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Mortality and Morbidity Risk Valuation Collaborative Academic Research

We've been researching our safety, health, and lives since the 1980s.

This research began under Emeritus Professor Mike Jones-Lee in the 1980s. It continues today.

It focusses on the most fundamental of concerns - our safety, our health and our lives.


All collaborators are based - or have been based – at Newcastle University. The table below lists their current Institutional affiliation. It also lists their primary research area and expertise.



Research Background

Newcastle University

Prof. Susan Chilton

Dr. Jytte Seested Nielsen

Dr. Hugh Metcalf

Emeritus Professor Michael Jones-Lee (until 2021)

Applied welfare economics

Health economics


Safety Economics

Glasgow Caledonian University

Professor Helen Mason

Professor Cam Donaldson

Professor Rachel Baker

Health economics

Health economics

Health economics

University of Birmingham

Dr Rebecca McDonald

Dr Danae Arroyos-Calvera

Behavioural economics

Behavioural economics

Core research

The core research is highly translational. Over the years, the team have collaborated to generate a body of policy-related work.

World-leading academic research underpins our work, published in international journals such as:

  • Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
  • Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 
  • Health Economics

Landmark projects

As part of this research, we have worked on a number of landmark projects. The table below shows the areas of policy they addressed. It highlights the ever-changing nature of safety research. It shows the valuation of life and health over the decades.

Landmark projects


Team members involved

1982 first VPF study UK

Department of Transport (DoT)

Value updated by DoT late 1980s



Non-fatal injuries

DoT and Transport Research Laboratory (TRL).

Value adopted by DoT in 1993



VPFs across different contexts (rail, domestic fires and fires in public places).

HSE; the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions; the Home Office and HM Treasury

Chilton, Jones-Lee,


Dread risk



Chilton, Jones-Lee, Metcalf

Environmental risk



Chilton, Jones-Lee, Metcalf

Valuation of Health Benefits Associated with Reductions in Air Pollution:



Chilton, Jones-Lee, Metcalf

New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability, NEEDS

European Commission


Chilton, Metcalf, Nielsen

What is the value to society of a QALY? The Social Value of a QALY Project

National Coordinating Centre for Research Methodology/National Institute for Health Research


Baker, Donaldson, Jones-Lee, Mason

EuroVaQ (European Value of a QALY) Project.

European Commission


Baker, Donaldson, Jones-Lee, Mason, Nielsen

Cancer and latency

Commissioned by HSE

Green book


Chilton, Jones-Lee, McDonald, Metcalf

Economic Burden of Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR): WHO


Baker, Donaldson Mason

Is ‘end-of-life’ care more valuable? Measuring societal values using the new Q2S method. Medical Research Council


Baker, Donaldson, Mason

To find out more about this project, please get in touch.