Staff Profile
Professor Peter Hopkins
Leverhulme Major Research Fellow and Professor of Social Geography
- Email:
- Telephone: (0191) 208 3924
- Address: Daysh Building, Room 3.35
Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Peter Hopkins' (he/him/his) interests centre upon issues of social inequality and justice with most of his research focusing upon the intersections of youth, migration and asylum, race and religion, and gender. He has received the following awards:
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2024);
- Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (Sept 2023-2026) on everyday Islamophobia;
- Back Award from the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British; Geographers for sustained and outstanding contributions to policy development through research (2024);
- Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (2018);
- President’s Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (2012);
- Gill Memorial Award of the Royal Geographical Society (for contributions to geographies of religion, youth and race) (2011).
He has held visiting positions at Deakin, RMIT, Monash, Western Sydney and the NUS and was a Distinguished International Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2020-21). He currently serves on the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Publications Committee.
Professor Hopkins' current work focuses upon the following interconnected areas of inquiry:
Islamophobia - a key focus of his ongoing research is upon the ways in which Islamophobia operates within society to exclude and marginalise Muslims and others mistaken for being Muslim. He is eager to promote better understanding of Islamophobia and to explore the ways in which it reveals itself in distinctive ways in different places. He has a book forthcoming with Bristol University Press called Everyday Islamophobia.
Antiracism – closely connected with his work on Islamophobia, Peter is committed to research and related initiatives that seek to challenge and overcome racism. He has a shared website about anti-racism (with Professor Heather Smith), and was involved in work with the North East Chamber of Commerce on promoting anti-racism in North East businesses.
Refugee experiences – Peter has recently led two projects about the experiences of refugees, one funded by HERA Public Spaces call focusing on refugee youth and public space, and a second funded by ESRC about refugees and Covid-19. He has collaborated on a publication about the response of the third sector to supporting asylum seekers and has produced a short report about researching refugee youth with the RGS-IBG.
Intersectionality – sensitivity to the complex intersections of multiple forms of discrimination (rather than only looking at single forms of oppression) has been a key focus of much of his research. He has reviewed work about intersectionality in social geography and worked with Stacy Bias to produce an animated video to address the question, what is intersectionality? This video has been received over 800k views on YouTube (you can subscribe to Peter's YouTube account to see this and other videos). He has also served as a member of the Athena Swan Intersectionality Subgroup of Advance HE.
Time to Think – inspired by Nancy Kline’s development of the Thinking Environment approach to enhance the quality of people’s thinking, Peter qualified as a Time to Think Coach in 2024 and has been applying this approach in doctoral and research supervision contexts. He has written this piece about creating thinking environments and has collaborated to develop this animation to explain the process.
Roles and responsibilities
Professor Hopkins' has served in the following roles at Newcastle:
- Ethics Convenor, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology 2021-2023
- University Dean of Social Justice, 2018 – 2021
- Research Director for Geography 2017 - 2018
- Academic Director of the ESRC North East Doctoral Training Centre 2015 - 2016
- Postgraduate Director, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology 2010 - 2013
- Director of Postgraduate Research for Geography 2008 - 2012
Peter has experience in research management, research strategy and research assessment of all types. He has successfully collaborated with eight postdoctoral researchers and mentored early career researchers to secure externally funded fellowships. He has served on ESRC’s Strategic Advisory Network (2016-2020), several AHRC and ESRC funding panels, and as a Chair and Vice Chair for the European Commission. Securing over £3.4million in external research income, he has published 12 books, 9 special issues, over 100 journal articles and chapters. He is currently one of the editors of The Geographical Journal and has previously served as the Managing Editor of Gender, Place and Culture.
His work draws attention to the exclusionary ways in which various forms of discrimination and marginalisation – such as racism, sexism, and Islamophobia – shape people’s everyday lives, structure the resources available to them and influence who they become. This work is built upon a commitment to empirical research that is informed both by current debates in academic literatures and theoretical understandings about intersectionality, society and space, as well as – where appropriate – concerns of relevance to policy makers and practitioners. His work tends to draw upon debates in urban social, cultural and political geography and is motivated by anti-racism and feminist geography. His Google Scholar profile is here and his main areas of research include:
- Antiracism, Islamophobia and Muslim identities
- Intersectionality, equality and diversity
- Refugees, asylum seekers and migration
- Masculinities, ethnicities and place
- Young people, place and identity
Peter is also interested in exploring issues connected with the use of various qualitative methods including participatory methods, focus groups as well as research ethics.
He is a member of the Newcastle Social Geographies Collective which produced a textbook Social Geographies: an introduction. He has also produced three invited reviews of social geography for Progress in Human Geography about key issues in the subfield including: intersectionality; Islamophobia, transphobia and sizism; and social justice.
Please feel free to contact him if you are interested in pursuing PhD or postdoctoral research (such as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, ESRC postdoctoral fellowship or Leverhulme Early Career fellowship) on topics related to the research areas noted above.
Impact and engagement
Committed to disseminating ideas beyond the academy, he has provided the Secretariat for the Cross Party Group on Challenging Racial and Religious Prejudice in the Scottish Parliament from 2021-2024; this replaced the previous group focused on Tackling Islamophobia which was set up in 2018 and from which we produced the first inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland. In 2024, he received the Newcastle University Engagement and Place Award for ‘Engaging with Policy and Practice’ for his work to tackle Islamophobia. He has also been shortlisted twice for the University Engagement and Place Awards. In 2021, this was for ‘engaging for societal benefit’ for his work about Islamophobia in relation to politics, education and journalism, and in 2022, this was for the ‘Vice Chancellor and President Award’ for his work to challenge racism, and promote refugee integration. In 2023, he presented the Space and Polity annual lecture focused on his work to tackle Islamophobia and in 2024, he was presented with the Back Award of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers for ‘sustained and outstanding contributions to policy development through research’.
