Staff Profile
Professor Gina Heathcote
Professor of Public International Law
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- Address: Newcastle Law School
Newcastle University
21-24 Windsor Terrace
Professor Heathcote is an expert on public international law, feminist methodologies, collective security, the law on the use of force and the study of gender, sexuality and the law. Her current research analyses the international law of the sea and maritime security from a feminist perspective. Key publications include: The Law of War and Peace: a Gender Analysis Vol 1 (Bloomsbury 2021) - co-authored with Sara Bertotti, Emily Jones and Sheri Labenski; as well as Feminist Dialogues on International Law: successes, tensions, futures (OUP 2019) and The Law on the Use of Force: a Feminist Analysis (Routledge 2012). She has previously been involved in key initiatives including the International Feminist Judgments Projects and Queering International Law (1,2 and 3).
Professor Heathcote has taught and convened modules on Public International Law, International Law on the Use of Force, Gender, Sexuality and the Law and Gender, Armed Conflict and the Law. She has supervised many doctoral students and encourages interdisciplinary, innovative proposals that challenge disciplinary and legal orthodoxies.
Prior to joining Newcastle Law School she was Professor of Gender Studies and International Law at the School of Law, SOAS University of London. At SOAS, she held the role of College Convenor of Research and Knowledge Exchange (Law, Anthropology and Politics) and has previously been co-Head of the School of Law (interim), Chair of the SOAS Centre for Gender Studies, Doctoral Studies Director (Law) and Chair of the Research Ethics Committee.
- Public International Law
- Feminist Methodologies / Feminist Legal Theories
- Collective Security and the Law on the Use of Force
- Gender and Conflict
- International Law of the Sea
- Maritime Security
- with Dr Tamsin Phillipa Paige - Series Editor for the Routledge Feminist and Queer International Law Book Series
- Feminist, TWAIL and Critical Legal Approaches to International Law
- Interdisciplinary and Cross-disciplinary encounters with law, gender and sexuality
- Oceans
- Queer Feminist approaches to peace
Current Doctoral Students
Paula Nuño Balmaceda, A Decolonial Feminist Analysis of the Sources of International Law. Funded by Northern Bridge DTP
Second Supervisor
Louisa Dassow, Oceanic Interconnection: Posthuman Feminism and the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty. Funded by Northern Bridge DTP
Ebun Bamigboye, Advancing the Right of Children to Participate in Peace Negotiations: Lessons from Truth and Reconciliation Commissions. Funded by NUaCT/ Newcastle University
Former Doctoral Students
Dr Xianan Jin - Lecturer, Exeter University, shortlisted for ASAUK Best Doctoral Thesis 2024
Dr Lucia Kula - Lecturer, SOAS University of London
Dr Paola Zichi - British Academy Post Doctoral Fellow, Warwick University
Dr Sara Bertotti - Policy Analyst, Security Council Report
Dr Alice Finden - Lecturer, Durham University
Dr Paniz Muwasi - Andrew W Mellow Post-doc Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Dr Oreva Olakpe - Research Fellow, Toronto Met, winner Hart-SLSA Book Prize 2024
Dr Sheri Labenski - Lecturer, Goldsmiths University
Dr Emily Jones - NUaCT Senior Research Fellow, Newcastle University
Dr Biye Gao - Lecturer, Beijing Jiaotong University
LAW1230 Law and Ethics (UG)
LAW3017 Public International Law (UG)
LAW3041 Law and Gender (UG)
LAW8152 Applied Research Methods in Law (PGR)
- Heathcote G. Women, Peace, and Security: Posthuman Feminisms and Oceanic Encounters. Hypatia 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Heathcote G, Kula L. The Force Intervention Brigade in the DRC, Civilian Security and Women Peace and Security. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 2024, 15(2), 246-265.
- Sapiano J, Jin X, Heathcote G. Intersectionality and Women's Participation in Peace Negotiations. International Affairs 2024, 100(6), 2543–2561.
- Heathcote G. Embodied Ecologies and Legal Wars: the Use of Force, Ukraine and Feminist Legal Perspectives. Saint Louis University Law Journal 2024, 68(2), 3.
- Heathcote G, Kula L. Abandoning the idealized white subject of legal feminism: A manifesto for silence in a Lusophone register. Global Constitutionalism 2023, 12(3), 469-494.
- Heathcote G. Filters and Fragments: Making Feminist Sense of Security. American Journal of International Law Unbound 2022, 116, 254-258.
- Sapiano J, Heathcote G, True J, Aggestam K. “I Wouldn’t Want to Be a Gender Expert:” Gender Experts in Peace Mediation. International Negotiation 2022, 28(2), 201-228.
- Heathcote G. Maritime Demarcation in the Gulf after 2003. London Review of International Law 2021, 9(2), 219-243.
- Heathcote G. War's Perpetuity: Disabled Bodies of War and Exoskeleton of Equality. Australian Feminist Law Journal 2018, 4(1), 71-91.
