Hannah Reynolds
Hannah Reynolds is a PhD student in History. Her project title is "Oppressed by Liberation: A History of Intrauterine Device Deployment In Britain after 1970"
Project Title
Oppressed by Liberation: A History of Intrauterine Device Deployment In Britain after 1970
Academic Supervisors
Project Description
Hannah's PhD project is a social history of the use of intrauterine contraception in Britain with a focus on user experiences. For the most part, Historiography of family planning in twentieth-century Britain is dominated by the pill and generally mentions the IUD as part of a wider narrative of rapid technological development, social change, and newfound access to contraception. Therefore, the use of IUDs in particular has not been adequately explored in Britain as a result.
Investigating the experiences of women who received IUDs after 1970 will shed light on their societal significance. Utilizing feminist publications, medical journals, legal documents, and oral history interviews will provide a comprehensive understanding of women's medical care and capture diverse perspectives not covered in existing narratives. This research aims to contribute to discussions on gendered medical treatment, informed consent, and the dual nature of contraception as both liberating and oppressive.

- MA. History, University of Newcastle, (Distinction), Dissertation title: The Mexican Renaissance.
- BA. History, University of Newcastle, (2.1), Dissertation title: Non-Revolutionary Peasants: A Defence of the Southern Perspective of the Mexican revolution, 1910-1920.
- Reynolds, Hannah. "Fabricating the Vox Populi: The Role of Art in Forging Mexican Identities After 1920," Pons Aelius 13, Spring Edition: May 2021. 8-16
Other Roles
- Seminar leader for HIS1101: Historical Sources and Methods 2024
- Chair of the Postgraduate Forum 2023-2024
- Student Representative for PGR History 2023-2024
- Conference Support Assistant, Memory Studies Association Conference 2023
- English and Maths Tutor, Explore Learning 2023-2024
- Scheduling Administrator and Registration Officer, Care Quality Commission 2022
- Robinson Bequest Bursary, Core Collections 2024
- Joseph Cowen Memorial Scholarship 2019
- Royal Historical Society