Professor Neil Boonham
Chair of Applied Crop Science
- Telephone: 07780825544
- Address: Agriculture Building
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
University of Newcastle
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am a plant health scientist with a broad interest in biosecurity, diagnostics and improved use of crop protection products. Initially trained in plant virology I spent time at the Central Science Laboratory/Fera Science Ltd characterising new plant health risks and developing diagnostic methods for use by NPPOs both in the laboratory and in the field by inspection services.
During my time at Newcastle University my work has focused on the use of rapid diagnostics to generate data about pathogens that help the agriculture/horticulture sector to make more informed decisions about crop protection, including focusing on timing of application, spatial challenges, automation and resistance.
I have led large teams of scientists delivering this work and pulled together large collaborative, interdisciplinary networks to achieve these aims. To ensure the outcomes of the work is useful my work has always been developed and delivered closely with key stakeholders, either in government, industry or with commercial partners who bring solutions to market. I have published more than 160 peer reviewed articles on the subject and regularly present at international conferences.
Area of Expertise
Plant Health, plant protection, diagnostics and plant pathology
For a full list of my publications please see my Google Scholar Profile and Orcid profile
- Prusokiene A, Boonham N, Fox A, Howard TP. Mottle: Accurate pairwise substitution distance at high divergence through the exploitation of short-read mappers and gradient descent. PLoS ONE 2024, 19(3), e0298834.
- Agarwal A, de Jesus Colwell F, Bello Rodriguez J, Sommer S, Correa Galvis VA, Hill T, Boonham N, Prashar A. Monitoring root rot in flat-leaf parsley via machine vision by unsupervised multivariate analysis of morphometric and spectral parameters. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2024, 169, 359-377.
- Petsopoulos D, Cuff JP, Bell JR, Kitson JJN, Collins L, Boonham N, Morales-Hojas R, Evans DM. Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey. Environmental DNA 2024, 6(3), e542.
- Harrison C, Boonham N, Macarthur R, Parr MD, van den Berg F. Appropriate sampling to aid on-farm assessments of the haplotype composition of Zymoseptoria tritici populations. Pest Management Science 2024, 81(2), 599-606.
- Fontdevila Pareta N, Khalili M, Maachi A, Rivarez MPS, Rollin J, Salavert F, Temple C, Aranda MA, Boonham N, Botermans M, Candresse T, Fox A, Hernando Y, Kutnjak D, Marais A, Petter F, Ravnikar M, Selmi I, Tahzima R, Trontin C, Wetzel T, Massart S. Managing the deluge of newly discovered plant viruses and viroids: an optimized scientific and regulatory framework for their characterization and risk analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology 2023, 14, 1181562.
- Haegeman A, Foucart Y, De Jonghe K, Goedefroit T, Al Rwahnih M, Boonham N, Candresse T, Gaafar YZA, Hurtado-Gonzales OP, Kogej Zwitter Z, Kutnjak D, Lamovsek J, Lefebvre M, Malapi M, Mavric Plesko I, Onder S, Reynard J-S, Salavert Pamblanco F, Schumpp O, Stevens K, Pal C, Tamisier L, Ulubas Serce C, van Duivenbode I, Waite DW, Hu X, Ziebell H, Massart S. Looking beyond Virus Detection in RNA Sequencing Data: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based Effort to Detect Cellular Plant Pathogens and Pests. Plants 2023, 12(11), 2139.
- Zajc J, Kogej Zwitter Z, Fiser S, Gostincar C, Vicent A, Domenech AG, Riccioni L, Boonham N, Ravnikar M, Kogovsek P. Highly specific qPCR and amplicon sequencing method for detection of quarantine citrus pathogen Phyllosticta citricarpa applicable for air samples. Plant Pathology 2023, 72(3), 548-563.
