Staff Profile
Dr Matthew Perks
Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography
- Address: Level 3 Henry Daysh Building
Undergraduate Stage 2:
GEO2229: River Catchment Dynamics (Module leader)
Undergraduate Stage 3:
GEO3152: Applied Fluvial Geomorphology
Postgraduate MRes:
GEO8026: Data analysis for Geoscience (Module leader)
Postgraduate Supervision:
Zara Rolland (Ongoing) Assessing the impact of river restoration on fine sediment erosion/deposition and associated water quality at an ambitious restoration site in Northumberland (MRes)
Harley Dixey (Ongoing); Remote sensing of river flow using uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) and satellite platforms (PhD)
Katy Valleley (2023): Understanding delivery of fine sediment in the River Rede, North Tyne catchment to inform conservation best practice of Freshwater Pearl Mussels (MRes)
Martin Jolley (2020 - 2024): On the development and application of seeding metrics to improve river flow measurements using image velocimetry (PhD).
Harley Dixey (2022) Enhancing tracer detection for the optimisation of Large-Scale Particle Tracking Velocity (LSPTV) for the detection of river discharge data (MRes)
Hannah Runeckles (2021) Investigating the geomorphic response of the Goldrill Beck realignment (MRes)
Jess Knaggs (2021): Characterising the hydrological response of Goldrill Beck and the potential changes following channel realignment work (MRes).
Mahalia Flasz (2020): A critical assessment of spatial and temporal trends from 1980 - 2013 of water quality for rivers in England (MRes).
Henry Smithson (2020): Exploration of how changing woodland cover influences river flow in the Ennerdale Valley (MRes).
Sigurdis Bjorg Jonasdottir (2020): The geomorphological and sedimentary signature of palaeo jökulhlaup on the north-western flanks of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland (MPhil).
- Perks MT, Pitman SJ, Bainbridge R, Diaz-Moreno A, Dunning SA. An Evaluation of Low-Cost Terrestrial Lidar Sensors for Assessing Hydrogeomorphic Change. Earth and Space Science 2024, 11(8), e2024EA003514.
- Manfreda S, Miglino D, Saddi KC, Jomaa S, Eltner A, Perks M, Peña-Haro S, Bogaard T, van Emmerik TH, Mariani S, Maddock I, Tauro F, Grimaldi S, Zeng Y, Gonçalves G, Strelnikova D, Bussettini M, Marchetti G, Lastoria B, Su Z, Rode M. Advancing river monitoring using image-based techniques: Challenges and opportunities. Hydrological Sciences Journal 2024, 69(6), 657-677.
- Dolcetti G, Hortobagyi B, Perks MT, Tait SJ, Dervilis N. Using Non-contact Measurement of Water Surface Dynamics to Estimate River Discharge. Water Resources Research 2022, 58(9), e2022WR032829.
- Strelnikova D, Perks MT, Paulis G, Käfer S, Anders K, Mayr P, Mader H, Scherling U, Schneeberger R. Rapid Detection of the Change in Surface Flow Patterns Near Fish Passages at Hydropower Dams With the Use of UAS Based Videos Under Controlled Discharge Conditions. Frontiers in Remote Sensing 2022, 3, 798973.
- Pearson CJ, Reaney SM, Perks MT, Hortobagyi B, Rosser NJ, Large ARG. Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP-Flood. Journal of Flood Risk Management 2022, 15(4), e12840.
- Acharya BS, Bhandari M, Bandini F, Pizarro A, Perks MT, Joshi DR, Wang S, Dogwiler T, Ray RL, Kharel G, Sharma A. Unmanned aerial vehicles in hydrology and water management – applications, challenges and perspectives. Water Resources Research 2021, 57(11), e2021WR029925.
- Eltner A, Bertalan L, Grundmann J, Perks MT, Lotsari E. Hydro-morphological mapping of river reaches using videos captured with UAS. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2021, 46(14), 2773-2787.
- Mayes WM, Perks MT, Large ARG, Davis JE, Gandy CJ, Orme PAH, Jarvis AP. Effect of an extreme flood event on solute transport and resilience of a mine water treatment system in a mineralised catchment. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 750, 141693.
- Ljubicic R, Strelnikova D, Perks MT, Eltner A, Peña-Haro S, Pizarro A, Dal Sasso SF, Scherling U, Vuono P, Manfreda S. A comparison of tools and techniques for stabilising unmanned aerial system (UAS) imagery for surface flow observations. Hydrology and Earth System Science 2021, 25(9), 5105 - 5132.
- Perks MT, Dal Sasso SF, Hauet A, Jamieson E, Le Coz J, Pearce S, Peña-Haro S, Tauro F, Bomhof J, Grimaldi S, Goulet A, Hortobágyi B, Jodeau M, Käfer S, Ljubicic R, Maddock I, Mayr P, Paulus G, Pénard L, Sinclair L, Manfreda S. Towards harmonisation of image velocimetry techniques for river surface velocity observations. Earth System Science Data 2020, 12(3), 1545-1559.
- Perks MT. KLT-IV v1.0: image velocimetry software for use with fixed and mobile platforms. Geoscientific Model Development 2020, 13(12), 6111–6130.
