Staff Profiles
Professor Sam Turner
Professor of Archaeology
- Email:
- Telephone: +441912088110
- Address: School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 7RU United Kingdom
Research Interests
My research interests focus on how landscapes have developed from ancient times onwards, and on medieval archaeology
Research Roles
I am Co-Director of the Newcastle University Centre for Landscape (which includes the McCord Centre).
My other roles include the following:
• Co-Editor, Landscapes
• General Editor, The Archaeology of Northern Europe (Brepols)
• Programming Committee, International Medieval Congress
• Chair of Management Committee, Archaeology Data Service
• Chair of Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Landscape Special Interest Group
Current Research Projects
Key projects involving colleagues at Newcastle and beyond include:
• Apalirou Environs Project, Naxos
• CaDHoKUHL: Characterising and Dating Hong Kong’s Upland Historic Landscapes
• HERILAND: Cultural heritage and the planning of European landscapes
• HydroMedie: Medieval hydrotechnology: water management in Messenia, southern Greece
• Pollentia Survey Project, Mallorca
• TerraSAgE: terraces as sustainable agricultural environments
Recent Research Projects
• Bogsak in Isauria: new approaches to historic landscapes
• CHeriScape - Cultural Heritage in Landscape
• CHiLaT - Cultural Heritage in Landscape: Planning for Development in Turkey
• ChroMoLEME - Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe
• Cultural Heritage through Time
• Hadrian's Wall Community Landscape Archaeology Project (WallCAP)
• HilSS: Historic Landscape and Soil Sustainability
• LoCuLanD: Long-term cultural landscape development
• RESCOPART: Research consultation and participation
• RESTOMO: Reintroducing Stone and Mortar
• SLLB: Sacred Landscapes in Late Byzantium
• Unlocking the Ionian landscape
Recent conferences and symposia I have (co-)organised at Newcastle and elsewhere include:
• Landscape Character, Past, Present, and Future, Newcastle, May 2022 (co-organiser with Dr C. Sevara, Dr F. Carrer)
• Space, Sound and Senses: International Workshop, University of Bologna, Ravenna, October 2021 (co-organised with Dr G. Foschi, Prof. M.C. Carile and Dr E. Fiori)
• Wall-to-Wall conference, 2020 Beijing Great Wall Cultural Festival, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, October 2020 (co-organised with Prof. J. Zhang, Prof. Y. Tang, C. Smith and Dr R. Collins)
• Cultural heritage in landscape: planning for development in Turkey, 12-14 September 2019, Izmir (with Prof. Engin Nurlu)
• Abandonment and loss: changing societies and landscapes, 2-3 May 2019, Istanbul (with Dr Elif Koparal, Dr Volkan Demirciler, Dr Günes Duru)
• Society for Landscape Studies Conference, 22 September 2018, Newcastle (with Dr Caron Newman)
• Fifth international Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC2018), 17-20 September 2018, Newcastle and Durham
Industrial relevance
The McCord Centre undertakes consultancy and applied research projects relating to landscapes, seascapes and historic buildings. Examples include The Historic Landscape: assessing opportunity for change; the Tyne and Wear HLC; the Irish Sea HSC; the North Sea (East Yorkshire to Norfolk) HSC; and Forestry and Woodland Futures
In recent years my teaching has included the module ARA8234 Landscape Archaeology, as well as supervising dissertations and research projects
Postgraduate Supervision
I am currently supervising PhD students on topics including early medieval archaeology, rural landscapes in the medieval and post-medieval periods, and landscape and heritage management. Please contact me if you are interested in studying for a research degree at Newcastle in any of these areas:
• Landscape archaeology and landscape history
• Early medieval and medieval archaeology
• Heritage management and planning, particularly for historic landscapes
• Interdisciplinary studies involving archaeology and other disciplines
My current research students include [with funding source indicated where applicable]:
• Zoe Ainsworth, 'Historic landscape change in Northumberland's upland valleys' [AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award with Northumberland National Park Authority]
• Hazel Barron-Cooper, ‘Significance of place: walking to the past’ (co-supervision led by Fine Art)
