Behind the Weltbühne: A Critical Biography of Hermann Budzislawski
Project description
This book project is devoted to Hermann Budzislawski (1901-1978), one of the most influential German journalists of the twentieth century who lived and worked in several countries under very different political regimes.
In the 1930s, he became editor-in-chief of the Neue Weltbühne, a high-profile anti-fascist bi-weekly magazine published in Prague and later in Paris.
After the German occupation of France, he worked and lived in the USA, before moving to East Germany in 1948.
By reconstructing Budzislawski’s biography, this book will provide an exemplary case study on the difficult mutual dependencies between intellectuals and political power.
Partners: Center for Contemporary History (ZZF), Potsdam/Germany; Syracuse University/USA
Sponsors: Supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation and the ZZF Potsdam/Germany
Dates: Started 2018