Staff Profile
Dr Emily Jones is a Newcastle University Academic Track (NUAcT) Fellow based in Newcastle Law School. Dr Jones’ interdisciplinary research applies critical theory to analyse and re-imagine international law. Dr Jones’ work utilises a wide array of critical theories, including, for example, feminist, queer, posthuman, postcolonial and critical disability studies. Her work likewise spans several fields of international law, including international environmental law, international human rights law, science, technology and international law, international disarmament law and gender and conflict, among others. Dr Jones has also published in the humanities, primarily within the fields of gender, posthuman and interdisciplinary studies. Her research has been funded by a wide range of funding bodies, including the AHRC, the NERC and the ESRC, among others.
Dr Jones' monograph, Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives, was published with Routledge's GlassHouse series in 2023. Dr Jones is the co-author of The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis, Volume One, (Bloomsbury, 2021) and has co-edited two volumes: the More Posthuman Glossary (Bloomsbury, 2022) and International Law and Posthuman Theory (Routledge, 2024).
Dr Jones has supervised several PhD students to completion and has taught and convened a wide variety of courses, including in public international law, gender and armed conflict, several topics within international human rights law and international environmental law, among others. She has also taught courses in the humanities, primarily in gender studies and the posthumanities.
Prior to joining Newcastle University, Dr Jones was a Senior Lecturer based in Essex Law School and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. She has held visiting positions at multiple institutions including at Melbourne Law School, the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON) at Utrecht University and in the School of Law at Sciences Po Paris. Dr Jones holds a PhD from SOAS University of London, an MA from University College London (UCL) and a LLB from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
Dr Jones is available to supervise new doctoral students interested in conducting research in the fields of feminist, queer, posthuman and postcolonial (TWAIL) approaches to international law and the nonhuman and international law.
Dr Jones is currently supervising the following PhD candidates:
- Louisa Dassow, Oceanic Interconnection: Posthuman Feminism and the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty. Funded by Northern Bridge DTP.
- Cristian van Eijk, The Environmental Othering of Outer Space. Funded by Northern Bridge DTP.
- Alexandra Grolimund, Vitiating consent: navigating sadomasochism’s criminalisation in Operation Spanner’s cultural legacy. Funded by a University of Essex Doctoral award.
- Paula Nuño Balmaceda (second supervisor), A Decolonial Feminist Analysis of the Sources of International Law. Funded by Northern Bridge DTP.
- Jones E. No Future for Future Generations: Who is International Environmental Law for?. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 2025, Forthcoming 2025. In Press.
- Cusato E, Jones E. The 'imbroglio' of ecocide: A political economic analysis. Leiden Journal of International Law 2024, 37(1), 42-61.
- Gilbert J, Macpherson E, Jones E, Dehm J. The Rights of Nature as a Legal Response to the Global Environmental Crisis? A Critical Review of International Law’s ‘Greening’ Agenda. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2023, 52, 47-74.
- Blanchard C, Harrould-Kolieb E, Jones E, Taylor ML. The Current Status of Deep-Sea Mining Governance at the International Seabed Authority. Marine Policy 2023, 147, 105396.
- Jones E. Posthuman feminism and global constitutionalism: Environmental reflections. Global Constitutionalism 2023, 12(3), 495-509.
- Cusato E, Jones E, Ohdedar B, Bueno De Mesquita J. Symposium Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Global Law and the Environment . Asian Journal of International Law 2022, 12(1), 1-8.
- Jones E. Posthuman International Law and the Rights of Nature. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 2021, 12, 76-101.
- Jones E. Feminist Technologies and Post-Capitalism: Defining and Reflecting upon Xenofeminism. Feminist Review 2019, 123(1), 126-134.
- Charlesworth H, Heathcote G, Jones E. Feminist Scholarship on International Law in the 1990s and today. Feminist Legal Studies 2019, 27, 79-93.
- Jones E, Kendall S, Otomo Y. Gender, War and Technology: Peace and Armed Conflict in the 21st Century. Australian Feminist Law Journal 2018, 44(1), 1-8.