• Miriam Cooke, ‘Teesdale and High Force: connected landscapes through prehistory’ [AHRC, co-supervision with Durham University]
• Arzu Güler, ‘Alaca Höyük: characterising an historic landscape’ (external co-supervisor, based at Istanbul Technical University)
• Megan Leake, 'Bones of the Northumbrian landscape' [AHRC, with Jarrow Hall Museum and Durham University]
• Shaun Macdonald, 'Understanding regional patterns of stone-built churches in Anglo-Saxon England'
• Rusudan Mirzikashvili, ‘Making transsectoral connections in governance, regulation and legislative frameworks’ [H2020 MSCA ITN Heriland]
• Guillem Ribas, 'Pastoral landscapes and sustainability' [NUAcT PhD fellowship, Newcastle University]
My previous research students include:
• Mareike Ahlers - PhD (2018) 'Assembling the dead: early Neolithic non-megalithic mortuary structures in Britain, Denmark and northern Germany' [AHRC]
• David Astbury - PhD (2021) 'Long-term landscape development in south-east Northumberland' [AHRC]
• John Bowman - PhD (2017) 'Iron and steel in the Derwent valley'
• Niels Dabaut - PhD (2021) 'Cultural heritage and landscape identity in the Tyne Valley' [AHRC, co-supervision with Queen's University, Belfast]
• Maria Duggan - PhD (2015) 'Links to Late Antiquity' [AHRC]
• Gianluca Foschi - PhD (2021) 'The role of musical proportions in early churches'
• Katie Green - PhD (2012) 'Rural Byzantine landscapes and societies: new approaches to characterisation and analysis' [AHRC]
• Dulma Karunarathna - PhD (2014) 'The female in changing social contexts in historical societies of ancient Sri Lanka' [Commonwealth Commission]
• Janet Lambert - PhD (2010) 'Experiencing landscape' [AHRC]
• Sophie Laidler - PhD (2019) 'The impact of archaeology in the north-east of England, 2005-15' [AHRC, co-supervision led by Durham University]
• Victoria Lucas - PhD (2021) 'Why recycle glass? The answer is clear? Glass recycling in the 7th-10th centuries in England' [AHRC, co-supervision with Durham University]
• Ben Morton - PhD (2021) 'The dynamics of medieval landscape change in the Warwickshire Arden and middle Avon Valley' [AHRC]
• Caron Newman - PhD (2014) 'Mapping the late medieval and post medieval landscape of Cumbria' [Newcastle University]
• Andrew Newton - PhD (2009) 'The location of early medieval churches in Northumbria: conversion to a Christian landscape in northern England'
• Sheila Newton - PhD (2014) 'Landscape change: the case of two Pennine parishes'
• Vicky Manolopoulou - PhD (2016) 'Processing Constantinople: understanding the role of lite in creating the sacred character of the landscape' [Holy Synod of Greece]
• Jonathon Shipley - PhD (2010) 'Concealed communities: the history and archaeology of upper Coquetdale and the College Valley during the late medieval and post-medieval periods' [AHRC]
Visiting Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Researchers
I am also pleased to mentor/supervise international postgraduate students and other researchers for secondments, work placements or short visits in Archaeology, Landscape Studies and related areas. In recent years I have been privileged to supervise over twenty visiting researchers from countries including Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Turkey. Please contact me if you would like to find out more about spending a visiting period in Newcastle.
- Kinnaird T, Abellan Santisteban J, Brandolini F, Carlton R, Carrer F, Civantos J-M, Duggan M, Holcomb J, Lekakis S, Ramos Rodriguez B, Salazar Ortiz N, Sánchez-Pardo J, Sevara C, Snyder JR, Shillito L-M, Silva Sanchez N, Srivastava A, Turner A, Turner S. Unearthing the histories of agrarian landscapes: a research framework for Terraces as Sustainable Environments. Geoarchaeology 2025, 40(2), e70004.
- Sevara C, Carrer F, Salazar Ortiz N, Turner S. The changing character of agricultural infrastructure: investigating historic terrace systems in Catalonia using remote sensing and spatial analysis. Landscapes 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Doneus N, Doneus M, Kinnaird T, Turner S, Fera M, Jetzinger D, Verhoeven GJ. Lost and found: Roman surveying of municipal territories on the northern Adriatic islands, Croatia. Izgubljeno-nađeno: rimsko mjerenje municipalnih zemljišta na sjevernim otocima hrvatskog Jadrana. Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 2024, 41(2), 87-117.