Research roles
Professor Hopkins is currently one of the editors of The Geographical Journal (2024-2027). He also serves on the editorial board of:
- Children's Geographies (2009-)
- Contemporary Social Science (2021-)
- Ethnic and Racial Studies (2024-)
- Gender, Place and Culture (2009-)
- Methodological Innovations (2023-)
- Social Sciences (2022-) (Section Editor-in-Chief, Childhood and Youth Studies 2023-)
Member of the American Association of Geographers Publication Committee (2023-2026)
Member of the AHRC peer review college 2010-present and invited to join AHRC Strategic Reviewer's Group in 2016.
Editorial Board member of the Spaces and Practices of Justice book series (Bristol University Press)
Previous roles include:
- Serving as Managing Editor of Gender, Place and Culture from March 2013 until December 2016 (serving as an Editor during 2012 and Book Review Editor from 2009-2011).
- Serving on the editorial board of Contemporary Islam from 2008-2016.
- Founding Chair of the RGS-IBG Geographies of Justice Research Group (2011-2016).
- Joint Secretary/Treasurer, Chair and Past Co-Chair (with Elizabeth Olson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)) of the Geography of Religons and Belief Systems Speciality Group of the Association of American Geographers (2007-2013).
- Member of ESRC's Strategic Advisory Network, 2016-2020
- Co-editor (with Rachel Pain) a series of books on Gender, Space and Society with Ashgate, until 2016.
Within Geography at Newcastle, he has served as the Postgraduate Director (2008 - 2012), as Director of Research (2017 - 2018) and covered the role of Impact Director during semester 1 of 2017/8. He has also served as the convenor of the Geographies of Social Change research cluster from 2014-2015.
Current or recently completed funded projects include:
Everyday Islamophobia (Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship) £171,019 2023-2026
Geographies of asylum justice (Mentor for Marie Cure Sklodowska Fellowship of Malene Jacobsen) European Commission £194,612 (2021-2023)
Responding to the needs of refugees and asylum seekers in the context of Covid19 - resilience, adaptation, and new forms of care (PI with Matt Benwell (co-I) and Robin Finlay (co-I)) - ESRC £324,282 (2020-2022)
The everyday experiences of young refugees and asylum-seekers in public spaces (Project leader with Matt Benwell (Newcastle), Kathrin Horschelmann (Leipzig), Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht), Mattias de Backer (Liege) – HERA Public Space: Culture and Integration in Europe – Euros 941,104 (2019-2022)
Charting the landscape of Islamophobia in Scotland and North East England (Faculty Impact Fund and IAA) - £14,620 (2019-2020)
Mapping the landscape of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred in Scotland - ESRC-IAA Co-Production (with Tell MAMA) - £10,000 (2018-2019).
Improving capacity for, and understanding of, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim acts – ESRC IAA - £10,000 (2017-2018).
Examples of earlier projects include:
Storying sexual relationships: the narratives and practices of British Pakistani Muslims - AHRC - (co-I with Richard Phillips (PI) (Sheffield), Claire Chambers (co-I) (York), Raksha Pande (co-I) (Newcastle) and Nafhesa Ali (PDRA) (Sheffield) - £488,403 (2016-2019)
Community experiences of sectarianism in Scotland - Scottish Government (co-I with Kay Goodall (PI) (Stirling), John Markey (Glasgow), Stephen Millar (Queens Belfast), Simon McKerrell (Newcastle), John Richardson (Loughborough), and Michael Richardson (Newcastle) - £87,937 (2014)
'Non-Muslim and Muslim youth: religious identities, Islamophobia and everyday geopolitics - AHRC standard grant (PI with Rowena Arshad (co-I) (Edinburgh), Gurchathen Sanghera (co-I) (St Andrews) and Kate Botterill (PDRA)) - £452,062 (2013-2016)
Youth transitions, international volunteering and religious transformations: the experiences of young evangelical Christians in Latin America - (AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Youth Call) (PI with Nina Laurie (Newcastle), Matt Smith (Northumbria) and Elizabeth Olson (Edinburgh)) - £74,480 (2009-10)
Marginalized Spiritualities: faith and religion among young people in socially deprived Britain (AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Youth Call) - (co-I with Elizabeth Olson (PI), Giselle Vincett (Researcher) (both Edinburgh) and Rachel Pain (Durham) (co-I)) - £243,284 (2009-11)
Relational Religious Identities: exploring contemporary meanings of religion among Scottish Christian youth (AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Scheme) - (co-I with Elizabeth Olson (now Chapel Hill) (PI) and Rachel Pain (co-I)) - £73,736 (2007-8)
Postdoctoral Mentoring
Peter has mentored numerous postdoctoral researchers and early career scholars and is eager to continue to work with those with shared research interests. As well as mentoring researchers working on collaborative research projects, he has also supported those applying for funding to ESRC, Leverhulme, Marie Sklodowska-Curie and other relevant fellowship schemes. Please get in touch with Peter if you are interested in pursuing postdoctoral research with him.
Postgraduate Supervision
Peter has supervised 21 PhD students to successful completion in under four years, and has examined 28 doctoral theses in the following fields: human geography (Aberystwyth, Birmingham, Cardiff, Cork, Durham, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, National University of Singapore, Reading, Roskilde, Rotterdam, St Andrews, Hong Kong, Western Sydney), religious studies (Chester, Oslo), Islamic Studies (Edinburgh), social work (Durham), peace studies (Coventry) sociology (Edinburgh, Monash, and UWS), social psychology (Cape Town), and cultural studies (Western Sydney). Please feel free to contact Peter if you are interested in applying to do PhD research in a topic related to his research interests.
