Staff Profiles
Professor Athanassios Vergados
Professor of Greek
- Address: School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Room 2.23, Armstrong Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
On research leave during 2024/25.
On research leave at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study during 2023/24.
Athanassios Vergados received his first degree in Classical Philology at the University of Athens and pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Virginia. Before joining Newcastle University he taught in the USA and in Germany. His research interests include Greek poetry (esp. hymnic and didactic), ancient etymology and linguistic thought, and papyrology. He is keen to hear from prospective research students who wish to work on topics in Greek language and literature or ancient etymology.
- Ph.D. (Classics), University of Virginia, 2007
- M.A. (Classics), University of Virginia, 2002
- B.A. / Πτυχίο (Classical Philology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1999
- Degree in Music (Violin), Ἑλληνικὸν Ὠιδεῖον, Athens, 1996
Academic Employment:
- August 2020- present: Chair of Greek, Newcastle University
- March 2017 - July 2020: Reader in Greek, Newcastle University
- Oct. 2013- Feb. 2017: W-3 Professur für Klassische Philologie: Griechische Literaturwissenschaft, University of Heidelberg (temporary, 5-year position at the rank of Full Professor)
- Aug. 2012 - July 2013: Assistant Professor of Classics (tenure-track), University of Tennessee / Knoxville
- Sept. 2010- July 2012: Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Seminar für Klassische Philologie, University of Heidelberg
- July 2007 - June 2010: Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Franklin & Marshall College / Lancaster, PA
- Aug. 2001 - May 2007: Postgraduate teaching assistant, University of Virginia
- (with Jenny Strauss Clay) A Commentary on Hesiod’s Theogony, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, Cambridge University Press (final manuscript submitted to the press)
- Hesiod's Verbal Craft: Studies in Hesiod's Linguistic Thought and its Ancient Reception, Oxford University Press: Oxford/New York, Aug. 2020 (384p.) || Reviews: The Review of Metaphysics 74 (2021) 644–5 (G. Boys-Stones); Sun News Tucson 12.02.2021 (C. Cunningham)
- A Commentary on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Texte und Kommentare 41, Walter De Gruyter: Berlin / New York, Nov. 2012 (XVI 717p.) || Reviews: Religious Studies Review 40 (2014) 40 (A. Faulkner); Classical World 107.3 (2014) 415–7 (C. Nobili); Exemplaria Classica 18 (2014) 197–200 (I. Taida); Journal of Hellenic Studies 135 (2015) 184–5 (A. Kelly); Museum Helveticum 73 (2016) 223 (M. Skempis); Gnomon 89 (2017) 107–10 (J. Klooster)
Edited Volumes:
- (with Anke Walter), Ἀρχή and Origo: The Power of Origins, accepted for publication by Brepols, forthcoming 2025.
- (with Jenny Strauss Clay), Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry, Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2021.
- (with Gianfranco Agosti), Etymology and Literary Culture in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Thematic Section of Incontri di Filologia Classica XIX-XX (2019-2020) 53-333 (published in May 2021).
- (with L. Athanassaki and C. Nappa), Gods and Men in Greek and Latin Poetry. Essays in Honor of Jenny Strauss Clay. Ariadne Supplement II. Crete University Press, 2018 (also available online) || Reviews: Revue des Études Grecques 132 (2019) (P. Hummel); Classical Journal 2019.10.07 (A. Augoustakis); Journal of Hellenic Studies 140 (2020) 261–2 (J. Larson); Kernos 33 (2020) 352–3 (V. Pirenne-Delforge)
- (with A. Faulkner and A. Schwab), The Reception of the Homeric Hymns, Oxford University Press, 2016. || Reviews: Exemplaria Classica 21 (2017) 249–51 (A. Barchiesi); Wiener Studien 131 (2018) 4–5; BMCR 2018.03.60 (S. Sansom); Journal of Hellenic Studies 138 (2018) 303–4 (L. Boychenko); Religious Studies Review 44 (2018) 107 (M. Kochenash); Anabases: Traditions et Réceptions de l'Antiquité 28 (2018) 372–3 (E. Colangelo); Cadmo: Revista de História Antiga 27 (2018) 284–5 (L. M. Barbosa)
Articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters:
- “[Orph.] fr. 779d v. 5 Bernabé.” Forthcoming in Classical Quarterly.
