Staff Profile

Dr Sean Molloy
NUAcT Fellow: Economic & Social Sciences
Sean is a NUACT Fellow based at Newcastle Law School. He holds a PhD in Law from Edinburgh University, LLM International Human Rights Law and Transitional Justice, (Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster), LLM International Business and Commercial Law (Liverpool John Moore's) and LLB Law from Queen's University, Belfast. Sean has previously worked as a lecturer at Northumbria Law School, research associate at Newcastle Law School, and a Peace Agreement Analyst for the Political Settlements Research Programme. Sean is an associate of the PeaceRep . Sean has worked as a consultant for International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, UN bodies and governmental agencies. Sean has also conceptualised and delivered a database on peace agreements and children, and continues to work on databases on both peace agreements and constitution-making in conflict-affected settings.
Sean's research focuses on children's rights, particularly in societies attempting to transition from conflict to peace. Sean also researches in the area of comparative constitutional law and constitution building and reform in transitioning societies.
- Molloy S. The Universal Periodic Review and peace agreement implementation: conceptualising connections, challenges, and ways forward. London Review of International Law 2024, 12(1), 95-122.
- Molloy S. The Committee on the Rights of the Child and Article 12: Applying the Lundy model to treaty body recommendations. Leiden Journal of International Law 2024, 37(3), 669-693.
- Molloy S. Child Soldiers and Peace Agreements. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2024, 73(1), 103-134.
- Molloy S. Exclusionary inclusion? Peace Agreements and Provisions on Child Protection. Nordic Journal of Human Rights 2023, 415(4), 432-451.
- Molloy S. Conceptualising the Transformative Justice Potential of Peace Processes. International Journal of Human Rights 2023, 27(2), 307-334.
- Molloy S, Smith R. Advancing human rights in a post-Brexit era: Global Britain or wavering Britain?. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 2023, 36(4), 578-596.
- Molloy, S. The Power of Teaching Police through the Prism of Human Rights. International Journal of Public Legal Education 2022, 6, 1.
- Molloy, S. Contemplating the Lundy Model as a Framework for Children’s Participation in Peace Negotiations. International Journal of Children's Rights 2022.
- Molloy S. Advancing Children's Rights in Peace Processes: The role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Human Rights Law Review 2022, 22(3), ngac022.
- Molloy S. 'Why do states ratify human rights treaties after Conflict? '. International Journal of Human Rights 2020. Submitted.
- Mallory C, Molloy S, Murray CRG. Tort, Truth Recovery and the Northern Ireland Conflict. European Human Rights Law Review 2020, 2020(3), 244-262.
- Smith R, Molloy S. Navigating Human Rights in a ‘Post-Human Rights’ Era: Mapping the Terrain through the Lens of ASEAN States. Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Rights and Law 2020, 21(2), 139-194.
- Molloy S. ‘National Human Rights Institutions and Post-Conflict Settings: An Evolving Research Agenda?’. Journal of Human Rights Practice 2020. Submitted.
- Smith R, Mallory C, Molloy S. Brexiting human rights diplomacy at the United Nations Human Rights Council: opportunity or cause for concern?. The International Journal of Human Rights 2020, 24(4), 414-438.
Authored Book
- Molloy S. Business, Peacebuilding, and Regulation : The Role of the State. London: Routledge, 2024.
Book Chapters
- Molloy S. ‘Sustainable Development Goal 16’. In: Long, G, Molloy, S, Clough, E, Muggleton, E, Hardacre, J, Bolam, R, Cansino, H, and Luxton, L, ed. The SDGs and Scotland: a discussion paper and initial analysis’. 2019. In Preparation.
- Molloy S, Paladini B. ‘More inclusive monitoring of peace agreement implementation: Barometer Initiative in Colombia'. In: Andy Carl, ed. Navigating inclusion in peace processes. Conciliation Resources, 2019. In Preparation.
Online Publications
- Molloy S. Advancing Children’s Rights in Peace Processes: What Role for CommCRC?. Edinburgh: PeaceRep: The Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform, University of Edinburgh, 2022. Available at:
- Molloy S, Bell C, Welikala A, Houlihan E, Zulueta-Fülscher K. Emergency law responses and conflict-affected states in transition. Solna, Sweden: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2021. Available at:
- Mallory C, Molloy S. Another setback for truth and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. London: Prospect Publishing Limited, 2021. Available at:
- Molloy S. Peace Agreements and Persons with Disabilities. University of Edinburgh: Political Settlement Research Programme, 2020. Political Settlement Research Programme.
- Molloy S. Negotiating States of Emergency: What can we learn from conflict-affected settings?. University of Edinburgh, 2020. Political Settlements Research Programme.
- Molloy S. Exploring the Relationship between Peace Agreements and the Ratification of International Human Rights Treaties. University of Edinburgh, 2020. Political Settlements Research Programme. Submitted.
- Molloy S. Peace Agreements and Trust Funds. Ebinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2019. Political Settlements Research Programme.
- Molloy S, Bell C. How Peace Agreements Provide for Implementation. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2019. Political Settlements Research Programme.
- Molloy S. Business and Peace Agreements. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2018. Political Settlements Research Programme.
- Molloy S. Assessing and Influencing Progress in Peace Processes . Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2018. Political Settlements Research Programme.
- Molloy S. Sub-state constitutions in fragile and conflict-affected settings. 2017. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. In Preparation.
- Bell C, Anderson R, Forster R, Jaede M, Jamar A, Molloy S, Pospisil J, Welikala A, and Wise R. Navigating Inclusion in Peace Settlements: Human Rights and the Creation of the Common Good. 2020. British Academy Report. In Preparation.
Working Paper
- Molloy S. ‘Justice, Rights and Equality: In Search of the Common Good in an Era of Transition’. British Academy Working Paper 2017, 25. Submitted.