- Gutierrez Vazquez Y, Adams IP, McGreig S, Walshaw J, van den Berg F, Sanderson R, Pufal H, Conyers C, Langton D, Broadhead R, Harrison C, Boonham N. Profiling azole resistant haplotypes within Zymoseptoria tritici populations using nanopore sequencing. Frontiers in Agronomy 2022, 4, 943440.
- Fowkes A, Adams IP, Jones RAC, Fox A, McGreig S, Boonham N. Historical and recent tomato black ring virus and beet ringspot virus isolate genomes reveal interspecies recombination and plant health regulation inconsistencies. Plant Pathology 2022, 71(3), 729-740.
- Fox A, Gibbs AJ, Fowkes AR, Pufal H, McGreig S, Jones RAC, Boonham N, Adams IP. Enhanced Apiaceous Potyvirus Phylogeny, Novel Viruses, and New Country and Host Records from Sequencing Apiaceae Samples. Plants 2022, 11(15), 1951.
- Vazquez-Iglesias I, McGreig S, Pufal H, Robinson R, Clover GRG, Fox A, Boonham N, Adams IP. A novel high-throughput sequencing approach reveals the presence of a new virus infecting Rosa: rosa ilarvirus-1 (RIV-1). Journal of Virological Methods 2022, 300, 114417.
- Petsopoulos D, Lunt DH, Bell JR, Kitson JJN, Collins L, Boonham N, Morales-Hojas R, Evans DM. Using network ecology to understand and mitigate long-term insect declines. Ecological Entomology 2021, 46(4), 693-698.
- Fuentes S, Gibbs AJ, Hajizadeh M, Perez A, Adams IP, Fribourg CE, Kreuze J, Fox A, Boonham N, Jones RAC. The Phylogeography of Potato Virus X Shows the Fingerprints of Its Human Vector. Viruses 2021, 13(4), 644.
- Torra J, Montull JM, Taberner A, Onkokesung N, Boonham N, Edwards R. Target-Site and Non-target-Site Resistance Mechanisms Confer Multiple and Cross- Resistance to ALS and ACCase Inhibiting Herbicides in Lolium rigidum From Spain. Frontiers in Plant Science 2021, 12, 25138.
- Jones RAC, Boonham N, Adams IP, Fox A. Historical virus isolate collections: An invaluable resource connecting plant virology’s pre-sequencing and post-sequencing eras. Plant Pathology 2021, 70(2), 235-248.
- Hodgetts J, Glover R, Cole J, Hall J, Boonham N. Genomics informed design of a suite of real-time PCR assays for the specific detection of each Xylella fastidiosa subspecies. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2021, 131(2), 855-872.
- Kelly MG, Juggins S, Mann DG, Sato S, Glover R, Boonham N, Sapp M, Lewis E, Hany U, Kille P, Jones T, Walsh K. Development of a novel metric for evaluating diatom assemblages in rivers using DNA metabarcoding. Ecological Indicators 2020, 118, 106725.
- Boonham N, Tomlinson J, Ostoja-Starzewska S, McDonald RA. A pond-side test for Guinea worm: Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for detection of Dracunculus medinensis. Experimental Parasitology 2020, 217, 107960.
- Vazquez-Iglesias I, Adams IP, Hodgetts J, Fowkes A, Forde S, Ward R, Buxton-Kirk A, Kelly M, Santin-Azcona J, Skelton A, Harju V, Boonham N, Robinson R, Clover G, Fox A. High throughput sequencing and RT-qPCR assay reveal the presence of rose cryptic virus-1 in the United Kingdom. Journal of Plant Pathology 2019, 101, 1171-1175.
- Jones RAC, Fox A, Boonham N, Adams IP. Genomic sequence and host range studies reveal considerable variation within the species Arracacha virus B. Archives of Virology 2019, 164(11), 2849-2852.
- Adams IP, Fribourg C, Fox A, Boonham N, Jones RAC. Complete coding sequence of Andean potato mottle virus from a 40-year-old sample from Peru. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2019, 8(40).
