Credit-bearing courses
How to register for credit-bearing courses
Your school will advise if you need to take one of our credit-bearing English modules.
To register for these courses please email your School Office, DPD or Exchange Co-ordinator.
The day, time and location of your class will be confirmed by email, but it is vital that you regularly check your University e-mail account during the registration period in case of changes.

Semester 1 Credit-bearing classes
Academic Essay Writing (INU1004)
- an introduction to written academic English skills with an emphasis on writing-up secondary research
Academic Presentation Skills (INU1008)
- an introduction to academic presentation skills
Semester 2 Credit-bearing classes
Academic Essay Writing (INU1014, a repeat of INU1004)
- an introduction to written academic English skills with an emphasis on writing-up secondary research
An Introduction to Writing up Research (INU1005)
- a further development of written academic English skills with an emphasis on writing-up primary research.
Academic Seminar Skills (INU1009)
- an introduction to academic seminar speaking skills
Requirements for passing these courses
All In-Sessional credit-bearing modules use Canvas, the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Check the individual module 'Assessment' page for detailed information on the requirements for passing these courses.