Staff Profile
I hold a BA and MA from York St John University in Literature Studies and a PhD in Media, Culture, Heritage from Newcastle University (2022). My thesis focused on online audience activity, in particular, emergent modes of ‘post-cinematic’ reception amongst millennial social media users. I undertook work as a research assistant (and later co-investigator) on internal projects in SACs with focuses on digital culture, employability, social mobility and student engagement in the arts and cultural industries.
I moved to Geography, Politics and Sociology in the summer of 2023, to undertake work with Smart Data Research UK (formerly Digital Footprints). Smart Data Research UK represents a 59.3 million UKRI investment in new research infrastructure for the social sciences. My current work facilitates avenues of interaction between researchers, stakeholders, and community members.
I am currently embedded within the Strategic Advice Team (SAT) of Smart Data Research UK, whose role is to leverage national and international expertise on smart data to help develop research partnerships and produce robust insights for industry leaders and policy makers. I am particularly interested in advocating for multidisciplinary perspectives concerning big data infrastructures and developing thought on digital ethics and methodologies.
I have taught at Newcastle University as both Postgraduate Demonstrator and Associate Lecturer since 2015. Modules taught include:
- Introduction to Cultural Studies
- Introduction to Media Studies
- Media Analysis
- Research Methods (Qualitative Methods)
- Critical Approaches to Media, Communication and Culture
- Digital Communication for Cultural Institutions and Organizations
- Popular Culture, Media and Identity
- Representations: Feminism, Race and Intersectionality
- Markham K, Coffield E, Crosby J. Lost futures: COVID-19 as a crisis of employability for arts and humanities students in the UK. Studies in Higher Education 2025, 50(3), 558-570.
- Coffield E, Markham K, Crosby J, Stenbom C, Athanasiou M. 'Lacking' subjects: challenging the construction of the 'empowered' graduate in museum, gallery and heritage studies. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 2023, 22(2), 112-127.
Authored Book
- Coffield E, Markham K, Crosby J, Athanassiou M, Stenbom C. Beyond Employability: A Teaching Pack. Newcastle University: Newcastle University, 2019.
- Crosby J. Images of Blood in American Cinema: The Tingler to the Wild Bunch. Cultural Sociology 2016, 10(4), 543-544.