Ally Keane
Ally Keane is a History PhD student. Ally's project is entitled 'Giving Voice to Experience: A Users’ History of Augmentative and Alternative Communication.'
Project Title
Giving Voice to Experience: A Users’ History of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Academic Supervisors
- Dr Vicky Long
- Prof Graham Smith
- Dr Coreen McGuire (Durham University)

Project Description
My research will explore the history of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices and services, through the lens of user perspectives. I will undertake oral history interviews with this AAC users (widely described as both direct users and familiar communication partners) to gain insights into the devices and related services to create a user history. This research will also add to the existing methodology of oral history, allowing a framework to be created to conduct oral histories with people who are unable to talk via speech.
AAC users, and people unable to speak, have been neglected from disability history and history of medicine, and in a world where the spoken word is prioritised, are often seen as invalid research subjects. However, this project will explore their perspectives and insights, and add to the growing field of disability history, gathering experiences of this under-researched group of people and highlight the agency of AAC users.
- Keane, A. “Experiences of High-Technology Voices by Augmentative and Alternative Communication Users, c. 1980 to 2020.” (submitted)
- Keane, A., and J. Kocsis. “Missing Methods and Epistemic Injustice: A scoping review of qualitative research with AAC users.” (submitted)
- Metcalf, M., A. Pearson, and A. Keane. “‘Not a minute on the day, not a penny off the pay” The 1926 Miners’ Lock Out and General Strike.”