- Pizarro A, Dal Sasso SF, Perks MT, Manfreda S. Identifying the optimal spatial distribution of tracers for optical sensing of stream surface flow. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2020, 24(11), 5173–5185.
- Pearce S, Ljubicic R, Peña-Haro S, Perks MT, Tauro F, Pizarro A, Dal Sasso S, Strelnikova D, Grimaldi S, Maddock I, Paulus G, Plavsic J, Prodanovic D, Manfreda S. An evaluation of image velocimetry techniques under low flow conditions and high seeding densities using Unmanned Aerial Systems. Remote Sensing 2020, 12(2), 232.
- Flack DLA, Skinner CJ, Hawkness-Smith L, O'Donnell G, Thompson RJ, Waller JA, Chen AS, Moloney J, Largeron C, Xia X, Blenkinsop S, Champion AJ, Perks MT, Quinn N, Speight LJ. Recommendations for Improving Integration in National End-to-End Flood Forecasting Systems: An Overview of the FFIR (Flooding From Intense Rainfall) Programme. Water 2019, 11(4), 725.
- Manfreda S, Dvorak P, Mullerova J, Herban S, Vuono P, Arranz Justel JJ, Perks MT. Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models Derived from Optical Imagery Acquired with Unmanned Aerial Systems. Drones 2019, 3(1), 15.
- Manfreda S, McCabe MF, Miller PE, Lucas R, Pajuelo Madrigal V, Mallinis G, Ben Dor E, Helman D, Estes L, Ciraolo G, Müllerová J, Tauro F, de Lima MI, de Lima JLMP, Maltese A, Frances F, Caylor K, Kohv M, Perks MT, Ruiz-Pérez G, Su Z, Vico G, Toth B. On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring. Remote Sensing 2018, 10(4), 641.
- Tauro F, Selker J, Giesen NVanDe, Abrate T, Uijlenhoet R, Porfiri M, Manfreda S, Caylor K, Moramarco T, Benveniste J, Ciraolo G, Estes L, Domeneghetti A, Perks MT, Corbari C, Rabiei R, Ravazzani G, Bogena H, Harfouche A, Brocca L, Maltese A, Wickert A, Tarpanelli A, Good S, Alcala JML, Petroselli A, Cudennec C, Blume T, Hut R, Grimaldi S. Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI): innovation and multi-disciplinarity to sense the hydrological cycle. Hydrological Sciences 2018, 63(2), 169-196.
- Perks MT, Warburton J, Bracken L, Reaney SM, Emery SB, Hirst S. Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management 2017, 202(Part 2), 469-478.
- Perks MT, Russell AJ, Large ARG. Technical Note: Advances in flash flood monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2016, 20(10), 4005-4015.
- Adams R, Quinn PF, Perks M, Barber NJ, Jonczyk J, Owen GJ. Simulating high frequency water quality monitoring data using a catchment runoff attenuation flux tool (CRAFT). Science of the Total Environment 2016, 572, 1622-1635.
- Perks MT, Warburton J. Reduced fine sediment flux and channel change in response to the managed diversion of an upland river channel. Earth Surface Dynamics 2016, 4(3), 705-719.
- Perks MT, Owen GJ, Benskin CMcWH, Jonczyk J, Deasy C, Burke S, Reaney S, Haygarth PM. Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 523, 178-190.
- Outram FN, Lloyd CEM, Jonczyk J, Benskin CMcWH, Grant F, Perks MT, Deasy C, Burke SP, Collins AL, Freer J, Haygarth PM, Hiscock KM, Johnes PJ, Lovett AL. High-frequency monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus response in three rural catchments to the end of the 2011-2012 drought in England. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2014, 18, 3429-3448.
- Snell M, Barker P, Surridge B, Large A, Jonczyk J, Benskin C, Reaney S, Perks MT, Owen G, Cleasby W, Deasey C, Burke S, Haygarth P. High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2014, 16(7), 1629-1636.
- Emery SB, Perks MT, Bracken LJ. Negotiating river restoration: The role of divergent reframing in environmental decision-making. Geoforum 2013, 47, 167-177.
- Perks MT, Warburton J, Bracken LJ. Critical assessment and validation of a time-integrating fluvial suspended sediment sampler. Hydrological Processes 2013, 28(17), 4795-4807.
- Owen GJ, Perks MT, Benskin CMH, Wilkinson ME, Jonczyk J, Quinn PF. Monitoring agricultural diffuse pollution through a dense monitoring network in the River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment, Cumbria, UK. Area 2012, 44(4), 443-453.
Book Chapters
- Strelnikova D, Perks MT, Dal Sasso SF, Pizarro A. Chapter 9 - River flow monitoring with unmanned aerial system. In: Manfreda, S; Ben Dor, E, ed. Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd, 2023, pp.231-269.
- Perks MT. Suspended Sediment Sampling. In: Clarke, LE, ed. Geomorphological Techniques (Online Edition). London, UK: British Society for Geomorphology, 2014, pp.3.3.6.
- Jolley MJ, Russell AJ, Quinn PF, Perks MT. Considerations When Applying Large-Scale PIV and PTV for Determining River Flow Velocity. Frontiers in Water 2021, 3, 709269.