Heritage Executive Team
Meet our interdisciplinary team of experts.
Professor Areti Galani
Deputy Head of School of Arts and Cultures
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3857
- Personal Website: https://aretigalani.com
- Address: Media, Culture, Heritage
Armstrong Building
Room 3.15
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I research and teach in the area of Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Cultural Communication. My research explores how digital practices and digital culture interact with the work of cultural organisations and institutions. My research and teaching include theoretical, empirical and creative practice-based work.
My research is often collaborative and participatory, working with cultural organisations and community groups. I adopt people-centred methodologies, design approaches and creative practice to explore different heritage practices in institutions, communities and by individuals. I also draw on theoretical ideas from media and communication studies, cultural studies and critical heritage to discuss the role of cultural institutions and organisations in digital societies.
Before I joined Newcastle University, I was a Research Associate in Digital Heritage in the University of Leicester and a visitor researcher in the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham. In Greece, I worked as an assistant curator in the Athens University Historical Museum and as exhibition project manager in the Pierides Art Gallery.
Current roles and responsibilities
Deputy Head of School of Arts and Cultures
Co-convener of the Cultures of Memory research group
Steering Group Member of the Centre for Heritage.
Managing Editor, Museum & Society
Prior Academic Roles and Responsibilities:
Degree Programme Director (DPD) in MA Programmes in Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies (2020-23)
Director of Postgraduate Research Studies, School of Arts and Cultures (2016-19)
Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership (AHRC) - Scholarships Coordinator for Cultural & Museum Studies (2014-17)
Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership (AHRC) - Partners Forum (2016-18)
Principle Editor and Technical Manager for the e-learning MA in Heritage Management and Tourism (2014-15)
Head of Postgraduate Research Studies, ICCHS and MCH (2010-16)
Postgraduate Research Admissions Tutor, ICCHS (2010-17)
Senior Tutor, ICCHS (2014-15)
Chair of Board of Examiners, ICCHS (2006-09)
Steering Group Member of the Newcastle University's Methods Hub (2020-21)
External Examining
External Examiner, MSc in Heritage Studies, University of Stirling
External Examiner, MSc in Museum Studies, HATII, University of Glasgow (2012-16)
PhD in Computing Science (University of Glasgow)
MA in Museum Studies (University of Leicester)
Degree in Greek Literature (University of Athens, Greece)
Recent and current research
Dialogic and decolonial approaches to museum work in digital cultures
I have an ongoing interest in how dialogue is perceived, conceptualised and practiced in museum contexts. The OA volume European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices brought together empirical work and theoretical ideas related to both digitisation and intercultural dialogue policies and practices in European museums. In 2024 I collaborate with a team in Victoria University Wellington on an exploratory project that considered the role and future of dialogue and dialogic practices in GLAMs more broadly.
I am currently collaborating with the Great North Museum: Hancock to develop a decolonial approach in researching World Cultures collections within trans/national physical and digital contexts. Within this initiative I am developing scholarship on the donations of Maori taonga in the care of the North East Museums.
Futuring and speculative approaches as a critical heritage research
From 2016-2019 I was a Co-I in the Horizon2020 CoHERE project. WP4, which I co-led (with CIID - Copenhagen Institute of Interactive Design) explored how different forms of digitally mediated dialogue(s) about, through and with heritage can support, enable, hinder and challenge both the imaginaries and the construction of European identitie(s).
As part of this research, we analysed how serendipitous visual dialogues about and around heritage emerge through the analysis of user generated geotagged images of European historic squares on flickr.
We also collaborated with CIID to design and ran a series of participatory heritage futurescaping workshops which are summarised in this video:
- Future Erasure, Leiden, 2018
- Exploring the notion of 'Borders' through dialogic digital design methods, Hangzhou, 2018
- Futurescaping methods for museum and heritage professionals, Newcastle, 2019
Futuring and speculative research methodologies also inform my teaching in the areas of AI and digital sustainability in digital communication for cultural institutions and organisations.
People-centred research methodologies in digital cultural heritage
I use creative and design research methodologies that allow me to understand people’s situated experiences. My design research always takes place ‘in the wild’. My approach is informed by the ethnographic and ethnomethodological traditions. I use a variety of methods such as culture probes, role playing, collaging, scenario building, and mind/body-mapping alongside more traditional ethnographic methods such as observations, video recordings, interviews and focus groups.
