Postgraduate Funding
There are many opportunities for funding available. These are advertised through the University's Funding and Finance database.
Funding opportunities
The University's Postgraduate Funding and Finance database enables you to search for all kinds of funding, from studentships to charities and corporate sponsorship. It will help you find the most relevant opportunities for your needs.
Please remember that the offer of a place to study at Newcastle is made separate from any scholarship award to cover the cost of tuition and maintenance.
To apply for any of our courses and search for funding opportunities, please see the University postgraduate webpages.
All new Postgraduate Research students registering with the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology will also have access to a University desktop computer for the duration of their studies.

Funding your PhD
We welcome applications to doctoral training competitions across the Faculty. We're able to support applications to:
- Northern Bridge (Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC))
- ESRC NINE DTP (Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) via NERC IAPETUS
- The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) via NERC FLOOD-CDT
From time to time, the School may advertise for project-linked studentships. These will be advertised through the University’s Funding and Finance database.
Postgraduate Doctoral Loan Scheme
The Postgraduate Doctoral Loan Scheme is open to doctoral applicants starting their studies after August 2018. The Scheme is not means tested and is considered a contribution towards tuition fees and living expenses for Doctoral studies. Details of the eligibility criteria is available online.
Find out more
- Guide to funding
- Living Expenses
- disability support - see also the Snowdon Trust (formerly The Snowdon Award Scheme) and Action on Access
- Help and Support