Staff Profile
Professor Tim Gray
Senior Research Investigator
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 0115
- Address: Room: 4.28
Henry Daysh Building
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
I am an Emeritus Professor of Political Thought employed as a Senior Research Investigator by Newcastle University in the Politics division of the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology on a part-time basis to carry out research and doctoral supervision.
Research Interests
I began my academic career as a political theorist in 1963, and developed an interest in environmental politics during the 1990s. I have authored/co-authored 5 books and 13 articles/chapters in political thought, and authored/co-authored/edited 9 books and 53 articles/chapters in environmental politics. The topics of the publications on environmental politics include temperate and tropical fisheries management; the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy; fisheries-dependent communities; fishers’ knowledge and scientific knowledge; discourses in fisheries politics; stakeholder participation in fisheries governance; discard policies; coral reef fisheries management; governance of marine protected areas; distributive justice and fishing opportunities; international whaling politics; water and sanitation politics; politics of genetic resources; population policy; the environmental movement; environment agencies; windfarm siting policy; international environmental moratoria; and minewater pollution remediation policy.
I no longer have any undergraduate teaching duties, but I do periodically supervise dissertations by undergraduates and Masters’ students and I co-supervise PhD students. I have supervised/co-supervised 34 PhD students and seven MPhil students to completion, and I am currently co-supervising six PhD students. Sixteen of the 34 PhD I have supervised/co-supervised students have held ESRC/NERC studentship awards.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T. Unregulated open-access versus regulated open-access fishing: Analysis of stakeholders' perceptions in Sierra Leone. Fishes 2024, 9(7), 282.
- Al Mahrizi ASK, Gray T, Gregory-Smith D, Stead SM. The Role of Stakeholder Participation in Oman's Tourism Planning System. Tourism Planning & Development 2024, 21(6), 881-916.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Atela J, Nantongo M, Aoko L, Tonui C, Rajah E, Osamba J, Odongo J, Atchade A, Gray T. Locally led adaptation metrics for Africa: a framework for building resilience in smallholder farming sectors. Frontiers in Climate 2024, 6, 1429462. In Preparation.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Sankoh S, Bangura A, Stead S, Rajah E. Is nutrition sensitive fish farming a panacea for Africa's increasing malnutrition burden? The case of Sierra Leone. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 2024, 4(3), e174.
- Gray T. Fishing for principles: The fairness of fishing quota allocations. Sustainability 2024, 16(12), 5064.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Kamara S, Sesay E, Dauda A, Stead S, Robinson D, Ani K. Climate-smart fisheries: CO2 emissions reduction and food security are complementary. Marine Policy 2024, 159, 105926.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Ani K, Stead S. Proposed solutions to the problems of the Lake Chad fisheries: Resilience lessons for Africa?. Fishes 2023, 8(2), 64.
- Carrick J, Bell D, Fitzsimmons C, Gray T, Stewart G. Principles and practical criteria for effective participatory environmental planning and decision-making. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2023, 66(14), 2854-2877.
- Korda R, Gray T, Stead SM. Integration or separation? The future of the English small-scale coastal fishery. Maritime Studies 2023, 22(21).
- Gray T, Korda R, Stead SM. Democracy and Human Rights in the Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in England. Sustainability 2023, 15(4), 2956.
- Al-Subhi K, Gray T, Stead SM. An evaluation of Oman's National Fisheries Development Strategy (NFDS) 2013-2020: Wealth or welfare maximisation?. Marine Policy 2023, 155. In Preparation.
- Abdullah S, Gray T. White collar crimes and corruption at border crossings in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq: Causes, effects and challenges for reform. Journal of Kurdistani for Strategic Studies 2022, (2).
- Abdullah S, Gray T. Political constraints on economic diversification in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Energy Policy 2022, 171, 113274.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Taylor A, Dougill A, Stead S, Gray T. Alleviating impacts of climate change on fishing communities using weather information to improve fishers' resilience. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022, 10, 951245.
- Gray T, Catchpole T. The Relation between Fisheries–Science Partnerships and Co-Management: A Case Study of EU Discards Survival Work. Sustainability 2021, 13(6), 3108.
