Staff Profile
Professor Colin Murray
Professor of Law and Democracy
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5805
- Address: Newcastle Law School,
21-24 Windsor Terrace,
NE1 7RU.
Colin joined Newcastle University's Law School in December 2006 following the completion of his postgraduate research at Durham University. Prior to this appointment Colin taught at Durham and Sheffield Universities. Colin has written for The Conversation and The Guardian and many of his research papers are available open-access on SSRN and His research has been cited in the UK Supreme Court, and has also informed UK Government consultations and Parliamentary Committee reports across a range of public law issues. These include prisoner voting, the office of Lord Chancellor and the nature of the UK's devolution arrangements. Between 2019 and 2020 he lead a major ESRC research project on the impact of Brexit negotiations upon governance and identity in Northern Ireland. He posts commentary from (Bluesky).
PhD Newcastle (2022)
LLB (Hons) Dunelm (2004)
Mjur Dunelm (2006)
PGCert Advanced Studies in Academic Practice (2009)
Esteem Indicators
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2016-Present)
AHRC Peer Review College Member (2020-2024)
Specialist adviser to the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on the Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Bill (2013-2014)
Co-convener of the Society of Legal Scholars' Civil Liberties Subject Section (2012-2015)
Director of Newcastle Human Rights Research Group (2009-2011)
Visiting Scholar at the PluriCourts Centre, University of Oslo (2015)
Roles and Responsibilities
Academic Mentor (2018-Present)
Impact Lead, Newcastle Law School (2021-Present)
Previous Roles and Responsibilities
Seminar Series Convenor for the Regulation of Data theme on the Data NUCore (2020-2022)
HaSS Faculty Programme Liaison Officer (2015-2019)
Law School Athena SWAN Committee (2016-2019)
SLS Council Representative for Newcastle University (2013-2017)
Degree Programme Director Undergraduate Studies (2012-2014)
Induction Coordinator (2009-2012)
Mooting Coordinator (2007-2011)
Deputy Degree Programme Director Undergraduate Studies (2007-2009, 2011-2012)
Year 3 Stage Tutor (2007-2010)
Staff Representative, Staff-Student Committee (2007-2010 and 2012-2014)
Law School Website Manager (2012-2013)
Law School Library Committee Representative (2008-2013, 2016-2018)
HaSS Faculty Representative, University Higher Education Achievement Report Committee (2010-2011)
Member of the Newcastle Forum for Human Rights and Social Justice
Member of the Newcastle Military, War and Security Research Group
Member of the Irish Association of Law Teachers
Member of the Society of Legal Scholars
Member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association
Member of the UK Constitutional Law Association
Member of the International Society for Constitutional Law
External Examiner Appointments
University of Aberdeen, School of Law (2022-present)
University of Leicester, School of Law (2021-2022)
University of Liverpool, School of Law and Social Justice (2015-2019)
Association of International Accountants (2007-2010)
Research Interests
Colin's current research is focused in the fields of national security law, legal history and public law. This work has fed into official consultations on prisoner voting rights, the office of Lord Chancellor, drone strikes, Northern Ireland and Brexit, and the UK's territorial constitution. His work explores the changing nature of governance, concepts of citizenship and allegiance and their increasing significance in legal discourse. This research examines the UK Government's use of "good citizenship" justifications to deny prisoners the right to vote. Other ongoing projects examine the relationship between the law of treason (together with other historic political offences) and 21st century counter-terrorism legislation.
Funded Research
2024 - £24,821, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, to produce a research report on Remedies and Windsor Framework Article 2.
2022 - £27,188, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, to produce a research report on EU developments in Equality and Human Rights: Impact of Brexit on the divergence of rights and best practice on the island of Ireland (with Sarah Craig, Anurag Deb, Eleni Frantziou, Alexander Horne, Clare Rice and Jane Rooney).
