was made already some 45 years ago by Progogine and Stengers. They emphasised the equal and reciprocal togetherness of humans and all non-human environments and thus requested a non-anthropocentric understanding of the human. Non-anthropocentrism resonates with the language of reversibility suggested by Hans Jonas in his ethics of responsibility in a technological age and by Hannah Arendt, together with forgiveness and promise, as ethical virtues against the irreversibility of human action. We have been inspired by these discourses and explore cosmological discourses in Western and post-Western contexts. My contribution to this book project is inspired by research in the context of Reversibility – Politics under Conditions of Uncertainty, particulalry Chapters 1-4 on an Ethics of Self-Restraint and Chapter 10 on environmental ethics in the Anthropocene.
Feedback and Consultation Hours, 2nd semester 2024/25
Wednesday 10-12 pm (HDB 4.24)
Tuesday 11-12 (HDB 4.24)
Undergraduate Teaching
POL 3081 International Political Thought
POL 2082 Political Violence and the Modern State
Postgraduate Teaching
POL8069 Studying International Relations: Key Challenges
- Behr H, Rösch F. Introduction: Narratives of Belonging – The Interrelation between Ontological-Epistemological Observations and Narrative Methodology. Telos 2023, (202), 3-19.
- Behr H, Rösch F. Identity Discourses in Western Late Modernity and the Notion of “Liminal Space”. Telos 2023, (202), 103-121.
- Behr H, Shani G. Rethinking Critical IR: Towards a Plurilogue of Cosmologies. E-International Relations 2022.
- Behr H, Steffek J, Mueller M. Terminological Entrepreneurs and Discursive Shifts in International Relations: How a Discipline Invented the “International Regime”. International Studies Review 2021, 23(1), 30-58.
- Behr H, Shani G. Rethinking Emancipation in a Critical IR: Normativity, Cosmology, and Pluriversal Dialogue. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 2021, 49(2), 368-391.
- Behr H. Towards a political concept of reversibility in international relations: Bridging political philosophy and policy studies. European Journal of International Relations 2019, 25(4), 1212-1235.
- Beardsworth R, Behr H, Luke T. The nuclear condition in the twenty-first century: Techno-political aspects in historical and contemporary perspectives. Journal of International Political Theory 2019, 15(3), 270-278.
- Behr H. Peace-in-Difference: A phenomenological approach to peace through difference. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 2018, 12(3), 335-351.
- Behr EH, Megoran NWS, Carnaffan J. Peace education, militarism and neo-liberalism: conceptual reflections with empirical findings from the UK. Journal of Peace Education 2018, 15(1), 76-96.
- Behr H. The populist obstruction of reality: Analysis and response. Global Affairs 2017, 3(1), 73-80.
- Behr H, Williams MC. Interlocuting Classical Realism and Critical Theory: Negotiating 'Divides' in International Relations Theory. Journal of International Political Theory 2017, 13(1), 3-17.
- Behr H. Conditions of critique and the non-irreversibility of politics. Journal of International Political Theory 2017, 13(1), 122-140.
- Behr H. Scientific Man vs Power Politics: A Pamphlet and its Author between two academic cultures. Ethics and International Affairs 2016, 30(1), 33-38.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. International Journal of E-Business Research 2013, 9(4), 47-66.
- Behr H. 'Common Sense', Thomas Reid, and Realist Epistemology in Hans J. Morgenthau. International Politics 2013, 50, 753-767.
- Behr H. EUrope - History, Violence, and "Peripheries". Review of European Studies (Special Issue edited by Hartmut Behr and Yannis Stivachtis) 2012, 4(3), 7-17.
- Behr H, Berger L. The Challenge of Talking about Terrorism: The EU and the Arab Debate on the Causes of Islamist Terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence 2009, 21(4), 539-557.
- Behr EH, Heath MA. Misreading in IR Theory and ideology critique: Morgenthau, Waltz and neo-realism. Review of International Studies 2009, 35(2), 327-349.
- Behr H. Territorialitaet von Staatlichkeit und Krieg - und die Folgen ihrer Entterritorialisierung. Ethics and Social Science/Erwaegen, Wissen, Ethik 2008, (4), 51-53.
- Behr H. Deterritorialisation and the transformation of statehood: The paradox of globalisation. Geopolitics 2008, 13(2), 359-382.
