Queer Media, Culture, and Heritage Seminars
A seminar series exploring LGBTQ+ identity and how it connects to cultural, political, and critical ideas around who we are.
About the seminar series
Queer media, culture and heritage (QMCH) connects to cultural, political and critical ideas around who we are (and who we are not) as queer subjects.
The seminar series and the networks of intersectional dialogue that it enables are allied to the 4 key themes of performance, resistance, community and region. In turn, they are connected and concerned with issues and themes around identity, equality, diversity and inclusion.

QMCH is also a space to explore how and why the LGBTQ+ discourses of history and heritage are linked to cultural change, and the shifting relationship with media and culture. The seminars are also informed, organised and shaped by issues connected to critical theory, creative arts practice, social renewal, oral histories, and archives/special collections. All of these inter-disciplinary themes and approaches are addressed and explored through the regular programme of talks and screenings which take place both on and off campus.
Duration: January 2018 onwards
Funders: Newcastle University School Strategic Research Fund and the Great Exhibition of the North
PI: Dr Gareth Longstaff (Newcastle University)
Partners: EDI Networks across the university, Tyneside Cinema, Tyne and Wear Museums, London Metropolitan Archives, Globe Gallery (Newcastle)