Staff Profile
Professor Neil Ross
Professor of Polar Science and Environmental Geophysics
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 5111
- Address: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Room 3.13 Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Claremont Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Interests: Glacier Geophysics; Near-Surface Geophysics; Antarctic Glacial History; Basal properties of glaciers and ice sheets; Subglacial lakes and hydrology; Quaternary Environments; Permafrost; Peatlands; Geomorphology
- Professor of Polar Science and Environmental Geophysics 2023-present
- Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography (Newcastle University) 2017-2023
- Lecturer in Physical Geography (Newcastle University) 2012-2017
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Glacier Geophysics (University of Edinburgh) 2007-2012
- PhD Earth Sciences (Cardiff University) 2002-2006
- MSc Quaternary Science (Royal Holloway, London) 2000-2001
- BSc (Hons) Geography (St Andrews) 1995-1999
Current projects:
The influence of fast-draining subglacial lakes on the hydrology and dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet - NERC Standard Grant (PI Stephen Livingstone, University of Sheffield)
Past projects:
Fingerprinting ‘El Niño Costero’: a unique opportunity to document the signature of an extreme flood event in northern Peru - NERC Urgency Grant (PI Andy Henderson - £52,394)
Greenland Ice Velocities and Environmental change (GIVE) - Newcastle University Research Excellence Academy (REA) Research Project 2017-2019 (PI Rachel Carr; Postdoctoral Researcher Stephen Brough)
Ice-penetrating radar: A portable, adaptable, low-frequency ice-penetrating radar system for ice-sheet hydrology and dynamics - Nov 2014 to Oct 2015 (Royal Society Research Grant: £15,000).
West Antarctic ice streams: Airborne geophysical survey (radio-echo sounding, gravity and magnetics) of the Institute and Moller ice streams in West Antarctica. This project, funded by the NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative (AFI), was led by Martin Siegert in collaboration with scientists from the British Antarctic Survey and the universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, York and Exeter. The project characterised the basal boundary conditions and flow dynamics of ice streams in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica. By 2014, the project team had published nine research papers detailing their results.
Postgraduate researcher supervision
Bridget Tiller (Newcastle University)
Emma Carr (Newcastle University)
Holly Bartlett (Northumbria University)
Hakan Hazzard (Durham University)
Edmund Lea (Durham University)
Former postgraduate researchers and projects
Rebecca Sanderson (Newcastle University) - 2020-2024 [lead-supervisor] NERC ONE Planet DTP East Antarctic radar-derived englacial stratigraphy and structure: past and present glaciological implications
Ethan Lee (Newcastle University) - 2019-2024 [lead-supervisor] NERC IAPETUS2 DTP The frozen tropics: palaeoglaciations within northern Peru
Devin Harrison (Newcastle University) - 2017-2022 [lead-supervisor] NERC IAPETUS DTP Controls on the large-scale sedimentary architecture of Icelandic sandar
Felipe Napoleoni (Durham University) - 2018-2022 [co-supervisor] Characterising the ice-water-bedrock interface of the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica
Jake Collins-May (Newcastle University) - 2017-2022 [co-supervisor] Newcastle University Research Excellence Academy (REA) Controls on the distribution of ice in the Nereidium Montes, Mars
Will Smith (Newcastle University) - 2017-2022 [co-supervisor] Newcastle University Research Excellence Academy (REA) Supraglacial landslides: improved detection and their deposits as sources of bioavailable Fe
Sigurdis Bjorg Jonasdottir - MPhil awarded 2021 [co-supervisor] Reconstructing palaeo jökulhlaup on the north-western flanks of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