- Sánchez-Pardo JC, Sánchez-Silva N, Kinnaird T, Turner S, Brandolini F, Carrer F, Srivastava A, López-Salas E, Otero-Vilariño C. Dating and characterising the transformation of a monastic landscape. A multidisciplinary approach to the agrarian spaces of Samos Abbey (NW Spain). Environmental Archaeology 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Valente R, Jackson M, Crow J, Turner S, Athanasoulis D. Tracing interconnected lifeways in the rural Aegean (7th-9th centuries AD): the case of the utilitarian artefacts of the Apalirou Environs Survey Project (Naxos – Greece). European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies 2023, 13, 205-226.
- Van Duijvenvoorde J, Fairclough G, Lekakis S, Meier T, Turner S, Vuletic N. The importance of landscape for identity in the aftermath of devastation and dislocation past and present. Journal of European Landscapes 2023, 4(1), 1-9.
- Brandolini F, Compostella C, Pelfini M, Turner S. The evolution of historic agroforestry landscape in the northern Apennines (Italy) and its consequences for slope geomorphic processes. Land 2023, 12(5), 1054.
- Sevara C, Kinnaird T, El-Hassan A, Turner S. New Work on Landscapes of the Northern Dongola Reach. Sudan & Nubia 2023, 27, 86-106.
- Brandolini F, Kinnaird C, Srivastava A, Turner S. Modelling the impact of historic landscape change on soil erosion and degradation. Scientific Reports 2023, 13, 4949.
- Pan Y, Bai J, Turner S. History in points, lines and polygons: time depth in the landscape of Guangdong Province, southern China. Land 2023, 12(11), 1979.
- Srivastava A, Kinnaird T, Sevara C, Holcomb J, Turner S. Dating agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean using luminescence: recent progress and challenges. Land 2023, 12(3), 716.
- Silva-Sanchez N, Kinnaird T, Fernandez-Ferreiro M, Lopez-Salas E, Turner S, Sanchez-Pardo J-C. Written in soil and paper. Investigating environmental transformations of a monastic landscape by combining geoarchaeology and palynology with historical analysis at Samos (Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2022, 45, 103575.
- Brandolini F, Turner S. Revealing patterns and connections in the historic landscape of the northern Apennines (Vetto, Italy). Journal of Maps 2022, 18(4), 663-673.
- Koparal E, Demirciler V, Turner S. Archaeology for landscape management and planning: historic landscape characterization of Urla (İzmir). Arkeoloji Bilimleri Dergisi - Turkish Journal of Archaeological Sciences 2022, 2, 140-154.
- Turner S. Royal settlements as power strategies in seventh- to ninth-century Britain and Ireland. Norwegian Archaeological Review 2021, 54(1-2), 60-63.
- Turner S, Kinnaird T, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Koparal E, Demirciler V, Athanasoulis D, Odegard K, Crow J, Jackson M, Bolos J, Sanchez-Pardo JC, Carrer F, Turner A, Sanderson D. Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: intensive construction during the later Middle Ages revealed by landscape analysis with OSL profiling and dating. Antiquity 2021, 95(381), 773-790.
- Brandolini F, Ribas A, Zerboni A, Turner S. A Google Earth Engine-enabled Python approach to improve identification of anthropogenic palaeo-landscape features [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Open Research Europe 2021, 1, 22.
- Vervust S, Kinnaird T, Dabaut N, Turner S. The development of historic field systems in northern England: a case study at Wallington, Northumberland. Landscape History 2020, 41(2), 57-70.
- Fairclough G, Baas H, Bele B, Dabaut N, Hovstad KA, Jerpasen G, Larsen K, Lascaris M, Orejas A, Pedroli B, Raap E, Reher G, Simon VK, Turner S, Van Eetvelde V, Van Caenegem A. The CHeriScape project, 2014–2016: key messages from CHeriScape – cultural solutions for cultural problems. Journal of European Landscapes 2020, 1, 31-36.