- Fribourg CE, Gibbs AJ, Adams IP, Boonham N, Jones RAC. Biological and Molecular Properties of Wild potato mosaic virus Isolates from Pepino (Solanum muricatum). Plant disease 2019, 103(7), 1746-1756.
- Fox A, Fowkes AR, Skelton A, Harju V, Buxton-Kirk A, Kelly M, Forde SMD, Pufal H, Conyers C, Ward R, Weekes R, Boonham N, Adams IP. Using high-throughput sequencing in support of a plant health outbreak reveals novel viruses in Ullucus tuberosus (Basellaceae). Plant Pathology 2018, 68(3), 576-587.
- Adams IP, Fox A, Boonham N, Massart S, De Jonghe K. The impact of high throughput sequencing on plant health diagnostics. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2018, 152(4), 909-919.
- Santillan FW, Fribourg CE, Adams IP, Gibbs AJ, Boonham N, Kehoe MA, Maina S, Jones RAC. The biology and phylogenetics of potato virus s isolates from the andean region of south America. Plant Disease 2018, 102(5), 869-885.
- Stainton K, Hall J, Budge GE, Boonham N, Hodgetts J. Rapid molecular methods for in-field and laboratory identification of the yellow-legged Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax). Journal of Applied Entomology 2018, 142(6), 610-616.
- Franco Ortega S, Tomlinson J, Gilardi G, Spadaro D, Gullino ML, Garibaldi A, Boonham N. Rapid detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae on soil, lettuce seeds and plants using loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Plant Pathology 2018, 67(7), 1462-1473.
- Harper LR, Buxton AS, Rees HC, Bruce K, Brys R, Halfmaerten D, Read DS, Watson HV, Sayer CD, Jones EP, Priestley V, Machler E, Murria C, Garces-Pastor S, Medupin C, Burgess K, Benson G, Boonham N, Griffiths RA, Lawson Handley L, Hanfling B. Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds. Hydrobiologia 2018, 826(1), 25-41.
- Harper LR, Lawson Handley L, Hahn C, Boonham N, Rees HC, Gough KC, Lewis E, Adams IP, Brotherton P, Phillips S, Hanfling B. Needle in a haystack? A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and targeted qPCR for detection of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus). Ecology and Evolution 2018, 8(12), 6330-6341.
- Olmos A, Boonham N, Candresse T, Gentit P, Giovani B, Kutnjak D, Liefting L, Maree HJ, Minafra A, Moreira A, Nakhla MK, Petter F, Ravnikar M, Rodoni B, Roenhorst JW, Rott M, Ruiz-Garcia AB, Santala J, Stancanelli G, van der Vlugt R, Varveri C, Westenberg M, Wetzel T, Ziebell H, Massart S. High-throughput sequencing technologies for plant pest diagnosis: challenges and opportunities. EPPO Bulletin 2018, 48(2), 219-224.
- Pecman A, Kutnjak D, Mehle N, Znidaric MT, Gutierrez-Aguirre I, Pirnat P, Adams I, Boonham N, Ravnikar M. High-Throughput Sequencing Facilitates Characterization of a “Forgotten” Plant Virus: The Case of a Henbane Mosaic Virus Infecting Tomato. Frontiers in Microbiology 2018, 9, 2739.
- Adams IP, Boonham N, Jones RAC. Full-genome sequencing of a virus from a 33-year-old sample demonstrates that Arracacha mottle virus is synonymous with Arracacha virus Y. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2018, 7(21), e01393-18.
- Blaser S, Diem H, von Felten A, Gueuning M, Andreou M, Boonham N, Tomlinson J, Muller P, Utzinger J, Frey JE, Buhlmann A. From laboratory to point of entry: Development and implementation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-based genetic identification system to prevent introduction of quarantine insect species. Pest Management Science 2018, 74(6), 1504-1512.