Lauren Derby (Newcastle University) - MPhil awarded 2020 [lead supervisor] Active subglacial lakes of Foundation Ice Stream, Antarctica
Guy Paxman (Durham University) - PhD awarded 2019 [co-supervisor] Antarctic Palaeotopography
Hafeez Jeofry (Imperial College London) - PhD awarded 2019 [co-supervisor] Quantifying ice-sheet vulnerability to internal ice-sheet processes
Kate Winter (Northumbria University) - PhD awarded 2016 [co-supervisor] Englacial stratigraphy, debris entrainment and ice sheet stability of Horseshoe Valley, West Antarctica
Devin Harrison (Newcastle University) [2016-2018] - MPhil Geomorphic Evolution of the Gígjökull Basin - lead supervisor
Jake Collins-May (Newcastle University) [2016-2018] - MPhil The Morphology and Development of Putative Fluvial Landforms in Southern Hale Crater Ejecta; Mars - co-supervisor
Charlotte Bunce (Newcastle University) [2015-2017] - MPhil Contrasting the dynamic response of marine-terminating outlet glaciers in north-west and south-east Greenland to 21st century climate warming - co-supervisor
Aimee Spriggs (Newcastle University) [2013-2016] - MPhil Seismic history of the Banning Fault: insights from geomorphological mapping, surface and curvature analysis. - lead supervisor
Awards: President's Award of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society [2014]
- Pritchard HD, Fretwell P, Fremand AC, Bodart JA, Kirkham JD, Aitken A, Bamber J, Bell R, Bianchi C, Bingham RG, Blankenship DD, Casassa G, Christianson K, Conway H, Corr HFJ, Xiangbin C, Damaske D, Damn V, Dorschel B, Drews R, Eagles G, Eisen O, Eisermann H, Ferraccioli F, Field E, Forsberg R, Franke S, Goel V, Gogineni SP, Greenbaum J, Hills B, Hindmarsh RCA, Hoffman AO, Holschuh N, Holt JW, Humbert A, Jacobel RW, Jansen D, Jenkins A, Jokat W, Jong L, Jordan TA, King EC, Kohler J, Krabill W, Maton J, Kusk Gillespie M, Langley K, Lee J, Leitchenkov G, Leuschen C, Luyendyk B, MacGregor J, MacKie E, Moholdt G, Matsuoka K, Morlighem M, Mouginot J, Nitsche FO, Nost OA, Paden J, Pattyn F, Popov S, Rignot E, Rippin DM, Rivera A, Roberts JL, Ross N, Ruppel A, Schroeder DM, Siegert MJ, Smith AM, Steinhage D, Studinger M, Sun B, Tabacco I, Tinto KJ, Urbini S, Vaughan DG, Wilson DS, Young DA, Zirizzotti A. Bedmap3 updated ice bed, surface and thickness gridded datasets for Antarctica. Scientific Data 2025, 12, 414.
- Carter CM, Bentley MJ, Jamieson SSR, Paxman GJG, Jordan TA, Bodart JA, Ross N, Napoleoni F. Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow. The Cryosphere 2024, 18, 2277-2296.
- Sanderson RJ, Ross N, Winter K, Bingham RG, Callard SL, Jordan TA, Young DA. Dated radar-stratigraphy between Dome A and South Pole, East Antarctica: old ice potential and ice sheet history. Journal of Glaciology 2024, 70, e74.
- Smith WD, Dunning SA, Ross N, Telling J, Jensen EK, Shugar DH, Coe JA, Geertsema M. Revising supraglacial rock avalanche magnitudes and frequencies in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Geomorphology 2023, 425, 108591.
- Brough S, Carr JR, Ross N, Lea J. Ocean-forcing and glacier-specific factors drive differing glacier response across the 69 N boundary, east Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research 2023, 128(4), e2022JF006857.
- Harrison D, Ross N, Russell AJ, Jones S. Geophysical reconstruction of the late Holocene proximal proglacial landsystem at Skeiðarársandur, southeast Iceland. Journal of Quaternary Science 2023, 38(6), 947-969.
- Sanderson RJ, Winter K, Callard SL, Napoleoni F, Ross N, Jordan TA, Bingham RG. Englacial Architecture of Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere 2023, 17(11), 4853–4871.
- Carr E, Carr JR, Ross N. Differing seasonal and interannual dynamics of Alison Glacier and Igdlugdlip Sermia Glacier, due to glacier-specific factors. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Research 2023, 55(1), 2186456.
- Siegert M, Bentley M, Atkinson A, Bracegirdle T, Convey P, Davies B, Downie R, Hogg A, Holmes C, Hughes K, Meredith M, Ross N, Rumble J, Wilkinson J. Antarctic extreme events. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2023, 11, 1229283.