- Erdogan N, Carrer F, Ersoy Tonyaloglu E, Cavdar B, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Jackson M, Kurtsan K, Nurlu E, Turner S. Simulating change in cultural landscapes: the integration of Historic Landscape Characterisation and computer modelling. Landscapes 2020, 21(2), 168-182.
- Vervust S, Kinnaird T, Turner S. OSL-PD: shedding light on ancient fields. British Archaeology 2020, 173(July-August), 40-47.
- Vervust S, Kinnaird T, Herring P, Turner S. Optically stimulated luminescence profiling and dating of earthworks: the creation and development of prehistoric field boundaries at Bosigran, Cornwall. Antiquity 2020, 94(374), 420-436.
- Turner S, Kinnaird T, Koparal E, Lekakis S, Sevara C. Landscape archaeology, sustainability and the necessity of change. World Archaeology 2020, 52(4), 589-606.
- Collins R, Turner S. The Eslington Sword and the Kingdom of Northumbria. Medieval Archaeology 2018, 62(1), 28-52.
- Turner S, Bolòs J, Kinnaird T. Changes and continuities in a Mediterranean landscape: a new interdisciplinary approach to understanding historic character in western Catalonia. Landscape Research 2018, 43(7), 922-938.
- Turner S, Bolòs J, Kinnaird T. Canvis i continuïtats en un paisatge mediterrani: una nova aproximació interdisciplinària al coneixement del caràcter del paisatge històric a la Catalunya occidental. Territori i Societat: el paisatge històric 2018, 8, 23-64.
- Kinnaird T, Bolos J, Turner A, Turner S. Optically-stimulated luminescence profiling and dating of historic agricultural terraces in Catalonia (Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science 2017, 78, 66-77.
- Fieber KD, Mills JP, Peppa MV, Haynes I, Turner S, Turner A, Douglas M, Bryan PG. Cultural heritage through time: a case study at Hadrian’s Wall, United Kingdom. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2017, XLII-2/W3, 297-302.
- Pietrobono S, Turner S. Comparing landscapes: the castle of Ambrifi (Lenola, Latina) and the N-LINK project. Lazio e Sabina 2016, 11, 285-288.
- Turner S, Webster J, Duggan M. Medieval and later settlement around Chassenon (Charente), France: fieldwork in 2012. Medieval Settlement Research 2013, 28, 93-95.
- Agate A, Duggan M, Roskams S, Turner S. Early Medieval Settlement at Mothecombe, Devon: The Interaction of Local, Regional and Long-Distance Dynamics. Archaeological Journal 2012, 169, 343-394.
- Turner S. Paysages et relations: archéologie, géographie, archéogéographie. Études Rurales 2011, 188, 143-154.
- Turner S, Webster J. Medieval and later settlement around Chassenon (Charente), France: fieldwork in 2011. Medieval Settlement Research 2011, 26, 60-66.
- Crow J, Turner SC, Vionis A. Characterizing the Historic Landscapes of Naxos. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 2011, 24(1), 111-137.
- Turner S, Crow J. Unlocking historic landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean: two pilot studies using historic landscape characterisation. Antiquity 2010, 84(323), 216-229.
- Pietrobono S, Turner S. Comparing methods in European context: historic landscape characterisation and new perspectives for research in Italy. Archeologia Postmedievale 2010, 14, 111-133.
- Turner S. Caracterització del paisatge històric: una introducció als mètodes i aplicacions per a la recerca històrica. Territori i Societat: el Paisatge Històric 2010, 5, 349-370.
- Crow J, Turner S. Silivri and the Thracian hinterland of Istanbul: an historic landscape. Anatolian Studies 2009, 59, 167-181.
- Crow J, Maktav D, Turner S. Survey in Thrace, July 2007. Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies 2008, 34, 46-50.
- Turner SC. Landscape archaeology for the past and future: the position of Historic Landscape Characterisation. Landscapes 2007, 8(2), 40-49.
- Turner S, Young R. Concealed communities: The people at the margins. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 2007, 11(4), 297-303.
- Turner SC. Rural Devon: mapping and analysing local historic landscapes. Medieval Settlement Research Group Annual Report 2006, 21, 19-21.