- Gray T. Normative theory of international relations and the 'mackerel war' in the North East Atlantic. Marine Policy 2021, 131, 104620.
- Alqattan M, Gray T. Marine pollution in Kuwait and its impact on fish stocks in Kuwaiti waters: Reviewing the Kuwait government's policies and practices. Frontiers in Sustainability 2021, 2, 667822.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Stead S, Gray T. Is inland aquaculture the panacea for Sierra Leone's decline in marine fish stocks?. Marine Policy 2021, 132, 104663.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T. Is community-based management of small-scale fisheries in Sierra Leone the answer to their problems?. World Development Perspectives 2021, 21, 100292.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T. Interpreting perceptions about coastal fisheries in Sierra Leone: Scapegoats and panaceas. Sustainability 2021, 13(13), 7292.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Stead SM. The controversial role of foreign fisheries consultants in Sierra Leone's coastal waters. Marine Policy 2020, 118, 103399.
- Khan A, Mill A, Gray T, Jiang M, Arief H, Brown A, Karman A, Polunin N. Reliability of the data on tuna catches obtained from the dockside in Indonesia: A study of stakeholders' perceptions. Marine Policy 2020, 122, 104242.
- Jones E, Botterill K, Chikwama C, Caveen A, Gray T. Pay gaps between domestic and international fishers:an economic or ethical issue?. Maritime Studies 2020, 19, 15-27.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Stead SM. Is there a ‘wicked problem’ of small-scale coastal fisheries in Sierra Leone?. Marine Policy 2020, 118, 103471.
- Nor AM, Gray TS, Caldwell GS, Stead SM. A value-chain analysis of Malaysia's seaweed industry. Journal of Applied Phycology 2020, 32, 2161-2171.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Ani K, Gray T. Two approaches to conflict resolution and their applicability to Ogoniland, Nigeria. Journal of Global South Studies 2019, 36(1), 164-185.
- Alqattan MEA, Gray TS, Stead SM. The illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Kuwait: Problems and solutions. Marine Policy 2019, 116, 103775.
- Hogg K, Noguera-Mendez P, Semetiel-Garcia M, Young S, Gray T. Interpretations of MPA Winners and Losers: A Case Study of the Cabo De Palos- Islas Hormigas Fisheries Reserve. Maritime Studies 2019, 18, 159-171.
- Salmin YN, Jiddawi N, Gray T, Temple AJ, Stead SM. Improving bycatch mitigation measures for marine megafauna in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2019, 18(1), 19-28.
- Alqattan MEA, Gray T, Stead SM. The Forgotten Pirates: Iraqi and Iranian Pirates in the Arabian Gulf Who Have Never Been Reported to the International Maritime Bureau. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 2018, 41(5), 408-417.
- Hogg K, Semetiel-Garcia M, Noguera-Mendez P, Gray T, Young S. Perceptions of threats facing Cabo de Palos-Isla Hormigas MPA and potential solutions. Coastal Management 2018, 46(1), 58-74.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray TS, Stead SM. Perceptions of the existence and causes of structural violence in Ogoni communities, Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 2018, 36(2), 229-244.
- Al-Belushi KIA, Stead SM, Gray T, Burgess G. Measurement of open innovation in the marine biotechnology sector in Oman. Marine Policy 2018, 98, 164-173.
- Khan A, Gray T, Mill A, Polunin N. Impact of a fishing moratorium on a tuna pole-and-line fishery in eastern Indonesia. Marine Policy 2018, 94, 143–149.
- Catchpole T, Mangi S, Elliott S, Peach D, Gray T. How to deal with the EU landing obligation: Lessons from an English discard ban trial. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2018, 75(1), 270-278.
- Abdullah S, Gray TS, Clough E. Clientelism: factionalism in the allocation of public resources in Iraq after 2003. Middle Eastern Studies 2018, 54(4), 665-682.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor NA, Gray TS, Stead SM. A comparative analysis of the role of traditional and modern community-based organizations in promoting community development in Ogoniland, Nigeria. Community Development Journal 2018, 53(1), 173-189.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray T, Stead SM. Two concepts of community in the Niger Delta: social sense of communality, and a geographical sense of place. Are they compatible?. Journal of Place Management and Development 2017, 10(3), 254-269.
