Staff Profile
Dr Neil Jenkings
Senior Research Fellow
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 3806
- Address: Geography, Politics & Sociology
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Claremont Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Senior Research Fellow School of Geography Politics and Sociology.
Co-Editor of the Routledge book series Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
BSc (Hons) in Sociology and Social Research, University of Northumbria.
MA Sociology Of Contemporary Society, University of York.
MSc Research Methods, University of Surrey.
PhD in Sociology, University of Nottingham.
Previous Positions
DAAD, Scholarship, Alfred Schutz Memorial Archive, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Post-Doc Research Fellow, School of Pharmacy, University College London
Senior Research Associate, Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics (SCHIN) Newcastle University
Senior Research Associate, GPS, Newcastle University.
Senior Research Associate, Institute for Health and Society, Newcastle University.
Senior Research Associate, GPS, Newcastle University.
Research Consultant, Dept. of Health Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Leicester.
Major Recent Funded Projects:
- AHRC (2020-2023) As Co-Investigator on 'Turning RAF Fylingdales Inside-Out'. Project with Prof. Rachel Woodward, Dr. Michael Mulvihill and Ms. Chloe Barker.
- ESRC (2014-17) As Co-Investigator on 'Keeping enough in reserve: the employment of hybrid citizen-soldiers and the Future Reserves 2020 programme. Project with Prof. Rachel Woodward, Prof. Tim Edmunds, and Dr. Paul Higate.
- ESRC (2012-14) As Co-investigator on 'The Value of the University Armed Service Units'. Project with Dr Alison William and Prof. Rachel Woodward.
- ESRC (2009-11) As Co-Investigator on 'The Social Production of the Contemporary British Military Memoir'. Project with Prof. Rachel Woodward.
- ESRC (2006-07) As Research Associate on 'Negotiating identity and Representation in the Mediated Armed Forces'. With Dr Trish Winter (University of Sunderland) and Professor Rachel Woodward (Newcastle University).
Research Interests Include:
- Military, culture and society: including military work, military identity and its representations, regulars and reservists service issues; veterans and access to information services; representation in photography and print media; contemporary military memoirs; practices of memorialisation and memory; and University Armed Service Units.
- Medical, health and social care informatics; Medical and health services work practices, decision-making and information provision; Biobanking.
- Interaction and collaborative work in rock climbing.
- Military art and aesthetics.
- Research methodology and research methods.
- Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.
Not current teaching duties.
- Woodward R, Barker C, Cree A, Jenkings KN, Mulvihill M, West H. Creative Research Methodologies in Critical Military Studies. Critical Military Studies 2025. Submitted.
- Jenkings KN. Team talk and the evaluation of medical guidance documentation. Communication & Medicine 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN, Mulvihill M. Damage, recovery, and the geographies of military–civil entanglements. Space and Polity 2023, 27(2), 153-168.
- Jenkings KN, Beales J. Pilgrimage Respecified: Falklands War Veterans’ Accounts of their Returns to the Falkland Islands. Journal of War and Culture Studies 2022, 15(3), 328-349.
- Jenkings KN. Critical veteran researchers' unique adequacy: accounting for friendly-fire and fratricide. Critical Military Studies 2022, 9(1), 40-58.
- Higate P, Dawes A, Edmunds T, Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Militarization, stigma, and resistance: negotiating military reservist identity in the civilian workplace. Critical Military Studies 2021, 7(2), 173-191.
- Woodward R, Dawes A, Edmunds T, Higate P, Jenkings KN. The possibilities and limits of impact and engagement in research on military institutions. Area 2020, 52(3), 505-513.
- Jenkings KN. 'Unique Adequacy' in Studies of the Military, Militarism and Militarisation. Ethnographic Studies 2018, 15, 38-57.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN, Williams A. Militarisation, universities and the university armed service units. Political Geography 2017, 60, 203-212.