- Jones E. A Posthuman-Xenofeminist Analysis of the Discourse on Autonomous Weapons Systems and Other Killing Machines. Australian Feminist Law Journal 2018, 44(1), 93-118.
Authored Books
- Jones E. Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2023.
- Heathcote G, Bertotti S, Jones E, Labenski SA. The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021.
Book Chapters
- Jones E. Challenging International Environmental Law’s Heteronormativity and Anthropocentrism: Towards Queer Kinship. In: Claerwen O'Hara and Tamsin Phillipa Paige, ed. Queer Engagements with International Law: Times, Spaces, Imaginaries. London: Routledge, 2025.
- Jones E, van Eijk C, Heathcote G. The Common Heritage of Kin-Kind. In: Matilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones, ed. International Law and Posthuman Theory. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Jones E, Arvidsson M. Introduction to International Law and Posthuman Theory. In: Matilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones, ed. International Law and Posthuman Theory. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Jones E. Can the Rights of Nature Transform the way Rights are Conceptualized in International Law?. In: César Rodríguez-Garavito, ed. More Than Human Rights: An Ecology of Law, Thought and Narrative for Earthly Flourishing. New York: More Than Human Rights (MOTH) Project, 2024, pp.211-239.
- Smith JB, Willis E, Sheehan K, Jones E. Making Care Perceptible: Nursing/Intuitive Movement/Posthuman Care. In: Klumbytė, G; Jones, E; Braidotti, R, ed. Posthuman Convergences: Methods and Practices. Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming 2025), 2024. Submitted.
- Jones E, Braidotti R. Posthuman International Law and Outer Space. In: Braidotti R; Jones E; Klumbytė G, ed. More Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury, 2023, pp.111-112.
- Jones E, Bignall S, Braidotti R. Outer Space Law: Posthumanism/Feminism/Anarchism/Decolonisation. In: Klumbytė, G; Jones, E; Braidotti, R, ed. Posthuman Convergences: Methods and Practices. Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming 2024), 2023. Submitted.
- Braidotti R, Jones E, Klumbyte G. Convergences. In: Braidotti R; Jones E; Klumbytė G, ed. More Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury, 2023, pp.21-23.
- Jones E. Rights of Nature. In: Braidotti R; Jones E; Klumbytė G, ed. More Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, pp.130-132.
- Jones E. Gender and Reparations: Seeking Transformative Justice. In: Ferstman C; Goetz M, ed. Reparations for Victims of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: Systems in Place and Systems in the Making. Leiden: Brill, 2020, pp.86–118.
- Chinkin C, Heathcote G, Jones E, Jones H. Bozkurt Case, aka the Lotus Case (France v Turkey): Ships that Go Bump in the Night. In: Loveday Hodson and Troy Lavers, ed. Feminist Judgments in International Law. London: Hart Publishing, 2019.
Creative Writing
- Jones E. Influencer. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 2025. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 16, 134-135. In Press.
Edited Books
- Arvidsson M, Jones E, ed. International Law and Posthuman Theory. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Klumbyte G, Jones E, Braidotti R, ed. Posthuman Convergences: Transdisciplinary Methods and Practices. Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming 2025), 2024. In Preparation.
- Braidotti R, Jones E, Klumbyte G, ed. More Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Online Publications
- Otto D, Jones E. Queer approaches to International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Available at:
- Jones E. On Capitalism as Civilisation: Intersectional Feminist Reflections on International Law’s Indeterminacy. Oxford: Critical Legal Thinking, 2022. Available at:
- Jones E, Otto D. Thinking through Anthropocentrism in International Law: Queer Theory, Posthuman Feminism and the Postcolonial. LSE, 2020. Available at:
- Jones E. A Posthuman Feminist Approach to Mars. IntLawGrrls, 2018. Available at:
- Jones E. The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: Reflections on Capitalist Law and Queer Moments of Resistance. London Review of International Law 2020, 8(1), 183-189.