Current students include:
Zongwei Bao is studying the ways in which Islamophobia manifests on social media (with Soudeh Ghaffari)
Johanna Bastian is researching spaces of friendship and belonging in the lives of young migrants (with Magdalerna Nowicka, DeZIM Institut, Berlin)
Furkan Celiktas is researching Muslims in the armed forced (with Rachel Woodward)
Emar Elaydi is researching issues of asylum, borders, and colonialism (NUACT funded with Malene Jacobsen)
Renzo Szkwarok is researching the growth of privatised forms of detention (ESRC 1+3 with Jen Bagelman)
Haoyang Wang is researching issues of hegemony and space in relation to overwork issues in China (with Kean Fan Lim)
Helen Woolley is researching adopted children's transitions to security in middle childhood (ESRC plus 3.5 collaborative with Adoption UK (with Matej Blazek)
Students who have completed their doctoral studies since 2020:
Matthew Richardson completed a study of queer Jewish experiences in the UK (ESRC 3.5 collaborative studentship with the Council of Christians and Jews, completed 2023) (with Raksha Pande and Yulia Egorova (Durham)).
Ged Ridley completed research about transgender experiences of public bathrooms (ESRC 1 plus 3 collaborative studentship with Yorkshire Trans Support Network, completed 2022) (with Michael Richardson).
Alessandro Boussalem studied the experiences of LGBT Muslims in Brussels (ESRC plus 3.5 collaborative studentship with Merhaba, completed 2021) (with Raksha Pande and Klaartje Van Kerckem).
Quan Gao completed a thesis about Christian migrant workers in Shenzhen province (Research Excellence Academy 3.5 studentship, completed 2020) (with Raksha Pande)
Nathar Iqbal studies the closet, encounter and lived religion for LGBT Muslims (ESRC 1 plus 3 studentship, completed 2020) (with Mark Casey).
Matthew Wood's thesis is about sexual health, bodies and cultures (EPSRC Digital Civics, completed 2020) (with Kellie Morrissey and Peter Wright).
From September 2023, Peter will not be teaching as his time will be devoted to a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship which includes the cost of a full-time lecturer to cover his teaching committments.
Peter has developed a wide-ranging teaching and examining portfolio, at all levels and on a range of topics. In 2011, he was awarded a Vice Chancellor's Distinguished Teacher Award, and he has been nominated and shortlisted for several Newcastle Teaching Excellence Awards including for Innovative Teaching Methods and Research Supervisor of the Year.
Peter has served as external examiner for several programmes including Geography at Dundee (2010-2013); Human Geography and Planning at Cardiff University (2015-2018); and Geography at the University of Exeter (2015-2019). In 2022, he completed a four-year term as the external examiner for the MSc in Social Research Methods at Dundee University. He has also participated in reviews of the Geography degree programmes at Sheffield and Southampton.
Postgraduate Teaching
The promotion of excellence in postgraduate teaching and supervision is very important to Peter, particularly in mentoring and coaching postgraduate students to publish their work in international peer-reviewed journals. He regularly convenes writing and publishing workshops for doctoral students; please contact him if you would like him to convene a workshop. Here is a blog post about publishing as a postgraduate based on a presentation for the British Sociological Association Postgraduate Forum.
He has made small contributions to postgraduate modules and workshops on HSS8104 Qualitative Methodology in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (on focus groups), and Research in the Wider Context (about publishing in the social sciences). He also contributed to Geo8015 Doing Geographical Research on the MA Human Geography Research. He has previously contributed to HSS8006 ‘Managing a PhD’ sessions about managing your supervisor and about securing ethical approval for your research.
Undergraduate teaching
In previous years, he has taught:
- Geo1015 Contemporary Human Geography
- Geo2043 Key Methods in Human Geography
- Geo2100 Migration, belonging and everyday geopolitics: contested geographies of New York City (module leader)
- Geo2110 Social Geographies (module leader)
- Geo2111 Doing Geographical Research
- Geo3099 Dissertation
- Geo3105 Young People, Place and Identity (module leader)
- Gao Q, Hopkins P, Ma X. Toward Postsecular Feminism: Intersectionality and the Religious Subjectivities of Women Migrant Workers in China. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2025, 115(1), 167-183.
- Hopkins P, Giazitzoglu A. Hegemonic masculinity: new spaces, practices, and relations. Progress in Human Geography 2025, 49(1), 84-98.
- Huizinga RP, Hopkins P, Benwell MC, de Backer M, Finlay R, Hörschelmann K, Kirndörfer E, van Liempt I. Ethical and methodological considerations in research with asylum seeking and refugee youth in European cities. Social Sciences 2025. In Press.
- Hopkins P. Practising anti-Islamophobic geographies. Space and Polity 2024, 28(1), 1-19.
- Carlin B, Sikka T, Hopkins P, Braunholtz L, Mair L, Pattison Z. Identifying the barriers to inclusion in field-based environmental sciences research. Studies in Higher Education 2024, 49(9), 1652-1665.
- Kapinga L, van Hoven B, Bock BB, Hopkins P. Young Muslims' religious identities in relation to places beyond the UK: a qualitative map-making technique in Newcastle upon Tyne. Children's Geographies 2023, 21(4), 609-623.
- Benwell MC, Hopkins P, Finlay R. The slow violence of austerity politics and the UK’s ‘hostile environment’: Examining the responses of third sector organisations supporting people seeking asylum. Geoforum 2023, 145, 103845.
- Hopkins P, Pande R, Ali R, Chambers C, Phillips R. Working with community interviewers in social and cultural research. Area 2022, 54(3), 400-407.
- Gao Q, Hopkins P. Using intersectionality to explore social inequalities amongst Christian family migrants in China . The Geographical Journal 2022, 188(2), 177-189.
- Hopkins P. What is Islamophobia?. Sociology Review 2021, 30(April), 10-12.