- (with Anke Wanter), "Introduction." Forthcoming in: A. Vergados/A. Walter (eds.), Ἀρχή and Origo: The Power of Origins, accepted for publication by Brepols, forthcoming 2025.
- "Etymology and Aetiology in Hellenistic and Imperial Didactic Poetry." Forthcoming in: A. Vergados/A. Walter (eds.), Ἀρχή and Origo: The Power of Origins, accepted for publication by Brepols, forthcoming 2025.
- “Divine and Human Inventors in Greek Didactic Poetry.” Forthcoming in: A. Walter/E. A. Polignano (eds.), Things Have Changed. Divine Interventions in Human Bodies and Landscapes, Special Issue of Classical Journal.
- “Ησίοδος και διδακτική ελεγειακή ποίηση Ι: Ξενοφάνης.” Forthcoming in: M. Noussia (ed.), Θέματα Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Λυρικής Ποίησης και Κουλτούρας, Αθήνα (Δαρδανός).
- “Ησιόδος και διδακτική ελεγειακή ποίηση ΙΙ: Θέογνις και Σόλων.” Forthcoming in: M. Noussia (ed.), Θέματα Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Λυρικής Ποίησης και Κουλτούρας, Αθήνα (Δαρδανός).
- "Etymology and the Rewriting of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo in Apollonius Rhodius 2.669–719." In: A. Zucker, C. Le Feuvre, and M. Chriti (eds.), Ancient Greek Theories and Practices of Etymology, Theory and Practice 2 (De Gruyter), 2025, 173–96.
- "Hesiod, Empedocles, and the Language of Didactic Poetry." In: J. E. Decker, J. Ferriss-Hill, and H. L. Reid (eds.), Empedocles in Sicily, Parnassos Press (Siracusa), 1–38.
- “Hesiod, Theogony 823." Classical Philology 119 (2024) 546–8.
- "Myths about the Gods in pseudo-Oppian's Cynegetica." In: M. Cariou/N. Zito (eds.), Μάρτυρι μύθῳ. Poésie, histoire et société aux époques impériale et tardive, Alessandria (Edizioni dell’Orso) 2024, 33–53.
- “P.Vindob. G 15493: a register of land with numbered koitai from Hermopolis Magna.” In: A. J. Connor, J. Dijkstra, and F. A. J. Hoogendijk (eds.), Unending Variety. Papyrological Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen (Brill) 2024, 85–9.
- “Lucian’s Dialogue with Hesiod: Philology, Philosophy, and Satire.” In: I. Matijašić und S. Brillante (eds.), Nuovi approci alla critica letteraria antica. Tra storia e storiografia, Maia 75 (2023)12–29.
- “Chased away by the Muses: Catullus’ Mamurra and Lucian’s Uneducated Book-Collector.” In: O. Portuese (ed.), Sagaci corde. Studi per Rosa Maria D’Angelo e Antonino Maria Milazzo, Rome (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura) 2023, 331–50.
- (with Aphilochios Papathomas) "An Oxyrhynchan Deed of Surety for a Registered Sailor from the Dossier of Flavia Anastasia." Tyche 36 (2021) [published 2023] 131–7.
- "Hesiod and Some Linguistic Approaches of the 5th century BC." In: H. Koning and L. Iribarren (eds.), Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy (Brill) 2022, 239–62.
- "Order and Chaos in Hesiod's Theogony," Antiquorum Philosophia 15 (2021) 27–40.
- "Pseudo-Oppian's Didactic Paths." In: J. Strauss Clay & A. Vergados (eds.), Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry (Brill) 2021, 338–60.
- (with J. Strauss Clay) "Introduction." In: J. Strauss Clay & A. Vergados (eds.), Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry (Brill) 2021, 1–22.