- Blaser S, Heusser C, Diem H, von Felten A, Gueuning M, Andreou M, Boonham N, Tomlinson J, Müller P, Utzinger J, Frey JE, Frey B, Bühlmann A. Dispersal of harmful fruit fly pests by international trade and a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay to prevent their introduction. Geospatial Health 2018, 13(2), 726.
- Ortega SF, Tomlinson J, Hodgetts J, Spadaro D, Gullino ML, Boonham N. Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for the detection of seedborne fungal pathogens Fusarium fujikuroi and Magnaporthe oryzae in rice seed. Plant Disease 2018, 102(8), 1549-1558.
- Adams IP, Fox A, Boonham N, Jones RAC. Complete genomic sequence of the potyvirus mashua virus Y, obtained from a 33-year-old mashua (Tropaeaolum tuberosum) sample. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2018, 7(15).
- Adams IP, Abad J, Fribourg CE, Boonham N, Jones RAC. Complete genome sequence of Potato virus T from Bolivia, obtained from a 33-year-old sample. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2018, 7(18).
- Maree HJ, Fox A, Al Rwahnih M, Boonham N, Candresse T. Application of HTS for Routine Plant Virus Diagnostics: State of the Art and Challenges. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018, 9, 1082.
- Blaser S, Diem H, von Felten A, Gueuning M, Andreou M, Boonham N, Tomlinson J, Muller P, Utzinger J, Frey B, Frey JE, Buhlmann A. A Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay for Rapid Identification of Bemisia tabaci. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2018, (140), e58502.
- Adams IP, Boonham N, Jones RAC. A 33-year-old plant sample contributes the first complete genomic sequence of Potato Virus U. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2018, 7(23), e01392-18.
- Sabbadin F, Glover R, Stafford R, Rozado-Aguirre Z, Boonham N, Adams I, Mumford R, Edwards R. Transcriptome sequencing identifies novel persistent viruses inherbicide resistant wild-grasses. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 41987.
- Maxwell DJ, Partridge JC, Roberts NW, Boonham N, Foster GD. The effects of surface structure mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana on the polarization of reflections from virus-infected leaves. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(3), e0174014.
- Pecman A, Kutnjak D, Gutierrez-Aguirre I, Adams I, Fox A, Boonham N, Ravnikar M. Next generation sequencing for detection and discovery of plant viruses and viroids: Comparison of two approaches. Frontiers in Microbiology 2017, 8, 1998.
- Martín-Hernández R, Higes M, Sagastume S, Juarranz Á, Dias-Almeida J, Budge GE, Meana A, Boonham N. Microsporidia infection impacts the host cells cycle and reduces cell apoptosis. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(2), e0170183.
- Fox A, Rozado Z, Adams IP, Skelton A, Dickinson M, Boonham N. Investigating the viral causes of internal necrosis in carrot. Acta Horticulturae 2017, 1153, 245-250.
- Rozado-Aguirre Z, Marais A, Svanella-Dumas L, Faure C, Latour F, Villeneuve F, Dickinson M, Fox A, Boonham N, Candresse T. First report of Carrot torradovirus 1 (CaTV1), a member of the Torradovirus genus, infecting carrots in France. Plant Disease 2017, 101(7), 1333-1333.
- Adams IP, Boonham N, Jones RAC. First complete genome sequence of Arracacha virus A isolated from a 38-year-old sample from Peru. Genome Announcements 2017, 5(18), e00141-17.
- Harrison C, Tomlinson J, Ostoja-Starzewska S, Boonham N. Evaluation and validation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification test kit for detection of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2017, 149(2), 253-259.
- Rozado-Aguirre Z, Adams I, Fox A, Dickinson M, Boonham N. Complete sequence and genomic annotation of carrot torradovirus 1. Archives of Virology 2017, 162(9), 2815-2819.
- Woodhall JW, Brown MJ, Perkins K, Valdeolmillos ES, Boonham N, Ray RV. A TaqMan real-time PCR assay for Rhizoctonia cerealis and its use in wheat and soil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2017, 148(2), 237-245.
