Lucy Walsh
Lucy Walsh is a History PhD student. Lucy's project is entitled 'The Treatment and Experiences of Children with Cancer in the United Kingdom since c.1945'.
Project Title
The Treatment and Experiences of Children with Cancer in the United Kingdom since c.1945.
Academic Supervisors
- Dr Laura Tisdall
- Professor Rod Skinner (paediatric haemato-oncologist)
Project Description
This project draws principally on oral testimony, complemented by contemporary medical and public commentary and archival material, to discuss the changing landscape of children’s cancer care from c.1945 to 1990, a period that saw transformation of outcomes for children with cancer and raised ethical questions about treatment, cure and recovery. The project relates developments in clinical practice to wider medical and social ideas about childhood, agency and care. It aims to uncover how children and their families experienced treatment, and which initiatives in paediatric oncology were effective in caring for and supporting the recovery of the patient and their family.