- Catchpole TL, Ribeiro-Santos A, Mangi SC, Hedley C, Gray TS. The challenges of the landing obligation in EU fisheries. Marine Policy 2017, 82, 76-86.
- Jones EV, Macintosh D, Stead S, Gray T. How effective are MPAs in conserving crab stocks? A comparison of fisheries and conservation objectives in three coastal MPAs in Thailand. Ocean and Coastal Management 2017, 149, 186-197.
- Hogg K, Noguera-Méndeza P, Semitiel-García M, Gray T, Young S. Controversies over stakeholder participation in marine protected area (MPA) management: A case study of the Cabo de Palos-Islas Hormigas MPA. Ocean & Coastal Management 2017, 144, 120-128.
- Okeke-Ogbuafor NA, Gray TS, Stead SM. Reconciling traditional indigenous governance with contemporary approaches to decision making in Ogoni communities in Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development 2016, 9(1), 55-62.
- Nor AM, Gray TS, Caldwell GS, Stead SM. Is a cooperative approach to seaweed farming effectual? An analysis of the Seaweed Cluster Project (SCP), Malaysia. Journal of Applied Phycology 2016, 29(5), 2323–2337.
- Jones EV, Gray T, Macintosh D, Stead S. A comparative analysis of three marine governance systems for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Marine Policy 2016, 66, 30-38.
- Scarff G, Fitzsimmons C, Gray T. The new mode of marine planning in the UK: aspirations and challenges. Marine Policy 2015, 51, 96-102.
- Philpot D, Gray TS, Stead SM. Seychelles, a vulnerable or resilient SIDS? A local perspective . Island Studies Journal 2015, 10(1), 31-48.
- Hatchard JL, Gray TS. From RACs to Advisory Councils: Lessons from North Sea discourse for the 2014 reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy. Marine Policy 2014, 47, 87-93.
- Brennan J, Fitzsimmons C, Gray T, Raggatt L. EU marine strategy framework directive (MSFD) and marine spatial planning (MSP): Which is the more dominant and practicable contributor to maritime policy in the UK?. Marine Policy 2014, 43, 359-366.
- Jones EV, Caveen AJ, Gray TS. Are fisheries-dependent communities in Scotland really maritime-dependent communities?. Ocean & Coastal Management 2014, 95, 254-263.
- Turner RA, Gray T, Polunin NVC, Stead SM. Territoriality as a driver of fishers' spatial behaviour in the Northumberland lobster fishery. Society & Natural Resources 2013, 26(5), 491-505.
- Bell D, Gray T, Haggett C, Swarfield J. Revisiting the 'social gap': public opinion and relations of power in the local politics of wind energy. Environmental Politics 2013, 22(1), 115-135.
- Caveen AJ, Gray TS, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. MPA policy: What lies behind the science?. Marine Policy 2013, 37(1), 3-10.
- Huang CL, Gray TS, Bell D. Environmental justice of nuclear waste policy in Taiwan: Taipower, government and local community. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2013, 15(6), 1555-1571.
- Hart K, Gray T, Stead SM. Consumptive versus non-consumptive use of sea turtles? Stakeholder perceptions about sustainable use in three communities near Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica. Marine Policy 2013, 42, 236-244.
- Bown N, Gray T, Stead SM. Co-management and adaptive co-management: two modes of governance in a Honduran marine protected area. Marine Policy 2013, 39(May), 128-134.
- Patterson A, Gray T. Unprincipled? The British government's pragmatic approach to the precautionary principle. Environmental Politics 2012, 21(3), 432-450.
- Al-Bisher H, Gray T, Stead SM. The concept of integrated national maritime policy and its application to Saudi Arabia. Maritime Policy and Management 2012, 39(5), 525-541.