- Frémand AC, Fretwell P, Bodart JA, Pritchard HD, Aitken A, Bamber JL, Bell R, Bianchi C, Bingham RG, Blankenship DD, Casassa G, Catania G, Christianson K, Conway H, Corr HFJ, Cui X, Damaske D, Damm V, Drews R, Eagles G, Eisermann H, Eisen O, Ferraccioli F, Field E, Forsberg R, Franke S, Fujita S, Gim Y, Goel V, Gogineni SP, Greenbaum J, Hills B, Hindmarsh RCA, Hoffman AO, Holmlund P, Holschuh N, Holt JW, Horlings AN, Humbert A, Jacobel RW, Jansen D, Jenkins A, Jordan T, Jokat W, King E, Kohler J, Krabill W, Kusk Gillespie M, Langley K, Lee J, Leitchenkov G, Leuschen C, Luyendyk B, MacGregor J, MacKie E, Matsuoka K, Morlighem M, Mouginot J, Nische FO, Nogi Y, Nost OA, Pattyn F, Paden J, Popov SV, Rignot E, Rippin DM, Rivera A, Roberts J, Ross N, Ruppel A, Schroeder DM, Siegert MJ, Smith AM, Steinhage D, Studinger M, Sun B, Tabacco I, Tinto K, Urbini S, Vaughan D, Welch BC, Wilson DS, Young DA, Zirizzotti A. Antarctic Bedmap data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuseable (FAIR) sharing of 60 years of ice bed, surface, and thickness data. Earth System Science Data 2023, 15(7), 2695-2710.
- Jamieson SSR, Ross N, Paxman GJG, Clubb FJ, Young DA, Yan S, Greenbaum J, Blankenship DD, Siegert MJ. An ancient river landscape preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 6507.
- Livingstone SJ, Li Y, Rutishauser A, Sanderson RJ, Winter K, Mikucki JA, Björnsson H, Bowling JS, Chu W, Dow CF, Fricker HA, McMillan M, Ng FSL, Ross N, Siegert MJ, Siegfried M, Sole AJ. Subglacial lakes and their changing role in a warming climate. Nature Reviews. Earth & Environment 2022, 3, 106-124.
- Lee E, Ross N, Henderson ACG, Russell AJ, Jamieson SSR, Fabel D. Palaeoglaciation in the low latitude, low elevation tropical Andes, northern Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science 2022, 10, 838826.
- Harrison D, Ross N, Russell AJ, Jones S. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigations of a large-scale buried ice-marginal landsystem, Skeiðarársandur, SE Iceland. Boreas 2022, 51(4), 824-846.
- Hodgson DA, Jordan TA, Ross N, Riley TR, Fretwell PT. Drainage and refill of an Antarctic Peninsula subglacial lake reveal an active subglacial hydrological network. The Cryosphere 2022, 16, 4797-4809.
- Dow CF, Ross N, Jeofry H, Siu K, Siegert M. Antarctic basal environment shaped by high-pressure flow through a subglacial river system. Nature Geoscience 2022, 15, 892-898.
- Ross N, Brabham PJ, Harris C. The glacial origins of relict 'pingos', Wales, UK . Annals of Glaciology 2020, 60(80), 138-150.
- Napoleoni F, Jamieson SSR, Ross N, Bentley MJ, Rivera A, Smith AM, Siegert MJ, Paxman GJG, Gacitua G, Uribe JA, Zamora R, Brisbourne AM, Vaughan DG. Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica. The Cryosphere 2020, 14, 4507–4524.
- Collins-May JL, Carr JR, Balme MR, Ross N, Russell AJ, Brough S, Gallagher C. Post-impact evolution of the southern Hale Crater ejecta, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets 2020, 125(9), e2019JE006302.
- Ross N, Corr H, Siegert M. Large-scale englacial folding and deep-ice stratigraphy within the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere 2020, 14(6), 2103–2114.
- Smith WD, Dunning SA, Brough S, Ross N, Telling J. GERALDINE (Google earth Engine supRaglAciaL Debris INput dEtector): A new tool for identifying and monitoring supraglacial debris inputs. Earth Surface Dynamics 2020, 8, 1053-1065.
- Ashmore DW, Bingham RG, Ross N, Siegert MJ, Jordan TA, Mair DWF. Englacial architecture and age-depth constraints across the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geophysical Research Letters 2020, 47(6), e2019GL086663.