- Heathcote G. Split, Plural and Speaking subjects: the Politics of Listening as Method. feminists@law 2018, 8(2).
- Heathcote G. Security Council Resolution 2242 on women, peace and security: Progressive Gains or Dangerous development?. Global Society 2018, 32(4).
- Heathcote G. Womenandchildren and Elephants: as Justification for Force. Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2017, 4(1), 66-85.
- Heathcote G. I am an Immigrant. Poem: International Language Quarterly 2017, 5(2), 241-243.
- Heathcote G. From 'People with Projects' to 'encountering expertise': a Feminist Reading of Kennedy's A World of Struggle. London Review of International Law 2016, 4(3), 267-276.
- Heathcote, G. Naming and Shaming: Security Council Resolution 1960 on women, peace and security and human rights accountability. Journal of Human Rights Practice 2012, 4(1).
- Heathcote G. Feminist Reflections on the 'end' of the War on Terror. Melbourne Journal of International Law 2010, 11(2).
- Heathcote, G. Feminist Politics and the Use of Force; Theorising Feminist Action and Security Council resolution 1325. Socio-Legal Review 2010, 7, 23.
- Heathcote G. Article 51 Self-defense as a Narrative: Spectators and Heroes in International Law. Texsa Wesleyan Law Review 2005, 12(1).
Authored Books
- Heathcote G, Bertotti S, Jones E, Labenski SA. The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021.
- Heathcote G. Feminist Dialogues on International Law: successes, tensions, futures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Heathcote G. The Law on the Use of Force: a Feminist Analysis. London: Routledge, 2012.
- Heathcote G. Gender and International Security. Oxford Bibliographies in International Law 2021.
Book Chapters
- Jones E, van Eijk C, Heathcote G. The Common Heritage of Kin-Kind. In: Matilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones, ed. International Law and Posthuman Theory. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Heathcote G. Terraqueous Feminisms and the International Law of the Sea. In: Matilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones, ed. International Law and Posthuman Theory. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2024, pp.203-221.
- Heathcote G. Feminist Perspectives. In: Shirley Scott, Jeffrey McGee and Tim Stephens, ed. Geopolitical Change and the Antarctic Treaty System: Historical Lessons, Current Challenges. Springer, 2024. In Press.
- Grady K, Heathcote G. Jane Addams: Positive Peace from the Everyday to the International. In: Immi Tallgren, ed. Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, pp.99-108.
- Heathcote G, Lwabukuna O. Gender and Sexuality in International Law and Development. In: Buchanan R; Eslava L; Pahuja S, ed. The Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, pp.493–510.
- Heathcote G. Protesting the Preamble: Normative Pronouncements and Feminist Jurisprudence in the Security Council. In: Ratner S; Johnstone I, ed. Talking International Law: International Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp.86–103.
- Heathcote G. Gendered Security. In: Geiß R; Melzer N, ed. Oxford Handbook of International Law and Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp.85-99.
- Heathcote G, Zichi P. Feminist Methodologies. In: Deplano R; Tsagouris N, ed. Research Methods in International Law : A Handbook. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp.458–473.
- Heathcote G. Feminism and the Law of the Sea: a Preliminary Inquiry. 2019.
- Chinkin C, Heathcote G, Jones E, Jones H. Bozkurt Case, aka the Lotus Case (France v Turkey): Ships that Go Bump in the Night. In: Loveday Hodson and Troy Lavers, ed. Feminist Judgments in International Law. London: Hart Publishing, 2019.
- Heathcote G. LAWs, UFOs, and UAVs: Feminist Encounters with the Law of Armed Conflict. In: Babie, P., and Stephens, dD, ed. Imagining Law: Essays in Conversation with Judith Gardam. Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, 2017, pp.153-170.
- Heathcote G. Humanitarian Intervention and Gender Dynamics. In: Cahn, N, Haynes, D., Ni Aolain, F., and Valji, N, ed. Oxford Handbook on Gender and Conflict. London: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp.199-210.
- Heathcote G. Robust Peacekeeping, Gender and the Protection of Civilians. In: Farrell, J., and Charleworth, H, ed. Strengthening the Rule of Law through the Security Council. Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Heathcote G. Fragmented Feminisms: Critical Feminist Thinking in the Post-Millennium Era. In: Reinisch, Footer, and Binder, ed. International Law and. London: Hart, 2016, pp.199-210.
- Heathcote G. Feminist Reflections on the Prohibition on the Use of Force. In: Weller, M, ed. Oxford Handbook on the Prohibition on the Use of Force. London: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp.114-128.
- Otto D, Heathcote G. Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security: an Introduction. In: Heathcote, G., and Otto, D, ed. Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- Heathcote G. Participation, Gender, Security. In: Heathcote, G., and Otto, D, ed. Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Edited Book
- Heathcote, G, Otto, D, ed. Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.