Staff Profile
Professor Ian O'Flynn
Professor of Political Theory
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 2087507
- Address: Room 4.13
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
I have been at Newcastle University since 2004.
My main research interest is in the theory of deliberative democracy – a theory which stresses the idea that collective decisions should be collectively justifiable. On a deliberative view, what matters is not that people talk and argue with one another, but that they genuinely attempt to discuss with one another, seeking out reasons and considerations that are in principle acceptable to all. Much of my work has sought to apply these ideas to the reform of power sharing institutions in deeply divided societies. My books include Deliberative Democracy and Divided Societies (Edinburgh University Press, 2006), Deliberative Democracy (Polity, 2021) and (with Ron Levy and Hoi Kong) Deliberative Peace Referendums (Oxford University Press, 2021). I have also published on topics such as the public interest, shared intentions, referendums, veto rights and compromise. I am currently working on a paper (with John Dryzek and Jensen Sass) on the topic of democratic resilience, and on a project (funded by the European Commission under its Horizon scheme) on deliberative democracy and sustainable climate transitions.
I have held visiting positions at, among others, the Australian National University, Durham University, Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. I am a former President of the Association for Social and Political Philosophy and a former Co-Convenor of the Political Studies Association's Specialist Group in Participatory and Deliberative Democracy. I have served as Editor of the ECPR Press and Associate Editor of Political Research Exchange. I am an Associate at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance in the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra.
Although my work is primarily theoretical, I have conducted projects on behalf of public sector organisations such as the NHS and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. These projects have been featured by, among others, the BBC, the Financial Times and the New York Times.
Funding for my work, including international collaborations, has come from bodies such as The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Australian Research Council, the British Academy, the European Commission, the ESRC, and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
I am a former Consortium Director of Northern Bridge, an AHRC-funded doctoral training partnership, former Chair of the Board of Examiners for Politics, and former Degree Programme Director for the undergraduate degree programme in Politics and Economics.
I hold a BMus (Music), BA (English and Philosophy) and MA (Philosophy) from University College Cork, and a PhD (Political Theory) from The Queen’s University of Belfast. I am a former ESRC Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Essex where I was mentored by Prof. Albert Weale.
I was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1967, and I’m married with two wonderful children (and a fairly annoying dog).
PhD (2002) Queen's University, Belfast.
MA (1998) University College, Cork
BA (1996) University College, Cork
BMus (1988) University College, Cork
Research Interests
My main research interest is in the theory of deliberative democracy. I am also interested in topics such as compromise, power sharing and referendums.
I am currently on research leave.
- O'Flynn I, Russell D. Veto Rights in Power-Sharing Democracies: A Justificatory Test. Perspectives on Politics 2025. In Press.
- Levy R, O'Flynn I. Vetoes, deadlock and deliberative umpiring: Toward a proportionality doctrine for power-sharing constitutions. Global Constitutionalism 2024, 1-27.
- Setälä M, O'Flynn I. Can Deliberative Democracy Provide Remedies for Affective Polarisation?. Political Studies Review 2024, ePub ahead of print.
- Jones P, O'Flynn I. Judgments, Preferences, and Compromise. Journal of Social Philosophy 2023, 54(1), 77-93.
- O'Flynn I, Setälä M. Deliberative disagreement and compromise. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2022, 25(7), 899-919.
- O'Flynn I, Levy R. Deliberative Referendums in Deeply Divided Societies. University of British Columbia Law Review 2020, 53(1), 205-240.
- O'Flynn I, Sood G, Mistaffa J, Saeed N. What Future for Kirkuk? Evidence from a deliberative intervention. Democratization 2019, 26(7), 1299-1317.
- Levy R, Simpson A, O'Flynn I, Flaherty G. Designing Referendums for Peacemaking: The Case of Bougainville. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2018, 33(1), 6-40.
- O'Flynn I. Pulling Together: Shared Intentions, Deliberative Democracy and Deeply Divided Societies. British Journal of Political Science 2017, 47(1), 187-202.
- O'Flynn I, Curato N. Deliberative democratization: a framework for systemic analysis. Policy Studies 2015, 36(3), 298-313.
- O'Flynn I. Deliberative Democracy for a Great Society. Political Studies Review 2015, 13(2), 207–216.
- Cinalli M, O'Flynn I. Public Deliberation, Network Analysis and the Political Integration of Muslims in Britain. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2014, 16(3), 428-451.
- Luskin R, O'Flynn I, Fishkin J, Russell D. Deliberating Across Deep Divides. Political Studies 2014, 62(1), 116-135.
- Jones P, O'Flynn I. Can a Compromise be Fair?. Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2013, 12(2), 115-135.
- O'Flynn I, Weale A. Introduction: The value and limits of rights: essays in honour of Peter Jones. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (Special Issue on 'The Value and Limits of Rights: Essays in Honour of Peter Jones') 2012, 15(4), 387-394.