2019 - £252,215.26 ESRC Governance After Brexit Grant on the project “Performing Identities: Post-Brexit Northern Ireland and the reshaping of 21st-Century Governance” (with A. O’Donoghue (Durham), S. de Mars (Newcastle) and B. Warwick (Birmingham)).
2018/19 - £45,985 Joint Committee of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission to produce three published and one unpublished high-level policy briefings on the impact of Brexit upon human rights in Ireland (with A. O’Donoghue (Durham), S. de Mars (Newcastle) and B. Warwick (Birmingham)).
2018 - £9949 ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Grant (with S. de Mars (Newcastle)) on the project “Northern Ireland and Brexit: Bordering Two Unions”.
2016 - £9975 ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Grant (with A. O'Donoghue (Durham), S. de Mars (Newcastle) and B. Warwick (Durham)) on the project “Constitutional Conundrums: Northern Ireland, the European Union and Human Rights”.
2013 - £1150 Society of Legal Scholars Activities Fund Grant to support archival research on the development of statutory restrictions upon immigrants in the UK in the twentieth century.
2010 - £2000 Modern Law Review Seminar Fund to support the Newcastle Human Rights Research Group’s one-day symposium “Human Rights - A Drop of liberation or a Fig-Leaf of Legitimation”.
Invited Papers and Seminars
C. Murray, 'Remedies and Article 2: Beyond EU law', ICEL Windsor Framework Article 2 Symposium, Queen’s University Belfast, 24 October 2024.
C. Murray, 'What the Dogs in the Street know: Public History, Deliberative Democracy and 'Retconning' Conflict Legacy', International IDEA Centre, Stockholm, 6 September 2024.
C. Murray, 'Human Rights in post-Brexit Northern Ireland', Scottish Public Law Group, 3 June 2024.
C. Murray, 'More than Geography: Cross-Border Constitutionalism After Reunification' Ulster University, 15 November 2023.
C. Murray, 'Reflections on Dalton', Wadham Law and Justice Research Hub Seminar, 10 November 2023.
C. Murray, 'Life on the Vine: The Reinvigoration of Executive Measures in UK Counter-Terrorism Policy', Prevent, Surveil and Protect Conference, Sunderland University, 27 March 2023.
C. Murray, 'The Zamora Doctrine: Then and Now', The Fringes of Justiciability Symposium, Durham University, 13 May 2022.
C. Murray, 'The Protocol and the Union: Beyond Zero-Sum Constitutional Futures', BIIL Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 29 April 2022.
C. Murray, ‘Someone’s got to do it … don’t they? Administering the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol’, Devolution in the UK and International Law SLS Workshop, Durham Law School, 14 September 2021.
C. Murray, ‘The Northern Ireland Constitution’, Feminist Constitutions Workshop: Constitutional pasts, presents and futures, 27 May 2021.
C. Murray, ‘The Chagossian Litigation’ Durham Law School Law and Global Justice Seminar, 13 January 2021.
C. Murray, ‘The Constitutional Significance of the People of Northern Ireland’ Wales Governance Centre, Governance After Brexit Seminar, 8 July 2020.
C. Murray and B. Warwick, ‘Securing EU Citizenship “Rights, Opportunities and Benefits” in Northern Ireland after Brexit’, NIHRC conference, Queen’s University Belfast, 16 January 2020.
C. Murray and A. O’Donoghue, ‘Unity after Brexit? Dual Referendums under the GFA’ Queen’s University Belfast seminar, 25 July 2019.
C. Murray, ‘When the Ground Moves Beneath Your Feet: Bordering Ireland in the 1920s’ University of Lincoln Borders Conference, 10 July 2019.
C. Murray, ‘Northern Ireland’s Constitution and Brexit’, Newcastle University Brexit Conference, 17 May 2019.
C. Murray, ‘Futureland - Northern Ireland after Brexit’, Oxford University Lecture, 1 November 2018.
C. Murray, “The Tail Wagging the Dog? Good Friday Agreement as a Constitutional Treaty”, “Treaties, Brexit and the Constitution” Conference, Jesus College Oxford, 23 March 2018.