- "Text als Resource: Hesiodeische σήματα in Arats Phainomena." In: D. Delp & X. Herren (eds.), TextRessourcen. Agrarische, poetische und soziale Ressourcen in archaischer und hellenistischer Zeit. Hildesheim (Olms) 2021, 189–226.
- "Hesiod's Monsters and the Limits of Etymological Signification." In: G. Agosti & A. Vergados, Etymology and Literary Culture in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Thematic Section of Incontri di Filologia Classica XIX-XX (2019-2020) 58–85. (published May 2021).
- “Callimachean Echoes in Oppian, Halieutica 1.80–92.” Classical Journal 116 (2021) 424–44.
- “Etymological Explanations of Fish-Names in Oppian’s Halieutica: between Poetry, Philology, and Scholarship.” In: A. Zucker & C. Le Feuvre (ed.), Ancient Greek Theories and Practices of Etymology 1 Berlin/Boston (De Gruyter), 2021, 179–212.
- "Rethinking Zieliński's Law and its Application in Hesiod's Theogony," Paideia: rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria 74 (2019) 1239–57.
- “Hermes and the Figs (On P.Oxy. 17.2084).” In: J. F. Miller & J. Strauss Clay (eds.), Tracking Hermes/ Mercury, OUP, 2019, 309–21.
- "Hermes and Carion in Aristophanes' Ploutos". In: L. Athanassaki, C. Nappa, A. Vergados (eds.), Gods and Men in Greek and Latin Poetry. Essays in Honor of Jenny Strauss Clay. Ariadne Supplement II. Crete University Press, 2018, 159–80.
- Ὁ ὁμηρικὸς ὕμνος στὸν Ἑρμῆ.” In: F. Manakidou & M. Noussia, Ἄρχομ᾽ ἀείδειν. Δεκατρείς μελέτες για τους αρχαίους ελληνικούς ύμνους. Gutenberg, Athens, 2018, 100–128.
- "Hes. Th. 269." Eikasmòs 29 (2018) 9–14.
- "Der Dichter als Leser und (Fehl-)interpret: Hesiod in den homerischen Scholien." In: J. Grethlein & A. Rengakos (eds.), Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte (De Gruyter), p. 271–97.
- “Zusammenspiel von Gattung und Interpretation in Euripides Bakchen 266-327.” Antike und Abendland 62 (2016) 38–57.
- Article “Hermes”. Oxford Bibliographies Online 2016.
- (with A. Faulkner and A. Schwab), “Introduction. The Homeric Hymns’ Reception in Hellenistic Literature.” In: A. Faulkner, A. Vergados, and A. Schwab (eds.), The Reception of the Homeric Hymns, OUP, 2016, 1–26.
- “The Homeric Hymns in the Prose Hymns of Aelius Aristides.” In: A. Faulkner, A. Schwab, and A.Vergados (eds.), The Reception of the Homeric Hymns, OUP, 2016, 165–86.
- “Introduction to and commentary on Corinna PMG 654, 655, 664, 690.” In: D. Sider (ed.), Hellenistic Poetry: A Selection (University of Michigan Press), 2016, p. 243–64.
- “Introduction to and commentary on Philoxenus PMG 836 (‘Attic Dinner’).” In: D. Sider (ed.), Hellenistic Poetry: A Selection (University of Michigan Press), 2016, p. 485–509.
- “Narrative Strategies and the Reception of Hesiod in Callimachus’ Loutra Pallados.” In: A. Faulkner & O. Hodkinson (eds.), Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns, Brill: Leiden/Boston, 2015, p. 69–86.
- “Stitching Narratives: Unity and Episode in Hesiod.” in: Chr. Werner, A. Dourado-Lopes & E. Werner (eds.), Tecendo narrativas: Unidade e episódio na literatura grega antiga, São Paulo, 2015, p. 29–54.
- “Defining δίκη in Hesiod’s Works and Days.” In: M. Christopoulos & M. Paizi-Apostolopoulou (eds.), Ἔγκλημα καὶ τιμωρία στὴν ὁμηρικὴ καὶ ἀρχαϊκὴ ποίηση (Crime and Punishment in Homeric and Archaic Poetry). Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Odyssey, Ithaca, 2014, 367–78.