- Behr EH. The European Union in the legacies of imperial rule? EU accession politics viewed from a historical comparative perspective. European Journal of International Relations 2007, 13(2), 239-262.
- Behr EH. The myth of the nation and legacies of nationalism. Immigration politics in the European Union. Political Economy 2005, 2, 1-18.
- Behr EH. Misreadings in International Relations Theory : Ideologiekritische Anmerkungen zum Realismus und Neo-Realismus. Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft 2005, 15(1), 61-90.
- Behr EH. Vereinte Nationen und Terrorismus. UN Basis Informationen: Deutsche Gesellschaft der Vereinten Nationen/German Association of the United Nation 2004, 1.
- Behr EH. Terrorismusbekämpfung vor dem Hintergrund transnationaler Herausforderungen : Zur Anti-Terrorismuspolitik der Vereinten Nationen seit der Sicherheitsrats-Resolution 1373. Zeitschrift fur Internationale Beziehungen 2004, 11(1), 27-59.
- Behr EH. Politics beyond international order? The de-territorialisation of transnational politics from a security policy perspective. Humboldt Kosmos 2004, July 2004, 14-15.
- Behr EH. Islamischer Terrorismus: Gruppen und ihre regionale und globale Vernetzung. Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik. Sozialwissenschaften fuer die Politische Bildung 2004, 2, 213-224.
- Behr EH. Globalisierung als Motor der Europaeischen Integration? Untersuchungen zum Selbstverstaendnis des Akteurs EU. Zeitschrift fuer Politik 2004, 4, 135-153.
- Behr EH. The conjunction between International Relations Theory and Political Philosophy - A review of Alan Gilbert's "Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy". Constellations - An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 2002, 9(3), 450-452.
- Behr EH. Migration, Nation und transnationale Gesellschaft. Erfordernisse fuer neue zuwanderungspolitische Leitlinien. Forschungsjournal neue soziale Bewegungen NSB 2001, 1, 99-109.
Authored Books
- Behr H. Reversibility - Politics Under Conditions of Uncertainty. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2024.
- Behr EH. Politics of Difference: Epistemologies of Peace. London: Routledge, 2014.
- Behr EH. A History of International Political Theory: Ontologies of the International. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Behr EH. Entterritoriale Politik : Von den Internationalen Beziehungen zur Netzwerkanalyse. Mit einer Fallstudie zum globalen Terrorismus. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2004.
- Behr EH. Zuwanderungspolitik im Nationalstaat: Formen der Eigen- und Fremdbestimmung in den USA, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Frankreich. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 1998.
Book Chapters
- Behr H, Devereux L. Phenomenological Peace. In: Richmond, O; Visoka, G, ed. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- Behr H. Peace-in-Difference: Peace through Dialogue about and across Difference(s) - A Phenomenological Approach to Rethinking Peace. In: Hinton AL; Shani G; Alberg J, ed. Rethinking Peace. Discourse, Memory, Translation, and Dialogue. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019, pp.174-190.
- Behr H, Sigwart HJ. Scientific Man and the New Science of Politics. In: Navari, Cornelia, ed. Hans Morgenthau and the American Experience. Palgrave, 2018, pp.27-54.
- Behr H, Devereux L. The Melodrama of Modernity in Karl Mannheim’s Political Theory. In: Kettler D; Meja V, ed. The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim. London: Anthem Press, London, 2017, pp.117-135.
- Behr H. Toleranz, Tolerierung und Differenz. In: Sedmak, Clemens, ed. Toleranz. Vom Wert der Vielfalt. Wissenschaftlicge Buchgesellschaft, 2015, pp.45-62.
- Behr Hartmut. Morgenthau als Kritiker des Nationalstaates. In: Rohde, Christopher; Troy, Jodok, ed. Macht, Recht, Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015, pp.163-174.
- Behr H. Empire, 'governing from the distance' and the mitigation of violence: towards a novel policy framework for EU politics. In: Stivachtis,YA; Behr,H, ed. Revisiting the European Union as Empire. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2015, pp.32-44.
