Staff Profile
Dr Mark Griffiths
Reader in Political Geography
- Telephone: +44191 20 84729
- Personal Website:
- Address: Henry Daysh Building
Office 3.18
Newcastle University
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
40-42 Great North Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a political geographer interested in military ecologies, weapons supply chains, the “aftermaths” and “beforemaths” of war, and the un/making of colonial space. My work addresses these themes in Palestine and Iraq where I study the spatial distribution of threat and the effects of militarism. I have published on house demolitions, military checkpoints, bureaucratic mechanisms, weapons manufacturing, and war-affected environments. Across my writing and teaching I draw on a range of post-/de-colonial geographical theories to better understand both the endurance and vulnerability of colonial power.
I joined the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology in 2019 as a NUAcT Research Fellow. Before joining Newcastle I worked at the University of Oulu in Finland and Northumbria University. At Oulu I worked on RELATE, an Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence focused on the territorial politics of bordering, identities and transnationalisation. At Northumbria I worked in the Centre for International Development in the Department of Social Science. I completed my post-graduate studies at University College London and King's College London
Research interests
I became an ERC Laureate in 2023 on the award of a European Research Council Starting Grant for the project: "War & Geos: the environmental legacies of militarism. The project is run as a collboration between Newcastle University, Purdue University (USA), and the Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network (PENGON) in Palestine. For the period 2023-2028, most of my research resources are directed at better understanding the relations between war and the Earth through detailed study of sites in Palestine and Iraq. Information on the project is available here on our website:
I have additionally been engaged in better understanding the spatial effects of the occupation of Palestine. On projects funded by the British Academy and Leverhulme, I have published widely on checkpoints, house demolitions, and bureaucratic control (see publications list).
I am always keen to hear from prospective postgraduate students interested in these issues.
I teach on the postgraduate module GEO8028 Political Geographies of the Middle East
For prospective doctoral study and applications for ESRC (and AHRC) funding, please write to me directly. I currently supervise the following PhD candidates:
Ishraq Othman (NUAcT-funded) 'Life and death at Erez Checkpoint in Gaza, Palestine'
Zena Agha (ESRC-funded) 'Colonial Cartography in Palestine-Israel and the Decolonising Potential of Counter-Maps'
Daoud Ghoul (ESRC) 'Emerging geographies of Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance in East Jerusalem'
Ichamati Mousamputri (ESRC) 'Spaces of informal militarism: Analysing violence, resistance, and militarism in contemporary India'
Omar Hmidat (ESRC) Necropolitics in Palestine: a socio-spatial analysis of practices of suspended death and grassroots resistance
Yunqi Chi (ESRC) Climate change and carceral border regimes
Anas Ismail (ESRC) Exploring the health and social impacts of therapeutic geographies of Palestinians traveling to Egypt and Jordan
- Rubaii K, Griffiths M. Deferral and dispersal: The military violence of post-war clean-up . Human Organization 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Griffiths M, Rubaii K. Late modern war and the geos: the ecological “beforemaths” of advanced military technologies. Security Dialogue 2024, 18(2).
- Griffiths M, Redwood H. Late Modern War and the Geos. International Political Sociology 2024, 18(2), olae011.
- El-Shewy M, Griffiths M, Jones C. Israel’s war on Gaza in a global frame. Antipode 2025, 57(1), 75-95.
- Griffiths M, Mueni F, Baker K, Patel S. Decolonising spaces of knowledge production: Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia County, Kenya. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2023, 6(4), 2340-2357.
- Soares B, Franco A, Leal J, Lima R, Baker K, Griffiths M. Decolonising ecological research: a generative discussion between global North geographers and global South field ecologists. Area 2023, 55(4), 550-557.
- Joronen M, Griffiths M. Ungovernability and ungovernable life in Palestine. Political Geography 2022, 98, 102734.
- Griffiths M. The geontological time-spaces of late modern war. Progress in Human Geography 2022, 46(2), 282-298.
- Griffiths M. Thanato-geographies of Palestine and the possibility of politics. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2022, 40(8), 1643-1658.