- Jones P, O'Flynn I. Internal Conflict, the International Community and the Promotion of Principled Compromise. Government and Opposition 2012, 47(3), 395-413.
- O'Flynn I, Russell D. Should Peace Agreements Recognise Women?. Ethnopolitics 2011, 10(1), 35-50.
- O'Flynn I. Democratic Theory and Practice in Deeply Divided Societies. Representation 2010, 46(3), 281-293.
- O'Flynn I. Deliberative Democracy, the Public Interest and the Consociational Model. Political Studies 2010, 58(3), 572-589.
- O'Flynn I. Deliberating About the Public Interest. Res Publica 2010, 16(3), 299-315.
- O'Flynn I. Divided Societies and Deliberative Democracy. British Journal of Political Science 2007, 37(4), 731-751.
- O'Flynn I. Democratic Autonomy, Women's Interests and Institutional Context. Irish Political Studies 2007, 22(4), 455-471.
- O'Flynn I. Why Justice Can't Have It All: In Reply to O'Neill. Ethnicities 2004, 4(4), 545-561.
- O'Flynn I. The Problem of Recognising Individual and National Identities: A Liberal Critique of the Belfast Agreement. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2003, 6(3), 129-153.
Authored Books
- Levy R, O'Flynn I, Kong H. Deliberative Peace Referendums. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
- O'Flynn I. Deliberative Democracy. Cambridge: Polity, 2021.
- O'Flynn I. Deliberative Democracy and Divided Societies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Levy R, O'Flynn I. The Role of Deliberative Peace Referendums in the Constitutional Settlement of Conflict. In: James Gardner, ed. Comparative Election Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2022, pp.210-232.
- O'Flynn I. Democratic Innovations and Theories of Democracy. In: Elstub, S; Escobar, O, ed. The Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2019, pp.32-44.
- O'Flynn I, Caluwearts D. Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies. In: Bächtiger, A; Dryzek, J; Mansbridge, J; Warren, M, ed. Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp.742-754.
- O'Flynn I, Russell D. Deepening Democracy: The Role of Civil Society. In: Cordell, K; Wolff, S, ed. Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict: Second edition. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.219-228.
- O'Flynn I, Sood G. What Would Dahl Say?: An Appraisal of the Democratic Credentials of Deliberative Polls and Other Mini-Publics. In: Grönlund, K; Bächtiger, A; Setälä, M, ed. Deliberative Mini-Publics: Practices, Promises, Pitfalls. Colchester, London: ECPR Press, 2014, pp.41-58.
- Cinalli M, O'Flynn I. Pluralism and Deliberative Democracy. In: Elstub, S; McLaverty, P, ed. Deliberative Democracy: Issues and Cases. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014, pp.82-97.
- O'Flynn I. Taking the Broader View: The Public Interest, Deliberative Democracy and Political Ethics. In: Brooks, T, ed. New Waves in Ethics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, 2011, pp.259-277.
- O'Flynn I, Russell D. Deepening Democracy: The Role of Civil Society. In: Cordell, K; Wolff, S, ed. Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict. London: Routledge, 2011, pp.225-235.
- O'Flynn I. Progressive Integration (and Accommodation, too). In: Taylor R, ed. Consociational Theory: McGarry/O’Leary and the Northern Ireland Conflict. London: Routledge, 2009, pp.264-278.
- O'Flynn I. Democratic Autonomy, Women’s Interests and Institutional Context. In: de Wispelaere J; McBride C; O’Neill S, ed. Recognition, Equality and Democracy: Theoretical Perspectives on Irish Politics. London: Routledge, 2008, pp.61-77.
- O'Flynn I. Democratic Values and Power Sharing. In: O'Flynn I; Russell D, ed. Power Sharing: New Challenges for Divided Societies. London: Pluto, 2005, pp.15-29.
- O'Flynn I. Northern Ireland. In: Gilland K; Kennedy F, ed. Irish Political Studies: Data Yearbook 2002. London: Frank Cass, 2003, pp.88-108.
Edited Books
- O'Flynn I, Weale A, ed. The Value and Limits of Rights: Essays in Honour of Peter Jones. London: Routledge, 2013.
- O'Flynn I, Russell D, ed. Power Sharing: New Challenges for Divided Societies. London: Pluto, 2005.
- O'Flynn I, Elstub S, Luhiste M. Report on the Northern Ireland Deliberative Forum on Social Care. Newcastle: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, 2017.
- O'Sullivan P, O'Flynn I, Russell D. Education and A Shared Future: Options for Sharing and Collaboration in Northern Ireland Schools. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast, 2008.
- Fishkin J, Luskin R, O'Flynn I, Russell D. A Deliberative Poll on Education: What Provision do Informed Parents in Northern Ireland Want?. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2007.