- Turner S. Historic landscape characterisation: A landscape archaeology for research, management and planning. Landscape Research 2006, 31(4), 385-398.
- Turner SC. Converting the British landscape. British Archaeology 2005, (84), 20-25.
- Turner SC. The Changing Ancient Landscape: South-West England c.1700-1900. Landscapes 2004, 5(1), 18-34.
- Turner SC, Gerrard J. Imported and local pottery from Mothecombe: some new finds amongst old material at Totnes Museum. Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings 2004, 62, 171-175.
- Turner SC. Boundaries and religion: the demarcation of early Christian settlements in Britain. Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 2003, 12, 50-57.
- Finneran N, Turner SC. An archaeological history of the landscape of Little Haldon, Teignmouth, South Devon. Transactions of the Devonshire Association 2003, 134, 235-259.
- Turner SC. A medieval cross from Lidwell, Stoke Climsland. Cornish Archaeology 2003, 41-42, (for 2002-3), 161-164.
- Turner SC. Aspects of the development of public assembly in the Danelaw. Assemblage 2000, 5.
Authored Books
- Turner S, Semple S, Turner A. Wearmouth and Jarrow: Northumbrian Monasteries in an Historic Landscape. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2013.
- Turner SC. Ancient country : the historic character of rural Devon. Exeter: Devon Archaeological Society, 2007.
- Turner SC. Making a Christian Landscape: The Countryside in Early-Medieval Cornwall, Devon and Wessex. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Turner S, Nurlu E, Ersoy Tonyaloglu E, Erdogan N, Jackson M, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Carrer F, Cavdar B, Kurtsan K, Pinar Tunali S. Cultural heritage in landscape: planning for development in Turkey. In: Bülent Arıkan, Linda Olsvig-Whittaker, ed. Landscape Archaeology in the Near East: Approaches, Methods and Case Studies. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023, pp.96-109.
- Collins R, Fairclough G, Turner S. Building a community of practice in a Roman heritage landscape. In: Rodenberg J; Wagenaar P; Burgers GJ, ed. Calling on the Community : Understanding participation in the heritage sector: an interactive governance perspective. Oxford: Berghahn, 2023, pp.71-92.
- Duggan M, Turner S. Mothecombe in Perspective: Ten Years after the end of excavations on Meadowsfoot Beach. In: Ward, P, ed. Holbeton: New Perspectives on a South Devon Village. Exeter: Short Run Press, 2022, pp.46-49.
- Turner S. Architecture. Experiencing buildings and landscapes in the Middle Ages. In: J. Lund and S. Semple, ed. A Cultural History of Objects in the Medieval Age. London: Bloomsbury, 2020, pp.151-169.
- Turner S, Crow J. Unlocking sacred space on early medieval Naxos: digital approaches to an historic landscape. In: G. Papantoniou, C. Morris and A. Vionis, ed. Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean. Uppsala: Astrom, 2019, pp.85-97.
- Zito AR, Eckersley S, Turner S. The Instruments of European Heritage. In: Whitehead, C., Eckersley, S., Daugbjerg, M., and Bozoğlu, G, ed. Dimensions of Heritage and Memory: Multiple Europes and the Politics of Crisis. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, pp.50-71.
- Turner S, Crow J. The Christianization of Island Landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: New Perspectives from Naxos in the Aegean. In: M.Á. Cau Ontiveros and C. Mas Florit, ed. Change and Resilience: The Occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, 2019, pp.217-234.
- Turner S, Shillito L-M, Carrer F. Landscape Archaeology. In: P. Howard, I. Thompson, E. Waterton and M. Atha, ed. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. London, UK: Routledge, 2019, pp.155-165.
- Crow J, Turner S. The archaeology of the aniconic churches of Naxos. In: J. Crow and D. Hill, ed. Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean: insular responses to regional change. Athens, Greece: Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2018, pp.223-237.
- Manolopoulou V, Lekakis S, Jackson M, Turner S. Microcosm to landscape: the church called Theoskepasti and the environs of Apalirou. In: J. Crow and D. Hill, ed. Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean: Insular Responses to Regional Change. Athens, Greece: Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2018, pp.239-254.