- Behr H, Kirke X. People on the Move – Ideas on the Move: The Question of Translatability in the Humanities and Social Sciences. In: Felix Roesch, ed. Émigré Scholars and the Genesis of American International Relations. A European Discipline in America?. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. In: Digital Arts and Entertainment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 2014, pp.1217-1237.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Greek politicians and the use of online technologies for citizen engagement. In: Integrating Social Media into Business Practice, Applications, Management, and Models. IGI Global, 2014, pp.127-145.
- Behr H. Security Politics and Public Discourse: A Morgenthauian Approach. In: Mark Bevir, Oliver Daddow, Ian Hall, ed. Interpreting Global Security. London, UK: Routledge, 2013, pp.160-176.
- Behr H, Roesch F. Ethics of Anti-Hubris in Morgenthau. In: Jodok Troy, ed. Religion and the Realist Tradition: From Political Theology to International Relations Theory and Back. London, UK: Routledge, 2013, pp.111-128.
- Behr H, Roesch F. Introduction. In: Hans J. Morgenthau, and edited by Behr, H., Roesch, F, ed. The Concept of the Political. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Behr EH. The role of religion in the construction of the modern state. In: Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law, ed. Proceedings of an International Symposium March 2009. Tunis, 2010, pp.19-33.
- Behr EH. Globalization. In: Wharf, B, ed. Encyclopaedia of Geography. London, UK: Sage Publications, 2010.
- Behr EH. Comparing ‘Systems’ and ‘Cultures’: Between Universalities, Imperialism, Indigenousity. In: Lauth, H-J, ed. Comparative Politics: An Introduction. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2010, pp.73-91.
- Behr EH. Vergleichende Regierungslehre im Spannungsfeld kultureller Differenzen. In: Lauth HJ, ed. Vergleichende Regierungslehre - Eine Einfuehrung. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2006, pp.70-90.
- Behr EH. Transnational Terrorism and Western Responses: US and EU Policies since 9/11. In: Hubel, H., Kaim, M, ed. Conflicts in the Greater Middle East: US and German Perspectives. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2004, pp.137-158.
- Behr EH. Multikulturalismusdebatten in den USA und die Frage der Gerechtigkeit in einer Gesellschaft der Differenz. In: Willems U, ed. Interesse und Moral als Orientierungen politischen Handelns. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2003, pp.315-332.
- Behr EH. Der globale Terrorismus und die Irak-Krise. In: Behr EH; Kaim M, ed. Der Irak-Konflikt. Jena: Forum Politicum Jenense, 2003, pp.41-46.
- Behr EH. Transnationale Politik und die Frage der Territorialitaet. In: Schmitt K, ed. Politik und Raum. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2002, pp.59-78.
- Behr EH. Neue Organisationsformen des Terrorismus und Ordnungstypologien transnationaler Politik. In: Hildebrandt M; Bendel P, ed. Im Schatten des Terrorismus. Hintergruende, Strukturen und Konsequenzen des 11. September 2001. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002, pp.109-130.
- Behr EH. Religioese Symbolik in der US amerikanischen Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik. In: Kemp, W., Mayer, B, ed. Religion und Zivilreligion im atlantischen Buendnis. Trier: Atlantische Akademie Rheinland Pfalz, 2001, pp.129-141.
- Behr EH. Multikulturelle Demokratien: Institutionen als Regulativ kultureller Vielfalt. In: Behr, E.H., Schmidt, S, ed. Multikulturelle Demokratien. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001, pp.1-23.
- Behr EH. Die politische Theorie des Relationismus: Pierre Bourdieu. In: Brodocz, A., Schal, G, ed. Politische Theorien der Gegenwart II. Opladen: UTB, Leske + Budrich, 2001, pp.379-404.
Edited Books
- Stivachtis Yannis, Behr Hartmut, ed. Revisiting the European Union as Empire. Routledge, 2016. In Preparation.
- Morgenthau HJ, Behr EH, Rösch F, ed. The Concept of the Political. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Behr EH, Stivachtis I, ed. Europe and the World: The EU in World Affairs [Special Issue of Review of European Studies]. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2012.
- Behr EH, Mathias H, ed. Politik und Religion in der EU: Zwischen nationalen Traditionen und Europaeisierung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2006.
- Behr EH, ed. Religion - Staat - Politik. Zur Rolle der Religion in der nationalen und internationalen Politik. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2003.
- Behr EH. Political territoriality and de-territorialization. Area 2007, 39(1), 112-115.