- Gray A, Wilson R, Jenkings KN, Harrison D, Martin M. Information Sharing in Services for Military Personnel in Transition to Civilian Life. Public Money and Management 2017, 37(1), 15-22.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN, Williams AJ. The UK armed forces and the value of the university armed service units. RUSI Journal 2016, 161(1), 32-39.
- Edmunds T, Dawes A, Higate P, Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Reserve forces and the transformation of British military organisation: soldiers, citizens and society. Defence Studies 2016, 16(2), 118-136.
- Ruggerone R, Jenkings KN. Talking about Beauty: A Study of Everyday Aesthetics among Low-Income Citizens of Milan. Symbolic Interaction 2015, 38(3), 393–412.
- Lie MLS, Murtagh MJ, Burges Watson D, Jenkings KN, Mackintosh J, Ford GA, Thomson RG. Risk communication in the hyperacute setting of stroke thrombolysis: an interview study of clinicians. Emergency Medicine Journal 2015, 32(5), 357-363.
- Kleinreesink LHE, Jenkings KN, Woodward R. How (Not) to Sell a Military Memoir in Britain. Journal of Political and Military Sociology 2015, 43, 1-26.
- Rech MF, Bos D, Jenkings KN, Williams A, Woodward R. Geography, military geography and critical military studies. Critical Military Studies 2015, 1(1), 47-60.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Practices of authorial collaboration: the collaborative production of the contemporary military memoir. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies 2014, 14(4), 338-350.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Communicating War through the Contemporary British Military Memoir: the Censorships of Genre, State, and Self. Journal of War & Culture Studies 2014, 7(1), 5-17.
- Jenkings KN, Megoran N, Woodward R, Bos D. Wootton Bassett and the political spaces of remembrance and mourning. Area 2012, 44(3), 356-363.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. 'This place isn't worth the left boot of one of our boys': Geopolitics, militarism and memoirs of the Afghanistan war. Political Geography 2012, 31(8), 495-508.
- Murtagh MJ, Watson DLB, Jenkings KN, Lie MLS, Mackintosh JE, Ford GA, Thomson RG. Situationally-Sensitive Knowledge Translation and Relational Decision Making in Hyperacute Stroke: A Qualitative Study. PLoS One 2012, 7(6), e37066.
- Murtagh MJ, Demir I, Jenkings KN, Wallace SE, Murtagh B, Boniol M, Bota M, Laflamme P, Boffetta P, Ferretti V, Burton PR. Securing the Data Economy: Translating Privacy and Enacting Security in the Development of DataSHIELD. Public Health Genomics 2012, 15(5), 243-253.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Military memoirs, their covers, and the reproduction of public narratives of war. Journal of War and Culture Studies 2012, 5(3), 349-369.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R, Williams AJ, Rech M, Murphy A, Bos D. Military Occupations: Methodological approaches and the Military-Academy research nexus. Sociology Compass 2011, 5(1), 37-51.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Military Identities in the Situated Accounts of British Military Personnel. Sociology 2011, 45(2), 252-268.
- May CR, Finch TL, Cornford J, Exley C, Gately C, Kirk S, Jenkings KN, Osbourne J, Robinson AL, Rogers A, Wilson R, Mair FS. Integrating telecare for chronic disease management in the community: What needs to be done?. BMC Health Services Research 2011, 11(1), 131.
- Jenkings KN. Studies in and as Ethnomethodology: Garfinkel and his Ethnomethodological 'Bastards'. Sociology 2009, 43(4), 775-781.
- Woodward R, Winter T, Jenkings KN. Heroic anxieties: the figure of the British soldier in contemporary print media. Journal of War and Culture Studies 2009, 2(2), 211-223.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R, Winter T. The Emergent Production of Analysis in Photo Elicitation: Pictures of Military Identity. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung 2008, 9(3), Article 30.
- Jenkings KN, Wilson R. The challenge of electronic health records (EHRs) design and implementation: Responses of health workers to drawing a 'big and rich picture' of a future EHR programme using animated tools. Informatics in Primary Care 2007, 15(2), 93-101.