- Lieberman S, Gray T, Groom AJR. Moratoria in international politics: a comparative analysis of the moratoria on genetically modified products and commercial whaling. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2012, 14(4), 518-533.
- Nagel P, Gray T. Is the EU's Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) with Mauritania a genuine partnership or exploitation by the EU?. Ocean and Coastal Management 2012, 56, 26-34.
- Hogg K, Gray T, Bown N. Crisis Within Social Capital? The Negative Impact on Natural Resources of Tension Between Household and Community Social Capital in a Migrant Ladino Enclave on Utila. Society and Natural Resources 2012, 25(5), 440-452.
- Coren N, Gray T. Commodification of Volunteer Tourism: a Comparative Study of Volunteer Tourists in Vietnam and in Thailand. International Journal of Tourism Research 2012, 14(3), 222-234.
- Gray T, Korda R, Stead S, Jones E. Quota discarding and distributive justice: The case of the under-10m fishing fleet in Sussex, England. Marine Policy 2011, 35(2), 122-129.
- Armstrong G, Gray T. Three fallacies in the essentialist interpretation of the political thought of R.H.Tawney. Journal of Political Ideologies 2010, 15(2), 161-174.
- Jones E, Umponstira C, Gray T. Small-Scale Fishing: Perceptions and Threats to Conserving a Livelihood in the Province of Phang-Nga, Thailand. EnvironmentAsia 2010, 3(1), 1-7.
- Catchpole T, Gray TS. Reducing discards of fish at sea: a review of European pilot projects. Journal of Environmental Management 2010, 91(3), 717-723.
- Palmer L, Gray T, Bell D. Lessons for community-based management approaches to mine water pollution problems: a comparative study of four cases in northeast England. Local Environment 2010, 15(4), 341-356.
- Hind EJ, Hiponia MC, Gray TS. From community-based to centralised national management-A wrong turning for the governance of the marine protected area in Apo Island, Philippines?. Marine Policy 2010, 34(1), 54-62.
- Jones EV, Gray TS, Umponstira C. The Impact of Artisanal Fishing on Coral Reef Fish Health in Hat Thai Mueang, Phang-Nga Province, Southern Thailand. Marine Policy 2009, 33(4), 544-552.
- McLean C, Gray TS. Liberal Intergovernmentalism, Historical Institutionalism and British and German Perceptions of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. Marine Policy 2009, 33(3), 458-465.
- Thomson K, Gray TS. From Community-Based to Co-Management: Improvement or Deterioration in Fisheries Governance in the Cherai Poyil Fishery in the Cochin Estuary, Kerala, India?. Marine Policy 2009, 33(4), 537-543.
- Lieberman SZ, Gray TS. The World Trade Organization's report on the EU's moratorium on biotech products: The wisdom of the US challenge to the EU in the WTO. Global Environmental Politics 2008, 8(1), 33-52.
- Catchpole TL, Van Keeken O, Gray TS, Piet G. The discard problem - A comparative analysis of two fisheries: The English Nephrops fishery and the Dutch beam trawl fishery. Ocean & Coastal Management 2008, 51(11), 772-778.
- Gray TS, Hatchard JL, Daw TM, Stead SM. New cod war of words: 'Cod is God' versus 'sod the cod'-Two opposed discourses on the North Sea Cod Recovery Programme. Fisheries Research 2008, 93(1-2), 1-7.
- Varjopuro R, Gray TS, Hatchard JL, Rauschmayer F, Wittmer H. Introduction: Interaction between environment and fisheries-The role of stakeholder participation. Marine Policy 2008, 32(2), 147-157.
- Lieberman S, Gray T. GMOs and the developing world: A precautionary interpretation of biotechnology. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2008, 10(3), 395-411.
- Korda R, Hills J, Gray TS. Fishery decline in Utila: Disentangling the web of governance. Marine Policy 2008, 32(6), 968-979.
- Gray TS, Hatchard JL. A complicated relationship: Stakeholder participation and the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. Marine Policy 2008, 32(2), 158-168.
- Lieberman S, Gray T. The role of political myth in the international conflict over genetically modified foods and crops. European Environment 2007, 17(6), 376-386.
