Justine Mclean
Justine Mclean's PhD centres on evidence from the martial culture Early Modern and Medieval world. Read more.
28 January 2022
Project title
The Classical Greek Citizen Soldier: perspectives from the Early Modern world and Historical European Martial Arts.
- Dr Andrea Dolfini (Newcastle University)
- Dr Joseph Skinner (Newcastle University)

Project description
My research centres on using evidence from the martial culture Early Modern/ Medieval world (in particular, but not exclusively, the Holy Roman Empire of the mid-late 16th century through the lens of Historical European Martial Arts) to better understand martial culture and practice in the Ancient world. This is accompanied by an equally important use of experimental and experiential archaeology to practically investigate these comparatives.
Other Research Interests:
- The economics of slavery and mining in Classical Athens.
- The HEMA system of Joachim Meyer.
- Modern philosophy and the Ancient World, in particular socialist philosophy and the works of Nietzsche.
Publications and Previous Work
- 'Fechtbücher and Xiphe: A comparative study of medieval and ancient Greek swordsmanship' New Classicists, Issue 7
- 'To Train a Militia: the Experience of Public Training in Classical Greece and the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire', Pons Aelius 15
Conference Papers
- 'The lesser point: The place of the Sword in Classical Greek Warfare and Society' at Past People Past Societies UWTSD Lampeter in 2022
'To train a militia: the experience of public training in Classical Greece and the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire' at Newcastle University's 19th Annual Postgraduate Forum Conference in 2022, won best conference paper.
Attended the Summer School "Defining Space. The Frontier in Ancient History” on Juist in 2018
‘Finding the Silent Majority: Methodological and Philosophical Issues in Researching the Ancient ‘Working Class’’ at the UWICAH Postgraduate Conference in 2018
- ‘Economic Changes in Phillip the Second’s Macedon’ at the Student Researcher Conference at UWTSD in 2016
Other Roles
- Lecturer of History and Classical Civilisations at the Lewes Campus of the East Sussex College Group (A Levels), I also teach some Latin, Classics, and HEMA as enrichment there (2021 following).
A reader for Acta Periodica Duellatorum (2018).
Member of the Student Researcher Journal of Undergraduate Research editorial board (2015-2017).
Junior instructor at Wolf Heart Historical Martial Arts in Ceredigion (2021 following).