- Bonner-Thompson C, Mearns GW, Hopkins P. Transgender negotiations of precarity: contested spaces of higher education. The Geographical Journal 2021, 187(3), 227-239.
- Hopkins P. Social geography III: Committing to social justice. Progress in Human Geography 2021, 45(2), 382-393.
- Najib K, Hopkins P. Where does Islamophobia take place and who is involved? Reflections from Paris and London. Social and Cultural Geography 2020, 21(4), 458-478.
- Mearns GW, Bonner-Thompson C, Hopkins P. Trans experiences of a university campus in northern England. Area 2020, 52(3), 488-494.
- Hopkins P. Social Geography II: Islamophobia, transphobia, and sizism. Progress in Human Geography 2020, 44(3), 583-594.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P. Resistance and Marginalisation: Islamophobia and the Political Participation of Young Muslims in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography 2020, 21(4), 546-568.
- Phillips R, Chambers C, Ali N, Pande R, Hopkins P. Mobilizing Pakistani heritage, approaching marriage. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2020, 43(16), 1-19.
- Hopkins P. Households, families, and structural inequalities: Reflections on “How the other half lives”. Area 2020, 52(4), 806-811.
- Ali N, Phillips R, Chambers C, Narkowicz K, Hopkins P, Pande R. Halal dating: Changing relationship attitudes and experiences among young British Muslims. Sexualities 2020, 23(5-6), 775-792.
- Botterill K, Hopkins P, Sanghera GS. Young people’s everyday securities: pre-emptive and pro-active strategies towards ontological security in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography 2019, 20(4), 465-484.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P. Young Muslim women's political participation in Scotland: Exploring the intersections of gender, religion, class and place. Political Geography 2019, 74, 102046.
- Najib K, Hopkins P. Veiled Muslim women's strategies in response to Islamophobia in Paris. Political Geography 2019, 73, 103-111.
- Hopkins P. Social geography I: Intersectionality. Progress in Human Geography 2019, 43(5), 937-947.
- Finlay R, Nayak A, Benwell MC, Hopkins P, Pande R, and Richardson M. Race, place and young people in the age of Brexit. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2019, 37(1), 17-23.
- Hörschelmann K, Studemeyer CC, Hopkins P, Benwell MC. Peripheral visions: security by, and for, whom?. Geopolitics 2019, 24(4), 777-786.
- Hopkins P, Gorman-Murray A. Masculinities and geography, moving forward: men's bodies, emotions and spiritualities. Gender, Place and Culture 2019, 26(3), 301-314.
- Burrell K, Hopkins P, Isakjee A, Lorne C, Nagel C, Finlay R, Nayak A, Benwell MC, Pande R, Richardson M, Botterill K, Rogaly B. Brexit, race and migration. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2019, 37(1), 3-40.
- Hopkins P, Botterill K, Sanghera G. Towards inclusive geographies? Young people, religion, race and migration. Geography 2018, 103(2), 86-92.
- Chambers C, Phillips R, Nafhesa A, Hopkins P, Pande R. 'Sexual misery' or 'happy British Muslims'?: Contemporary depictions of Muslim sexuality. Ethnicities 2018, 19(1), 66-94.
- Hopkins P. Feminist geographies and intersectionality. Gender, Place and Culture 2018, 25(4), 585-590.
- Botterill K, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. Familial geopolitics and ontological security: intergenerational relations, migration and minority youth (in)securities in Scotland. Geopolitics 2018, 25(5), 1138-1163.
- Gorman-Murray A, Hopkins P. Andrew Gorman-Murray and Peter Hopkins in conversation: reflections on masculinities and sexualities research on GPC’s 25th anniversary. Gender, Place and Culture 2018, 25(3), 317-324.
- Sanghera GS, Botterill K, Hopkins P, Arshad R. ‘Living Rights’, Rights Claims, Performative Citizenship and Young People – The Right to Vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum. Citizenship Studies 2018, 22(5), 540-555.
- Samuri MAA, Hopkins P. Voices of Islamic Authorities: Friday Khutba in Malaysian Mosques. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 2017, 28(1), 47-67.
- Hopkins P, Sinclair C, Student Research Committee. Research, relevance and respect: Co-creating a guide about involving young people in social research. Research for All 2017, 1(1), 121-127.
- Bos D, Finlay R, Hopkins P, Lloyd J, Richardson M. Reflections on the ESRC internship scheme for postgraduates. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 2017, 41(1), 106-118.
- Arshad R, Botterill K, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. Minority ethnic young people: Confident negotiators. Race Equality Teaching 2017, 34, 5-9.
- Hopkins P, Botterill K, Sanghera G, Arshad R. Encountering Misrecognition: Being Mistaken for Being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2017, 107(4), 934-948.
- Botterill K, Hopkins P, Sanghera G, Arshad R. Securing disunion: Young people’s nationalism, identities and (in)securities in the campaign for an independent Scotland. Political Geography 2016, 55, 124-134.
- Possamai A, Dunn K, Hopkins P, Amin F, Worthington L, Ali J. Muslim students' religious and cultural experiences in the micro-publics of university campuses in NSW, Australia. Australian Geographer 2016, 47(3), 311-324.
- Possamai A, Dunn K, Hopkins P, Worthington L, Amin F. Muslim students' cultural and religious experiences in city, suburban and regional university campuses in NSW, Australia. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 2016, 38(6), 637-648.
- Hopkins P. Gendering Islamophobia, racism and white supremacy: gendered violence against those who look Muslim. Dialogues in Human Geography 2016, 8(2), 186-189.
- Lloyd J, Hopkins P. Using interviews to research body size: methodological and ethical considerations. Area 2015, 47(3), 305-310.
- Hopkins P, Olson E, Baillie Smith M, Laurie N. Transitions to religious adulthood: relational geographies of youth, religion and international volunteering. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2015, 40(3), 387-398.