- Xiangbin C, Jeofry H, Greenbaum JS, Jingxue G, Lin L, Lindzey L, Habbal FA, Wei W, Young DA, Ross N, Morlighem M, Jong L, Roberts JL, Blankenship DD, Sun Bo, Siegert MJ. Bed topography of Princess Elizabeth Land in East Antarctica. Earth System Science Data 2020, 12, 2765–2774.
- Ross N, Siegert MJ. Basal melting over Subglacial Lake Ellsworth and its catchment: insights from englacial layering. Annals of Glaciology 2020, 61(81), 198-205.
- Goldberg ML, Schroeder DM, Castelletti D, Mantelli E, Ross N, Siegert MJ. Automated detection and characterization of Antarctic basal units using radar sounding data: demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 2020, 61(81), 242-248.
- Paxman GJG, Jamieson SSR, Ferraccioli F, Bentley MJ, Ross N, Watts AB, Leitchenkov G, Armadillo E, Young D. The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 2019, 124(3), 812-829.
- Paxman GJG, Jamieson SSR, Ferraccioli F, Jordan TA, Bentley MJ, Ross N, Forsberg R, Matsuoka K, Steinhage D, Eagles G, Casal TG. Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2019, 20(6), 2786-2807.
- Winter K, Woodward J, Ross N, Dunning SA, Hein AS, Westoby MJ, Culberg R, Marrero SM, Schroeder DM, Sugden DE, Siegert MJ. Radar-detected englacial debris in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geophysical Research Letters 2019, 46(17-18), 10454-10462.
- Harrison D, Ross N, Russell AJ, Dunning SA. Post-jökulhlaup geomorphic evolution of the Gígjökull Basin, Iceland. Annals of Glaciology 2019, 60(80), 127-137.
- Siegert MJ, Kingslake J, Ross N, Whitehouse PL, Woodward J, Jamieson SSR, Bentley MJ, Winter K, Wearing M, Hein AS, Jeofry H, Sugden DE. Major ice-sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years. Reviews of Geophysics 2019, 57(4), 1197-1223.
- Brough S, Carr RJ, Ross N, Lea J. Exceptional Retreat of Kangerlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland, Between 2016 and 2018. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 2019, 7, 123.
- Jeofry H, Ross N, Siegert MJ. Comparing numerical ice-sheet model output with radio-echo sounding measurements in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 2019, 61(81), 188-197.
- Livingstone SJ, Sole AJ, Storrar RD, Harrison D, Ross N, Bowling J. Brief Communication: Subglacial lake drainage beneath Isunguata Sermia, West Greenland: geomorphic and ice dynamic effects. The Cryosphere 2019, 13(10), 2789-2796.
- Winter K, Ross N, Ferraccioli F, Jordan T, Corr HFJ, Forsberg R, Matsuoka K, Olesen AV, Casal TG. Topographic steering of enhanced ice flow at the bottleneck between East and West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 2018, 45(10), 4899-4907.
- Ross N, Sole AJ, Livingstone SJ, Igneczi A, Morlighem N. Near-margin ice thickness and subglacial water routing, Leverett Glacier, Greenland. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 2018, 50(1), S100007.
- Bunce C, Carr RJ, Nienow PW, Ross N, Killick R. Ice front change of marine-terminating outlet glaciers in northwest and southeast Greenland during the 21st Century. Journal of Glaciology 2018, 64(246), 523-535.
- Jeofry H, Ross N, Le Brocq A, Graham A, Li J, Gogineni P, Morlighem M, Jordan T, Siegert MJ. Hard rock landforms generate 130 km ice shelf channels through water focusing in basal corrugations . Nature Communications 2018, 9, 4576.
- Smith A, Woodward J, Ross N, Bentley MJ, Hodgson DA, Siegert MJ, King EC. Evidence for the long-term sedimentary environment in an Antarctic subglacial lake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2018, 504, 139-151.
- Paxman GJG, Jamieson SSR, Ferraccioli F, Bentley MJ, Ross N, Armadillo E, Gasson EGW, Leichenkov G, DeConto RM. Bedrock erosion surfaces record former East Antarctic Ice Sheet extent. Geophysical Research Letters 2018, 45(9), 4114-4123.
- Jeofry H, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Li J, Morlighem M, Gogineni P, Siegert MJ. A new bed elevation model for the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Earth System Science Data 2018, 10, 711-725.