Postgraduate Research Supervision
I am delighted to supervise Dan Foster-Smith and Gobi Gao.
Previous research students who have now graduated: Nikki Spalding, Kat Lloyd, Rachel Clarke, Anna Goulding, Bronwen Colquhoun, Gabi Arrigoni, Bethany Rex, Rebecca Farley, Brian Moss and David Farrell-Banks, Daisy-Alys Vaughan, Samantha Vaughn, Danae Peguero Bueno.
I am interested in supervising PhD candidates working in the following areas, including creative-practice based research:
- Digital/online/hybrid technologies in museum/gallery/heritage settings
- Social media and its implications for the cultural sector
- Design and use of mobile, personal, ubiquitous technologies in cultural settings
- Digitally mediated memory, indigenous collections online, decolonial approaches to digitisation of collections
- Theory and practice of Visitor Studies, especially study and understanding of social museum experiences
Projects and Funding
- Futuring Dialogic Cultural Heritage, Victoria University Wellington Strategic Research Fund, 2023-25, Co-I (NZ $49,995)
- Restorying the Forest: exploring future pasts of an ancient woodland, Institute for Creative Arts Practice Pioneer Award, 2021-22, PI (£1000). Cultural partner: Stomping Ground Forest School and Wild Museum
- CoHERE - Critical Heritages: Performing and representing identities in Europe, EC Horizon 2020, 2016-19, Co-I (c. 2,5M Euro)
- Deep Learning for the Classification & Clustering of Museum Collections, Creative Fuse NE, Innovation Pilot Grant, 2018, Co-I (£4,500); Industry partner: Intogral Limited
- Broomfield Goes Digital, AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Scheme, 2016-2019, PI (£68K); Partner: Victoria and Albert Museum
- Digital Designs for Museum Dialogue[s], NICAP, 2015, PI (c. £5K); with Discovery Museum, TWAM
- Methodological investigations in capturing the impact of museum activities on older men, living with mental illness, NISR, 2015, PI (c. £5K); with Beamish Museum and Occupational Therapy, Mental Health Services for Older People (TEWV), Derwent Clinic
- ‘Who do we think we are?’ Exploring identity, place and belonging in the North East at the Discovery Museum, Newcastle, NICAP, Co-Investigator (c. £5K); with Discovery Museum, TWAM
- Active Ageing and Heritage in Adult learning, EC Erasmus , 2014-17, Co-investigator (c. €290K)
- Research for Community Heritage, Phase 2, AHRC, 2013-14, Co-Investigator (c. £60K)
- Engaged Culturally? A people-centred approach to understanding cultural social media activities. AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund, 2013, PI (£11K); with Tyne and Wear Archives & Museums
- Rock Art Mobile Project, AHRC, 2010-11, Co-Investigator (£149K)
- Holding memories: Memory, Objects, Museums and Older People workshop series, Newcastle University Changing Age Programme, 2010-11, Joint-Principal Investigator (£4k)
- Digital media in the Heart of the City, commissioned report, Newcastle City Council, 2010-11 (£3,5K)
- Collaborative Innovation Partnership, One NorthEast, 2009, PI (£20K); with Seven Stories: Centre for children’s books
- Collaborative Innovation Partnership, One NorthEast, 2009, Co-I (£20K); with The Great North Museum: Hancock, TWAM
- ‘Chiptune Marching Band’ series of workshops, 2009, Researcher – delivered in Maker Faire 2009, Newcastle upon Tyne; Pixelache 2009, Helsinki; Bent Festival 2009, New York; SPACE, 2009 London; and Creativity & Cognition 2009, Berkeley, CA.
- The Digital Heritage Research Training Initiative, AHRC Collaborative Research Training Scheme, 2008-10, Co-I (£52K)
- Creative Digital Media Research Practice: Production through Exhibition, AHRC Collaborative Research Training Scheme, 2008-10, Co-I (c. £10K)
- Campus Tales project in collaboration with Zelda Baveystock. Catherine Cookson Trust, 2007-08 (c. £3,5K)
Current and recent reviewing roles
- AHRC, UKRI (reviewer, panel member and chair)
- Invited Expert Assessor, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT) - Media Studies Panel.
- Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
- Regular peer reviewer for heritage journals (e.g. International Journal of Heritage Studies, Museum & Society)
- Occasional peer reviewer for ACM conference publications on Human Computer Interaction (CHI, DIS)
I lead or contribute sessions in the following modules:
- MCH8169: Digital Communication for Cultural Institutions and Organisations - module leader
- MCH8501: Museums, Galleries and Heritage in Society - session leader
- MCH8503: Understanding Objects, Collections and Stories - session leader
- MCH2090: Expanding Digital Cultures - session leader
- I teach and supervise MA dissertations in Museum Studies, Global Heritage Management, Curating Art, and Media and Journalism
- I also supervise UG dissertations in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies.
Innovative teaching practice
Reflective writing and practice are a central component of our approach to teaching and learning. In 2021-22 I led an experimental co-deign project with a group of students and academic staff from Museum, Gallery and Heritage studies to create a workbook and poster for students and early career cultural practitioners to practice reflection. The workbook contains tools and prompts to support reflection in different situations. It was designed in three intensive co-design workshops by Museum/Gallery/Heritage students and staff at Newcastle University with contributions from sector specialists.
This project was funded by Newcastle University's Education Development Fund.
The 'Practising Reflection' workbook and poster are released under CC licence and can be downloaded for free from: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/mghfutures/practising-reflection/
Past teaching and coordination of curatorial student projects
I was the module leader for the Interpretation and Exhibitions module (2006-2016), in which students developed a variety of public museum displays and online interpretation projects in collaboration with a variety of cultural partners in Newcastle. In 2012 - 2016 these projects took place in the Great North Museum: Hancock. A number of online student projects for this module are still available to see:
- The Hancocks: Scientists in the Studio (2012-13). As part of the interpretation the team developed an exhibition blog and used Twitter to bring John and Albany Hancock to life.
- Hide and Seek! It's more than just a game, it's how animals survive! (2013-14). As part of the interpretation the team developed an exhibition blog.
- From Shells to Shields: The Natural World and its Influence on Human Defence (2014-15). As part of the interpretation the team developed a series of creative writing stories and illustrations available on the exhibition blog.
- Galani A, Durrant A, Chatting D. Sit with Me. Newcastle upon Tyne: Discovery Museum, 2016.
- Arrigoni G, Galani A. Recasting witnessing in museums: digital interactive displays for dialogic remembering. International Journal of Heritage Studies 2021, 27(2), 250-264.
- Galani A, Kidd J. Hybrid Material Encounters – Expanding the continuum of museum materialities in the wake of a pandemic. Museum & Society 2020, 18(3), 298-301.
- Galani A, Durant A, Chatting D, Farley R. Designing for intersubjectivity and dialogicality in museum interactive installations about migration. Digital Creativity 2020, 31(4), 302-319.
- Galani A, Kidd J. Evaluating digital cultural heritage 'in the wild': the case for reflexivity. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 2019, 12(1), 5.
- Economou M, Ruthven I, Galani A, Dobreva M, De Niet M. Editorial Note for Special Issue on the Evaluation of Digital Cultural Resources - January 2019. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2019, 12(1), 1e.
- Galani A, Moschovi A. Other People's Stories: Bringing Public-Generated Photography into the Contemporary Art Museum. Museum & Society 2013, 11(2), 172-184.
- Mazel A, Galani A. Rock Art Goes Mobile. Interpretation 2012, 17(2), 6-8.
- Mazel A, Galani A, Maxwell D, Sharpe K. 'I want to be provoked': public involvement in the development of the Northumberland Rock Art on Mobile Phones project. World Archaeology 2012, 44(4), 592-611.
- Galani A. Mixed Reality Museum Visits: Using new technologies to support co-visiting for local and remote visitors. Museological Review 2003, (10 (special issue)), 1-15.
Book Chapters
- Galani A, Markham K, Mason R. Problematising digital and dialogic heritage practices in Europe: tensions and opportunities. In: Galani A; Mason R; Arrigoni G, ed. European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices. London: Routledge, 2019, pp.9-36.
- Arrigoni G, Galani A. From place-memories to active citizenship: the potential of geotagged user-generated visual content for memory scholarship. In: Drozdzewski, D; Birdsall, C, ed. Doing Memory Research: New Methods and Approaches. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp.145-167.
- Arrigoni G, Galani A. Digitally enhanced polyvocality and reflective spaces: challenges in sustaining dialogue in museums through digital technologies. In: Galani A; Mason R; Arrigoni G, ed. European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices. London: Routledge, 2019, pp.37-61.