- Hopkins P, Todd L. Creating an intentionally dialogic space: student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 2010. Political Geography 2015, 46, 31-40.
- Hopkins P. Managing strangerhood: young Sikh men's strategies. Environment and Planning A 2014, 46(7), 1572-1585.
- Olson E, Hopkins P, Pain R, Vincett G. Retheorizing the Postsecular Present: Embodiment, Spatial Transcendence, and Challenges to Authenticity Among Young Christians in Glasgow, Scotland. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 2013, 103(6), 1421-1436.
- Hopkins P, Jackson P. Researching masculinities and the future of the WGSG. Area 2013, 45(1), 9-10.
- Baillie Smith M, Laurie N, Hopkins P, Olson E. International volunteering, faith and subjectivity: negotiating cosmopolitanism, citizenship and development. Geoforum 2013, 45, 126-135.
- Vincett G, Olson E, Hopkins P, Pain R. Young people and performance Christianity in Scotland. Journal of Contemporary Religion 2012, 27(2), 275-290.
- Hopkins P, Todd L, Newcastle Occupation. Occupying Newcastle University: student resistance to government spending cuts in England. The Geographical Journal 2012, 178(2), 104-109.
- Hopkins P. Everyday politics of fat. Antipode 2012, 44(4), 1227-1246.
- Hopkins P. Towards critical geographies of the university campus: understanding the contested experiences of Muslim students. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2011, 36(1), 157-169.
- Barnes L, Buckley A, Hopkins P, Tate S. The transition to and through university for non-traditional local students: some observations for teachers. Teaching Geography 2011, 70-71.
- Hopkins P. Teaching and Learning Guide for: Critical Geographies of Body Size. Geography Compass 2011, 5(2), 106-111.
- Pain R, Phillips D, Nagel C, Mohammad R, McLean J, Dunn K, Hopkins P. Reading Peter Hopkins' The Issue of Masculine Identities for British Muslims after 9/11: a social analysis. Political Geography 2011, 30(6), 339-348.
- Hopkins P. Multiple, marginalised, passé or politically engaged? Some reflections on the current place of social geographies. Social and Cultural Geography 2011, 12(6), 533-538.
- Hopkins P, Olson E, Pain R, Vincett G. Mapping intergenerationalities: the formation of youthful religiosities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2011, 36(2), 314-327.
- Burgoine T, Hopkins P, Rech M, Zapata G. “These kids can’t write abstracts”: reflections on a postgraduate writing and publishing workshop. Area 2011, 43(4), 463-469.
- Hopkins P. The politics of identifying Muslim identities. Geography 2010, 95(3), 137-139.
- Hopkins P, Hill M. The needs and strengths of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people in Scotland. Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15(4), 399-408.
- Hopkins P, Alexander C. Politics, mobility and nationhood: Upscaling young people's geographies: Introduction to Special Section. Area 2010, 42(2), 142-144.
- Hopkins P. Women, men, positionalities and emotion: Doing feminist geographies of religion. ACME 2009, 8(1), 1-17.
- Hopkins PE. Responding to the 'crisis of masculinity': the perspectives of young Muslim men from Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland. Gender, Place and Culture 2009, 16(3), 299-312.
- Hopkins PE. Men, women, positionalities and emotion: doing feminist geographies of religion. ACME: an International Journal for Critical Geographers 2009, 8(1), 1-17.
- Hopkins P. Geographical contributions to understanding contemporary Islam: current trends and future directions. Contemporary Islam 2009, 3(3), 213-227.
- Hopkins PE, Hill M. Pre-flight experiences and migration stories: the accounts of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Children's Geographies 2008, 6(3), 257-268.
- Hopkins PE. Ethical issues in research with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Children's Geographies 2008, 6(1), 37-48.
- Hopkins PE. Critical geographies of body size. Geography Compass 2008, 2(6), 2111-2126.
- Hopkins PE. Young people, masculinities, religion and race: new social geographies. Progress in Human Geography 2007, 31(2), 163-177.
- Hopkins P. Thinking critically and creatively about focus groups. Area 2007, 39(4), 528-535.
- Hopkins PE. Positionalities and knowledge: Negotiating ethics in practice. ACME: An International E-journal for Critical Geographers 2007, 6(3), 386-394.
- Hopkins PE. Global events, national politics, local lives: young Muslim men in Scotland. Environment and Planning A 2007, 39(5), 1119-1133.
- Hopkins PE, Pain R. Geographies of age: Thinking relationally. Area 2007, 39(3), 287-294.
- Hopkins PE. ‘Blue squares’, ‘proper’ Muslims and transnational networks Narratives of national and religious identities amongst young Muslim men living in Scotland. Ethnicities 2007, 7(1), 61-81.
- Hopkins PE. Youthful Muslim masculinities: gender and generational relations. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2006, 31(3), 337-352.
- Hopkins PE. Youth transitions and going to university: the perceptions of students attending a geography summer school access programme. Area 2006, 38(3), 240-247.
- Gwanzura-Ottemoller F, Hopkins PE, Lorimer H, Philip L. Reflections on Postgraduate Research Training: Staff and Student Perspectives. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 2005, 29(2), 279-292.
- Howard D, Hopkins PE. Editorial introduction: race, religion and the census. Population, Space and Place 2005, 11(2), 69-74.
- Hopkins PE. Young Muslim men in Scotland: Inclusions and Exclusions. Children's Geographies 2004, 2(2), 257-272.
- Hopkins PE. Everyday Racism in Scotland: A Case Study of East Pollokshields. Scottish Affairs 2004, 49(Autumn), 88-103.
Authored Books
- Hopkins, P. Everyday Islamophobia. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2024. In Press.