- Mumford RA, Macarthur R, Boonham N. The role and challenges of new diagnostic technology in plant biosecurity. Food Security 2016, 8(1), 103-109.
- Maxwell DJ, Partridge JC, Roberts NW, Boonham N, Foster GD. The effects of plant virus infection on polarization reflection from leaves. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(4), e0152836.
- Peters JC, Harper G, Brierley JL, Lees AK, Wale SJ, Hilton AJ, Gladders P, Boonham N, Cunnington AC. The effect of post-harvest storage conditions on the development of black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) on potato in crops grown for different durations. Plant Pathology 2016, 65(9), 1484-1491.
- Gil JF, Adams I, Boonham N, Nielsen SL, Nicolaisen M. Molecular and biological characterization of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV, Pomovirus) isolates from the potato-growing regions of Colombia. Plant Pathology 2016, 65(7), 1210-1220.
- Gil JF, Adams I, Boonham N, Nielsen SL, Nicolaisen M. Molecular and biological characterisation of two novel pomo-like viruses associated with potato (Solanum tuberosum) fields in Colombia. Archives of Virology 2016, 161(6), 1601-1610.
- Budge GE, Adams I, Thwaites R, Pietravalle S, Drew GC, Hurst GDD, Tomkies V, Boonham N, Brown M. Identifying bacterial predictors of honey bee health. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2016, 141, 41-44.
- Gandolfo DS, Mortimer H, Woodhall JW, Boonham N. Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy using an attenuated total reflection probe to distinguish between Japanese larch, pine and citrus plants in healthy and diseased states. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2016, 163, 181-188.
- Duff-Farrier CR, Candresse T, Bailey AM, Boonham N, Foster GD. Evidence for different host-dependent functioning of RX against both wild-type and recombinant pepino mosaic virus. Molecular Plant Pathology 2016, 17(1), 120-126.
- Hodgetts J, Ostojá-Starzewski JC, Prior T, Lawson R, Hall J, Boonham N. DNA barcoding for biosecurity: case studies from the UK plant protection programme. Genome 2016, 59(11), 1033-1048.
- Rozado-Aguirre Z, Adams I, Collins L, Fox A, Dickinson M, Boonham N. Detection and transmission of Carrot torrado virus, a novel putative member of the Torradovirus genus. Journal of Virological Methods 2016, 235, 119-124.
- Hodgetts J, Hall J, Karamura G, Grant M, Studholme DJ, Boonham N, Karamura E, Smith JJ. Rapid, specific, simple, in-field detection of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar musacearum by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2015, 119(6), 1651-1658.
- Kogovsek P, Hodgetts J, Hall J, Prezelj N, Nikolic P, Mehle N, Lenarcic R, Rotter A, Dickinson M, Boonham N, Dermastia M, Ravnikar M. LAMP assay and rapid sample preparation method for on-site detection of flavescence dorée phytoplasma in grapevine. Plant Pathology 2015, 64(2), 286-296.
- Hodgetts J, Karamura G, Johnson G, Hall J, Perkins K, Beed F, Nakato V, Grant M, Studholme DJ, Boonham N, Smith J. Development of a lateral flow device for in-field detection and evaluation of PCR-based diagnostic methods for Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, the causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt. Plant Pathology 2015, 64(3), 559-567.
- Duff-Farrier CRA, Bailey AM, Boonham N, Foster GD. A pathogenicity determinant maps to the N-terminal coat protein region of the Pepino mosaic virus genome. Molecular Plant Pathology 2015, 16(3), 308-315.
- Hodgetts J, Johnson G, Perkins K, Ostoja-Starzewska S, Boonham N, Mumford R, Dickinson M. The development of monoclonal antibodies to the secA protein of Cape St. Paul wilt disease phytoplasma and their evaluation as a diagnostic tool. Molecular Biotechnology 2014, 56(9), 803-813.