C. Murray, “One Country, Two System: Accommodating Northern Ireland in Brexit”, Warwick University Seminar, 21 February 2018.
C. Murray, “Special Status? Northern Ireland, Brexit and Human Rights”, “Northern/Ireland After Brexit: Exploring the Human Rights Impact” Symposium, University College Dublin, 3 May 2017.
C. Murray, “We’re all Plumbers Now: Miller and the Polycentric UK Constitution”, Durham Law School Symposium on the Miller Judgment, 16 February 2017.
C. Murray (and A. O’Donoghue, B. Warwick), “UK Human Rights Reform in the Northern Ireland Context”, University of Ulster Transitional Justice Institute/Human Rights Consortium Seminar, 24 May 2016.
C. Murray (and A. O’Donoghue), “From Fragmentation to Constitutionalisation in the United Kingdom and Global Legal Orders”, PluriCourts Seminar, University of Oslo, 18 March 2015.
C. Murray, “A Delegation or a Derogation of Responsibility? The Role of Parliament in the UK's experience of ECHR Derogations”, MultiRights Workshop, University of Oslo, 13 March 2015.
C. Murray (and A. O’Donoghue), “Of Hierarchies and Hegemonies: Courts, Fragmentation and Constitutionalisation”, Durham Law School Symposium on Opinion 2/13, 25 February 2015.
C. Murray, “Tort and Torture”, “Public Life of Private Law” Workshop, 10 December 2014.
C. Murray, “The need to field a Long Stop: The Courts and the Right to Free and Fair Elections", Study of Parliament Group Seminar, 18 June 2014.
C. Murray, “Judging, Nudging, Fudging? The Counter-Terrorism Jurisprudence of the UK Courts since 9-11”, Durham University Human Rights Centre Seminar, 23 April 2013.
C. Murray, “Back to the Future: Tort Law’s ability to address Large-Scale Human Rights Abuses”, Sunderland University Staff Seminar, 5 March 2013.
C. Murray, “The Mau Mau Torture Claims: Tort Law's (Not so) New Frontier”, Durham University Law and Conflict Group Seminar, 15 November 2012.
Conference Presentations
C. Murray, 'An Alternative Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland: Assembly Incorporation of International Rights Instruments', IALT, Maynooth University, 16 November 2024.
C. Murray, 'The Development of Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit governance order' ICON, Madrid IE, 8 July 2024.
C. Murray, 'Understanding the Dillon and NIHRC Judgments', ICON-S GBIE Conference, 21 May 2024.
C. Murray, 'Controlling the Past, Commanding the Future?', ICON-S GBIE Conference, 20 May 2024.
C. Murray, 'Northern Ireland’s Post-Brexit Governance Crisis: What to do when the Post-1998 Centre Cannot Hold', Legal Aspects of Reform to the 1998 Belfast/Good Friday Agreement Conference, Liverpool University, 10 April 2024.
C. Murray, 'The Mists of Time: Inter-Temporality and Self determination’s Territorial Integrity rule in the ICJ’s Chagos Advisory Opinion' Critical Legal Conference, 11 September 2023.
C. Murray, 'The Shock of the New: Northern Ireland’s Governance Order after Brexit', SLSA Annual Conference, 6 April 2023.
C. Murray, 'The Partition of Ireland and the 1922 Constitution', The Centenary of the 1922 Constitution Conference, Shelbourne Hotel Dublin, 5 December 2022.
C. Murray, ‘Cross-Border Policing and Justice on the Island of Ireland: Post-Brexit Realities’, IALT, Queen’s University Belfast, 11 November 2022.
C. Murray, 'No Way to Run a Railroad: The Great Northern Railway of Ireland after Partition', British Legal History Conference, Queen’s University Belfast, 9 July 2022.