- Tate S, Hopkins P. Studying Geography at University: How to Succeed in the First Year of Your New Degree. London: Routledge, 2021.
- Hopkins P. Young People, Place and Identity. London: Routledge, 2010.
- Hopkins P. The Issue of Masculine Identities for British Muslims After 9/11: A Social Analysis. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008.
Book Chapters
- Hopkins P. Geography of Social Justice. In: Warf, B, ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Dordrecht: Springer, Cham, 2025.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P. Spatialising Islamophobia: responding to and resisting anti-Muslim racism in Scotland. In: Easat-Daas, A; Zempi, I, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia. Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2024, pp.239-254.
- Hopkins P, White J. Islamophobia. In: Warf B, ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Dordrecht: Springer, 2024, pp.1-5.
- Hopkins P. Intersectionality, intergenerational relations, and relationality: revisiting youthful Muslim masculinities. In: Kong L; Woods O; Tse JKH, ed. Handbook of Geographies of Religion. London: Springer, 2024, pp.533-540.
- Hopkins P. Intersectionality and Geography. In: Warf, B, ed. The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Dordrecht: Springer, Cham, 2024, pp.1-3.
- De Backer M, Hopkins P, van Liempt I. Refugee youth: Politics, Publicness and Visibility. In: De Backer M; Hopkins P; van Liempt I; Finlay R; Kirndörfer E; Kox M; Benwell MC; Hörschelmann K, ed. Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023, pp.231-237.
- Hopkins P, Finlay R. Politics, institutions and place: researching sensitive subjects in urban contexts. In: Lovell SA; Coen SE; Rosenberg MW, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography. London, UK: Routledge, 2023, pp.339-347.
- De Backer M, Hopkins P, van Liempt I. Introducing Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space. In: De Backer M; Hopkins P; van Liempt I; Finlay R; Kirndörfer E; Kox M; Benwell MC; Hörschelmann K, ed. Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023, pp.1-13.
- Hopkins P. Spatializing hate: relational, intersectional and emotional approaches. In: Hall, E; Clayton, J; Donovan, C, ed. Landscapes of Hate: Tracing Spaces, Relations and Responses. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022, pp.238-246.
- Biddulph M, Hopkins P, Tate S. Connecting children's and young people's geographies and geography education: why this matters to and for children, education, and society. In: Biddulph M; Catling S; Hammond L; McKendrick JH, ed. Children, education and society: rethinking intersections. London: Routledge, 2022, pp.69-82.
- Najib K, Finlay R. Religion. In: Authored by the The Newcastle Social Geographies Collective and edited by Rachel Pain and Peter Hopkins, ed. Social Geographies: An Introduction. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.
- Hopkins P. Sensitive topics. In: Wilson, HF; Darling, J, ed. Research Ethics for Human Geography. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, 2020, pp.51-58.
- Johnston L, Datta A, Hopkins P, Silva JM, Olson E. Introduction: establishing, placing, engaging and doing feminist geographies. In: Datta, A; Hopkins, P; Johnston, L; Olson, E; Silva JM, ed. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies. London: Routledge, 2020, pp.1-14.
- Boussalem A, Hopkins P. Intersectionality. In: Possamai A; Blasi AJ, ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion. London: Sage, 2020.
- Hopkins P, Pain R. Age. In: The Newcastle Social Geographies Collective, ed. Social Geographies: An Introduction. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020, pp.192-199.
- Tate S, Hopkins P. Student perspectives on the importance of both academic and social transitions to and through their undergraduate geography degree. In: Walkington, H; Hill, J; Dyer, S, ed. Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019, pp.16-30.
- Olson E, Hopkins P, Vincett G. Rethinking youth spirituality through sacrilege and encounter. In: Bartolini, N; MacKian, S; Pile, S, ed. Spaces of Spirituality. London, UK: Routledge, 2018, pp.268.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. Young Muslims’ political interests and political participations in Scotland. In: Hopkins, P, ed. Scotland's Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp.78-97.
- Hopkins P. Religion. In: Richardson D, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. London, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
- Botterill K, Sanghera G, Hopkins P. Muslim youth in Scotland: Politics, identity and multicultural citizenship. In: Hopkins, P, ed. Scotland's Muslims: society, politics and identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp.136-154.
- Hopkins P. Focus groups. In: Richardson, D, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. London: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
- Benwell M, Hopkins P. Introduction: children, young people and critical geopolitics. In: Benwell, M; Hopkins, P, ed. Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics. Abingdon, Oxon: Ashgate, 2016, pp.1-27.
- Hopkins P. Deflections, displacements, disengagements. In: Meer, N, ed. Scotland and Race Equality: Directions in Policy and Identity. London, UK: Runnymede, 2016, pp.30-31.
- Benwell M, Hopkins P. Conclusion. In: Benwell, M; Hopkins, P, ed. Children, Young People and Critical Geopolitics. Abington, Oxon: Taylor and Francis, 2016, pp.187-190.
- Hopkins P. Scales of Young People's Lives. In: Wyn, Johanna; Cahill, Helen, ed. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Springer, 2015, pp.761-772.
- Gorman-Murray A, Hopkins P. Introduction: Masculinities and Place. In: Gorman-Murray, A; Hopkins, P, ed. Masculinities and Place. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2014, pp.1-24.
- Hopkins P. Geographies of religion. In: Oxford Bibliographies Online. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Hopkins P. Exploring participatory diagramming in youth geographies. In: Phillips, R., Johns, J, ed. Fieldwork for Human Geography. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2012, pp.184-186.
- Ali R, Hopkins P. Everyday making and civic engagement amongst Muslim women in Scotland. In: Muslims in Britain: Making Social and Political Space. London: Routledge, 2012, pp.141-155.