- “Form and Function of Some Theban Resonances in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.” In: C. Tsangalis (ed.), Theban Resonances in Homeric Epic, De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, 2014, p. 423–37.
- “Etymologie und Aitiologie bei Hesiod: die Musennamen in der Theogonie.” In: Chr. Reitz & A. Walter (eds.), Dichtung und Ursache: Strukturen aitiologischen Denkens, Olms: Hildesheim/Zürich/New York, 2014, p. 105–40.
- “What Was He Reading Exactly? Marcus Argentarius, AP 9.161 (= GP 1369–72), and Hesiod’s Works and Days.” Illinois Classical Studies 38 (2013) 65–80.
- “An Unnoticed Testimonium to the Hesiodic Melampodia? PSI 14.1398 and [Hesiod] Melampodia fr. 276 M.-W. (= 212 Most).” Philologus 157 (2013) 5–15.
- “The Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handers in Hesiod, Theogony 139–53.” Hermes 141 (2013) 1–7.
- “Commenting on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes: Between Philology and History.” In: R. Bouchon, P. Brillet-Dubois, N. Le Meur-Weissman (eds.), Hymnes de la Grèce antique: approaches littérraires et historiques, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon, 2012, p. 191–98 (submitted October 2008).
- “Verbal Performances in Lucian’s Symposium.” Ἀρχαιογνωσία 16 (2012) 225–43.
- “Hesychius, s.v. στορεύς (σ 1933).” Glotta 88 (2012) 224–31.
- “ἐρίηρος ἀοιδός (θ 62—3): Etymologisches Wortspiel in der Odyssee.” Wiener Studien 125 (2012) 7–22.
- (with Shawn O’Bryhim) “Reconsidering Catullus’ passer.” Latomus 16 (2012) 101–13.
- “Corinna’s Poetic Mountains: PMG 654 col. I 1–34 and Hesiodic Reception.” Classical Philology 107 (2012) 101–18.
- “Wein, Weib und Gesang: on Catullus 27.” Classica et Mediaevalia 62 (2011) 153–67.
- “Edition of P.Duke Inv. 913: Letter of Hermias to Apollon.” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 48 (2011) 51–60.
- “The Homeric Hymn to Hermes: Humour and Epiphany.” In: A. Faulkner (ed.), The Homeric Hymns: Interpretative Essays (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 83–104.
- “Shifting Focalization in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes: the Case of Hermes’ Cave.” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 51 (2011) 1–25.
- “Hesiod, Hellanikos und Hermes (zu ZPE 160 (2007) 15–23).” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 170 (2010) 20–21.
- “Nicarchus A.P. xi 328 and Homeric Interpretation.” Mnemosyne 63 (2010) 406–23.
- “P.Mich. Inv. 1715: Letter from Simades to Pynas.” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 46 (2009) 59–68.
- “Penelope’s Fat Hand Reconsidered (Odyssey 21.6).” Wiener Studien 122 (2009) 7–20.
- “Homer’s Iliad and the Unity of Sophocles’ Ajax.” In: E. Karamalengou and E. Makrygianni (eds.), Ἀντιφίλησις. Studies on Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and Culture in Honour of John-Theophanes A. Papademetriou (Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 2009), 154–60.
- “The Homeric Hymn to Hermes v. 51 and Antigonus of Carystus.” Classical Quarterly 57.2 (2007) 737–42.
Conferences organised:
- (with Giulia D'Alessandro) Conference on "The Homeric Hymns: Context, Genre, Performance" (Heidelberg, 28–30 November 2024) [Supported by a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Grand]
- (with Chiara Blanco) Conference "In Vino Veritas: Wine and Culture in Sicily from Antiquity to Modern Times" (Siracusa, 22–24 November 2024) [supported by a NU Humanities Research Institute Award and the Engagement & Place Fund]
- (with Nicola Zito) Conference on "Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry: The Fragmentary Evidence" (Newcastle, 19th February 2024) [supported by the British Academy]
- (with Christian Brockmann and José Maksimczuk) Conference on "Etymological Explanation in Ancient and Medieval Scholarship across Cultures and Media” (Hamburg, 6th–7th February 2024) [supported by the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, and the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures]
- (with Ioannis Ziogas) Panel on “Etymology in Greco-Roman Antiquity: Literary, Linguistic, and Philosophical Perspectives”, Celtic Conference in Classics, Coimbra, 11th–14th July 2023, and a research seminar series on this topic at Newcastle University, 2022/23.