- Gray TS, Hatchard JL. Environmental stewardship as a new form of fisheries governance. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2007, 64(4), 786-792.
- Reardon J, Gray TS. About Turn: An Analysis of the Causes of the New Zealand Labour Party's Adoption of Neo-Liberal Policies 1984-1990. Political Quarterly 2007, 78(3), 447-455.
- Stead S, Daw T, Gray T. Uses of fishers’ knowledge in fisheries management. Anthropology in Action 2006, 13(3), 77-86.
- Lieberman SZ, Gray TS. The so-called 'Moratorium' on the licensing of new genetically modified (GM) products by the European Union 1998-2004: a study in ambiguity. Environmental Politics 2006, 15(4), 592-609.
- Stewart AE, Gray TS. The authenticity of 'type two' multistakeholder partnerships for water and sanitation in Africa: When is a stakeholder a partner?. Environmental Politics 2006, 15(3), 362-378.
- Catchpole TL, Frid CLJ, Gray TS. Resolving the discard problem - A case study of the English Nephrops fishery. Marine Policy 2006, 30(6), 821-831.
- Catchpole TL, Frid CLJ, Gray TS. Importance of discards from the English Nephrops norvegicus fishery in the North Sea to marine scavengers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006, 313, 215-226.
- Bell DR, Gray TS, Haggett C. The 'social gap' in wind farm siting decisions: Explanations and policy responses. Environmental Politics 2005, 14(4), 460-477.
- Brookfield K, Gray TS, Hatchard JL. The concept of fisheries-dependent communities - A comparative analysis of four UK case studies: Shetland, Peterhead, North Shields and Lowestoft. Fisheries Research 2005, 72(1), 55-69.
- Gray TS, Haggett C, Bell DR. Offshore wind farms and commercial fisheries in the UK: A study in stakeholder consultation. Ethics, Place and Environment 2005, 8(2), 127-140.
- Daw TM, Gray TS. Fisheries science and sustainability in international policy: a study of failure in the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy. Marine Policy 2005, 29(3), 189-197.
- Catchpole TL, Frid CLJ, Gray TS. Discards in North Sea fisheries: causes, consequences and solutions. Marine Policy 2005, 29(5), 421-430.
- Catchpole TL, Frid CLJ, Gray TS. Discarding in the English north-east coast Nephrops norvegicus fishery: the role of social and environmental factors. Fisheries Research 2005, 72(1), 45-54.
- Gray TS, Hatchard JL. The 2002 reform of the Common Fisheries Policy's system of governance - rhetoric or reality?. Marine Policy 2003, 27(6), 545-554.
- Hatchard JL, Gray TS. Stakeholders and the reform of the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy: the institutionalisation of a consultation culture?. Maritime Studies 2003, 2(2), 5-20.
- Karvounis A, Manzo K, Gray TS. Playing mother: Narratives of Britishness in New Labour attitudes toward Europe. Journal of Political Ideologies 2003, 8(3), 311-325.
- Bell DR, Gray TS. The Ambiguous Role of the Environment Agency in England and Wales. Environmental Politics 2002, 11(3), 76-98.
- Dolatyar M, Gray TS. The Politics of Water Scarcity in the Middle East. Environmental Politics 2000, 9(3), 65-88.
- Gray TS, Gray MJ, Hague RA. Sandeels, sailors, sandals & suits: The strategy of the environmental movement in relation to the fishing industry. Environmental Politics 1999, 8(3), 119-139.
- Stenson AJ, Gray TS. An autonomy-based justification for intellectual property rights of indigenous communities. Environmental Ethics 1999, 21(2), 177-190.
- Cotterrell L, Gray TS. Sustainable development and the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on commercial whaling. Ethics, Place and Environment 1998, 1(2), 183-195.
- Gray TS. The common fisheries policy of the European Union. Environmental Politics 1997, 6(4), 143-151.
- Dodgson R, Gray TS. An international regime for population? From Bucharest to Cairo. Politics 1996, 16(2), 95-101.
