Rory Green
Rory graduated with a BA in History and currently works as a History Teacher in Secondary Education.
About Rory
Current occupation: Teacher of History
Degree studied: History BA
About Rory's career
What is your current role?
Teacher of History. I am responsible for teaching History to students from Year 7 through to GCSE and A Level.
What do you enjoy about your job?
I work with my discipline every single day. I continue to read widely in history and use this to improve my own work and pass on to the students I teach.

The modules offered for History were really wide ranging which I found exciting
Studying History at Newcastle University
Why did you choose to study at Newcastle University?
The modules offered for History were really wide ranging which I found exciting.
What did you enjoy most about your course?
Finding a particular love for the early medieval period and also for the joys of researching and producing my own historical work.
How did studying History at Newcastle University prepare you for your current role?
Not only my subject knowledge in History, but a strong, independent attitude to work and self-improvement. The hard work and, particularly, strong self-motivation needed to succeed in humanities at university has been invaluable in my career, where I have had to quickly learn and master new ideas to adapt to different schools and expectations.
What advice would you give to new students?
There are so many people and so many avenues open to you once you arrive at uni. Join societies you have interest in. Read as widely as you possibly can. It is such a melting pot of ideas and people - take advantage of that while it’s on your doorstep!