- Jenkings KN. Implementation, change management and benefit realization: investigating the utility of ethnographically enriched process maps. Health Informatics Journal 2007, 13(1), 57-69.
- Gibson M, Jenkings KN, Wilson RG, Purves IN. Verbal prescribing in general practice consultations. Social Science and Medicine 2006, 63(6), 1684-1698.
- Jenkings KN, Barber N. Same evidence, different meanings: Transformation of textual evidence in hospital new drugs committees. Text and Talk 2006, 26(2), 169-189.
- Jenkings KN. Garfinkel and his ethnomethodological 'bastards'. Sociology 2006, 40(5), 957-963.
- Gibson M, Jenkings KN, Wilson RG, Purves IN. Multi-tasking in practice: Coordinated activities in the computer supported doctor-patient consultation. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2005, 74(6), 425-436.
- Jenkings KN, Barber N. What constitutes evidence in hospital new drug decision making?. Social Science and Medicine 2004, 58(9), 1757-1766.
- Jenkings KN. Problems encountered in integrated care records research. Health Informatics Journal 2004, 10(4), 314-324.
Authored Books
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Bringing War to Book: Writing and Producing the Military Memoir. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN, Williams AJ. The Value of the University Armed Service Units. London, UK: Ubiquity Press, 2015.
- Jenkings KN. Language and text in adjudication and dispute settlement in administrative tribunals and related settings [PhD thesis]. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1997.
Book Chapters
- Jenkings KN. On the Editorial Practices of (Re-)Presenting and Curating Ethnomethodological Studies. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Jenkings KN. Intercorporeal and intersensorial empathetic proprioceptive practices as social action in rock climbers' collaborative ropework supported activities. In: Sensing Life: the social organisation of the senses in interaction. 2025. Submitted.
- Jenkings KN, Lindwall O, Carlin AP, Mair M, Dennis A. Ethnomethodology and Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis: An Orientation to Studies. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Woodward R, Barker C, Jenkings KN, Mulvihill M. Turning RAF Fylingdales Inside Out: Using Creative Practice to Understand Ballistic Missile Early Warning and Space Monitoring. In: Cree A, ed. Creative Methods in Military Studies. Rowman & Littlefield, 2023.
- Woodward R, Dawes A, Edmunds T, Higate P, Jenkings KN. The Use of Military Reservists' Civilian Skills in the UK Armed Forces. In: Ben-Ari E; Connelly V, ed. Contemporary Military Reserves: Between the Civilian and Military Worlds. London: Routledge, 2023, pp.146-164.
- Rapley T, Ardron K, Littlefair D, Mullholland K, Jenkings KN. Document Analysis. In: Tiernery R; Rizvi F; Ercikan K, ed. International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, pp.285-291.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Military Sociology and Critical Military Studies in the United Kingdom. In: Steinbrecher M; Biehl H; Elbe M, ed. Empirical Social Research in and on the Armed Forces : Comparative and National Perspectives. Potsdam, Germany: ZMSBw, 2022, pp.261-284.
- Jenkings KN. Indexical Hubert. In: Schnettler B; Tuma R; vom Lehn D; Traue B; Eberle TS, ed. Kleines Al(e)phabet des Kommunikativen Konstruktivismus. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019, pp.207-210.
- Jenkings KN, Dawes A, Edmunds T, Higate P, Woodward R. Reserve Forces and the Privatization of the Military by the Nation State. In: Orie Swed and Thomas Crosbie, ed. The Sociology of Privatized Security. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp.107-136.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Serving in Troubled Times: British Military Personnel’s memories and accounts of service in Northern Ireland. In: Dawson G; Dover J; Hopkins S, ed. Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: Impacts, Engagements, Legacies and Memories. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2017, pp.91-107.
- Jenkings KN. Rock climbers' communicative and sensory practices: routine inter corporeality between climbers, rock, and auxiliary technologies. In: Christian Meyer & Ulrich von Wedelstaedt, ed. Moving Bodies in Interaction—Interacting Bodies in Motion: Intercorporeal and Interkinesthetic Enaction in Sports. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing, 2017, pp.149-171.
