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Centre for Heritage

A Newcastle University Centre of Research Excellence

Heritage links our past to our present, with the potential to influence every aspect of how we live our lives. From the preservation and interpretation of cultural monuments, landscapes, and traditions, to explorations of identity, community, politics, and global and international relations, the implications of heritage research are profound and far-reaching.

The Centre for Heritage brings together experts across a wide range of disciplines to deliver heritage research that will have an impact now and in the future.

Find out more about us and our team.

The Centre for Heritage works across a wide range of disciplines, including the humanities, arts, social sciences, engineering, computing, and medicine. We provide an inclusive, creative, and progressive platform that transcends disciplinary boundaries and supports everyone to succeed in the creation of world-class research.

We approach heritage research in a variety of ways, to address the most critical and pressing questions about our relations with the past. Our research places heritage at the heart of key discussions on politics, society, and global concerns, with real-world implications that truly make a difference.

Our Latest News

Campus Legacies Workshop

Colonial history scoping workshop, May 2nd

We have updated our Partnerships pages

Check out our updated pages with the latest news about our Partnerships!

Dr. Angelos Theocharis hosts Indigenous Heritage and Climate Activism series.

The seminar series 'Indigenous Heritage and Climate Activism' delves into the heritage strategies and climate activism of Indigenous peoples globally, while fostering dialogues on the interconnected issues of environmental justice, climate policy, and community art among Indigenous scholars, artists, and activists.

Blue plaque honours woman who helped design the Tyne Bridge

A new commemorative plaque has been unveiled on the Tyne Bridge, in honour of Dorothy Buchanan, who was a member of the design team for the bridge which opened in 1928.

New Year Get Together on Heritage Teaching

An event for people involved and interested in Heritage Teaching