- Souza Richards R, Adams IP, Kreuze JF, De Souza J, Cuellar W, Dullemans AM, van der Vlugt RAA, Glover R, Hany U, Dickinson M, Boonham N. The complete genome sequences of two isolates of potato black ringspot virus and their relationship to other isolates and nepoviruses. Archives of Virology 2014, 159(4), 811-815.
- Hany U, Adams IP, Glover R, Bhat AI, Boonham N. The complete genome sequence of Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV). Archives of Virology 2014, 159(2), 385-388.
- Boonham N, Kreuze J, Winter S, van der Vlugt R, Bergervoet J, Tomlinson J, Mumford R. Methods in virus diagnostics: From ELISA to next generation sequencing. Virus Research 2014, 186, 20-31.
- Tomlinson J, Harrison C, Boonham N, Goodchild SA, Weller SA. Influence of the length of target DNA overhang proximal to the array surface on discrimination of single-base mismatches on a 25-mer oligonucleotide array. BMC Research Notes 2014, 7(1), 251.
- Adams IP, Rai S, Deka M, Harju V, Hodges T, Hayward G, Skelton A, Fox A, Boonham N. Genome sequence of vanilla distortion mosaic virus infecting Coriandrum sativum. Archives of Virology 2014, 159(12), 3463-3465.
- Adams IP, Harju VA, Hodges T, Hany U, Skelton A, Rai S, Deka MK, Smith JJ, Fox A, Uzayisenga B, Ngaboyisonga C, Uwumukiza B, Rutikanga A, Rutherford M, Ricthis B, Phiri N, Boonham N. First report of maize lethal necrosis disease in Rwanda. New Disease Reports 2014, 29, 22-22.
- Adams IP, Skelton A, Macarthur R, Hodges T, Hinds H, Flint L, Nath PD, Boonham N, Fox A. Carrot yellow leaf virus is associated with carrot internal necrosis. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(11), e109125.
- Adams IP, Miano DW, Kinyua ZM, Wangai A, Kimani E, Phiri N, Reeder R, Harju V, Glover R, Hany U, Souza-Richards R, Deb Nath P, Nixon T, Fox A, Barnes A, Smith J, Skelton A, Thwaites R, Mumford R, Boonham N. Use of next-generation sequencing for the identification and characterization of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Sugarcane mosaic virus causing maize lethal necrosis in kenya. Plant Pathology 2013, 62(4), 741-749.
- Villari C, Tomlinson JA, Battisti A, Boonham N, Capretti P, Faccoli M. Use of loop-mediated isothermal ampliflcation for detection of Ophiostoma clavatum, the primary blue stain fungus associated with Ips acuminatus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2013, 79(8), 2527-2533.
- Roenhorst JW, Boonham N, Winter S, Menzel W, van der Vlugt RAA. The plant viruses and viroids database and collections of Q-bank. EPPO Bulletin 2013, 43(2), 238-243.
- Tomlinson JA, Ostoja-Starzewska S, Adams IP, Miano DW, Abidrabo P, Kinyua Z, Alicai T, Dickinson MJ, Peters D, Boonham N, Smith J. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of the causal agents of cassava brown streak disease. Journal of Virological Methods 2013, 191(2), 148-154.
- Adams IP, Abidrabo P, Miano DW, Alicai T, Kinyua ZM, Clarke J, Macarthur R, Weekes R, Laurenson L, Hany U, Peters D, Potts M, Glover R, Boonham N, Smith J. High throughput real-time RT-PCR assays for specific detection of cassava brown streak disease causal viruses, and their application to testing of planting material. Plant Pathology 2013, 62(1), 233-242.
- Buhlmann A, Pothier JF, Tomlinson JA, Frey JE, Boonham N, Smits THM, Duffy B. Genomics-informed design of loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of phytopathogenic Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni at the intraspecific level. Plant Pathology 2013, 62(2), 475-484.