- Turner S. Historic landscape characterisation: an archaeological approach to landscape heritage. In: G. Fairclough, I. Sarlov-Herlin and C. Swanwick, ed. Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment. London, UK: Routledge, 2018, pp.37-50.
- Turner S, Fowler C. The bones of the Northumbrian landscape: technologies of social change in the conversion period. In: Ó Carragáin, T; Turner, S, ed. Making Christian landscapes in Atlantic Europe. Conversion and consolidation in the early Middle Ages. Cork, Ireland: Cork University Press, 2016, pp.249-263.
- ÓCarragáin T, Turner S. Introduction: making Christian landscapes in the early medieval Atlantic world. In: ÓCarragáin T; Turner S, ed. Making Christian landscapes in Atlantic Europe : Conversion and consolidation in the early Middle Ages. Cork: Cork University Press, 2016, pp.1-17.
- Crow J, Turner S. L’archéologie des églises aniconiques de Naxos. In: Campagnolo, M; Magdalino, P; Martiniani-Reber, M; Rey, A-L, ed. L'aniconisme dans l'art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 Octobre 2009). Geneva: La Pomme d'Or, 2015, pp.193-204.
- Turner S. Landscape archaeology. In: Howard, P., Thompson, I., Waterton, E, ed. The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies. London: Routledge, 2013, pp.131-142.
- Turner S, Wilson-North R. South-west England: rural settlements in the Middle Ages. In: Christie, N., Stamper, P, ed. Medieval Rural Settlement : Britain and Ireland, AD 800-1600. Oxford: Windgather Press, 2012, pp.135-150.
- Petts DA, Turner SC. Introduction: Northumbrian communities. In: Petts, D.A., Turner, S.C, ed. Early medieval Northumbria : kingdoms and communities, AD 450–1100. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2011, pp.1-12.
- Turner SC. Christianity. In: Insoll, T, ed. Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp.948-966.
- Fairclough G, Turner SC. Constructing a Eucaland Project classification. In: Kruse, A; Pungetti, G, ed. European Culture Expressed in Agricultural Landscapes. Perspectives from the Eucaland Project. Rome: Palombi Editori, 2010, pp.124-145.
- Petts DA, Turner SC. Early medieval church groups in Wales and western England. In: Edwards, N, ed. The Archaeology of the Early Medieval Celtic Churches. Leeds: Society for Medieval Archaeology, 2009, pp.281-299.
- Turner SC. Fields, farms and agricultural innovation in late medieval and early modern south-west England. In: Finch, J; Giles, K, ed. Estate Landscapes: Design Improvement and Power in the Post-Medieval Landscape. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2007, pp.57-74.
- Turner SC, Fairclough GJ. Common Culture: The Archaeology of Landscape Character in Europe. In: Hicks, D; McAtackney, L; Fairclough, GJ, ed. Envisioning Landscape: Situations and Standpoints in Archaeology and Heritage. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2007, pp.120-145.
- Turner SC. The medieval landscape of Devon and Cornwall. In: Turner, S.C, ed. Medieval Devon and Cornwall: Shaping an Ancient Countryside. Macclesfield: Windgather Press, 2006, pp.1-9.
- Turner SC. The Christian landscape: churches, chapels and crosses. In: Turner, S.C, ed. Medieval Devon and Cornwall: Shaping an Ancient Countryside. Macclesfield: Windgather Press, 2006, pp.24-43.
- Turner SC. Coast and countryside in 'Late Antique' south-west England, AD c.400-600. In: Gerrard, J., Collins, R, ed. Debating Late Antiquity in Britain, AD 300-700. Oxford, UK: BAR, 2004, pp.25-32.
- Turner SC. Christianity and the conversion-period landscape of south-west Britain. In: Insoll, T, ed. Belief in the Past. Oxford, UK: BAR, 2004, pp.125-136.
- Turner SC. Making a Christian landscape: early medieval Cornwall. In: Carver, M, ed. The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, AD 300-1300. Woodbridge: York Medieval Press, 2003, pp.171-194.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lekakis S, Turner S. Προσεγγίζοντας το τοπίο "από τα κάτω". Η αγροτική πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της Νάξου. In: Αγροτικά μνημεία της Τήνου. Κτίσματα ταπεινά, κτίσματα του τοπίου. 2023, Tinos: Νεφέλη.