- Griffiths M, Berda Y, Joronen M, Kilani L. Israel’s international mobilities regime: visa restrictions for educators and medics in Palestine. Territory, Politics, Governance 2022, 121(7), 891-909.
- Griffiths M, Brooks A. A Relational Comparison: The Gendered Effects of Cross-Border Work in Palestine within a Global Frame. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2022, 112(6), 1761-1776.
- Griffiths M, Repo J. Women and checkpoints in Palestine. Security Dialogue 2021, 52(3), 249-265.
- Joronen M, Tawil-Souri H, Amir M, Griffiths M. Palestinian Futures: Anticipation, Imagination, Embodiments. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 2021, 103(4), 277-282.
- Griffiths M, Joronen M. Governmentalizing Palestinian futures: uncertainty, anticipation, possibility. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 2021, 103(4), 352-366.
- Griffiths M, Repo J. Women’s Lives Beyond the Checkpoint in Palestine. Antipode 2020, 52(4), 1104-1121.
- Eichhorn M, Baker K, Griffiths M. Steps towards decolonising biogeography. Frontiers of Biogeography 2020, 12(1), e44795.
- Griffiths M, Baker K. Decolonising the spaces of geographical knowledge production: the RGS‐IBG at Kensington Gore. Area 2020, 52(2), 455-458.
- Joronen M, Griffiths M. The moment to come: geographies of hope in the hyperprecarious sites of occupied Palestine. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101 2019, 101(2), 69-83.
- Joronen M, Griffiths M. The affective politics of precarity: home demolitions in the occupied West Bank. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2019, 37(3), 561-576.
- Griffiths M, Joronen M. Marriage under occupation: Israel’s spousal visa restrictions in the West Bank. Gender, Place & Culture 2019, 26(2), 153-172.
- Baker K, Eichhorn M, Griffiths M. Decolonising field ecology. Biotropica 2019, 51(3), 288-292.
- Griffiths M. Writing the body, writing Others: a story of transcendence and potential in volunteering for development. Geographical Journal 2018, 184(2), 115-124.
- Baillie Smith M, Laurie N, Griffiths M. South-South volunteering and development. The Geographical Journal 2018, 184(2), 158-168.
- Griffiths M. For speaking against silence: Spivak’s subaltern ethics in the field. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2018, 43(2), 299-311.
- Griffiths M, Repo J. Biopolitics and Checkpoint 300 in Occupied Palestine: Bodies, Affect, Discipline. Political Geography 2018, 65, 17-25.
- Griffiths M. Hope in Hebron: the political affects of activism in a strangled city. Antipode 2017, 49(3), 617-635.
- Griffiths M. From heterogeneous worlds: western privilege, class and positionality in the South. Area 2017, 49(1), 2-8.
- Griffiths M, Brown E. Embodied experiences in international volunteering: power-body relations and performative ontologies. Social & Cultural Geography 2017, 18(5), 665-682.
- Griffiths M. “It’s all bollocks!” and other critical standpoints on the UK Government’s vision of global citizenship. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 2017, 24(4), 398-416.
- Griffiths M. I’ve got goose bumps just talking about it!: Affective life on neoliberalized volunteering programmes. Tourist Studies 2015, 15(2), 205-221.
- Griffiths M. The affective spaces of global civil society and why they matter. Emotion, Space and Society 2014, 11, 89-95.
Book Chapters
- Griffiths M. The Regavim Show: Settler Colonialism, Simulacra, and Mirroring. In: Griffiths, M; Joronen, M, ed. Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA: University of Nebraska Press, 2023, pp.97-121.
- Griffiths M, Joronen M. Encountering Palestine, Un/doing Power. In: Griffiths, M; Joronen, M, ed. Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA: University of Nebraska Press, 2023, pp.1-19.
Edited Book
- Griffiths M, Joronen M, ed. Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023.
- Agha Z, Esson J, Griffiths M, Joronen M. Gaza: a decolonial geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2024, 49(2), e12675.
- Griffiths M, Hughes S, Mason O, Nassar A, Printy Currie N. An open letter to the SJTG and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG): The War on Gaza, the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), and a Palestinian literary event. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 2024, 45(1), 6-17.