- (with Shaul Tor): "Reflections on Language in Early Greece," via Zoom, Sept. 1–3, 2021.
- (with Gianfranco Agosti): "Etymology and Literary Culture in Ancient Greece and Rome", Newcastle University, Dec. 16–17, 2019 [supported by the Leverhulme Trust]
- (with Anke Walter): "Ἀρχή and origo: The Power of Origins", Newcastle University, May 2–4, 2019 [supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal]
- (with Jenny Strauss Clay and Anke Walter) “Time and Eternity: the Conception of Time in Archaic Greek Literature”, University of Virginia, Sept. 22–24, 2017 [supported by the University of Virginia Department of Classics, the Ancient History Fund, the UVa College of Arts and Sciences, the UVa Institute for Global Humanities, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation]
- (with Jenny Strauss Clay) “Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry”, Heidelberg, July 1–3, 2016 [supported by the foundation Humanismus heute]
- Workshop on philological commentaries, Heidelberg, June 20, 2015.
- (with Andrew Faulkner) Conference on “Greek poetry, from Homer to Nonnus”, Heidelberg, June 13, 2015
- (with Andrew Faulkner and Andreas Schwab), “The Reception of the Homeric Hymns”, Heidelberg, June 22-24, 2014 [supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation]
Research Interests:
Ancient Greek poetry (esp. hymnic and didactic)
Ancient etymology and linguistic thought
Classical mythology, its contexts and uses
Literature on dining and the symposium
The main focus of my’ research is on ancient Greek poetry, especially hymnic and didactic. My publications include A Commentary on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes (De Gruyter 2013), Hesiod’s Verbal Craft: Studies in Hesiod’s Conception of Language and its Ancient Reception (OUP 2020), as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters on various topics in Greek literature from the Archaic to the Imperial Age. I have has co-edited four volumes, most recently Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry (with Jenny Strauss Clay, Brill 2021).
Ongoing work includes a co-authored commentary on Hesiod’s Theogony (for Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics, now completed), a Companion to Greek and Roman Didactic poetry (for Brill’s Companions to Classical Studies), and the edition of a number of documentary papyri from the Columbia University collection (in collaboration with Amphilochios Papathomas).
A thread connecting a great part of my research activity over the past years is ancient reflection on language, particularly etymologizing and related phenomena across literary genres. To this cluster of interests belongs my research project at the HIAS in AY 2023/24:
“‘True Stories’: Etymology in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautika” will lead to a monograph exploring Apollonius’ use of etymology in its cultural context. The project’s goal is to show that etymological explanations are neither merely a reflex of older poetry nor a literary game. Rather, they help the poet navigate between two opposing forces: tradition that looms large in an age conscious of its own epigonal status vs. innovation and progress arising from learnedness and aesthetic sophistication.
Prospective research students interested in any of the above topics are welcome to contact me.
Recent research students include:
- Dimitri Psarianos (Newcastle), MLitt in Classics. Thesis title: “The Role of Knowledge in Plato’s Protagoras”; completed (2019); co-supervised with PD Dr Thomas Rütten.
- Jule Pölzer (Heidelberg), PhD Thesis, “Ariston men hydor: Water in Ancient Greek and Early Modern English Pastoral”; co-supervised with Peter Paul Schnieren (Anglistisches Seminar, Heidelberg); completed (2020).
- I was external member of the doctoral committee for the PhD dissertation of Stella Philippou (Open University of Cyprus), “Φιλολογικός Υπομνηματισμός του Εβδόμου Ομηρικού Ύμνου” (A Philological Commentary on the Seventh Homeric Hymn, to Dionysus); completed (2023) (with Prof Vayos Liapis, OU Cyprus, as the primary supervisor, and Prof. Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi, Stanford).
