Eniko Hudak
Eniko's subject area is archaeology. Her PhD project title is 'Networks of Exchange and Exploitation: The Distribution of Mancetter-Hartshill mortaria in Roman Britain'.
31 January 2022
Project title
Networks of Exchange and Exploitation: The Distribution of Mancetter-Hartshill mortaria in Roman Britain.
Dr James Gerrard (Newcastle University)
- Dr Robert Witcher (Durham University)

Project description
The nature of Roman markets and trade have been debated for over a century with recent research being centred around two models: the Roman Empire as an agrarian and tributary economy versus the Empire as a series of integrated monetized markets. This project proposes a new understanding of the economy of Roman Britain, a frontier province of the Roman Empire, by examining the feasibility of these Mediterranean-centred models. This will be achieved through the study of the distribution of Mancetter-Hartshill mortaria, a distinctive type of Romano-British pottery, providing a proxy for the movements of unprovenanced perishable goods invisible in the archaeological record. It is anticipated that the existing models will not offer a satisfactory explanation and that a new model of international significance to the study of Ancient Economics will be generated. This research will also create a new dataset that can be merged with the settlement data of the Roman Rural Settlement Project, which currently lacks quantified pottery data. This will allow enhanced interpretation and building on the RRSP legacy, as well as setting precedent for other Romano-British pottery types to be added in the future.
This project is funded through a Northern Bridge Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership award.
Other Roles
Roman Pottery Specialist and Finds Manager (full-time) at Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd., 2015-2021
Assistant Cataloguer at Historic Royal Palaces, 2014-2015
Research Technician of the Romano-British Ceramics Project, Newcastle University 2014
- Hudak, E. (2021) ‘Chi-Rho graffito from Brandon House, Southwark’, Britannia Volume 52: 364-363.
- Gerrard, J. with Mills, J. and Hudak, E. (2021) ‘Chapter 16: The Pottery Assemblages’ in Eckardt, H. and Walton, P. (eds.) Bridge over Troubled Water: The Roman finds from the River Tees at Piercebridge in context, London: Roman Society Monograph.
- Hudak, E. (forthcoming) ‘The Romano-British Pottery’ in Haslam, R. Land-use and liminality on the fringe of ancient Southwark: Excavations at Brandon House Volume I: Late Prehistoric to Saxo-Norman, Pre-Construct Archaeology Monograph (PCAM), expected Winter 2021.
- Hudak, E. And Gerrard, J. (in prep.) ‘The mortaria’ in Excavations at Drapers’ Gardens, PCAM, expected Spring 2022.
- Hudak, E. (in prep) ‘The mortaria’ in Ross, S. and Ross, C. Cataractonium: Establishment, Consolidation and Retreat, NAA Monograph series, expected 2022.
- Hudak, E. (in prep.) ‘The mortaria’ in Jackson, D. Roman Expansion, burial and urbanisation: Excavations at 107-117 Botchergate and William Street Carpark, Carlisle, Wardell Armstrong Monograph, expected 2022.
- Hudak, E. (forthcoming) ‘The Romano-British Pottery’ in J. Butler and M. Edmonds ‘Archaeological Excavations at 90-106 High Street, Staines-upon-Thames’, Surrey Archaeological Collections volume for 2020.
- Hudak, E. (in prep) ‘The Romano-British Pottery’ in Maher, S. ‘Excavations at Holy Family Technology College, Waltham Forest’, Essex Society for History and Archaeolgy Transactions, expected 2022.
- Hudak, E. (in prep.) ‘The Roman Pottery’ in Hawkins, N. (lead author) ‘Recent excavations at Orchard Village (former Mardyke Estate), Dagenham; evidence for Prehistoric to Roman occupational activity’, Essex Society for History and Archaeolgy Transactions, expected 2022.