- Paxman GJG, Jamieson SSR, Ferraccioli F, Bentley MJ, Forsberg R, Ross N, Watts AB, Corr HFJ, Jordan TA. Uplift and tilting of the Shackleton Range in East Antarctica driven by glacial erosion and normal faulting. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2017, 122(3), 2390-2408.
- Jeofry H, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Li J, Gogineni P, Siegert MJ. A deep subglacial embayment adjacent to the grounding line of Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Exploration of Subsurface Antarctica: Uncovering Past Changes and Modern Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2017, 461.
- Siegert MJ, Ross N, Li J, Schroeder D, Rippin D, Ashmore D, Bingham R, Gogineni P. Subglacial controls on the flow of Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology 2016, 57(73), 19-24.
- Siegert MJ, Ross N, LeBrocq A. Recent advances in understanding Antarctic subglacial lakes and hydrology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2016, 374(2059), 20140306.
- Makinson K, Pearce D, Hodgson DA, Bentley MJ, Smith AM, Tranter M, Rose M, Ross N, Mowlem M, Parnell J, Siegert MJ. Clean subglacial access: prospects for future deep hot-water drilling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2016, 374(2059), 20140304.
- Winter K, Woodward J, Dunning SA, Turney C, Fogwill C, Hein AS, Golledge NR, Bingham RG, Marrero S, Sugden DE, Ross N. Assessing the continuity of the blue ice climate record at Patriot Hills, Horseshoe Valley, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 2016, 43(5), 2019-2026.
- Jamieson SSR, Ross N, Greenbaum JS, Young DA, Aitken ARA, Roberts JL, Blankenship DD, Sun Bo, Siegert MJ. An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica. Geology 2016, 44(2), 87-90.
- Bingham RG, Rippin DM, Karlsson NB, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Jordan TA, Le Brocq AM, Rose KC, Ross N, Siegert MJ. Ice-flow structure and ice-dynamic changes in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica from radar-imaged internal layering. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 2015, 120(4), 655-670.
- Matsuoka K, Hindmarsh R, Moholdt G, Bentley M, Pritchard HD, Brown J, Conway H, Drews R, Durand G, Goldberg D, Hattermann T, Kingslake J, Lenearts J, Martin C, Mulvaney R, Nicholls K, Pattyn F, Ross N, Scambos T, Whitehouse P. Antarctic ice rises and rumples: their properties and significance for ice-sheet dynamics and evolution. Earth Science Reviews 2015, 150, 724–745.
- Rose KC, Ross N, Jordan TA, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Le Brocq A, Rippin DM, Siegert MJ. Ancient pre-glacial erosion surfaces preserved beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Earth Surface Dynamics 2015, 3, 139-152.
- Winter K, Woodward J, Ross N, Dunning SA, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Siegert MJ. Airborne radar evidence for tributary flow switching in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica: implications for ice sheet configuration and dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 2015, 120(9), 1611–1625.
- Jamieson S, Stokes C, Ross N, Rippin DM, Bingham RG, Wilson DS, Margold M, Bentley MJ. The glacial geomorphology of the Antarctic ice sheet bed. Antarctic Science 2014, 26(Special Issue 06), 724-741.
- Ross N, Jordan TA, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Le Brocq A, Rippin DM, Wright AP, Siegert MJ. The Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands: inception and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geological Society of America Bulletin 2014, 126(1-2), 3-15.
- Wright AP, Le Brocq AM, Cornford SL, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Jordan TA, Payne AJ, Rippin DR, Ross N, Siegert MJ. Sensitivity of the Weddell Sea sector ice streams to sub-shelf melting and surface accumulation. The Cryosphere 2014, 8, 2119-2134.
- Siegert MJ, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Smith B, Jordan TA, Bingham RG, Ferraccioli F, Rippin DM, Le Brocq A. Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet. The Cryosphere 2014, 8, 15-24.
- Rippin DM, Bingham RG, Jordan TA, Wright AP, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Le Brocq AM, Rose KC, Siegert MJ. Basal roughness of the Institute and Möller Ice Streams, West Antarctica: process determination and landscape interpretation. Geomorphology 2014, 214, 139-147.
- Siegert MJ, Makinson K, Blake D, Mowlem M, Ross N. An assessment of deep hot-water drilling as a means to undertake direct measurement and sampling of Antarctic subglacial lakes: experience and lessons learned from the Lake Ellsworth field season 2012-13. Annals of Glaciology 2014, 55(65), 59-73.