- Woodward R, Duncanson C, Jenkings KN. Gender and military memoirs. In: Rachel Woodward and Claire Duncanson, ed. The Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp.525-542.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. The Uses of Military Memoirs in Military Research. In: Williams,AJ; Jenkings,KN; Woodward,R.; Rech,MF, ed. The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.71-83.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Reading between the lines: the normalisation of violence within military memoirs. In: Walklate,S;McGarry,R, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and War. London: Palgrave, 2016, pp.389-405.
- Jenkings KN, Murphy A, Woodward R. Photo-Elicitation and Military Research. In: Williams, AJ; Woodward, R; Rech, MF, ed. The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.345-356.
- Jenkings KN, Bos D. Analysing Newspapers: Considering the use of print media sources in military research. In: Williams,AJ; Jenkings,KN; Woodward,R; Rech,MF, ed. The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.58-70.
- Rech MF, Jenkings KN, Williams AJ, Woodward R. An Introduction to Military Research Methods. In: Williams, AJ; Jenkings, KN; Woodward, R; Rech, MF, ed. The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.1-17.
- Kleinreesink LHE, Jenkings KN, Woodward R. How (not) to Sell a Military Memoir in Britain. In: Neovi M. Karakatsanis and Jonathan Swarts, ed. Political and Military Sociology: Political Attitudes, Perceptions and Culture: An Annual Review. Transaction Publishers, 2015, pp.1-26.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Soldiers. In: Adey, P., Bissell, D., Hannam, K., Merriman, P., Sheller, M, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities. London, UK: Routledge, 2014, pp.358-366.
- Jenkings KN. Playing Dangerously: An Ethnomethodological View upon Rock Climbing. In: Tolmie, P., Rouncefield, M, ed. Ethnomethodology at Play. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013, pp.191-210.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Soldiers' Photographic Representations of Participation in Armed Conflict. In: Gibson, S., Mollan, S, ed. Representations of Peace and Conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 2012, pp.105-119.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Soldiers' bodies and the contemporary British military memoir. In: McSorely, K, ed. War and the Body: Militarisation, Practice and Experience. London, UK: Routledge, 2012, pp.152-164.
- Jenkings KN. On Joking and Smoking with Christian. In: Luff, P., Hindmarsh, J., vom Lehn, D., Schnettler, B, ed. Work, Interaction and Technology: A Festschrift for Christian Heath. London, UK: King's College London and Universitat Bayreuth, 2012, pp.34-35.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN. Reconstructing the Colonial Present in British Soldiers' Accounts of the Afghanistan Conflict. In: Kirsch, S., Flint, C, ed. Reconstructing Conflict: Integrating War and Post-War Geographies. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2011, pp.115-131.
- Woodward R, Jenkings KN, Winter T. Negotiating military identities: British soldiers, memory and use of photographs. In: Hall, K., Jones, K.N, ed. Constructions of Conflict: Transmitting Memories of the Past in European Histography, Culture and Media. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, 2011, pp.53-72.
- Jenkings KN, Woodward R. Negotiating Identity: Representation and self-representation of the soldier in photographs and memoirs. In: Glumnz, C; Schneider, TF, ed. Wahrheitsmaschinen: Der Einfluss technischer Innovationen auf die Darstellung und das Bild des Krieges in den Medien und Künsten. Gottingen: V&R Press, 2010, pp.159-174.
- Woodward R, Winter R, Jenkings KN. 'I used to keep a camera in my top left-hand pocket': the photographic practices of British soldiers. In: MacDonald, F., Hughes, R., Dodds, K, ed. Observant States: Geopolitics and Visual Culture. London and New York: IB Tauris, 2010, pp.143-166.
- Rapley T, Jenkings KN. Document Analysis. In: Baker, E; Peterson, P; McGaw, B, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Elsevier Science, 2010, pp.380-385.