C. Murray, ‘Northern Ireland’s Constitutional Order on the Anvil of Brexit’, ICON-S GBIE Conference, 28 April 2022.
C. Murray, ‘The Performing Identities Project’ UACES Queen’s University Belfast, 7 September 2020.
C. Murray, 'Developing Northern Ireland's Distinct Constitution', ICON-S GBIE Conference, 24 April 2019.
C. Murray, 'The Strange Case of Disappearing Rights in the UK-EU Withdrawal Negotiations', Leeds University, SLSA Annual Conference, 5 April 2019.
C. Murray, ‘Strasbourg Proofing in Troubled Times’, Queen Mary University London, SLS Annual Conference, 5 September 2018.
C. Murray, “The Edge of Law: The Good Friday Agreement and Brexit”, Newcastle Law School Symposium, “Law and Politics”, 29 May 2018.
C. Murray (and T. Frost), “Against the Dying of the Light: Public and Private Law in the Chagos Cases”, Newcastle University: SLSA Annual Conference, 6 April 2017.
C. Murray, “Pilgrims in an Unholy Land: The United Kingdom’s Law Officers in Times of Crisis”, University of Liverpool Conference, “After Chilcot: Evaluating the Legal Implications of the Iraq Inquiry”, 8 December 2016.
C. Murray, “Innovation and Improvisation in Times of Crisis: The United Kingdom’s Response to the Brogan Judgment”, Newcastle University: “Law and Innovation”, 11 May 2016.
C. Murray, “Tainted Legacy: Magna Carta and the Scrapping of the Human Rights Act” Newcastle University: “Dark Sides of Magna Carta” (24 July 2015).
C. Murray, “Friendly Fire: Prisoner Voting Rights and Media Perceptions of Human Rights”, Human Rights in the Media Conference, Liverpool Law School, 19 September 2014.
C. Murray, “Constitutionalism Triumphant? Transnational assimilation of counter-terrorism Jurisprudence”, London School of Economics: “Law, Justice and the Security Gap”, 20 June 2014.
C. Murray, “Chasing Phantoms: Proscription of Organisations under the Terrorism Act 2000”, Bristol University: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 11 September 2012.
C. Murray, “Out of the Shadows: The Courts and the United Kingdom's International Counter-Terrorism Relationships”, Newcastle University: “After bin Laden”, 2 May 2012.
C. Murray, “Broken Duties? The Holy Cross Case and Policing amidst Transition in Northern Ireland”, Durham University: “Transitional Justice and Restorative Justice: Potential, Pitfalls and Future”, 16 September 2011.
C. Murray, “The UK and Diplomatic Protection: No Great Leap into the 21st Century”, British Institute of International and Comparative Law 20th SLS International Law Section Conference: “Diplomatic and Consular Protection in the 21st Century”, 3 May 2011.
C. Murray, “International Counter-Terrorism Co-operation from the United Kingdom’s Perspective”, Sussex University: SLSA Annual Conference, 12 April 2011.
C. Murray (and K. J. Brown), “Socrates is Dead: Developing Interactive Law Lectures using Educational Technology”, Sussex University: SLSA Annual Conference, 12 April 2011.
C. Murray, “Democratic Dialogue and the ongoing saga of prisoner disenfranchisement”, Durham University British Academy Conference: “The Human Rights Act - 10 years on”, 24 September 2010.
C. Murray, “Guantánamo Bay, Diplomatic Protection and Allegiance”, University of Westminster: “After Guantanamo Bay: Perspectives on the War on Terror”, 22 January 2010.
C. Murray, “The Problems with Proscription: Banning Terrorist Organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom”, Pace Law School (NY), Pace International Law Review Annual Conference: “National Security Across the Globe”, 14 November 2009.
C. Murray, “Citizenship, Allegiance and Rights in the United Kingdom”, Keele University: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 8 September 2009.
C. Murray (and M. Enright), “Suspect Communities: Tracing the Concept of Loyalty in Counter-terrorism Law”, University College Cork Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights Conference: ‘The Promise of Law: Political Claims and the Boundaries of Justice’, 30 April 2009.