- Rose KC, Ross N, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Jordan TA, Le Brocq A, Rippin DM, Siegert MJ. A temperate former West Antarctic ice sheet suggested by an extensive zone of subglacial meltwater channels. Geology 2014, 42(11), 971-974.
- Siegert MJ, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Kingslake J, Hindmarsh RCA. Late Holocene ice-flow reconfiguration in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews 2013, 78, 98-107.
- Jordan TA, Ferraccioli F, Ross N, Corr HFJ, Leat PT, Bingham RG, Rippin DM, Le Brocq A, Siegert MJ. Inland extent of the Weddell Sea Rift imaged by new aerogeophysical data. Tectonophysics 2013, 585(11), 137-160.
- Fretwell P, Pritchard HD, Vaughan DG, Bamber JL, Barrand NE, Bell R, Bianchi C, Bingham RG, Blankenship DD, Casassa G, Catania G, Callens D, Conway H, Cook AJ, Corr HFJ, Damaske D, Damm V, Ferraccioli F, Forsberg R, Fujita S, Gim Y, Gogineni P, Griggs JA, Hindmarsh RCA, Holmlund P, Holt JW, Jacobel RW, Jenkins A, Jokat W, Jordan T, King EC, Kohler J, Krabill W, Riger-Kusk M, Langley KA, Leitchenkov G, Leuschen C, Luyendyk BP, Matsuoka K, Mouginot J, Nitsche FO, Nogi Y, Nost OA, Popov SV, Rignot E, Rippin DM, Rivera A, Roberts J, Ross N, Siegert MJ, Smith AM, Steinhage D, Studinger M, Sun B, Tinto BK, Welch BC, Wilson D, Young DA, Xiangbin C, Zirizzotti A. Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica. The Cryosphere 2013, 7, 375-393.
- Ross N, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Jordan TA, Le Brocq A, Rippin DM, Young D, Blankenship DD, Siegert MJ. Steep reverse bed slope at the grounding line of the Weddell Sea sector in West Antarctica. Nature Geoscience 2012, 5(6), 393-396.
- Siegert MJ, Clarke RJ, Mowlem M, Ross N, Hill CS, Tait A, Hodgson D, Parnell J, Tranter M, Pearce D, Bentley MJ, Cockell C, Tsalogou M-N, Smith A, Woodward J, Brito MP, Waugh E. Clean access, measurement and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake: A method for exploring deep Antarctic subglacial lake environment. Reviews of Geophysics 2012, 50(1), RG1003.
- Thoma M, Grosfeld K, Mayer C, Smith AM, Woodward J, Ross N. The "tipping" temperature within Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica and its implications for lake access. The Cryosphere 2011, 5(3), 561-567.
- Ross N, Harris C, Brabham PJ, Sheppard TH. Internal structure and geological context of ramparted depressions, Llanpumsaint, Wales. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2011, 22(4), 291-305.
- Ross N, Siegert MJ, Woodward J, Smith AM, Corr HFJ, Bentley MJ, Hindmarsh RCA, King EC, Rivera A. Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica. Geology 2011, 39(10), 935-938.
- Woodward J, Smith AM, Ross N, Thoma M, Corr HFJ, King EC, King MA, Grosfeld K, Tranter M, Siegert MJ. Location for direct access to subglacial Lake Ellsworth: An assessment of geophysical data and modeling. Geophysical Research Letters 2010, 37(11), L11501.
- Harris C, Arenson LU, Christiansen HH, Etzelmüller B, Frauenfelder R, Gruber S, Haeberli W, Hauck C, Hölzle M, Humlum O, Isaksen K, Kääb A, Kern-Lütschg MA, Lehning M, Matsuoka N, Murton JB, Nötzli J, Phillips M, Ross N, Seppälä M, Springman S, Vonder Mühll D. Permafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses. Earth Science Reviews 2009, 92(3-4), 117-171.
- Ross N, Harris C, Brabham PJ. The internal structure and origins of late Devensian ramparted depressions, Llanio Fawr, Ceredigion. Quaternary Newsletter 2007, 112, 6-21.
- Ross N, Brabham PJ, Harris C, Christiansen HH. Internal structure of open system pingos, Adventdalen, Svalbard: The use of resistivity tomography to assess ground-ice conditions. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2007, 12(1), 113-126.