- Elisa Antonella Polignano (Newcastle): “A Commentary on the Epigrams of Marcus Argentarius” (AHRC/Northern Bridge funded); completed (2025).
- Eleanor McEvedy (Newcastle): “The Poetics of Light in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica”; ongoing
- Auréliane Perrin (Newcastle): "Edition of unpublished Greek documents from the papyrus collection of the Austrian National Library”; second supervisor, with Dr Micaela Langellotti and colleagues from the Austrian Academy of Sciences/ Austrian National Library (funded as a CDA by Northern Bridge) (from October 2024).
- Zachary Haines (University of Virginia): "How Shall I Hymn You? Ancient Greek Etymology in Callimachus' Hymns"; external member of the supervisory committee, with Prof. Ivana Petrovic (main supervisor) and Profs. Andrej Petrovic, J. A. Montagne, J. Spittler (from October 2024).
During 2023/24 I am on research leave at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study and can be reached via email (
I regularly teach Greek and Latin at all levels, and contribute to CAC1014 (Tragedy, Comedy, History: The World of Greek Literature), CAC2001 (Researching the Classics), and other modules.
For Stage 2/3 students I offer CAC2063/3063 (Approaches to Greek Mythology) and CAC2038/3038 (Food for Thought: Greco-Roman Dining and Sympotic Culture).
- Vergados A. Hesiod, Theogony 823. Classical Philology 2024, 119(4), 546-548.
- Vergados A. Lucian’s Dialogue with Hesiod: Philology, Philosophy, and Satire. Maia 2023, 75(1), 12-29.
- Vergados A. Hesiod’s Monsters and the Limits of Etymological Signification in the Theogony. Incontri di Filologia Classica 2021, 19-20, 58-85.
- Vergados A. Chaos and Order in Hesiod's Theogony. Antiquorum Philosophia 2021, 15, 27–40.
- Vergados A. Callimachean Echoes in Oppian, Halieutica 1.80–92. The Classical Journal 2021, 116(4), 424-444.
- Vergados A. Rethining Zieliński's Law and its Application in Hesiod's Theogony. Paideia: rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria 2019, LXXIV(2), 1239-1257.
- Vergados A. Hes. Th. 269. Eikasmòs 2018, 29, 9–14.
- Vergados A. Zusammenspiel von Gattung und Interpretation in Euripides' Bakchen 266-327. Antike und Abendland 2016, 62, 38-57.
- Vergados A. What Was He Reading Exactly? Marcus Argentarius, AP 9.161 (= GP 1369–72), and Hesiod’s Works and Days. Illinois Classical Studies 2013, 38, 65-80.
- Vergados A. The Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handers in Hesiod, Theogony 139–53. Hermes 2013, 141, 1-7.
- Vergados A. An Unnoticed Testimonium to the Hesiodic Melampodia? PSI 14.1398 and [Hesiod] Melampodia fr. 276 M.-W. (= 212 Most). Philologus 2013, 157(1), 5-15.
- Vergados A. ἐρίηρος ἀοιδός (θ 62—3): Etymologisches Wortspiel in der Odyssee. Wiener Studien 2012, 125, 7-22.
- Vergados A. Verbal Performances in Lucian’s Symposium. Ἀρχαιογνωσία 2012, 16, 225-43.
- O'Bryhim S, Vergados A. Reconsidering Catullus’ passer. Latomus 2012, 16, 101-13.
- Vergados A. Hesychius, s.v. στορεύς (σ 1933). Glotta 2012, 88, 224-31.
- Vergados A. Corinna’s Poetic Mountains: PMG 654 col. I 1–34 and Hesiodic Reception. Classical Philology 2012, 107, 101-18.
- Vergados A. Shifting Focalization in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes: the Case of Hermes’ Cave. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 2011, 51, 1-25.
- Vergados A. Edition of P.Duke Inv. 913: Letter of Hermias to Apollon. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 2011, 48, 51-60.
- Vergados A. Wein, Weib und Gesang: on Catullus 27. Classica et Mediaevalia 2011, 62, 153-67.