- Gray TS. Spencer, Steiner and Hart on the equal liberty principle. Journal of Applied Philosophy 1993, 10(1), 91-104.
- Gray TS, Doherty G. Herbert Spencer and the relation between economic and political liberty. History of Political Thought 1993, 14(3), 475-490.
- Gray TS. Herbert Spencer's social contract theory. Studies in Political Thought 1992, 1(2), 33-45.
- Hindson P, Gray TS. Edmund Burke and the French Revolution as drama. History of European Ideas 1992, 14(2), 203-211.
- Gray TS. Is Herbert Spencer's law of equal freedom a utilitarian or a rights-based theory of justice?. Journal of the History of Philosophy 1988, 26(2), 259-278.
- Gray TS. Herbert Spencer: individualist or organicist?. Political Studies 1985, 33(2), 236-253.
- Gray TS. Herbert Spencer on women: a study in personal and political disillusionment. International Journal of Women's Studies 1984, 7(3), 217-231.
- Gray TS. Herbert Spencer's theory of social justice - desert or entitlement?. History of Political Thought 1981, 2(1), 161-186.
Authored Books
- Korda R, Gray T, Stead SM. Resilience in the English Small-Scale Fishery: Small Fry but Big Issue. Switzerland AG: Springer, 2020.
- Caveen AJ, Polunin NVC, Gray TS, Stead SM. The Controversy over Marine Protected Areas: Science Meets Policy. New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2015.
- Bown N, Gray T, Stead SM. Contested Forms of Governance in Marine Protected Areas: A Study of Co-Management and Adaptive Co-Management. Abingdon: Routledge, 2013.
- Bown N, Gray T, Stead S. Contested Forms of Governance in Marine Protected Areas: A Study of Co-Management and Adaptive Co-Management. London: Routledge, 2012.
- Armstrong G, Gray TS. The Authentic Tawney: A New Interpretation of the Political Thought of R. H. Tawney. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2011.
- Al-Bisher H, Stead S, Gray T. Saudi Maritime Policy: Integrated Governance. London, UK: Routledge, 2011.
- Stewart A, Gray TS. The governance of water and sanitation in Africa : achieving sustainable development through partnerships. London: IB Tauris, 2009.
- Dolatyar M, Gray TS. Water Politics in the Middle East: A Context for Conflict or Cooperation?. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
- Stenson A, Gray TS. The Politics of Genetic Resource Control . Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999.
- Gray TS. The political philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.
- Cross M, Gray TS. The Feminism of Flora Tristan. Oxford: Berg, 1992.
- Gray TS. Freedom. London: Macmillan, 1991.
- Hindson P, Gray TS. Burke's dramatic theory of politics. Aldershot: Avebury, 1988.
Book Chapters
- Korda R, Kirk-Adams D, Gray T, Stead S. Addressing low rates of attendance within fisher focus groups: Reflections from inshore fisheries research in England. In: Gustavvson,M; White,C; Phillipson,J; Ouanian,K, ed. Researching People and the Sea: Methodologies and Traditions. Gland, Switzerland: Springer, 2021, pp.115-136.
- Jones E, Schuttenburg H, Gray T, Stead S. The governability of mangrove systems in Thailand: Comparative successes of different governance models. In: Jentoft,S; Chuenpagdee,R, ed. Interactive Governance for Small-Scale Fisheries. New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2015, pp.413-432.
- Gray TS. Participatory fisheries governance - Three central themes. In: Gray TS, ed. Participation in Fisheries Governance. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2005, pp.343-356.
- Hatchard JL, Gray TS, Mikalsen K, Brookfield K. Second stakeholder consultation. In: Paramor OAL; Scott CL; Frid CLJ, ed. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: Producing a Fisheries Ecosystem Plan. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2004, pp.61-131.
- Gray TS, Ritchie E. The changing strategies of environmental non-governmental organisations in the UK in the 1990s. In: Pierson, C.; Tormey, S, ed. Politics at the edge: the PSA Yearbook 1999. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000, pp.145-159.
- Gray TS. Politics and the environment in the UK and beyond. In: Redclift,M;Woodgate,G, ed. Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp.287-299.