- Ross N, Harris C, Christiansen HH, Brabham PJ. Ground penetrating radar investigations of open system pingos, Adventdalen, Svalbard. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 2005, 59(2), 129-138.
Book Chapters
- Palmer AP, Ross N. Geophysical evidence for deep-water ice proximal subaqueous sedimentation and up-valley, ice margin retreat, Glen Turret, Lochaber. In: Palmer AP; Lowe JJ; Matthews IP, ed. The Quaternary of the West Grampian Highlands: Field Guide. London: Quaternary Research Association, 2021, pp.174-187.
- Russell AJ, Harrison D, Ross N, Tweed FS, Harris T. Creag Aoil and the Lundy Channel, Spean Bridge. In: Palmer AP; Lowe JJ; Matthews IP, ed. The Quaternary of the West Grampian Highlands: Field Guide. London: Quaternary Research Association, 2021, pp.188-199.
- Ross N. Frost Mounds: Active and Relict Forms. In: S.A. Elias, ed. The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013, pp.472-480.
- Mowlem M, Tsaloglou M-N, Waugh EM, Floquet CFA, Saw K, Fowler L, Brown R, Pearce D, Wyatt JB, Beaton AD, Brito MP, Hodgson DA, Griffiths G, Bentley M, Blake D, Campbell H, Capper L, Clarke R, Cockell C, Corr HFJ, Harris W, Hill C, Hindmarsh RCA, King EC, Lamb H, Maher B, Makinson K, Parnell J, Priscu J, Rivera A, Ross N, Siegert MJ, Smith A, Tait A, Tranter M, Wadham J, Whalley B, Woodward J. Probe technology for the direct measurement and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake. In: M. J. Siegert, M. C. Kennicutt II, and R. A. Bindschadler, ed. Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments. Washington, D.C: AGU, 2011, pp.159-186.
- Woodward J, Siegert MJ, Smith AM, Ross N. Lake Ellsworth. In: Vijay P. Singh, Pratap Singh & Umesh K. Haritashya, ed. Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 2011, pp.683-686.
- Ross N, Siegert MJ, Rivera A, Bentley MJ, Blake D, Capper L, Clarke R, Cockell CS, Corr HFJ, Harris W, Hill C, Hindmarsh RCA, Hodgson DA, King EC, Lamb H, Maher B, Makinson K, Mowlem M, Parnell J, Pearce DA, Priscu J, Smith AM, Tait A, Tranter M, Wadham JL, Whalley WB, Woodward J. Ellsworth Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica: A review of its history and recent field campaigns. In: M.J. Siegert, M.C. Kennicutt II, and R.A. Bindschadler, ed. Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments. Washington, D.C: AGU, 2011, pp.221-233.
- Harris C, Ross N. Pingos and pingo scars. In: Elias S.A, ed. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007, pp.2200-2206.
- Le Brocq AM, Ross N, Griggs JA, Bingham RG, Corr HFJ, Ferraccioli F, Jenkins A, Jordan TA, Payne AJ, Rippin DM, Siegert MJ. Evidence from ice shelves for channelized meltwater flow beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature Geoscience 2013, 6, 945-948.
Online Publication
- Ross N. Re-discovering the British North Greenland Expedition 1952-54. Munich: European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2021. Available at:
Research Datasets/Databases
- Sanderson R, Winter K, Callard L, Napoleoni F, Ross N, Jordan TA, Bingham RG. Internal Layer Continuity Index returns and englacial reflectors from Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica. 2023. Newcastle University.
- Ross N, Siegert M, Smith A, Woodward J. Ice surface, ice base and lake bed elevation data from seismic data acquired over Subglacial Lake Ellsworth 2007-08 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. 2020. Cambridge: Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation, 51.2 kB.
- Smith A, Ross N, Woodward J. Subglacial Lake Ellsworth,2007/08 shallow ice core for density measurements [Data set]. 2019. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation.
- Siegert M, Jeofry H, Corr H, Ross N, Jordan T, Ferraccioli F, Bingham R, Le Brocq A, Rippin D, Robinson C. Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) processed airborne radio-echo sounding data from the Institute and Moller ice streams, West Antarctica, 2010-11. 2017. Cambridge: Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK, 16.2GB.