- Adams IP, Glover R, Souza-Richards R, Bennett S, Hany U, Boonham N. Complete genome sequence of arracacha virus B: A novel cheravirus. Archives of Virology 2013, 158(4), 909-913.
- Woodhall JW, Adams IP, Peters JC, Harper G, Boonham N. A new quantitative real-time PCR assay for Rhizoctonia solani AG3-PT and the detection of AGs of Rhizoctonia solani associated with potato in soil and tuber samples in Great Britain. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2013, 136(2), 273-280.
- Tomlinson JA, Ostoja-Starzewska S, Webb K, Cole J, Barnes A, Dickinson M, Boonham N. A loop-mediated isothermal amplification-based method for confirmation of Guignardia citricarpa in citrus black spot lesions. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2013, 136(2), 217-224.
- Buhlmann A, Pothier JF, Rezzonico F, Smits THM, Andreou M, Boonham N, Duffy B, Frey JE. Erwinia amylovora loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid pathogen detection and on-site diagnosis of fire blight. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2013, 92(3), 332-339.
- Powell ME, Cuthbertson AGS, Bell HA, Boonham N, Morris J, Northing P. First record of the Q Biotype of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, intercepted in the UK. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2012, 133(4), 797-801.
- Gil-Salas FM, Peters J, Boonham N, Cuadrado IM, Janssen D. Co-infection with Cucumber vein yellowing virus and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus leading to synergism in cucumber. Plant Pathology 2012, 61(3), 468-478.
- Augustin S, Boonham N, De Kogel WJ, Donner P, Faccoli M, Lees DC, Marini L, Mori N, Petrucco Toffolo E, Quilici S, Roques A, Yart A, Battisti A. A review of pest surveillance techniques for detecting quarantine pests in Europe. EPPO Bulletin 2012, 42(3), 515-551.
- Woodhall JW, Webb KM, Giltrap PM, Adams IP, Peters JC, Budge GE, Boonham N. A new large scale soil DNA extraction procedure and real-time PCR assay for the detection of Sclerotium cepivorum in soil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2012, 134(3), 467-473.
- Bekele B, Hodgetts J, Tomlinson J, Boonham N, Nikolic P, Swarbrick P, Dickinson M. Use of a real-time LAMP isothermal assay for detecting 16SrII and XII phytoplasmas in fruit and weeds of the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Plant Pathology 2011, 60(2), 345-355.
- Hughes KJD, Tomlinson JA, Giltrap PM, Barton V, Hobden E, Boonham N, Lane CR. Development of a real-time PCR assay for detection of Phytophthora kernoviae and comparison of this method with a conventional culturing technique. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2011, 131(4), 695-703.
- Glover RH, Adams IP, Budge G, Wilkins S, Boonham N. Detection of honey bee (Apis mellifera) viruses with an oligonucleotide microarray. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2011, 107(3), 216-219.
- Tomlinson JA, Boonham N, Dickinson M. Development and evaluation of a one-hour DNA extraction and loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of phytoplasmas. Plant Pathology 2010, 59(3), 465-471.
- Kogovsek P, Pompe-Novak M, Baebler S, Rotter A, Gow L, Gruden K, Foster GD, Boonham N, Ravnikar M. Aggressive and mild Potato virus Y isolates trigger different specific responses in susceptible potato plants. Plant Pathology 2010, 59(6), 1121-1132.
- Budge GE, Shaw MW, Colyer A, Pietravalle S, Boonham N. Molecular tools to investigate Rhizoctonia solani distribution in soil. Plant Pathology 2009, 58(6), 1071-1080.
- Garrido C, Carbu M, Fernandez-Acero FJ, Boonham N, Colyer A, Cantoral JM, Budge G. Development of protocols for detection of Colletotrichum acutatum and monitoring of strawberry anthracnose using real-time PCR. Plant Pathology 2009, 58(1), 43-51.