- Galani A, Mason R, Rex B. Dialogues and heritages in the digital public sphere . In: Galani A; Mason R; Arrigoni G, ed. European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices. London: Routledge, 2019, pp.109-121.
- Galani A, Clarke R. Configuring slow technology through social and embodied interaction: making time for reflection in augmenter reality museum experiences with young visitors. In: Lewi, H, ed. International Handbook in New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge, 2019.
- Sayner J, Lloyd K, Galani A, Mason R. Experiencing mixed emotions in the museum: empathy, affect, and memory in visitors' responses to histories of migration. In: Smith LJ; Wetherell M; Campbell G, ed. Emotion, Affective Practices and the Past in the Present. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018, pp.124-148.
- Galani A, Moschovi A. Other people's (hi)stories: bringing public-generated photography in the contemporary art museum. In: Sheehan, T, ed. Photography, History, Difference. New England: Dartmouth College Press, 2015, pp.195-216.
- Galani A, Mazel A, Maxwell D, Sharpe K. Situating Cultural Technologies Outdoors: Empathy in the Design of Mobile Interpretation of Rock Art in Rural Britain. In: Ch'ng, E., Gaffney, V., Chapman, H, ed. Visual Heritage in the Digital Age. London: Springer, 2013, pp.183-204.
- Colquhoun B, Galani A. Flickr The Commons: Historic photographic collections through the eyes of an online community of interest. In: Moschovi, A., McKay, C., Plouviez, A, ed. The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet. Leuven, Netherlands: Leuven University Press, 2013, pp.169-191.
- Schnädelbach H, Galani A, Flintham M. Embedded Mixed Reality Environments. In: Dubois, E., Gray, P.D., Nigay, L, ed. Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems. London: Springer, 2010, pp.57-78.
- Galani A, Chalmers M. Blurring boundaries for museum visitors. In: Marty, PF; Jones, KB, ed. Museum Informatics: People, Information, and Technology in Museums. London: Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp.157-178.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Galani A, Maxwell D, Mazel A, Sharpe K. Situating Cultural Technologies Outdoors: Designing for Mobile Interpretation of Rock Art in Rural Britain. In: Museums and the Web. 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Archives & Museum Informatics.
- Clarke R, Galani A, Bartindale T, Wright P, Olivier P. Time and Tide: Dialogue and design for interaction with older adults in museums. In: Workshop on Heritage Inquiries, Designing Interactive Systems (DIS). 2010, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Jo K, Allen J, Galani A. Chiptune Marching Band: A Public Workshop and Performance. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C). 2009, Berkeley, California, USA: ACM Press.
- Allen J, Galani A, Jo K. An Ecology of Practice: Chiptune Marching Band. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C). 2009, Berkeley, California, USA: ACM Press.
- Kray C, Galani A, Cheverst K. Engaging with Cultural Content on Ambient Displays. In: Urban Screens. 2007, Manchester, UK.
- Chalmers M, Galani A. Seamful Interweaving: Heterogeneity in the Theory and Design of Interactive Systems. In: Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods and techniques. 2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: ACM Press.
- Galani A, Chalmers M. Production of pace as a collaborative activity. In: Conferene on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2004, Vienna, Austria: ACM Press.
- Brown B, MacColl I, Chalmers M, Galani A, Randell C, Steed A. Lessons from The Lighthouse: collaboration in a shared mixed reality system. In: CHI 2003 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. 2003, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: ACM Press.
- Galani A, Chalmers M. Can You see me?: Exploring co-visiting between physical and virtual visitors. In: Museums and the Web. 2002, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics.
Edited Books
- Galani A, Mason R, Arrigoni G, ed. European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019.
- Hansen A, Davenport B, Erlingsson C, Overgaard SB, Galani A, Mason R, Berntsen D, Djupdræt MB, Fog LA, Kofod L, Lindberg H, Mathiassen TE, Rasmussen AA, Kindleysides M, Wills T, Pembroke F, Sári Z, Bokonics-Kramlik M, Szigethy Z, ed. Reminiscence in open air museums - Results from the Erasmus+ project Active Ageing and Heritage in Adult Learning. Sweden: Jamtli Förlag, 2017.
- Arrigoni G, Galani A, Galani L, Halkia K, Kassaveti OE, Kakampoura R. Online Visual Dialogues about Place: Using the Geostream Tools to Identify Heritage Practices on Photo-sharing Social Media. CoHERE Critical Archive: Newcastle University, 2017.