- Jenkings KN. User-Designer Relations in Technology Production: The Development and Evaluation of an 'Animator' Tool to Facilitate User Involvement in the Development of Electronic Health Records. In: Voss A; Hartswood M; Procter R; Rouncefield M; Slack RS; Büscher M, ed. Configuring User-designer Relations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp.61-85.
- Jenkings KN, Winter T, Woodward R. 'Presentations of Soldierly Identity in Print Media and Soldiers' own Photographic Accounts'. In: Boll J, ed. War: Interdisciplinary Investigations. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2008, pp.95-108.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Jenkings KN, Wilson R, Gibson M, Purves I. Directing patients’ attention from and towards artefacts: medical and information technologies in doctor-patient consultations. In: International Conference on Pragmatics. 2006, Pune, India: Institute for Advanced Studies in English.
Edited Books
- Carlin AP, Dennis A, Jenkings KN, Lindwall O, Mair M, ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Williams AJ, Jenkings KN, Woodward R, Rech MF, ed. The Routledge Companion to Military Research Methods. London: Routledge, 2016.
- Carlin AP, Dennis A, Jenkings KN, Linwall O, Mair M. The Pedagogy of Ethnomethodology. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology. London: Routledge, 2025. In Press.
- Corsby CLT, Sanchez-Garcia R, Jenkings KN. Ethnomethodological and conversation analytic (EMCA) studies of coaching in sport: a coaching special issue. Sports Coaching Review 2024, 13(1), 1-12.
- Woodward R, Benwell MC, Jenkings KN, Natale E, Parr H. Reflections on Conflict and Culture on the 40th anniversary of the Falklands/Malvinas War. Journal of War & Culture Studies 2022, 15(3), 261-265.
- Hindmarsh J, Jenkings KN, Rapley TJ. Introduction to healthcare technologies in practice. Health Informatics Journal 2007, 13(1), 5-8.
- Wilson R, Harrison D, Gray A, Martin M, Jenkings KN. Evaluation of Information Sharing Practice in the North East mixed economy of service provision for ex-services personnel. London, UK: Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), 2015.
- Jenkings KN, Andriychenko D, Robinson G, Smart S. Knowledge Needs of Extended Formulary and Nurse Supplementary Prescribers: Survey Report. London: Department of Health, 2006.
- Jenkings KN. The neo-ethnomethodological program(s): on alignments with and departures from Garfinkel. Symbolic Interaction 2024, 47(4), 610-615.
- Jenkings KN. Garfinkel at War: The Gulfport Field Study and Ethnomethodology. Symbolic Interaction 2021, 44(3), 685-688.
- Jenkings KN. The Practice of Misrepresentation: On Hammersley's Straw Man Criticism of Ethnomethodology. Symbolic Interaction 2020, 43(4), 773-776.
- Jenkings KN. Post-Cognitive Embodied and Artefact Rich Conversational Video Analysis Informed Linguistic Anthropology as Studies of Co-Operative Action. Symbolic Interaction 2019, 42(2), 342-345.
- Jenkings KN. War and Conflict Commemoration: Identities, Memories, and Place. Symbolic Interaction 2018, 41(2), 285-288.
- Jenkings KN. Interaction Mechanics: Communicative Practices of an Auto-Repair Shop Owner. Symbolic Interaction 2018, 41(4), 589-591.
- Jenkings KN. Local Productions of Visual Orders: Describing Science Seeing Mars. Symbolic Interaction 2016, 39(1), 162-164.
- Jenkings KN. Toward the Exploration of the Situated Order of Video Practices. Symbolic Interaction 2015, 38(4), 651-653.
- Jenkings KN. Multi-Modal Movement: Interaction and Mobility Reviewed. Symbolic Interaction 2014, 37(2), 315-317.
- Jenkings KN. Adjudicating Accounts: A Review of Dupret's Ethnomethodological Studies of Arab Practices. Symbolic Interaction 2013, 36(1), 99-103.
- Jenkings KN. Watson, R., 'Analysing Practical and Professional Texts: A Naturalistic Approach', Ashgate, 2009 [book review]. Sociology 2011, 45(2), 350-352.