- Budge GE, Shaw MW, Lambourne C, Jennings P, Clayburn R, Boonham N, McPherson M. Characterization and origin of infection of Rhizoctonia solani associated with Brassica oleracea crops in the UK. Plant Pathology 2009, 58(6), 1059-1070.
- Budge GE, Loram J, Donovan G, Boonham N. RNA2 of Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus is detectable in plants of winter wheat grown from infected seeds. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2008, 120(1), 97-102.
- Boonham N, Glover R, Tomlinson J, Mumford R. Exploiting generic platform technologies for the detection and identification of plant pathogens. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2008, 121(3), 355-363.
- Ward L, Koenig R, Budge G, Garrido C, McGrath C, Stubbley H, Boonham N. Occurrence of two different types of RNA-5-containing beet necrotic yellow vein virus in the UK. Archives of Virology 2007, 152(1), 59-73.
- Gil-Salas FM, Morris J, Colyer A, Budge G, Boonham N, Cuadrado IM, Janssen D. Development of real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) in the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci. Journal of Virological Methods 2007, 146(1-2), 45-51.
- Morris J, Steel E, Smith P, Boonham N, Spence N, Barker I. Host range studies for Tomato chlorosis virus, and Cucumber vein yellowing virus transmitted by Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). European Journal of Plant Pathology 2006, 114(3), 265-273.
- Boonham N, Hims M, Barker I, Spence N. Potato virus Y from petunia can cause symptoms of potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD). European Journal of Plant Pathology 1999, 105(6), 617-621.
Book Chapters
- Tomlinson J, Boonham N. Real-Time LAMP for Chalara fraxinea Diagnosis. In: Christophe Lacomme, ed. Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols. Humana Press Inc, 2015, pp.75-83.
- Adams I, Harrison C, Tomlinson J, Boonham N. Microarray platform for the detection of a range of plant viruses and viroids. In: Christophe Lacomme, ed. Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols. Humana Press Inc, 2015, pp.273-282.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Gil-Salas FM, Morris J, Cuadrado IM, Budge G, Colyer A, Boonham N, Janssen D. Risk assessment procedure for Cucumber Vein Yellowing Virus (CVYV) and Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV) using a real time RT-PCR assay - study of virus levels in the vector Bemisia tabaci. In: International Symposium on Vegetable Production, Quality and Process Standardization in Chain: a Worldwide Perspective. 2008, Beijing, China: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Kelly MG, Juggins S, Mann DG, Sato S, Glover R, Boonham N, Sapp M, Lewis E, Hany U, Kille P, Jones T, Walsh K. Corrigendum to “Development of a novel metric for evaluating diatom assemblages in rivers using DNA metabarcoding” [Ecol. Indic. (2020) 106725] (Ecological Indicators (2020) 118, (S1470160X20306622), (10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106725)). Ecological Indicators 2020, 119, 106890.
- Silva G, Tomlinson J, Onkokesung N, Sommer S, Mrisho L, Legg J, Adams IP, Gutierrez-Vazquez Y, Howard TP, Laverick A, Hossain O, Wei Q, Gold KM, Boonham N. Plant pest surveillance: from satellites to molecules. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 2021, 5(2), 275-287.
- Kutnjak D, Tamisier L, Adams I, Boonham N, Candresse T, Chiumenti M, De Jonghe K, Kreuze JF, Lefebvre M, Silva G, Malapi-Wight M, Margaria P, Plesko IM, McGreig S, Miozzi L, Remenant B, Reynard J-S, Rollin J, Rott M, Schumpp O, Massart S, Haegeman A. A primer on the analysis of high‐throughput sequencing data for detection of plant viruses. Microorganisms 2021, 9(4), 841.
- Mumford R, Boonham N, Tomlinson J, Barker I. Advances in molecular phytodiagnostics - New solutions for old problems. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2006, 116(1), 1-19.