- Güler A, Arikan B, Turner S. Memory transfer or amnesia? The archaeopark project of Gölpınar Hittite Reservoir. In: Heritages. Past and present - built and social. AMPS Proceedings Series 35.3. 2023, Prague: Czech Technical University & AMPS.
- Brandolini F, Kinnaird T, Srivastava A, Turner S. Intensification of terrace agriculture on the Northern Apennines during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. In: EGU General Assembly 2023. 2023, Vienna, Austria: Copernicus GmbH.
- Atha M, Turner S. The application of innovative technologies to the characterisation, dating and conservation of Hong Kong’s upland historic landscapes. In: Collected Essays of the Greater Bay Area Built Heritage Summit. 2022, Hong Kong: Antiquities and Monuments Office.
- Srivastava A, Kinnaird T, Turner S, Sevara C, Holcomb J, Lekakis S, Shillito LM. Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: a multidisciplinary approach to understanding human-landscape interactions. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. 2022, Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union (EGU).
- Brandolini F, Turner S. A landscape archaeological approach to estimate the cover-management and conservation practice factors for RUSLE models. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online: European Geosciences Union (EGU).
- Crow J, Lekakis S, Turner S. Τοπίο και οικισμό στη Βυζαντινή Νάξο. In: Η Νάξος διά μέσου των αιώνων. Πρακτικά του ΣΤ΄ Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου. 2021, Damarionas, Naxos.
- Peppa MV, Mills JP, Fieber KD, Haynes I, Turner S, Turner A, Douglas M, Bryan PG. Archaeological feature detection from archive aerial photography with a SfM-MVS and image enhancement pipeline. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information. 2018, Riva del Garda, Italy: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
- Crow J, Turner S. Landscape and settlement on Byzantine Naxos. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. 2016, Belgrade, Serbia: Serbian National Committee of AIEB.
- Turner SC. Historic Landscape Characterisation in Devon (UK): a short introduction. In: Electronic Proceedings of 'Cultural Landscapes in the 21st Century', Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage 10th International Seminar. 2006, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: UNESCO.
Edited Books
- Duggan M, Turner S, Jackson M, ed. Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020.
- Ó Carragáin T, Turner S, ed. Making Christian Landscapes in Atlantic Europe: Conversion and Consolidation in the Early Middle Ages. Cork: Cork University Press, 2016.
- Turner SC, Silvester R, ed. Life in Medieval Landscapes: People and Places in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Windgather Press, 2012.
- Petts DA, Turner SC, ed. Early medieval Northumbria : kingdoms and communities, AD 450–1100. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011.
- Turner SC, ed. Medieval Devon and Cornwall: Shaping an Ancient Countryside. Macclesfield: Windgather Press, 2006.
- Herring P, Turner S, Sevara C. The Historic Landscape: Assessing Opportunity for Change. Historic England, 2022. Research Report Series 69/2022.
- Collins S, Aldred O, Turner S. Tyne and Wear Historic Landscape Characterisation Final Report: English Heritage Project Number 4663 Main. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2014. 4663.
- Turner S, Webster J, Duggan M. Chassenon: développement d'un paysage historique. Rapport 2012. Newcastle: Newcastle University, 2012. Unpublished report for the Service Régional de l’Archéologie, Poitiers.
- Rocque G, Bal MC, Belingard C, Bertrand I, Bujard S, Coutelas A, Doulan C, Geniès C, Guédon S, Gueguen JF, Hourcade D, Joly C, Loiseau C, Méaudre JC, Sicard S, Turner S, Vissac C, Webster J. Rapport du projet collectif de recherche. Cassinomagus, l'agglomération et son ensemble monumental : chronologie, organisation et techniques. Conseil Général de la Charente, 2011. Chassenon.
- Young A, Turner S. North Devon Mapping Project: a Report for the National Mapping Programme. EH 3899. Truro: Cornwall County Council, 2007. English Heritage HEEP Project 3899 2007R057.
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