Teaching Overview
Colin's research-led teaching focuses on the intersection of Public Law, Criminal Law and National Security policy. He is committed to his students making a contribution to academic debate, establishing the North East Law Review in 2013 to showcase the very best student coursework produced at Newcastle each year.
Undergraduate Teaching
LAW1220 Constitutional Law (Module Convenor).
LAW3035 Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Law (Stage 3) (Module Convenor).
Colin has taught on US Constitutional Law (Stage 3), Media Law (Stage 3), Criminal Law (Stage 2), Public Law (Stage 1) and Legal Institutions and Methods (Stage 1).
Postgraduate Supervision
Colin supervises postgraduate students working on public law projects, particularly those focused on national security and counter-terrorism law.
Current Supervisees:
Eva Saeva - EU and national approaches to territorial sovereignty and cyberspace
Completed Supervisees:
Martine Wade - The use of executive detention as a counter-terrorism power
Tim Sayer - The relationship between policy and law
If you would like further information on reading for a research degree at Newcastle Law School please see
Teaching Awards
Newcastle University Teaching Excellence Award for pastoral support for students (2014)
Commended for Excellence in Teaching in the Vice Chancellor's Awards (2011)
Teaching Funding
2012 - £7000 Higher Education Academy Teaching Development Grant to support the creation of a student-led law review.
2010 - £5000 Newcastle University Innovation Fund (with K. Brown) to fund research into the use of interactive learning technology to enhance lectures.
- Dobbs M, Murray C. Rights Community Action and the limits of 'Due Regard' for Environmental Policy Principles Post-Brexit. Public Law 2025. In Press.
- Deb A, Murray C. By their powers combined: The Two Article 2s at work in the In re Dillon challenge to the Legacy Act. European Human Rights Law Review 2025. In Press.
- Deb A, Murray C. Article 2 of the Windsor Framework, the Legacy Act and the Illegal Migration Act: Adjusting to Post-Brexit Realities. Public Law 2025. In Press.
- Frost T, Murray C. The Mists of Time: Intertemporality and Self-Determination's Territorial Integrity Rule in the ICJ's Chagos Advisory Opinion. Melbourne Journal of International Law 2024, 25(1). In Press.
- Murray C. The closer you are, the harder it gets: Sinn Féin and the Reunification of Ireland. Costituzionalismo Britannico e Irlandese 2024, 2024(2), 50-59.
- Murray C, Evershed J. The Afterthought: Wales and the Operationalisation of Brexit. Edinburgh Law Review 2024, 28(1), 86-95.
- Murray C. Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit governance crisis: what to do when the post-1998 centre cannot hold. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2024, 75(3), 584-612.
- Houghton R, Murray CRG, O'Donoghue A. Kenstituent power: an exploration of feminist constitutional change in Barbie. Feminist Theory 2024, 25(4), 608-625.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A. Unity in diversity? Constitutional identities, deliberative processes and a ‘Border Poll’ in Ireland. King's Law Journal 2023, 34(2), 340-368.
- Murray C, Robb N. From the Protocol to the Windsor Framework. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2023, 74(2), 395-415.
- Deb A, Murray C. Article 2 of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol: a new frontier in human rights law?. European Human Rights Law Review 2023, (6), 608-625.
- Godden-Rasul N, Murray C. Accounts of Vulnerability within Positive Human Rights Obligations. International Journal of Law in Context 2023, 19(4), 597-618.
- Wincott D, Murray C, Davies G. The Anglo-British imaginary and the rebuilding of the UK’s Territorial Constitution after Brexit: Unitary State or Union State?. Territory, Politics, Governance 2022, 10(5), 696-713.
- Deb A, Murray C. Sealing the Past: McQuillan and the Future of Legacy Litigation. European Human Rights Law Review 2022, 2022(4), 395-411.
- Murray C. Northern Ireland's Legal Order after Brexit. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2022, 73(S2), 1-7.
