Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise

Staff Profile

Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu

Senior Lecturer.


Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu 


Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship.

Award-winning educator. Over 10 years’ experience leading modules on entrepreneurship and business growth. 


Empirical sociologist and ethnographer by training. I specialise in using sociological theory and qualitative methods to answer business questions, especially questions relating to entrepreneurship and organizational contexts. I specialise in researching the intersection of masculinities and entrepreneurship.

Associate Editor at Gender, Work and Organizations.

Lead Guest Editor for an upcoming Special Issue in International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship


Published in the following 3* and 4* ABS ranked journals: 

Journal of Business Venturing,

Journal of Business Research,

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,

International Small Business Journal,


Gender, Work and Organizations.

Research cited over 1000 times since 2017. H-index: 12, i10-index: 14 (Google Scholar). 


Member of the editorial review boards at:

Gender, Work and Organizations (ABS: 3*)

NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies


From 2021: research fellow at the UK national innovation centre for rural enterprise. 


From 2022: external examiner at Lancaster University Business School for BSc (Hons) Management and BSc (Hons) International Business Management


From 2023: external reviewer for the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management degree at Nottingham University Business School, China

Past Roles held in NUBS include: 

2018 – 2020: Degree Program Director for MSc in International Marketing

2015 – 2018: Chair of the Board of Examiners (UG MOS); 

2013 – 2018: PhD Convenor (MOS).  



BSc (Hons).

MSc, University of Oxford (Hertford College). 2003. 

PhD, University of Durham (Hatfield College). 2007 – 2010. Passed Viva with no corrections. 

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2016.  


October 2018 – Ongoing. Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.  

May 2013 – October 2018. Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.  

December 2011 – May 2013. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship. Newcastle University Business School.  



2016: ‘Best paper of the year award’. Journal of Business Venturing.  

2018: Best Paper award Nomination. Institution for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (Entrepreneurship in minority groups track). 

2021/2022: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Outstanding Contribution to Academic Support award. 

2021/2022: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Outstanding Contribution to Teaching award. 

2018/2019: Nominated for the UK’s National Enterprise Educator Award.  

2018/2019: Nominated for Newcastle University Education Award. 

2015/16, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2019/2020: 2022/2023: Nominated for Newcastle University’s Teaching Excellence Award.  

June, 2013. Winner of the National Federation of Independent Business Award for Excellence in Research on the General Topic of Entrepreneurship. Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson University (USA). 


Research Expertise 

1.     The Sociology of Entrepreneurship. 

2.     The Sociology of Organisations.  

3.     Ethnography.


PhD Supervision  

I have supervised five PhD projects to completion (two as primary supervisor). 

I am keen to supervise more PhD projects.





Module Leader for: 


Bus 1004 (Business Growth) 

Bus 3000 (Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Lean Innovation) 

Bus 3343 (Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Lean Innovation for Erasmus students) 

NBS 8625: Business Growth and Society
