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Fieldwork has been a key element of research and teaching in geography at Newcastle.

Putting theory into practice

Geography is a dynamic discipline that connects the international with the local, the natural with the human.

To be able to appreciate the dynamic aspects of geography, you need to see for yourself how river ecosystems work, or why cities develop as they do.

Our Geography degrees give you the opportunity to take part in fieldwork in the UK and across the world. They help you to gain a unique geographical perspective.

Fieldwork locations

Some fieldwork is compulsory, whilst other fieldwork may be optional depending on your chosen degree programme.

Fieldwork locations can vary annually and depending on  whether you’re studying human or physical geography.

“Taking part in the field trip really made me a more confident researcher. It introduced me to wider perspectives and the possibilities of political geography."

Harry Morris - Geography Student

Human Geography

Previous human geography field trips have taken students to:

  • Amsterdam
  • Barcelona
  • Berlin
  • Copenhagen
  • Sarajevo

Physical Geography

Previous physical geography field trips have taken students to:

  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Lake District
  • Netherlands

Fieldwork gallery

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