- Murray C. From Oven Ready to Indigestible: The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2022, 73(S2), 8-36.
- Murray C, Armstrong M. A mobile phone in one hand and Erskine May in the other: The European Research Group’s parliamentary revolution. Parliamentary Affairs 2022, 75(3), 536-557.
- Murray C. Prisoner Voting and Devolution: New Dimensions to an Old Dispute. Edinburgh Law Review 2021, 25(3), 291-314.
- Murray C, Rice C. Beyond trade: implementing the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol’s human rights and equalities provisions. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2021, 72(1), 281.
- Sayer T, Murray C. A Tale of Two Doctrines: Revaluating Bifurcation in Substantive Review before the Supreme Court. Public Law 2021, (1), 47-68.
- de Mars S, Murray C. With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area after Brexit. German Law Journal 2020, 21(5), 815-837.
- Mallory C, Molloy S, Murray CRG. Tort, Truth Recovery and the Northern Ireland Conflict. European Human Rights Law Review 2020, 2020(3), 244-262.
- Murray C, Wincott D. Partition by Degrees: Routine Exceptions in Border and Immigration Practice between the UK and Ireland, 1921–1972. Journal of Law and Society 2020, 47(1), S145-S163.
- Murray C, Rice C. Into the Unknown: Implementing the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland 2020, 15, 17-32.
- Frost T, Murray C. Homeland: Reconceptualising the Chagossians’ Litigation. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 2020, 40(4), 764-794.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A. Life after Brexit: Operationalising the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement’s Principle of Consent. Dublin University Law Journal 2019, 42(1), 147-190.
- Murray C. Back to the Future: Tort’s Capacity to Remedy Historic Human Rights Abuses. King's Law Journal 2019, 30(3), 426-458.
- Murray CRG, Pitsillidou L, Caine C. Student-led law reviews: What every UK law school needs?. The Law Teacher 2017, 51(2), 170-187.
- Murray CRG. Convergences and Divergences: Countering Terrorist Organisations in the United States and the United Kingdom. King's Law Journal 2017, 28(3), 445-470.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A. A Path Already Travelled in Domestic Orders? From Fragmentation to Constitutionalisation in the Global Legal Order. International Journal of Law in Context 2017, 13(3), 225-252.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A. Towards unilateralism? House of Commons Oversight of the Use of Force. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2016, 65(2), 305-341.
- Murray C. Nudging or Fudging? The UK Courts’ Counterterrorism Jurisprudence Since 9/11. Journal of Conflict and Security Law 2016, 21(1), 91-113.
- Murray C, Frost T. The Chagos Islands Cases: The Empire Strikes Back. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2015, 66(3), 263-288.
- Murray C. Out of the Shadows: The Courts and the United Kingdom’s Malfunctioning International Counter-Terrorism Partnerships. Journal of Conflict & Security Law 2013, 18(2), 193-232.
- Murray C. A Perfect Storm: Parliament and Prisoner Disenfranchisement. Parliamentary Affairs 2013, 66(3), 511-539.
- Murray C. We need to talk: “democratic dialogue” and the ongoing saga of prisoner disenfranchisement. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 2011, 62(1), 57-74.
- Murray C. Playing for Time: Prisoner Disenfranchisement under the ECHR after Hirst v United Kingdom . King's Law Journal 2011, 22(3), 309-334.
- Murray C. In the Shadow of Lord Haw Haw: Guantánamo Bay, Diplomatic Protection and Allegiance. Public Law 2011, 1, 115-138.
- Murray C. The Ripple Effect: Guantánamo Bay in the United Kingdom's Courts. Pace International Law Review (OC) 2010, 15-44.
Authored Books
- Masterman R, Murray C. Constitutional and Administrative Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- de Mars S, Murray C, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Bordering two unions: Northern Ireland and Brexit. Bristol: Policy Press, 2018.
