Newcastle will be hosting the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Seminar in 2023
Newcastle will be hosting the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Seminar in 2023
26 September 2022
Dr Josh Jowitt of Newcastle Law School and Dr Rachel Dunn of Leeds Law School have been awarded £15000 by the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) to host the SLS Annual Seminar at Newcastle in 2023.
This will be a two day event examining the impact of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022 one year after its enactment. Speakers from local and national government, third sector organisations, think tanks and from many disciplines of academia and professional practice, both in the UK and internationally, have already indicated their initial intention to attend. The event will also allow for significant public engagement opportunities and has a planned output of an edited collection, in which Routledge have already expressed an interest.
More information on the seminar will be made available nearer the time.