- Vergados A. Nicarchus A.P. xi 328 and Homeric Interpretation. Mnemosyne 2010, 63, 406-23.
- Vergados A. Hesiod, Hellanikos und Hermes (zu ZPE 160 (2007) 15–23). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2010, 170, 20-21.
- Vergados A. Penelope’s Fat Hand Reconsidered (Odyssey 21.6). Wiener Studien 2009, 122, 7-20.
- Vergados A. P.Mich. Inv. 1715: Letter from Simades to Pynas. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 2009, 46, 59-68.
- Vergados A. The Homeric Hymn to Hermes v. 51 and Antigonus of Carystus. Classical Quarterly 2007, 57, 737-42.
Authored Books
- Vergados A. Hesiod's Verbal Craft: Studies in Hesiod's Conception of Language and its Ancient Reception. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Vergados A. A Commentary on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Walter De Gruyter: Berlin / New York, Series: Texte und Kommentare 41 (XVI + 717 p.). 2013.
- Vergados A. "Hermes". Oxford Bibliographies Online 2016.
Book Chapters
- Vergados A. Etymology and the Rewriting of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo in Apollonius Rhodius 2.669–719. In: Zucker A; Le Feuvre C; Chriti M, ed. Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymology, Theory and Practice II. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2025, pp.173-196.
- Vergados A. Tales about Gods and Heroes in Pseudo-Oppian Cynegetica 2, 612-628 and 4, 230-319. In: Cariou, M & Zito, N, ed. Μάρτυρι μύθῳ. Poésie, histoire et société aux époques impériale et tardive. Actes du colloque international Paris, Sorbonne Université, 8-10 septembre 2022. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2024, pp.33–53.
- Vergados A. Hesiod, Empedocles and the Language of Didactic Poetry. In: Decker JE; Ferriss-Hill J; Reid HL, ed. Empedocles in Sicily. Parnassos Press, 2024, pp.1–38.
- Vergados A. P.Vindob. G 15493: a register of land with numbered koitai from Hermopolis Magna. In: A. J. Connor, J. Dijkstra, and F. A. J. Hoogendijk, ed. Unending Variety. Papyrological Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024, pp.85–9.
- Vergados A. Chased away by the Muses: Catullus’ Mamurra and Lucian’s Uneducated Book-Collector. In: Portuese O, ed. Sagaci corde. Studi per Rosa Maria D’Angelo e Antonino Maria Milazzo. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2023, pp.331–350.
- Vergados A. Hesiod and Some Linguistic Approaches of the 5th Century BCE. In: Iribarren L; Koning H, ed. Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022, pp.239–262.
- Vergados A. Text als Ressource. Hesiodeische σήματα in Arats Phainomena. In: Delp, D. and Herren, X, ed. TextRessourcen. Agrarische, soziale und poetische Ressourcen in archaischer und hellenistischer Zeit. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2021, pp.189-226.
- Vergados A. Pseudo-Oppian's Didactic Paths in the Cynegetica. In: Strauss Clay, J; Vergados, A, ed. Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2021, pp.338-360.
- Strauss Clay J, Vergados A. Introduction. In: Strauss Clay, J; Vergados, A, ed. Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry. Leiden/Boston: E.J. Brill, 2021, pp.1-22.
- Vergados A. Etymological Explanations of Fish-names in Oppian's Halieutica: Between Poetry, Philology, and Scholarship. In: Zucker, A; Le Fleuve, C, ed. Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymology–Theory and Practice I. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, pp.179-212.
- Vergados A. Hermes and the Figs: On P.Oxy. 17.2084. In: John F. Miller and Jenny Strauss Clay, ed. Tracking Hermes, Pursuing Mercury. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp.309-321.
- Vergados A. Ο ομηρικός ύμνος στον Ερμή. In: Manakidou, FP; Noussia, M, ed. Ἄρχομ᾽ ἀείδειν. Δεκατρείς μελέτες για τους αρχαίους ελληνικούς ύμνους. Athens, Greece: Gutenberg, 2018, pp.100-128.