- Hopkins P. Jovens, masculinidades, religiao e raca: novas geografias sociais. In: Silva, J.M., Ornat, M.J., Chimin Junior, A.B, ed. Espaço, gênero e masculinidades plurais. Brazil: Todapalavra, 2011.
- Hopkins P. Young people's spaces. In: Foley, P., Leverett, S, ed. Children and Young People's Spaces: Developing Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2010, pp.25-39.
- Van Hoven B, Hopkins P. Masculinities - Maanlichkeitsforschung in der Kulturgeographie. In: Bauriedl, S; Schier, M; Struver, A, ed. Geschlechterverhältnisse, Raumstrukturen, Ortsbeziehungen: Erkundungen von Vielfalt und Differenz im spatial turn. Berlin: Verlag Westfalisches Dampfboot, 2010, pp.238-250.
- Hopkins PE, Hill M. Contested bodies of asylum-seeking children. In: Horschelmannm K; Colls R, ed. Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010, pp.136-147.
- Pain R, Hopkins PE. Social geographies of age: landscapes, lifecourses, equity and justice. In: Smith SJ; Pain R; Marston S; Jones JP, ed. The SAGE handbook of social geography. London: Sage, 2009, pp.78-98.
- Hill M, Hopkins PE. Safeguarding children who are refugees or asylum seekers: managing multiple scales of legislation and policy. In: Broadhurst K; Grover C; Jamieson J; Mason C, ed. Safeguarding children: critical perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009.
- Gale R, Hopkins PE. Muslims in Britain: race, space and the spatiality of identities. In: Hopkins P; Gale, R, ed. Muslims in Britain: race, place and identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009, pp.236.
- van Hoven B, Hopkins PE. Masculinities. In: Kitchin R; Thrift N, ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Amsterdam; London; Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2009.
- Hopkins PE. Deconstructing geographical binaries: Muslims in the West. In: Phillips R, ed. Muslim spaces of hope: geographies of possibility in Britain and the West. London: Zed Books, 2009, pp.27-40.
- Hopkins PE. Young, male, Scottish and Muslim: a portrait of Kabir. In: Jeffrey C; Dyson J, ed. Telling Young Lives: portraits of global youth. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008, pp.69-80.
- Hopkins PE, Smith SJ. Scaling segregation; racialising fear. In: Pain R; Smith S, ed. Fear: critical geopolitics and everyday life. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, pp.103-116.
- Hopkins PE. Race, nation and politics: the difference that Scotland makes. In: Dwyer C; Bressey C, ed. New Geographies of Race and Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, pp.113-124.
- Hopkins PE. Young Muslim men’s experiences of local landscapes after 11 September 2001. In: Aitchison C; Hopkins PE; Kwan M-P, ed. Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp.189-200.
- Hopkins PE, Kwan M-P, Aitchison C. Introduction: Geographies of Muslim Identities. In: Aitchison C; Hopkins P; Kwan M-P, ed. Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp.1-10.
Edited Books
- De Backer M, Hopkins P, van Liempt I, Finlay R, Kirndörfer E, Kox M, Benwell MC, Hörschelmann K, ed. Refugee youth: migration, justice and urban space. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023.
- Hopkins P, Newcastle Social Geographies Collective, Pain R, Shaw R, Gao Q, Bonnett A, Jones C, Richardson M, Rzedzian S, Benwell MC, Lin W, McAreavey R, Stenning A, Blazek M, Pande R, Najib K, Finlay R, Nayak A, Ridley G, Mearns G, Bonner-Thompson C, McLaughlin J, Boussalem A, Iqbal N, Heslop J, Jarvis H, Burrows R, Bambra C, Copeland A, Tate S, Campbell E, Thompson M, James A, Raynor R, Cunningham N, Powells G, Herbert J, Hocknell S, ed. Social Geographies: An Introduction. London, UK: Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.
- Datta A, Hopkins P, Johnston L, Olson E, Silva JM, ed. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies. London: Routledge, 2020.
- Hopkins P, ed. Scotland's Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2017.
- Benwell MC, Hopkins P, ed. Children, young people and critical geopolitics. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor and Francis, 2016.
- Gorman-Murray A, Hopkins P, ed. Masculinities and Place. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2014.
- Hopkins P, Kong L, Olson E, ed. Religion and place: landscape, politics and piety. London: Springer, 2013.
- Hopkins PE, Gale R, ed. Muslims in Britain: race, place and identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.
- Aitchison C, Hopkins PE, Kwan, M-P, ed. Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
- Hörschelmann K, Studemeyer C, Hopkins P, Benwell MC. Peripheral visions? Security by, and for, whom?. Geopolitics 2019, 24(4), 777-786.
- Hopkins P, Hörschelmann K, Benwell M, Studemeyer C. Young people's everyday landscapes of security and insecurity. Social and Cultural Geography 2018, 20(4), 435-444.
- Dunn K, Hopkins P. The geographies of everyday Muslim life in the West. Australian Geographer 2016, 47(3), 255-260.
- Hopkins P. Young people and the Scottish Independence Referendum. Political Geography 2015, 46, 91-92.
- O'Neill Gutierrez C, Hopkins P. Introduction: young people, gender and intersectionality. Gender, Place and Culture 2015, 22(3), 383-389.
- Nagel C, Hopkins P. Spaces of multiculturalism. Space and Polity 2010, 14(1), 1-11.
- Hopkins P, Alexander C. Politics, mobility and nationhood: upscaling young people's geographies. Area 2010, 42(2), 142-144.
- Hopkins PE, Noble G. Masculinities in place: situated identities, relations and intersectionality. Social and Cultural Geography 2009, 10(8), 811-819.
- Hopkins PE, Bell N. Interdisciplinary perspectives: ethical issues and child research. Children's Geographies 2008, 6(1), 1-6.