Book Chapters
- Murray C, Tannam E. Northern Ireland After Brexit: Beyond Zero-Sum Constitutional Futures. In: Gillespie, P; Keating, M; McEwen, N, ed. Political Change across Britain and Ireland: Identities, Institutions and Futures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2025, pp.175-199.
- Murray C. The Partition of Ireland and the 1922 Constitution. In: Cahillane, L; Coffey, D, ed. The Centenary of the Irish Free State Constitution: Constituting a Polity?. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp.25-46.
- Godden-Rasul N, Murray C. Negligence and the Vulnerable Subject: Public Bodies and the Duty of Care. In: Horsey, K, ed. Diverse Voices in Tort Law. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2024, pp.15-34.
- Murray C. Citizenship and Identity in Northern Ireland. In: McCrudden C, ed. The Law and Practice of the Ireland-Northern Ireland Protocol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.183-193.
- Murray C. The Radical Fringes of Tort Law. In: Wall, Illan rua, Frey Middleton, Sahar Shah, and CLAW, ed. The Critical Legal Pocketbook. Oxford: Counterpress, 2021, pp.125-138.
- Murray C. The Constitutional Significance of the People of Northern Ireland. In: O. Doyle, A. McHarg and J. Murkens, ed. The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions Under Pressure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp.108-128.
- Murray C, Warwick B. The Strange Case of Northern Ireland’s Disappearing Rights in the EU-UK Withdrawal Negotiations. In: Czech, P; Heschl, L; Lukas, K; Nowak, M; Oberleitner, G, ed. European Yearbook of Human Rights. Cambridge, UK: Intersentia, 2019, pp.35-61.
- Murray C. Monstering Strasbourg over Prisoner Voting Rights. In: Farrell, M; Drywood, E; Hughes, E, ed. Human Rights in the Media: Fear and Fetish. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019, pp.101-126.
- Murray C. The Magna Carta’s Tainted Legacy: Historic Justifications for a British Bill of Rights and the case against the Human Rights Act. In: Cowell, F, ed. Critically Examining the Case Against the 1998 Human Rights Act. Oxford: Routledge, 2018, pp.35-51.
- Murray C, Frost T. The Chagossians’ Struggle and the Last Bastions of Imperial Constitutionalism. In: Allen, S and Monaghan, C, ed. Fifty Years of the British Indian Ocean Territory: Legal Perspectives. Springer, 2018, pp.147-174.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. The Implications of the Good Friday Agreement for UK Human-Rights Reform. In: Irish Yearbook of International Law. Hart Publishing, 2017, pp.71-96.
- Murray C. Shifting Emergencies from the Political to the Legal Sphere: Placing the United Kingdom’s Derogations from the ECHR in Historical Context. In: Saul, M; Follesdal, A; Ulfstein, G, ed. The International Human Rights Judiciary and National Parliaments: Europe and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.198-222.
- Murray C. In Re E (a child) (the 'Holy Cross' case). In: O'Donoghue A; Enright M; McCandless J, ed. Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges' Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity. Oxford: Hart, 2017, pp.311-323.
- Murray C, Brown K. Enhancing Interactivity in the Teaching of Criminal Law: Using Response Technology in the Lecture Theatre. In: Gledhill, K; Livings, B, ed. The Teaching of Criminal Law: The pedagogical imperatives. Routledge, 2016, pp.46-59.
- Murray C. 'To Punish, Deter and Incapacitate': Incarceration and Radicalisation in UK Prisons after 9/11. In: Andrew Silke, ed. Prisons, Terrorism and Extremism: Critical Issues in Management, Radicalisation and Reform. London, UK: Routledge, 2014, pp.16-32.
- Murray C. The Continuation of Politics, by Other Means: Judicial Dialogue under the Human Rights Act 1998. In: Masterman, R., Leigh, I, ed. The United Kingdom's Statutory Bill of Rights: Constitutional and Comparative Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp.51-79.
