How urban planning and governance reforms can impact on historic built environment and intangible cultural heritage.
The central objectives of PICH were:
- to understand how reforms in urban governance and planning are affecting the management of cultural heritage
- to identify the consequences for place identity
- to explore how practice can respond most effectively to promote more sustainable management of cultural heritage
This was explored in the context of the different mix of models of urban planning found in the four case study countries (UK, NL, IT, NO), across three themes:
- historic urban core
- industrial areas facing transformation
- urban landscapes

About the research project
PICH provided a platform where academic, government and civil society partners can explore and share knowledge about these processes, share and compare both good and bad experiences and conditions, and understand the potential for transferability of solutions.
The project explored 12 case studies, one per theme per country. The cases were both territorial, in that they concentrated on a specified location, and problem-oriented, focusing on the particular governance policies and actions concerned with managing the urban cultural heritage. Based on those cases, the project aimed to provide perspectives and understandings using national and international comparisons.
Funder: JPI Cultural Heritage
PI and further team:
- Prof. John Pedlebury (PI) - Planning, School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape
- Dr. Loes Veldpaus (RA) - Planning, School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape
- Delft University of Technology (Project Leaders)
- Newcastle University's Global Urban Research Unit
- Università IUAV di Veneza
- Norweign University of Science Technology
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