Online Publications
- Hopkins P, Finlay R, White J. Young Muslims' creative engagement with social media. Bristol University Press, 2025. Available at:
- Najib K, Hopkins P. Islamophobia in Paris and London - how it differs and why. The Conversation, 2025. Available at:
- Hopkins P. How do we create environments where people can do their best thinking. Newcastle University, 2025. Available at:
- Hopkins P. Religious hate crimes in England and Wales are at a record high - but many still go unreported. The Conversation, 2024. Available at:
- Hopkins P, Finlay R. Lockdowns and the hidden crisis of asylum-seeking and refugee women. Bristol University Press, 2021. Available at:
- Hopkins P. How can Scotland tackle anti-Muslim racism?. Bristol University Press, 2021. Available at:
- Finlay R, Benwell MC, Hopkins P. Covid-19: Responding to the needs of asylum seekers in challenging and dangerous times. Discover Society, 2020. Available at:
- Hopkins P, Sanghera G, Botterill K, Arshad R. Young non-Muslims face Islamophobia too. The Conversation, 2017. Available at:
- Hopkins P, Finlay R. Young Muslims want to participate in politics - but prejudice and Islamophobia may be stopping them. The Conversation, 2017. Available at:
- Bonner-Thompson C, Hopkins P. Geographies of the Body. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. Available at:
- Hopkins P, Sanghera G, Botterill K. Eight ways that Islamophobia operates in everyday life. The Conversation, 2016. Available at:
- Abdi M, Adcock M, Adcock V, Ahmad H, Ali A, Ali Z, Fara V, Ibrahim M, Kaur N, Keith H, Malik T, Peters B, Said F, Shire A, Wilson C, Sinclair C, Hopkins P. Get your facts right: a guide to involving young people in social research. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2015.
- Hopkins P. Young people's geography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. Available at:
- Hopkins P, Tarrant A. Geographies of Age. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. Available at:
- White J, Finlay R, Hopkins P. Muslim youth in Scotland: politics, racism, and the media. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Building inclusive places: anti-racism in North East businesses. Durham: North East Chamber of Commerce, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Building inclusive places - a guide to retention, progression, and promotion to promote anti-racism in North East businesses. Durham: North East Chamber of Commerce, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Building inclusive places - a guide to recruitment practices to promote anti-racism in North East businesses. Durham: North East Chamber of Commerce, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Building inclusive places - a guide to business strategy and leadership to promote anti-racism in North East businesses. Durham: North East Chamber of Commerce, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Building inclusive education - a guide to workplace education and training to promote anti-racism in North East businesses. Durham: North East Chamber of Commerce, 2024.
- Hopkins P. Scotland's Islamophobia - education, media, gender - update 2023. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2023.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P, Kirndörfer E, Kox M, Huizinga R, De Backer M, Benwell MC, van Liempt I, Hörschelmann K, Felten P, Bastian JM, Bousetta H. Young refugees and public space. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2022.
- Huizinga R, Hopkins P, De Backer M, Finlay R, Kirndörfer E, Kox M, Bastian J, Benwell MC, Felten P, Haack L, Hörschelmann K, van Liempt I. Researching refugee youth. London: Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, 2022. Guides for Researchers.
- Hopkins P. Scotland's Islamophobia - report of the inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland but the Cross Party Group on Tackling islamophobia - Executive Summary. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Hopkins P. Scotland’s Islamophobia: report of the inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland by the Cross-Party Group on Tackling Islamophobia. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P, Benwell MC. “It’s like rubbing salt on the wound”: the impacts of Covid-19 and lockdown on asylum seekers and refugees. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Hopkins P, Clayton J. Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred in North East England. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.
- Finlay R, Nayak A, Benwell M, Hopkins P, Pande R, Richardson M. Growing up in Sunderland: young people, politics and place. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.
- Mir U, Hopkins P. Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam - Executive Summary. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament, 2019.
- Mir U, Hopkins P. Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament, 2019.
- Hopkins P, Mearns GW, Bonner-Thompson C. LGBTQ+ experiences of a university campus. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2019.
- Hopkins P, Iqbal N, Mearns G, Thompson M. Exploring the experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic students and staff at Newcastle University. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2019.
- Hopkins P, Iqbal N, Mearns G. Everyday sexism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2019.
- Hopkins P, Mearns G, Bonner-Thompson C. Transgender experiences of Newcastle University. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2018.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. Muslim Youth and Political Participation in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University and University of St Andrews, 2017.
- Hopkins P, Botterill K, Sanghera G, Arshad R. Faith, ethnicity, place: young people's everyday geopolitics in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2015.
- Goodall K, Hopkins P, McKerrell S, Markey J, Millar S, Richardson J, Richardson M. Community experiences of sectarianism. Edinburgh: Scottish Government Social Research, 2015. Social Research series.
- Tate S, Hopkins P. Re-thinking undergraduate students' transitions to, through and out of university: examples of good practice in GEES disciplines. York: Higher Education Academy, 2013.
- Hopkins P, Baillie Smith M, Laurie N, Olson E. Young Christians in Latin America: the experiences of young Christians who participate in faith-based international volunteering projects in Latin America. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2010.
- Hopkins P, Baillie-Smith M, Laurie N, Olson E. Jovenes cristianos en America Latina: Las experiencias de jovenes cristianos que participan como voluntarios internacionales en proyectos de inspiracion religiosa en America Latina. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2010.
- Pain R, Hopkins PE. Common Ground: a space of emotional well-being for young asylum seekers. Durham University: Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, 2009.
- Medd W, Watson M, Hopkins PE, Olson E. Cultural diversity and sustainable water management in Greater London: the research agenda. London: Greater London Authority, 2007.
- Hopkins PE, Hill M. ‘This is a good place to live and think about the future’: the needs and experiences of unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people in Scotland. Glasgow: Scottish Refugee Council, 2006.