- Murray C. Of fortresses and caltrops: national security and competing models of rights protection. In: Dickinson, R, Katselli-Proukaki, E, Murray, C and Pedersen, O, ed. Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp.107-128.
- Murray C, Pedersen O. Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights: An Introduction. In: Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp.3-18.
Edited Book
- Dickinson RA, Katselli-Proukaki E, Murray C, Pedersen O, ed. Examining Critical Perspectives on Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- Murray C. Beyond the path of least resistance: Constructing a referendum franchise that reflects the people of Northern Ireland’. Irish Studies in International Affairs 2021, 32(2), 221-224.
- Chapman A, Fitzpatrick C, Loader R, McCartney S, McConnell B, McMullen J, Murray C, Orr K, Purdy N, Simms V. An updated perspective on the Cuts to Education and the Consequences for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland. Stranmillis University College, 2024.
- Fitzpatrick C, Loader R, McCartney S, McConnell B, McMullen J, Murray C, Orr K, Purdy N, Simms V. The Consequences of the Cuts to Education for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland. Stranmillis University College, 2023.
- Craig S, Deb A, Frantziou E, Horne A, Murray C, Rice C, Rooney J. EU developments in Equality and Human Rights: Impact of Brexit on the divergence of rights and best practice on the island of Ireland. Belfast Northern Ireland: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, 2023.
- de Mars S, Murray C, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Continuing EU Citizenship “Rights, Opportunities and Benefits” in Northern Ireland after Brexit. Dublin: Joint Committee of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, 2020.
- de Mars S, Murray C, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Discussion Paper on the Common Travel Area. Dublin and Belfast: Joint Committee of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, 2018.
- Murray C, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Discussion Paper on Brexit. Dublin: Joint Committee of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, 2018.
- Murray C, de Mars S, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Policy Paper: Northern Ireland and the Brave New World of Brexit. Durham University, Newcastle University, Birmingham University, 2017.
- Murray C, de Mars S, O'Donoghue A, Warwick B. Policy Paper - Brexit, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Social Science Electronic Publishing: Durham University; Newcastle University, 2016.
- Warwick BTC, Murray CRG, O'Donoghue A. Policy Paper: The Place of Northern Ireland within UK Human Rights Reform. Social Science Electronic Publishing: Durham University; Newcastle University, 2015.
- Murray C. Matthew Flinders and Chris Monaghan (eds), Questions of Accountability: Prerogatives, Power and Politics [Book review]. Modern Law Review 2024, 87(6), 1614-1619.
- Murray C. Federico Fabbrini (Ed.), The Law and Politics of Brexit. Common Market Law Review 2019, 56(1), 277-279.
- Murray C. The Changing Nature of Religious Rights under International Law Edited by Malcolm Evans, Peter Petkoff and Julian Rivers Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 2017, 19(2), 237-239.
- Murray C. Brady, A.D.P. 'Proportionality and Deference under the UK Human Rights Act: An Institutionally Sensitive Approach', (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012). European Human Rights Law Review 2013, (3), 352-354.
- Murray C. Olásolo, H, 'The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International Crimes', Hart Publishing: Oxford, 2009. International Criminal Law Review 2012, 12(1), 110-114.
- Murray C. Louise Doswald-Beck, Human Rights in Times of Conflict and Terrorism OUP, Oxford, 2011. Irish Jurist 2012, 47, 245-247.
- Murray C. Publication Review: Terrorism and the Law. Criminal Law Review 2011, (12), 975-977.
- Murray C. Jocelyne Cesari (ed.), Muslims in the West after 9/11: Religion, Politics and Law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 2010, 12(3), 393-396.
- Murray C. Antje du Bois-Pedain, Transitional Amnesty in South Africa. International Criminal Law Review 2010, (1), 137-140.
- Murray C. Louise Mallinder, Amnesty, Human Rights and Political Transitions. International Criminal Law Review 2009, 9(5), 860-866.
- Murray C. Oren Gross & Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, Law in Times of Crisis. International Criminal Law Review 2008, 8(4), 687-689.