- Vergados A. Hermes and Carion in Aristophanes' Ploutos. In: Athanassaki L; Nappa C; Vergados A, ed. Gods and Mortals in Greek and Latin Poetry. Studies in Honor of Jenny Strauss Clay. Rethymnon, Crete: Crete University Press, 2018, pp.159-180.
- Vergados Athanassios. Der Dichter als Leser und (Fehl-)interpret: Hesiod in den homerischen Scholien. In: Grethlein, J. & Rengakos, A, ed. Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte. Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017, pp.271–97.
- Vergados A. The Homeric Hymns in the Prose Hymns of Aelius Aristides. In: Faulkner, A; Vergados, A; Schwab, A, ed. The Reception of the Homeric Hymns. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp.165-86.
- Vergados A. Philoxenus PMG 836: ‘Attic Dinner’ (Introduction and Commentary). In: Sider, D, ed. Hellenistic Poetry: A Selection. Ann Arbor, MI, USA: University of Michigan Press, 2016, pp.485-509.
- Faulkner A, Vergados A, Schwab A. Introduction. The Homeric Hymns’ Reception in Hellenistic Literature. In: The Reception of the Homeric Hymns. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp.1-26.
- Vergados A. Corinna PMG 654, 655, 664, 690 (Introduction and Commentary). In: Sider D, ed. Hellenistic Poetry: A Selection. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016, pp.243-264.
- Vergados A. Stitching Narratives: Unity and Episode in Hesiod. In: Werner, C; Dourado-Lopes, A; Werner, E, ed. Tecendo narrativas: Unidade e episódio na literatura grega antiga. São Paulo, Brazil, 2015, pp.29-54.
- Vergados A. Narrative Strategies and the Reception of Hesiod in Callimachus’ Loutra Pallados. In: Faulkner, A; Hodkinson, O, ed. Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns. Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2015, pp.69-86.
- Vergados A. Form and Function of Some Theban Resonances in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.. In: Tsagalis, C, ed. Theban Resonances in Homeric Epic. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2014, pp.423-37.
- Vergados A. Etymologie und Aitiologie bei Hesiod: die Musennamen in der Theogonie. In: Reitz, C; Walter, A, ed. Dichtung und Ursache: Strukturen aitiologischen Denkens. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Olms, 2014, pp.105-40.
- Vergados A. Defining δίκη in Hesiod’s Works and Days. In: Christopoulos, M; Paizi-Apostolopoulou, M, ed. Ἔγκλημα καὶ τιμωρία στὴν ὁμηρικὴ καὶ ἀρχαϊκὴ ποίηση (Crime and Punishment in Homeric and Archaic Poetry). Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on the Odyssey. Ithaca, Greece, 2014, pp.367-78.
- Vergados A. Commenting on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes: Between Philology and History. In: Bouchon, R; Brillet-Dubois, P; Le Meur-Weissman, N, ed. Hymnes de la Grèce antique: approaches littérraires et historiques. Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2012, pp.191-8.
- Vergados A. The Homeric Hymn to Hermes: Humour and Epiphany. In: Faulkner, A, ed. The Homeric Hymns: Interpretative Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp.83-104.
- Vergados A. Homer’s Iliad and the Unity of Sophocles’ Ajax. In: Karamalengou, E; Makrygianni, E, ed. Ἀντιφίλησις. Studies on Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and Culture in Honour of John-Theophanes A. Papademetriou. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009, pp.154-60.
- Vergados A. . 0.
Edited Books
- Strauss Clay J, Vergados A, ed. Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry. Leiden/Boston: E. J. Brill, 2022.
- Agosti G, Vergados A, ed. Etymology and Literary Culture in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Thematic Section of Incontri di Filologia Classica XIX-XX (2019–2020) 53–333. EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021.
- Athanassaki L, Nappa C, Vergados A, ed. Gods and Mortals in Greek and Latin Poetry. Studies in Honor of Jenny Strauss Clay. Rethymnon, Crete: Crete University Press, 2018.
- Faulkner A, Vergados A, Schwab A, ed. The Reception of the Homeric Hymns. Oxford University Press, 2016.