- Stenson A, Gray TS. Cultural communities and intellectual property rights in plant genetic resources. In: Hayward,T;O'Neill,J, ed. Justice, property and the environment. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997, pp.178-193.
- Gray TS, Batty H. Environmental rights and national sovereignty. In: Caney,S et al, ed. National rights and international obligations. Oxford: Westview, 1996, pp.149-165.
- Gray TS, Stenson A. The tragedy of the common fisheries policy: UK fisheries policy in the 1990s. In: Gray,TS, ed. UK environmental policy in the 1990s. London: Macmillan, 1995, pp.263-282.
- Gray TS. Psychology and political theory: does personality make a difference?. In: Jones,P, ed. Party, parliament and personality. London: Routledge, 1995, pp.203-226.
- Gray TS. Herbert Spencer's liberalism: from social statics to social dynamics. In: Bellamy,R, ed. Victorian liberalism - 19th century political thought and practice. London: Routledge, 1989, pp.110-130.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hatchard J, Gray TS, Mikalsen K. Incorporating stakeholders into the development of fisheries ecosystem plans: a North Sea case study. In: Fourth World Fisheries Congress. 2008, Vancouver, Canada: American Fisheries Society.
- Stead S, Daw T, Graham N, Gray T, Polunin N, Robinson J, McClanahan T. Trends in climate change, coastal governance, coral reef ecology, and socio-economic variation in the Seychelles. In: World Maritime Technology Conference. 2006, London: IMARES.
- Stead SM, Daw T, Graham NAJ, Gray TS, Polunin NVC, Robinson J, McClanahan TR. Trends in climate change, coastal governance, coral reef ecology and socio-economic variation in the Seychelles. In: World Maritime Technology Conference. 2006, London: The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).
- Bown NK, Stead S, Gray T, Coles T, Ritchie E. Socio-economic and ecological indicators for analysing the success of the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area (CCMPA) objective for fisheries management. In: Annual Reef Conservation UK Conference. 2006, Zoological Society of London.
- Gray TS. Theorising about participatory fisheries governance. In: Participation in Fisheries Governance. 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Springer.
- Gray TS. Fisheries science and fishers' knowledge. In: Second International Conference on Marine Science and Technology for Environmental Sustainability. 2002, Newcastle on Tyne: ENSUS.
- Gray TS, Ritchie E. PLEASE DELETE THIS ITEM BECAUSE IT IS REPLICATED BY THE NEXT ITEM. In: 49th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association. 2000, Nottingham: Macmillan, Basingstoke.
- Gray TS. Fishing and fairness: the justice of the common fisheries policy. In: Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association. 1997, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, April 8-10, 1997: Political Studies Association.
- Gray TS. Spencer's evolutionary liberalism and the end of history. In: Annual Conference of the Poliitcal Studies Association. 1996, University of Glasgow: Political Studies Association.
Edited Books
- Gray TS, ed. Participation in Fisheries Governance. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2005.
- Gray TS, ed. The Politics of Fishing. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
- Gray TS, ed. UK environmental politics in the 1990s. London: Macmillan, 1995.
- Bell DR, Thompson N, Deckers JWP, Brennan M, Gray TS. Deliberating the Environment: Scientists and the Socially Excluded in Dialogue. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2005. Centre for Rural Economy Research Report.
- Bell DR, Thompson N, Deckers JWP, Brennan M, Gray TS. Deliberating the Environment: Final Project Report, Economic and Social Research Council - Science and Society Programme. ESRC: Newcastle University, 2004.
- Hatchard JL, Gray TS, Mikalsen K. European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan: Stakeholder Consultation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2003.
- Caveen AJ, Fitzsimmons C, Pieraccini M, Dunn E, Sweeting CJ, Johnson ML, Bloomfield H, Jones EV, Lightfoot P, Gray TS, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. Diverging Strategies to Planning an Ecologically Coherent Network of MPAs in the North Sea: The Roles of Advocacy, Evidence and Pragmatism in the Face of Uncertainty. Advances in Marine Biology 2014, 69, 325-370.